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FE 9 Mafia - Game Over


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no, i'm biting this one

you do not tell people, under any circumstances, not to contact the staff if they feel uncomfortable with a situation. ever. you can recommend they contact certain staff but don't presume to offer an ultimatum telling them not to tattle to the mods.

EDIT: VVV yes. get back to your game. if anyone's unclear about something or mad with how i handled this pm me, don't post about it itt anymore.

All right, fine. In that case, I strongly recommend you contact eclipse or Balcerzak before anyone else.

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The game is now officially on pause.

It will probably resume tomorrow morning when I wake up. If I need to host it somewhere else I can probably do that.


I'm 100% certain that Shinori's passive aggression was directed at what he assumed was Boron calling mods over to the game over a minor scuffle for mafia standards that they could've easily solved by talking things out, which they were pretty much in the process of doing when the moderation team stepped in.

I'm the mod for this game, we give warnings or force people out of the game if they step out of line, which is why we're generally pretty good at managing scuffles ourselves, Dandragon is just a pretty new player so he probably panicked and contacted you guys before he talked to me or eclipse.

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Obviously not playing

Integrity, I realize you're speaking from a mod PoV but speaking as somebody who plays a lot of mafia it really makes more sense to contact the host first in this situation, on the grounds that if a flame war erupts in their game, it becomes the host's problem first and foremost - usually hosts have game-specific rules in place against this, and they're the ones who will need to makes calls about their game and deal with the fall-out if a player needs to be force-subbed for going overboard, etc

also, throwing out threats like "your subforum should be deleted" over this is kind of dickish.

that said I don't actually think there's an issue with people contacting mods, but I agree that if somebody's gonna contact a mod they should be contacting Balc or eclipse first, since those have a history in the mafia community and thus will have better context of the situation

Obviously not playing

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also, throwing out threats like "your subforum should be deleted" over this is kind of dickish.

since this has been mentioned twice i want to point out that i thought it was common knowledge i don't have anything close to this kind of power. it was meant as an exaggerated threat, which i thought the many question marks implied :(

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tangerine would never let me, have a little faith!

EDIT: fuck me i'm bad at adhering to my own ultimatum. stop posting at me here, i'm going to stop posting here.

Edited by Integrity
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The game's on pause? ...Can I at least finish the post I was writing? :S

you could finish it in notepad, post it in your role PM, then copy it and post it publicly once the game resumes
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The game's on pause? ...Can I at least finish the post I was writing? :S

If it's extremely important send it to me and I'll post it on your behalf when the game unpauses, same for anybody else with posts in process if they suddenly find all of this happening. Even if the modstuffs got sorted out right away I still think people could use the short break until tomorrow morning (for me, so in around 8 hours).

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ok you keep saying contact the mods that govern this place or the host but what if they aren't online?

Then wait. There are some things that will be resolved if you just don't get yourself involved and leave it alone. Shinori and I would have likely resolved our petty argument and moved on without any further drama if you guys just left it alone.

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Okay, Dandragon, just think about it.

People have disagreements. This is true even outside of mafia. Sometimes, someone will say or do something that someone else is offended or bothered by. At times, they may argue about it in ways that may seem unsettling to observers. But some people are able to talk these things and come to a resolution as long as no one tries to get involved. I'm not telling you to do nothing as the world burns around you. I am telling you wait before you panic and see if there seems to be any resolution around the bend or if the people are just getting more and more hostile.

If a situation is getting bad, you first leave a message to the game's host or cohost (and Vhaltz WAS online, so your argument "what if they're not around" isn't even valid in this case) and leave the thread for a bit. If when you come back it has not calmed down any and the game mod hasn't been around, that's a better time to contact forum mods about it. But some situations resolve themselves if you leave it alone. Shinori and I would've actually resolved things without interference, as most mafia-related arguments in the past have.

Basically I'm saying that some things just resolve themselves if you just give people their space and you need to let it happen in that case.

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I appreciate that you didn't want them fighting Dandragon, but to be fair you don't really make people less upset by allcapsing them telling them to stop being upset, that usually just has the opposite effect and makes them more upset =|

And also to be fair, I was gone for about an hour and a half doing packing for tomorrow and stuff so I wasn't visibly online if Dandragon checked my online times, I just happened to check in before heading to sleep really.

The best advice I can offer if this kind of situation happens again is just send the game mods a message, and if it doesn't get resolved and spirals out of control to the point of people yelling at each other instead of trying to actually deal with the problem (if they appear to have no intention of settling their differences) then it's probably time to contact the forum mods to deal with it.

It's unfortunate that it happened this way and none of the mafia subforumites were around to be called at the time, but there's not much that can be done about that now so just let it rest and focus on the game itself when it restarts.

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