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Criminal OC Mafia - Game Thread - N5 ends 14/09/2015


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Why did you think he was scum before? All that was there before, at least in-thread, was that he hadn't answered Mitsuki's case, but he wasn't the only one to not answer questions.

Because he didn't just ignore it, he made a fluff post in response, contacted Mitsuki privately for a few minutes, and then nothing. His only activity after that was to post his logs with Paperblade, until votes coming on him pushed him to post another log with Refa as defense.

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[spoiler=Chat with Gilgamesh around 3 days ago][04/09/2015 0:12:32]Mitsuki: people are saying that Paperblade might be scum
[04/09/2015 0:12:48] Dr. Rudy Mjölnir: Why
[04/09/2015 0:12:58] Mitsuki: he's saying that he's super busy but then he did a stream a couple of days ago
[04/09/2015 0:13:23] Mitsuki: I need to talk to him, but he's outright not answering to me, so
[04/09/2015 0:13:53] Mitsuki: Paperblade is the kind of person who is active and has great scumreads as town, and seems very townie
[04/09/2015 0:14:25] Mitsuki: while as scum he starts as more-or-less active and then switches to do nothing
[04/09/2015 0:14:34] Mitsuki: then again, nobody is doing anything
[04/09/2015 0:14:41] Dr. Rudy Mjölnir: I see, but do you want to go after Paper or Rein first?
[04/09/2015 0:14:47] Mitsuki: which is partly why I want to talk with him
[04/09/2015 0:14:49] Mitsuki: Rein
[04/09/2015 0:15:01] Mitsuki: he's my scumread, Paperblade is just a weak suspicion
[04/09/2015 0:17:15] Dr. Rudy Mjölnir: We should cop Paper then

Yesterday I was reviewing chat logs and I saw this. I don't think scum would be so bold as to say that their buddy should be copped. I'm townreading Gilgamesh on this alone.

##Vote: Darrman because among all my townreads (I'm townreading the entire playerlist, because everything is wonderful and there are rainbows everywhere) this is definitely the weakest one and I could see me being wrong about it. That + him not being very talkative right from the beginning and doing almost nothing. I see the lack of engaging in activity as scummy and the only time he's contacted me was to ask me about role stuff. I think that outweighs my townread.

I tried to get to IRC and talk with him a couple of times. I forgot to save the logs, but they were short and irrelevant. If someone has talked to him more please give your opinion.

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Ok, I know you're all getting suspicious now. You're accusing me of being really quiet not doing much, and that's because I've been fairly quiet and just being null. So as you all know, I was suspicious of Refa at first. After a while on D1 with him generally becoming TL, I claimed to him. I started having second thoughts after him changing his mind from SB-FK-NL, and grew suspicious. Hence the Rein PM he posted earlier. Commie Scum (username) dropped me a PM around then as well asking me about my Refa feelings, which I responded to roughly the same way as Rein. But my whole Refa thing was invalid, as he was townie all along. After that, I hopped on a few bandwagons of scum, and now since we're copless and docless, we've gotta use our heads. Since I've got mainly town-null on everyone, I'm just gonna

##Vote: Marth, since he's been even quieter then me. Speak up! hypocrite in the house

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There is no point on keeping this secret, and I want everyone to be represented, so:

We're going to double lynch. But since I want to have everyone's opinions in mind instead of having the other TL/me choosing who to lynch, we'll be holding an election.

Post in thread/PM/IM me with 1-3 people you'd want to lynch this phase. You can repeat a name twice, but not three times. I'll count the names and we'll lynch the 2 most voted people (If you only send me a single name, it'll count as two).

Since we need tied votes, we're making two sets of people, who will be assigned to lynch 1 and lynch 2:

Lynch 1


Lynch 2

Izhuark and I will be there to tie again in case something happens (@Izhuark: I'm guessing you'll be there since it'll be night for you, otherwise let me know and we'll change the plan).

Voting closes 7 hours from deadline (in a bit less than 15 hours), and results will be announced inmediately after. Please make sure to give your opinions before then, and to vote before deadline.

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There is no point on keeping this secret, and I want everyone to be represented, so:

We're going to double lynch. But since I want to have everyone's opinions in mind instead of having the other TL/me choosing who to lynch, we'll be holding an election.

Post in thread/PM/IM me with 1-3 people you'd want to lynch this phase. You can repeat a name twice, but not three times. I'll count the names and we'll lynch the 2 most voted people (If you only send me a single name, it'll count as two).

Since we need tied votes, we're making two sets of people, who will be assigned to lynch 1 and lynch 2:

Lynch 1





Lynch 2





Izhuark and I will be there to tie again in case something happens (@Izhuark: I'm guessing you'll be there since it'll be night for you, otherwise let me know and we'll change the plan).

Voting closes 7 hours from deadline (in a bit less than 15 hours), and results will be announced inmediately after. Please make sure to give your opinions before then, and to vote before deadline.

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I'm thinking either Gilgamesh or Rein.

With Gilgamesh- I've spoken to him and other people a lot about this and I just don't get his reasoning for switching his opinion on Refa. He was super willing to trust Refa on D1 and then suddenly suspicious of Refa on D2 just because he was now ready to vote SB? Like I know he didn't know that SB was a rolecop but why would the exact reason matter when he was so trusting of Refa before?

With Rein- earlier after speaking to him I stopped being as suspicious of him because he sounded genuinely frustrated and his timeline for why he didn't try to convince me of scum!FK made sense. But it bothers me that he showed up to defend himself and then just disappeared again. And it's plausible that he was just frustrated scum bc a lot of Mitsuki's points in the original case weren't good

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So i'll be stuck with phone posting for a bit, maybe the net will be back in the eveni- whaddya know, i got it and lost it again!

I'd support a junko+gilg lynch. I've stated my reasons for both in my logs with paper. Also, paper soft defended gilg. Also junko told me that he talked to paper but he didn't post logs with him until mits prodded him(she told me she would, anyway)

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So i'll be stuck with phone posting for a bit, maybe the net will be back in the eveni- whaddya know, i got it and lost it again!

I'd support a junko+gilg lynch. I've stated my reasons for both in my logs with paper. Also, paper soft defended gilg. Also junko told me that he talked to paper but he didn't post logs with him until mits prodded him(she told me she would, anyway)

yeah i'll admit my excuse for that is i forgot lol.

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My vote is Darrman / Darrman / Rein by the way. Precisely because Rein's attention never seems to be focused on playing, but rather complaining about everything. And even with people saying that my case is bad I still think there are points that could be telling.

BBM and Marth: if you want to doublevote someone let me know. I'm counting both of your votes as single votes right now.

@Marth: What do you think about what we talked (and I posted) about Paperblade not caring about your Junko read?

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@bbm if rein based on reins alignment, how do you think he would've responded to Mitspoints?

well, earlier I thought that he was frustrated due to being town, but it definitely could be that he was just frustrated scum. So I'm not so much considering how he responded to the Mitspoints as how he behaved when he didn't have to do so.

@mitsuki- doublevote Gilgamesh I guess.

I have to leave in ~45 mins and I won't be back before phase end, so I need to know who to vote. If I don't receive direction, I'm going to place my vote on Darrman because my guess is that he'll be one of the lynches.

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going to ##Vote: Darrman I guess

btw I forgot to say this earlier but I think people should post their reasons for who they want to lynch in thread. I don't see a benefit to keeping it hidden.

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