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Is there anything you regret doing / not doing in High School?


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Like the title says, is there anything you regret doing / not doing in high school?

Is there a class you wish you had taken or hadn't taken. Do you wish you would have studied harder? What do you wish you could do again in high school?

Feel free to list your thoughts! school starts tomorrow and I must learn to do right from others' mistakes

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What I wish I did: I should have worked harder in school. Seriously, I would already be doing the things I love now if I prioritized school properly.

What I wish I didn't do: I shouldn't have gone and dated anyone. I mean yeah there are those lucky people like my cousin who finds their happy ending with someone they met in middle school, but for me, all the "men" I dated were just children not worth my time.

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I wish I did better academically, and I wish I had been more proactive about making friends instead of just staying with the same group of people.

But once you go to college, nothing in high school matters, so I don't feel strongly about regrets.

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Well, I was hoping i could get AP Comp Sci this year, but because my school is sooooo stupid, I couldn't take it. Sadly, I didn't sign up for any other AP class for this year (World History AP was the only other one available, and i thought i would get APCompSci), so no AP this year. (I'm a sophomore.) ;~;

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But once you go to college, nothing in high school matters, so I don't feel strongly about regrets.

haha yeah this.

"once you get your ms no one cares what your bs is"

"once you get your phd no one cares about your ms"

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I wish I treated girls better in high school. I was very creepy towards this one girl I had a crush on back then.

Also, I wish I joined my school's football team. It would've helped with my social standing (and therefore my social skills) and I probably could've made my team simply because I was about 5'10" 160 lbs as a freshman and 6'2" and 200 lbs as a senior, which would have made my significantly larger than some of the lineman we had to use as starters (my school was in a small town in a conference in the lowest division of Ohio high schools in every sport, so the amount of actual talent I would've needed to be effective on our football team wouldn't have been that high).

I have far more regrets about college than high school, even though I was there for a much shorter time (in fact, being there for a much shorter time is probably my greatest regret).

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The one thing I wish I had in high school wasn't really up to me anyway

Didn't have AP computer science in my school, though I could've also learned how to code on my own, but it'd have saved a few semesters of terrible grades and being bad at programming in the first few semester of college before I finally got my shit together

probably should've also learned how to study while shit was still easy

But really my grades are pretty fucking good and I got into one of those fancy schools I can't pay for and didn't go to anyway; Public uni is actually pretty top-ranked for my major so worth

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haha yeah this.

"once you get your ms no one cares what your bs is"

"once you get your phd no one cares about your ms"

Yeah, I probably regretted something back in the day but then I got a Bachelors and a Masters and a job relating to said Masters and it's hard to look back and think what else I would have done.

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So far, I regret not going on any international bachelloriate trips for clubs (I go to an international school). My school is probably so different from yours that none of my experiences apply to you, though.

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I regret that my type one diabetes was so out of control at the time that I don't remember half of what I did, and that I ended up picking bad friends who ended up stabbing me in the back. But the other people are right HS does not matter once you start collage and my life got a good deal better when I turned 20, I was able to switch doctors to one who actually knows how to help people with diabetes and I went on the insulin pump which saved my life, plus I made the dean's list that year. I guess my advice would be to take classes that you are interested in if at all possible and to have some fun before you have to become an adult.

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I moved right before high school, and i regret not keeping in touch with old friends during that time period. I kind of regret not switching schools after freshman year instead of after softmor like i did, but that ended up working decently in the end, so whatever.

Edited by sirmola
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As for high school (I keep mistaking high school for university, when university = college), I regret attending it. I think it was just a huge waste of time for me. Most classes did not interest me or were far from what I intended to study in college, so all I did was procrastinate and cram.

I'm on college now, so I can say it improved a lot because I am actually studying something I like (I'd like psychology better, but I hate its work field, so I went with the second choice which has a good work field imo). I'm still having huge issues with procrastination, laziness and being dumb, though. It seems I'll only learn when something bad happens, and until then I'll just keep improvising as I've always done.

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Not having a girlfriend in highschool is one of my greatest griefs. Other than that, I wish I kept playing violin instead of quitting to focus on studying useless stuff that has no use in the next years of my life. Nobody told me.

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My regrets are not from high school, but from college, I tried to be a rebel and tried to study something I knew I wouldn't like, but now I'm on a course that I actually like, but I wasted four years of my life on something that I hated simply because I was too stubborn and lazy, I mean, I'm 24 and having to start college all over again.

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I kind of regret not devoting more free time to learning languages. (I had a lot of free time since I usually just breezed through my classes...) On a more serious note, I got into a really bad slump in my senior year and I nearly missed college application deadlines. I even ended up sending some supplement stuff in late...Well, I got accepted to everywhere I applied and I like where I am now, so overall, I don't really regret too much.

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