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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1) Who is this "my girl" you've been talking about?????

shes nobody

i just wanted to sound cool about vibrating controllers since im apparently the only person who keeps rumble on

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. This is a good one, because I have a hard time picking one. I've been a mentor for around 130 students that were incoming into my scholarship program and devoted two of my summers to the summer bridge program (think academic boot camp). Graduating college magna cum laude and as one of the top undergrads in my department were also great.

2. The Shadow Hearts series, which isn't nearly as edgy as it sounds. It takes a JRPG, sets it in Europe during World War I (or in the case of SH3, the Great Depression) and adds a ton of occult stuff and demon lore to it. While having gay vampires, cats, a Polish dude who crash landed in Brazil who thinks he's a ninja, Anastasia Romanov, and a Mexican Mariachi singer as playable characters. One of the plot points involves fighting Rasputin to make sure he doesn't conquer Russia. Another plot point in another game involves breaking Al Capone out of Alcatraz.

3. I'm off and on about it. I think sometimes my voice sounds really dimwitted and slow and stupid, and other times it makes me sound more manly than I actually am. I mean, it's deep and it doesn't sound dweeby but it makes me sound like an airheaded jock.

4. I went to Pakistan when I was 6, the UK when I was 6 and when I was around 14, and currently I live in Arizona which is a good 2300 miles from home (Maryland). I'm not sure which one of those you're counting. I've also been to France and Belgium at the same time as my second trip to the UK.

5. Mega Sunkern. But really, Mega Galvantula would be a treat.

Have you gotten schwifty lately?

l-l-lick my balls

also ive never been schwifty

Edited by Lord Raven
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2. The Shadow Hearts series, which isn't nearly as edgy as it sounds. It takes a JRPG, sets it in Europe during World War I (or in the case of SH3, the Great Depression) and adds a ton of occult stuff and demon lore to it. While having gay vampires, cats, a Polish dude who crash landed in Brazil who thinks he's a ninja, Anastasia Romanov, and a Mexican Mariachi singer as playable characters. One of the plot points involves fighting Rasputin to make sure he doesn't conquer Russia. Another plot point in another game involves breaking Al Capone out of Alcatraz.

The name is familiar to me but I didn't know anything about it as a series...It sounds amazing.

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1. What was your first final fantasy game?

2. Do you enjoy reading books? If so what genre keeps your interest?

3. Whats it like being an instructor?

4. Will you finish off the final boss of FF12 with GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL?

5. The age old impressions question, first and current impressions of little ol me?

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1. Your favorite videogame theme?

2. The best day in your life yet?

3. The weirdest situation you have been involved?

4. Is there a RPG series you haven't played yet but you want to try out soon?

5. Do your prefer watching Pokémon or The Simpsons?

1. God this is a tough one! I am a vaporlocker when it comes to this so I'll link a few youtube videos. I'll limit to one per game or game series;

The Devoted - FE10

Near Death Experience - Shadow Hearts

Astaroth - Battle With the Fallen Angel - Shadow Hearts 2

Lady Tears 2 - Shadow Hearts: From the New World

Route 10 - Pokemon Black and White (have I mentioned this is my favorite Pokemon generation?)

Challenge - FFX

Sea of Rage - Tales of Legendia

The Man With The Machine Gun - FFVIII

Temple of the Drifting Sands - NieR

World Revolution - Chrono Trigger

An Earnest Desire of Gray - Radiant Historia

Colony 9 - Xenoblade Chronicles

The Fierce Battle - FFVI

The Sinking Old Sanctuary - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Offense and Defense - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

Be prepared to see edits on this one. I have so many.

2. My graduation party, because most of my friends were there and it was a good sendoff for me because I was going pretty much across the entire country. They all had fun there, there was good food and my parents enjoyed their company. It was a big party too in our backyard before we moved from the house I graduated high school in.

3. Too many. One time for my summer program we went to a plantation in southern Maryland and they took out 5 of the nicest people in our year and told the rest of us to go outside to line up by gender and by height. First they made the women go in and they said shit like "oh this girl has nice child bearing hips" and "she can cook well." It was a fucking slave auction thing! And the dudes they took out were told to be slave owners and they said shit like "put 2000 on that one!" and for the guys they said shit like "This guy is big and can operate plow" and a bunch of shit like that. All of our counselors were black btw so it wasn't as horrific as it could've been. They sent the dudes in the corner after the guy part of the slave auction was done, and my friend kept grabbing my dick in the corner and I kept jumping back. A few of us kept laughing. One of our counselors kept going "Why are you laughing? Stop laughing!" over and over again and it made it worse, but eventually he grabbed my shirt and put my face to the ground. I was next to this guy they told to escape, except when he escaped he ran straight into the arms of our swole counselor who picked him up, flipped him, and threw his shew against the barn where the auction was taking place, and he was laughing his ass off and having the time of his life down there while I was next to him and I kept laughing. So the other counselor grabbed my hair and took me outside, threw me to the ground and he made me do pushups till I passed out while he threw shit at me. He said "n word, stop embarassing me like that, you're looking weak and you're humiliating yourself" and it kept going on like that. Eventually we were called in and told about the horrors of slavery but I couldn't get over any of that crap that just happened, it was so trippy. tl;dr slavery was bad but this was such an odd experience.

