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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Favorite comic book character?

Your personal favorite series?

what helped inspire you to be the person who you are today?

one part of your time on SF that you think gives you the most cringe in hindsight?

how much fruit related questions do you think you'll get by the time this interview is over

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Ah, brother. How glad am I to have had a hand in making you win.

1. What is your favourite dinosaur?

2. You seem to like just about all genres in video games, but are there any specific genres you prefer over others? Can you say why?

3. What about ones you don't like/least prefer? Why?

4. What is your ideal armour design?

5. What kind of European sword do you like the best?

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1. What are you going to put on my head this time?

2. Do you want me to put something on your head now?

3. The last time Integrity put something on my head it was a fedora in xcom 2, do you have any comment for him about this?

4. Do you think you will ever be a retired mod here again?

5. How short do you think that will last, if so? ^o^

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1: Favorite busty women/girls (real or fictional)?

2: First and current impressions of me?

3: What made you join Serenes Forest?

4: Do you like where you live (and why/why not)?

5: What's your opinion on the Fire Emblem franchise?

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I hereby lift the five question limit.

1. Have you ever slept in a room filled with tangerines?

2. If you had to choose between two different tangerines, would you pick the one at the left or the one at the right?

3. Impression question.

1. No

2. I'd probably grab the one on the right because I'm right handed

3. I don't remember my first impressions of you, but being asked about tangerines makes me want to KILL YOU. Just kidding (or am I?).

1. Sup?

2. Favorite FE character?

3. How do you compassionately stab someone?

4. Favorite past time (aside from video games)?

5. Greatest prank you've done?

Who are you and how did you get more votes than I :P: ?

1. Yo, whattup, foo'?

2. Jagen

3. Stab them through the heart during a loving embrace. Bonus points to anyone who gets the reference.

4. Collecting and reading comic books.

5. I'm not much of a prankster, but there was this one time my cousin and I tied a pair of underwear to a string and tied the other end of the string to the bumper of my stepmother's car.

I'm nobody of note, dude. I only got more votes than you because that's what the people wanted.

1. Are you excited about being interviewed after being nominated so many times?

2. Why is your favorite FE game your favorite?

3. Why is your favorite FE character your favorite?

4. Favorite fictional character of all time?

5. Favorite color?

1. Maybe a little.

2. Mystery of the Emblem was my favorite for a long time because the story turned out to be a lot better than I had expected, and I liked the overall retro feel of the game.

3. Jagen is my favorite character because of this

4. Gustave XIII from SaGa Frontier II

5. Green

1. Has a girl ever tricked you into thinking you're going to kick a football only to fall instead?

2. How many tangerines does it take to get tangy?

3. Favorite retro game?

1. No

2. I have no idea

3. The Legend of Zelda

Favorite comic book character?

Your personal favorite series?

what helped inspire you to be the person who you are today?

one part of your time on SF that you think gives you the most cringe in hindsight?

how much fruit related questions do you think you'll get by the time this interview is over


Hm... I think I'll have to get back to you on that

I'd say my parents and grandparents were a big influence, and my older brother as well

The time I first started posting in the FE4 Thread

I've already gotten too many -_-

Ah, brother. How glad am I to have had a hand in making you win.

1. What is your favourite dinosaur?

2. You seem to like just about all genres in video games, but are there any specific genres you prefer over others? Can you say why?

3. What about ones you don't like/least prefer? Why?

4. What is your ideal armour design?

5. What kind of European sword do you like the best?

1. I've always been fond of the noble stegosaurus

2. I can't think of any off the top of my head

3. I don't care for sports games. I'm not particularly interested in sports in general, so simulating them in the form of a video game is very unappealing to me. I don't have any interest in music-based games either.

4. Something simple and practical

5. There are too many to choose from... but I think I'll tentatively choose the elegant rapier


1. What are you going to put on my head this time?

2. Do you want me to put something on your head now?

3. The last time Integrity put something on my head it was a fedora in xcom 2, do you have any comment for him about this?

