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About same-sex marriage function...


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And guess what. Nobody's even asking for every character to be bisexual. What people ARE asking for is a couple reasonably well-written bisexual characters as options for gay players (in both games - that version-exclusive thing is total BS). It shouldn't be about what's "statistically likely"; it's fucking fantasy. Practically nothing in the game is statistically likely. And it's also about having some respectable LGBT characters presented in popular culture for once, instead of depraved stereotypes.

But seriously. I really really really really don't understand why one's willing suspension of disbelief is so thoroughly eradicated by giving non-straight people some reasonable romance options, yet not by basically everything else portrayed. Like, why? Is there even any explanation? I'd really like to know what reasoning underlies this thought process.

because LGBT characters is new, people aren't use to it, most of the thing that aren't statistically likely appear in fiction all the time, because of that most people accept this thing has normal and don't question it.

I don't remember any FE cast who is likely to happen, none of them come close to realistic group, so I don't see the problem with having several Bi/gay characters.

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And guess what. Nobody's even asking for every character to be bisexual. What people ARE asking for is a couple reasonably well-written bisexual characters as options for gay players (in both games - that version-exclusive thing is total BS). It shouldn't be about what's "statistically likely"; it's fucking fantasy. Practically nothing in the game is statistically likely. And it's also about having some respectable LGBT characters presented in popular culture for once, instead of depraved stereotypes.

But seriously. I really really really really don't understand why one's willing suspension of disbelief is so thoroughly eradicated by giving non-straight people some reasonable romance options, yet not by basically everything else portrayed. Like, why? Is there even any explanation? I'd really like to know what reasoning underlies this thought process.

The characters in this game seem to be human. Humans statistically have low rates of homosexuality. I'd rather not have gay people shoehorned in to fit a quota or try to be politically correct. If they did so, that would affect my decision and the decisions of others to purchase the game, due to a belief that the product is low quality and/or doesn't meet my interests.

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The characters in this game seem to be human. Humans statistically have low rates of homosexuality. I'd rather not have gay people shoehorned in to fit a quota or try to be politically correct. If they did so, that would affect my decision and the decisions of others to purchase the game, due to a belief that the product is low quality and/or doesn't meet my interests.

Humans also statistically have low rates of being part-dragon. And lol, pulling the "politically correctness" card. Heaven forbid people try to be inclusive.

Besides that, how is inclusiveness indicative of "low quality"? Does giving people more options - options that you personally can safely ignore - really lower the quality of the game? Why does making it so people that aren't carbon copies of you don't get a lesser experience when playing lower the quality?

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The characters in this game seem to be human. Humans statistically have low rates of homosexuality. I'd rather not have gay people shoehorned in to fit a quota or try to be politically correct. If they did so, that would affect my decision and the decisions of others to purchase the game, due to a belief that the product is low quality and/or doesn't meet my interests.

The cast isn't made to be realitic(it has never been), it is made to please people, if they had more bi/gay characters, it's because people want them, not to fill a quota or be politically correct, if they do it, it would be for gay/bi people and those who love those type of relationship, not for you, not everything has to be made for you.

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The characters in this game seem to be human. Humans statistically have low rates of homosexuality. I'd rather not have gay people shoehorned in to fit a quota or try to be politically correct. If they did so, that would affect my decision and the decisions of others to purchase the game, due to a belief that the product is low quality and/or doesn't meet my interests.

I've counted that about 33 or 34 people have posted in this thread. I can guarantee you that there are more LGBTQ individuals in that sample than there are in Fates, and I don't even have to ask. Fates has 75 units.

Heck, I can guarantee you there are more LGBTQ individuals in this thread, or who frequent these threads, than there are in every first-party Nintendo game combined.

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Really, it is all up to Japan and their reaction since NoJ don't tend to listen to us and mainly focus on Japan and such.I would be really interested to see what Japan thought of with the inclusion of kids in this title.

Polls are out. Plenty are a little meh on the kids, but greater numbers are in favor of the children. Sorry, mate.

Please no.Henry was ruined by localization IMO.I just hope they tone him down.Don't ruin his character.

lmao no he wasnt. Henry was very stereotypical in the Japanese version to the point of it was like watching paint dry. Zero will probably be more of a Robin Hood type character with a lot of innuendo in localization. Because in truth, his characterization is actually very Robin Hood-ish.

And guess what. Nobody's even asking for every character to be bisexual. What people ARE asking for is a couple reasonably well-written bisexual characters as options for gay players (in both games - that version-exclusive thing is total BS). It shouldn't be about what's "statistically likely"; it's fucking fantasy. Practically nothing in the game is statistically likely. And it's also about having some respectable LGBT characters presented in popular culture for once, instead of depraved stereotypes.

