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Series you wish were to discontinue

Magical CC

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MP 4 and 8 were the only ones I ever owned, and I have neither one now.

I honestly didn't care for either one, but that may be because I had no friends then to play them with. still don't honestly, :(

If you can get 4 friends that are trolls with each other it's a freaking blast. I have 3 friends who do nothing but troll the hell out of each other with items and star stealings it's great fun. It's also the reason why I'm always last everytime we play Party Mode.

Something like below is pretty much the shit me and friends do everytime.


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I'm throwing in a serious vote for Fire Emblem.

Lego games also get a mention.

Final Fantasy and Square Enix as a whole can go die, I couldn't give a flying fuck anymore.

(That includes Kingdom Hearts, oh if only..)

Other than those, it's just the yearly renditions that I think should stop.

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It's not because of Gen 6, though. I haven't even played X or Y, but I've seen enough of them to know that my biggest problem is still intact
The series refuses to change. Game mechanics are almost identical between generations. And there are dozens of unnecessary traditions that every Pokemon game carries on.
In every single Pokemon game, you get a fire/water/grass starter, have a rival with the type that has an advantage, go to 8 gyms to collect badges that allow you to use moves to progress while simultaneously fighting evil people who progress the story, and then fight 5 people at the Pokemon League to beat the game. It's not an awful formula, but the lack of variety is just flat out boring.
Also, every game has almost the exact same game mechanics. There are variations here and there, and while it's not completely necessary to change them, I'd at least like a little variation between games.
Also, some of the traditions between games are... kinda awful. I mean, I guess, some of those are up to taste, but the fact that the HM system is still intact despite having pretty much universally negative reception, and being easy to fix says something.
I don't necessarily think it should stop, but if it's just going to be the same shit over and over, then I'd honestly rather it did.

I think the thing with Gen 6 is that the series really went back to its roots. Like, really way back. And by way back I mean stuff like making the Exp. Share just like Gen 1's Exp. All. I've played through X and it really felt almost just like Kanto in several aspects mixed with a few bits from later generations. It felt like Gen 6 was made to be a completely fresh start for new players, something I think wouldn't be as appealing to veterans as to the targeted younger kids audience.

TBH you can't really convince people who are just getting into a series for the first time that the mechanics weren't as ridiculously easy as they were in past installments. Same goes for Fire Emblem and pretty much any franchise in general.

Re: Call of Duty/ Military-esque Shooter genre

Honestly I haven't heard anything from those kind of games recently. Were some of them discontinued for being literally the same thing as one another?

Fire Emblem. I'm serious, the way it is now is almost insulting to the name, imo.

Instead of tainting it, end it and let it keep its pride! Just please, create a new franchise.. (But enough of that,)

Honestly I can't blame you for that. FE14 has more water than it does fire, after all.

And yeah, I think IS could get away with creating a new IP for all of their fanservice needs. (which I doubt will ever happen)

EDIT: Actually a lot of stuff recently felt like it was made for newcomers.

Edited by Kiseki
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Honestly I can't blame you for that. FE14 has more water than it does fire, after all.

And yeah, I think IS could get away with creating a new IP for all of their fanservice needs. (which I doubt will ever happen)

EDIT: Actually a lot of stuff recently felt like it was made for newcomers.

(Heh, I guess that's also quite literally true.)

They sure could! It's not like Fire Emblem has a huge continuity anyways, with the Emblem itself altering from game to game.

Hell, they could name the series after a freaking fruit, alright? "Date Saga", the new franchise by Intelligent Systems. Perfect!

Edited by Ragnar
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Seriously, nothing. No game, however bad, hurts me as long as I don't play it, and if anyone gets any enjoyment out of them who am I to take that away just to spite them?

I completely agree with this

I find the idea of wanting a series to end just because I don't enjoy it anymore incredibly childish and silly

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Seriously, nothing. No game, however bad, hurts me as long as I don't play it, and if anyone gets any enjoyment out of them who am I to take that away just to spite them?

You're right. I couldn't agree more.

Honestly, just because we don't like something doesn't mean others aren't allowed to enjoy it.

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Seriously, nothing. No game, however bad, hurts me as long as I don't play it, and if anyone gets any enjoyment out of them who am I to take that away just to spite them?