4. Do you think you will ever be a retired mod here again?

5. How short do you think that will last, if so? ^o^


1. A stegosaurus

2. Only if you want to

3. I think that's the bee's knees, and he should totally do that more often and in real life

4. Yes, and much sooner than you may think

5. I plan on making it permanent this time

1: Favorite busty women/girls (real or fictional)?

2: First and current impressions of me?

3: What made you join Serenes Forest?

4: Do you like where you live (and why/why not)?

5: What's your opinion on the Fire Emblem franchise?

1: Jordan Carver

2: I remember thinking you were unfriendly at first, but now I'd say you're a pretty cool and surprisingly silly giu

3: Jyo IM'd me when he opened the first forum, so I figured I'd join. Then the first iteration of Serenes died, and everyone was sad. Then history repeated itself when the current Serenes was opened.

4. It's okay. I live close to my family, and my job is only 15 minutes away.

5. It's a series I generally enjoy.

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6: Do you miss Jenni?

7: Do you miss Soluna?

8: What game series that you haven't played do you want to try out?

9: Least favorite video game(s)?

10: Do you feel old when you go here to these boards?

11: Favorite video game console?

12: Are you going to adopt Ellegarde?

13: When did you start gaming?

14: Hardest decision you made?

15: Worst thing that happened to you?

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6: Do you miss Jenni?

7: Do you miss Soluna?

8: What game series that you haven't played do you want to try out?

9: Least favorite video game(s)?

10: Do you feel old when you go here to these boards?

11: Favorite video game console?

12: Are you going to adopt Ellegarde?

13: When did you start gaming?

14: Hardest decision you made?

15: Worst thing that happened to you?

6. Yes

7. ... yes >_>

8. Metal Slug

9. Suikoden 4. There are probably games I dislike more, but that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head

10. Sometimes

11. SNES or PS2

12. I have no clue what you're talking about

13. About 25 years ago

14. I can't think of any particularly difficult decisions off the top of my head

15. When I was in sixth grade, I nearly died from an asthma-related illness on Christmas day. I had to spend my entire Christmas vacation in the hospital.

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1. A stegosaurus

2. Only if you want to

3. I think that's the bee's knees, and he should totally do that more often and in real life

4. Yes, and much sooner than you may think

5. I plan on making it permanent this time

1. gud

2. *puts a brontosaurus on mumu's head*

3. *tips fedora* m'dud

4. wow really

5. wow really

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15. When I was in sixth grade, I nearly died from an asthma-related illness on Christmas day. I had to spend my entire Christmas vacation in the hospital.

Holy o_o

I'm glad you didn't die.

16: Have you went to a fan convention before?

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Oh, now I know you! You and Jyosua messed with me when we were voting for him! I suck with names


6. Have you ever pet a monkey?

7. Greatest stunt you pulled off or walked away from?

8. Worst food you've eaten?

9. Favorite thing to see where you're at?

10. The ever popular first/current impressions question! Which is probably gonna suck...

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Oh hey its Charlie.

1. Impressions? We haven't interacted that much but i'm still curious.

2. Whats your favorite RPG series?

3. Are you a fan of Super Smash Brothers?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. Whats your favorite food?

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1. gud

2. *puts a brontosaurus on mumu's head*

3. *tips fedora* m'dud

4. wow really

5. wow really

1. Very gud indeed

2. That seems fair

3. I'd tip my hat in return, but I haven't got a hat :(

4. Yes really

5. Yes really

Why Musashi?

Favorite part of being a mod?

Least favorite part of being a mod?

favorite thing to pass the time?

It started with the game Brave Fencer Musashi. I soon learned of the historical Musashi, and I was fascinated by his life story and writings.

I'm going to regret saying this, but... Tangerine and I had some fun times

Getting IM'd right as I was about to go to sleep and being kept awake until 5am

Holy o_o

I'm glad you didn't die.

16: Have you went to a fan convention before?

Me too

16: No

Oh, now I know you! You and Jyosua messed with me when we were voting for him! I suck with names


6. Have you ever pet a monkey?

7. Greatest stunt you pulled off or walked away from?

8. Worst food you've eaten?

9. Favorite thing to see where you're at?

10. The ever popular first/current impressions question! Which is probably gonna suck...

You sure you're not thinking of someone else?