But seriously. I really really really really don't understand why one's willing suspension of disbelief is so thoroughly eradicated by giving non-straight people some reasonable romance options, yet not by basically everything else portrayed. Like, why? Is there even any explanation? I'd really like to know what reasoning underlies this thought process.

N O J O K E.

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The characters in this game seem to be human. Humans statistically have low rates of homosexuality. I'd rather not have gay people shoehorned in to fit a quota or try to be politically correct. If they did so, that would affect my decision and the decisions of others to purchase the game, due to a belief that the product is low quality and/or doesn't meet my interests.

You do realize statistically it's around 7-9%. That's 1 in 10 characters. I honestlyyyy doubt having ONE gay (not even really gay-but just bisexual character), is suddenly going to cause widespread panic and hysteria that suddenly the game is low quality.

It's not about being politically correct, it's just about having basic representation in video games. It's literally impossible to believe that there's not one character who isn't perfectly straight, so I don't see how that's 'shoehorning' a character in.

And they seem to be human? There's foxes and dragons and people who can use magic. Okay. So human.

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Characterization comes first. I don't want to see everyone suddenly become bisexual. And I'd really rather not see children return unless it's done Genealogy style. That essentially means that romance is meaningless, since a maxed support doesn't even have to equal romance.

Also keep in mind that statistically having many gay people in a small army is pretty unlikely, not accounting for if they even like each other.

The characters in this game seem to be human. Humans statistically have low rates of homosexuality. I'd rather not have gay people shoehorned in to fit a quota or try to be politically correct. If they did so, that would affect my decision and the decisions of others to purchase the game, due to a belief that the product is low quality and/or doesn't meet my interests.

It's hilarious (in a sad way) that people are getting on his case for this. I agree with him, I don't want LGBTQ characters shoehorned in, and I don't want to see everyone suddenly turned bisexual. It's like people aren't allowed to voice an opinion anymore without being ridiculed for it.

Now that they've been officially introduced, I fear that if they make a future game that doesn't have a LGBTQ character, reviewers will knock off points for it and people will whine and call them homophobic or some such silly nonsense, because I've literally been seeing some of this ("every FE game needs a LGBTQ character now or it's gonna suck!") elsewhere on the internet and it's just sad. I really hope that nonsense doesn't continue.

I'm just going to say it, and I'm prepared to be completely crucified for this, but...I know we're going to have more LGBTQ characters in future games, it's kind of a given now I think. But you know what? Because of that "every game NEEDS them now!" crap among other things, I hope there are future games with no LGBTQ characters. Not every game needs them.

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No one is expecting there to be a sudden splurge of LGBTQ characters but some representation is one of the main things people want. When we play games, we become invested in the story or characters that are in them because most of the times we see ourselves in the characters and sometimes we even become attracted to those characters. If you're going to give the player a chance to marry any of those characters, wouldn't you want to feel comfortable marrying based on your sexuality? Sure people who identify as male can play as a female character in order to marry male characters and vice versa, but it just isn't the same for them I imagine.

People who say stuff like "every Fire Emblem game needs LGBTQ characters!" are saying that out of frustration because I don't think they want to have to play as the avatar that doesn't correlate to their gender in order for them to marry the character they're attracted to. That's not fair to them.

All people want, are some more options that make games more inclusive.

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It's hilarious (in a sad way) that people are getting on his case for this. I agree with him, I don't want LGBTQ characters shoehorned in, and I don't want to see everyone suddenly turned bisexual. It's like people aren't allowed to voice an opinion anymore without being ridiculed for it.

As far as I can tell, they're ridiculing his logic, that there shouldn't be LGBTQ characters because it's statistically unlikely, and that LGBTQ characters would lower the quality of the game.

Not every game needs them.

That's true, but modern FE has a heavy focus on supports and marriage, so it's a series that should be inclusive.

What would you think if the next FE game had an Avatar that could only S-support male characters, and you could only get A-support with females, even if you played as a male.

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I wish the next FE game would cut out not only the avatar but all customizable romance and marriage. As in, the only pairs in the game are already predetermined. Just so I can laugh at how badly everyone will flip the fuck out.

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I wish the next FE game would cut out not only the avatar but all customizable romance and marriage. As in, the only pairs in the game are already predetermined. Just so I can laugh at how badly everyone will flip the fuck out.

No no no, you need to keep the avatar (male only) but give him a canon relationship with the worst girl. You will be able to A(-) rank the other girl characters but they will just say how perfect you and the worst girl are for each other.