What if you admire a franchise, but the developers suddenly decide to, say (and this is just in theroy), milk the hell out of it, releasing one horrible game after another and

just borrowing of the name instead of enriching the series with another great title? Would you accept the developers keep spitting on that franchise?

I personally agree with what you said in general, as long as it isn't a series that means something to me (in which case I just want the devs to change the name).

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If they were to do that, I would be upset, but again, I just wouldn't play the games. Like I said before, as long as someone is enjoying it the series is good for something, and the possibility remains that the series may get good again.

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I agree with Blah here, for example, look at the rollercoaster that is Sonic, solid games until roughly 2002, then a few trainwrecks, then more solid games out of Colors, Generations, and 50% of Unleashed, now we have more trainwrecks.

Even if I stopped caring for the franchise, I shouldn't want it to stop, so I take back my earlier comments in this thread. The only thing I ask now is that Activision makes an actual Spyro game alongside Skylanders,and Crash too, but I'm just dreaming at this point

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Unfortunately, that game I named is aimed at the audience that makes me RL miserable.

You mean Conception 2?

But I played that game and enjoyed it. I just press Start during the classmating scenes (You really don't need to see them more than once).

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You mean Conception 2?

But I played that game and enjoyed it. I just press Start during the classmating scenes (You really don't need to see them more than once).

Yep. It's a long story, though.

Well, let me rephrase that: I wish games that I feel are bad for humanity would be discontinued. Examples are that game Hatred, or this Neo Nazi game where you recreate the Holocaust.

Postal might fall under that category, too.

However, my case is more like "a certain type of person is going to make my life hell, and that particular video game is aimed at that specific demographic." So I have no qualms about forcing them to find some other hobby.

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^I think stupid games like those will never cease to exist. There's still many developers who exploit the "no such thing as bad publicity idea," but it's not like games like Hatred ever receive any critical praise, and they fade into obscurity rather quickly. It's an annoyance in the industry that will likely never stop, but it's not gonna go anywhere up either.

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I think bad game series should be discontinued, because most people who buy them are uninformed. The only reason kids buy Skylanders is because they don't know about the original Spyro games and how good they were. The only reason people bought Sonic Boom is because they haven't yet learned that TV tie-in games suck universally.

To prove my point, let's try a little experiment:

Imagine...that the ONLY game released for modern consoles was Sin and Punishment 2. Do you think it would have sold better?

Just imagine...entering a game store and seeing all the shelves covered in nothing but Sin and Punish - *gulp* - I apologize, but the thought is making me drool.

Now, let's take a look at this game...

...Now, what if I told you that this monstrosity sold over three times as much as my favorite game? Basic market math suggests that if you pour garbage into the market, some of that garbage is going to inevitably sell, no matter what. Every time a broken, terrible, bad, mediocre, or even subpar game is sold, that is less money that could be going toward a better game and strengthening our industry. And that is why wishing for a series to discontinue is perfectly acceptable.

As for people saying Call of Duty and Pokemon should be discontinued - LOL! Those games will always sell millions because they're actually GOOD. Not good enough for me, but good enough for everyone else.

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Not even the Imagine series? It's not that there shouldn't be games marketed to girls, but they at least have to be good. I have no idea how you could turn wedding planning into an interesting game... and apparently the developer's of Imagine: Wedding Designer don't know either.

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Yeah I've heard good things about 6, I remember that it seemed to get really bad around 8 ( or at least that's how I feel). The day and night thing does seem very cool though! Hopefully Nintendo will one day use that Gamecube controller device for some Gamecube VC and add it (highly unlikely but we all need dreams).

mm i liked mp8, its just the motion control games. game makers went to crazy with that on the wii games

If you can get 4 friends that are trolls with each other it's a freaking blast. I have 3 friends who do nothing but troll the hell out of each other with items and star stealings it's great fun. It's also the reason why I'm always last everytime we play Party Mode.

Something like below is pretty much the shit me and friends do everytime.


johnny's luigi voice <3

johnny's mario voice <3

And yeah, I think IS could get away with creating a new IP for all of their fanservice needs. (which I doubt will ever happen)

they should name it tear ring saga O3O

I completely agree with this

I find the idea of wanting a series to end just because I don't enjoy it anymore incredibly childish and silly

its not being childish and silly. games are made by companies....if they stop with one series they can work on another.

sega make something other than sonic already.

love, a sonic fangirl

After Super Mario Maker, Mario could probably use a break.



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