6. No

7. Not exactly a stunt per se, but I once managed to rear-ending the car in front of me when my brake went out while I was driving

8. My mother once bought me some instant Thai food which tasted like dog food

9. I do enjoy the scenery after a good snowfall, but it isn't worth the hassle of dealing with snow

10. At first I thought your username is generic as heeeellll, but you seem to be a cool enough guy

Oh hey its Charlie.

1. Impressions? We haven't interacted that much but i'm still curious.

2. Whats your favorite RPG series?

3. Are you a fan of Super Smash Brothers?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. Whats your favorite food?

Are you sure about that?

1. I don't remember my first impressions, but you definitely don't give off any bad vibes

2. Suikoden

3. No

4. I enjoy fantasy and detective stories, which is why I love the Dresden Files series

5. Manhattan clam chowder

6. Any particular reason green is your favorite color?

7. What is your favorite video game series?

8. What's your favorite genre of film?

9. What sort of music do you listen to?

10. Did you partake in the Scribbles contest?

6. No

7. Suikoden

8. Actions films, particularly those of the '80s and '90s

9. I have a pretty broad taste in music

10. I'm helping out with prizes 'n stuff, but that's about it

How much did you enjoy banning Goldie over 66 times in one day?

It was really annoying at the time, but it's a feat that I'm somewhat proud of


1. ~ What's your height ? C:

2. ~ Do you exercise everyday ?

3. ~ Are you a weeb ?

4. ~ Favorite movie , and wai ? C:

5. ~ Do you love Justin Bieber ? :c


1. ~ 5' 7"

2. ~ Not everyday

3. ~ I'm not sure

4. ~ Raiders of the Lost Ark because it's still the best Indiana Jones movie ever

5. ~ No

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Favorite comicbook cross over stories? (IE stuff such as Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kingdom Come, and Secret Wars)

Favorite incarnation of Starman?

Favorite video games of your younger days?

Your top five action films?

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1. Ideal superpower?

2. Ideal vacation?

3. Favorite game / music / comic / manga / anime / movie / TV series?

4. What were your views on forum mods before you became one?

5. What are your views on mods now that you've been one for so long?

6. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?

7. Favorite moment on SF?

Edited by Karasz
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Favorite comicbook cross over stories? (IE stuff such as Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kingdom Come, and Secret Wars)

Favorite incarnation of Starman?

Favorite video games of your younger days?

Your top five action films?

Thy Kingdom Come. I love Kingdom Come, and I love the Justice Society. So a story where the Superman from Kingdom Come joins the Justice Society? That's just amazing.

Jack Knight, although James Robinson's writing made me love all of them

Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Contra, Super C

In no particular order: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Mad Max 2, Lethal Weapon 4, Die Hard, Dark Knight Rises


*tips stegosaurus* m'dino

*tips brontosaurus* m'dina

Do you like wearing hats?

What is the greatest accomplishment in your life so far?

Do you like people in SF?

Your opinion on the newest installment of FE?


I was promoted twice in less than a year

I generally like the people I know

I don't yet know enough about Fates to have much of an opinion

1. Ideal superpower?

2. Ideal vacation?

3. Favorite game / music / comic / manga / anime / movie / TV series?

4. What were your views on forum mods before you became one?

5. What are your views on mods now that you've been one for so long?

6. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?

7. Favorite moment on SF?

1. Super intelligence

2. Home

3. SaGa Frontier II / Hotel California / Starman / Vagabond / Yu Yu Hakusho / Raiders of the Lost Ark / Breaking Bad

4. I thought they were generally okay folks

5. Aside from Tangerine, they are pretty good people

6. I'd stop myself from going out that day my brakes went out on me

7. The time Tangerine unintentionally demoted herself was legitimately hilarious

What do you do for a living?

What would you like to do if money weren't a factor?

What is love?

Favourite place to be?


I'm a manager working for Speedway LLC

I'd probably take care of my parents

Baby don't hurt me?


At first I thought you were kind of weird, but now I think you're pretty interesting

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