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I wish the next FE game would cut out not only the avatar but all customizable romance and marriage. As in, the only pairs in the game are already predetermined. Just so I can laugh at how badly everyone will flip the fuck out.

You hurt me. I'd still play it.

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No no no, you need to keep the avatar (male only) but give him a canon relationship with the worst girl. You will be able to A(-) rank the other girl characters but they will just say how perfect you and the worst girl are for each other.

The girl is also your sister

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The girl is also your sister

Who is also related to you by blood.

Your underaged sister, and an expy of a character who appeared in Fates.

It's Tharja again.

Loli Tharja who is your blood related sister and canon love interest. I'm done here guys. I can't do it anymore.


Edited by NekoKnight
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The only reason why I'm not warning the guy above me is because I'm too lazy to give out spam warnings to the people above him. However, I will not speak for the rest of the mod team. . .


I have exactly one reason why I'm against children for same-sex couples.

Really though, child units shouldn't even be a thing anymore

'cause I'm against children for everyone in FE games. If a couple has kids, leave 'em in the Epilogue (a la FE8).

Heck, I can guarantee you there are more LGBTQ individuals in this thread, or who frequent these threads, than there are in every first-party Nintendo game combined.

It's a thread about same-sex marriage. Of course there's going to be a lot of opinions from that side!

I wish the next FE game would cut out not only the avatar but all customizable romance and marriage. As in, the only pairs in the game are already predetermined. Just so I can laugh at how badly everyone will flip the fuck out.

Oh, and make sure that only a couple of them get a special epilogue! It's like GBA FE all over again~!

(hell, do a Raven and Lucius while they're at it)

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I have exactly one reason why I'm against children for same-sex couples.

'cause I'm against children for everyone in FE games. If a couple has kids, leave 'em in the Epilogue (a la FE8).

I' m sure no one is really asking for kid for same-sex marriage in the next game, but for the same-sex couples to be treat as equal to a straight couple.

Edited by exizel
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It's hilarious (in a sad way) that people are getting on his case for this. I agree with him, I don't want LGBTQ characters shoehorned in, and I don't want to see everyone suddenly turned bisexual. It's like people aren't allowed to voice an opinion anymore without being ridiculed for it.

Who said any gay characters included are shoehorned n? That's why you people keep flipping the fuck out, because you take any inclusion as tokenism. I'd guess you're the type to label a movie starring black people to be a "black movie"

Now that they've been officially introduced, I fear that if they make a future game that doesn't have a LGBTQ character, reviewers will knock off points for it and people will whine and call them homophobic or some such silly nonsense, because I've literally been seeing some of this ("every FE game needs a LGBTQ character now or it's gonna suck!") elsewhere on the internet and it's just sad. I really hope that nonsense doesn't continue.

When has this ever happened? What reviewer was like "this is a fun game with a deep plot and engaging characters. Nobody's queer though. 7.8 too much heterosexuals" Don't keep making these hypothetical situations up then act like they've always been real. As for the last bit, the internet's a big place, there are dumbasses, trolls, and dumbass trolls that will say such silly things. Like I saw some dingus somewhere say that if FE kept putting in queer characters then he may not get the game, because somehow, having gay characters lowers the quality of the game. It's important to remember that these are not even a drop in the bucket of the total fanbase.

I'm just going to say it, and I'm prepared to be completely crucified for this, but...I know we're going to have more LGBTQ characters in future games, it's kind of a given now I think. But you know what? Because of that "every game NEEDS them now!" crap among other things, I hope there are future games with no LGBTQ characters. Not every game needs them.

Because of something a few people said, you want to spite everyone who wants representation? Why? Who benefits from this? You're getting upset about a multiflavored cake that never gets smaller

And newsflash, very few games need ANY type of romance, straight or otherwise. What makes your preferred type of fictional romance more important than the next person's? Why not dump all the non-queer characters?

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When has this ever happened? What reviewer was like "this is a fun game with a deep plot and engaging characters. Nobody's queer though. 7.8 too much heterosexuals" Don't keep making these hypothetical situations up then act like they've always been real. As for the last bit, the internet's a big place, there are dumbasses, trolls, and dumbass trolls that will say such silly things. Like I saw some dingus somewhere say that if FE kept putting in queer characters then he may not get the game, because somehow, having gay characters lowers the quality of the game. It's important to remember that these are not even a drop in the bucket of the total fanbase.

Kotaku knocked of a couple points because of this in their Awakening review. Given, it's Kotaku, but there's an example.

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