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Smash 4, Character Discussion Thread. #21 Metaknight


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BgIOw6Y.png "Jigggglypuuuuuuuuuuuuff"

Origin: Pokemon Red, Green & Blue
Year: 1996
Developer: Gamefreak

English VA: Rachael Lillis

Japanese VA: Mika Kanai


RSATD: Much like a balloon, if Jigglypuffs shield "pops" she instantly flies into the sky and is ko'd.

Jigglypuff, where do we begin, solid aerial movement with some decent aerials able to chain off each other, along with good jumping capabilities works well enough, her ground speed however is very low, and general mobility unless airborn is pretty lackluster, Jigglypuff can weave in and out of attacks, and she does have some surprisingly strong smash attacks as well as Pound which can hit shields really good and extend jumps. However she lacks significant shield pressure (aside from Pound) and Rest is still a farcry from what it was in Melee, often getting punished even on landing a successful one, I see her more as a doubles character.

Her throws are... Average, her range is poor, although in the air this doesn't matter as much, but still it hurts in quite a number of Match Ups.

I don't have much knowledge on Puff in this game so people jumping in would help greatly.

Edited by Jedi
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If you don't know how to fight against Jigglypuff w/your specific character, you're gonna have a bad time.

Yeah she's oddly like, a PITA to fight.

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weak fair into rest at mid %

puff can do falling up air > up tilt > dair (these can be chained if needed) > weak fair > rest. most of that is true on a few characters, not sure about up tilt to dair (i'll check this later).

puff is like falcon on shield, just replace the good grab with pound.

she sadly has really bad range and no grab followups. the throws aren't that bad since they all gove good posotional damage...but they're defintely underwhelming.

timeouts on delfino for life.

jab into rest works on dk only. puff has a weirdly okay MU against sheik. 55-45 in sheik's favor.

if puff gets a general buff in anything she will be usable. everything she has now is decent, but not good enough to do anything besides gimping well.

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Legit the worst character in the game here.

I'm not even sure what kind of design method this character was supposed to have because she's so bad at everything you try to get her to do.

All I find myself able to do with her is just Pick a Bair and Pray.

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Considering she was the joke character in Smash 64, that'd make sense.

When she wasn't the joke character (Melee) she was really good.

I feel like she was initially designed back in the late 90s as this character with this super trump card move that could swing games really fast. But now that her trump has been neutered so hardly, she's got nothing worthwhile left.

I remember a while ago on Smashboards there was this thing in the Jigglypuff boards where they discovered that upwards of 30 characters had grab release combos on her or something like that.

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Because I was away because of massive amounts of work, I missed the Mewtwo discussion.

That being said, I'll talk about both Mewtwo and Jigglypuff.

Mewtwo: By far and away, the biggest benefitter of the .13 patch. Mewtwo's general mobility buffs alone lifted him from a perennial low-to-bottom tier character to possibly a B tier class if enough results weigh in favor, not even taking into consideration his generally faster attack movement and reduced landing lag on many of his moves. That being said, Mewtwo's biggest weakness is that he's a lightweight character. And while that normally isn't necessarily a bad thing, I also take into consideration the fact he's floaty af and he has the jankiest hurtboxes I've ever seen in my entire life. (He's lighter than a 2D character, yet he has the hurtbox of Bowser. Logic?) He also doesn't exactly have any true setups from grabs, which can come to haunt him later on in a match. Overall, Mewtwo is still a farcry from being a top tier threat, but at least he can finally come out of the .13 patch feeling relieved that he is no longer a bottom-feeder, as he is now more viable than he ever was in Nintendo Smash history. (Don't know how good he was in Project M yet, since I don't play it, and I barely watched any of it.)

Jigglypuff: Poofs is great to use. Of course, not in a competitive scene, but in a sense to piss your friends off. Her aerial acrobatics have always been her game, and if you haven't grasped how to fight good poofs, you can often find yourself getting 2-0'd a lot. That being said, Poofs also generally have a rather one-dimensional playstyle. Once you learn how to play against one poofs, you may as well have learned to play against them all. Since she doesn't exactly have a good ground game because of her rather poor mobility on the ground, she will most likely take to the air more often then not, and this predictable playstyle can often spell her demise against players who's good at fighting in the air, or with characters who have a good anti-air game. As well, her best KOing move, Rest, is still a farcry from what it used to be, and as such, it's needed to rack up a larger amount of damage than you used to in the past, which will doubly screw her because she cant take too many hits herself. Overall, I don't really consider her a serious character competitively, but casually, I just have fun playing her and pissing my friends off.

Edited by Falaflame
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