4. Dragon Quest is somewhere on that list, as is the Grandia series and people keep telling me Radiata Stories is pretty damn good. I liked some of the stuff from Wild ARMs too. There's quite a lot but I won't be getting to it anytime soon!

5. The Simpsons. Pokemon is so boring, and Simpsons gets surprisingly relatable as you get older, and you appreciate it on so many more levels as time goes on. It's hilarious though.

The name is familiar to me but I didn't know anything about it as a series...It sounds amazing.

You missed my stream of the third game! How sad. I am thinking about running through the first two games just to show everyone, though.

1. What was your first final fantasy game?

2. Do you enjoy reading books? If so what genre keeps your interest?

3. Whats it like being an instructor?

4. Will you finish off the final boss of FF12 with GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL?

5. The age old impressions question, first and current impressions of little ol me?

1. FFVI, and I loved FFVI and it's still my favorite FF game. I played a lot of stuff after that and left everything half finished until recently, but I still have to beat FF3/5 and I have yet to play 1/2.

2. I don't enjoy reading books at all, but if I were to read anything it tends to be either scifi or football informational/history books. I also like stuff loved Fight Club (both movie and book) and plan on reading more Chuck Palaniuk when I get the chance.

3. There's a lot I can say here, but I'm kinda used to it so it's hard for me to give a nice and concise answer to it. It's everywhere from great to frustrating, because some students don't give as much of a shit as you (and that bothers me sometimes since I realize a lot of them are just in there to get a grade and get out) and other people just aren't attentive no matter how hard you try. It's nice because people ask me for help and actually try to get it, though, despite wanting to come in for a grade and get out, and it's a worthwhile experience when people think pretty decently of you. As of late I've been getting good reviews from my students so that's a plus! Otherwise, I'm generally used to presenting and stuff so it's not nerve-wracking or anything, it just gets frustrating sometimes but the reward outweighs the input.

4. Maybe. No spoilers.

5. I thought you were a pretty nice and simple dude at the start and that much hasn't changed about you. You're a pretty fun and swell guy to be around, even if you get a little dramatic at times.

Edited by Lord Raven
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3. Too many. One time for my summer program we went to a plantation in southern Maryland and they took out 5 of the nicest people in our year and told the rest of us to go outside to line up by gender and by height. First they made the women go in and they said shit like "oh this girl has nice child bearing hips" and "she can cook well." It was a fucking slave auction thing! And the dudes they took out were told to be slave owners and they said shit like "put 2000 on that one!" and for the guys they said shit like "This guy is big and can operate plow" and a bunch of shit like that. All of our counselors were black btw so it wasn't as horrific as it could've been. They sent the dudes in the corner after the guy part of the slave auction was done, and my friend kept grabbing my dick in the corner and I kept jumping back. A few of us kept laughing. One of our counselors kept going "Why are you laughing? Stop laughing!" over and over again and it made it worse, but eventually he grabbed my shirt and put my face to the ground. I was next to this guy they told to escape, except when he escaped he ran straight into the arms of our swole counselor who picked him up, flipped him, and threw his shew against the barn where the auction was taking place, and he was laughing his ass off and having the time of his life down there while I was next to him and I kept laughing. So the other counselor grabbed my hair and took me outside, threw me to the ground and he made me do pushups till I passed out while he threw shit at me. He said "n word, stop embarassing me like that, you're looking weak and you're humiliating yourself" and it kept going on like that. Eventually we were called in and told about the horrors of slavery but I couldn't get over any of that crap that just happened, it was so trippy. tl;dr slavery was bad but this was such an odd experience.

That sounds a bit like the Stanford Prison Experiment. I'm surprised they let something like that go on.

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Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

Favorite place you've visited?

Impressions of me? Kinda afraid to ask, but I want to know.

Have you played my game?

Greatest memory you have?

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That sounds a bit like the Stanford Prison Experiment. I'm surprised they let something like that go on.

Nope, nothing like that.

Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

Favorite place you've visited?

Impressions of me? Kinda afraid to ask, but I want to know.

Have you played my game?

Greatest memory you have?

1 and 2 have the same answer. I was ATVing down the mountains somewhere in Colorado, and I wanted to splash in a puddle. Then, I caught caught in a ditch and my wheel locked, then I hit a tree and flew off the ATV and my knee absorbed like the entire blow and I went like a bunch of feet forward. I've had a torn muscle in my knee since then that shows up from time to time when I'm walking for more than a few miles. I loved that trip to Colorado btw, it was amazing.

I think overall you're a sheltered guy who has absolutely no idea that there's a world outside of your own, and whenever something comes up that seems to contradict your already preconceived notion of how the world is or should be you break down and start preaching about how the world is rotting despite the world becoming a gradually better place. You need to get over yourself and be more self-aware otherwise you're going to isolate yourself from everything. Like your very next question is plugging your damn game, which I have absolutely no incentive to care about or play.

Greatest memory? I've already answered that earlier, and it was my college graduation party.

When did we first meet?

I dunno, 2006 or 2007 on FESS, man.
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I would ask the impression question but we hardly talk, :(

1. What do you feel about working for the government after grad school, should you take it? Would it feel underwhelming?

2. What aspects of physics do you like more, theoretical or experimental?

3. What was your favourite part about your FF9 stream alongside Elieson?

4. What is your opinion on DRAGON BALL SUPER?

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I would ask the impression question but we hardly talk, :(

1. What do you feel about working for the government after grad school, should you take it? Would it feel underwhelming?

2. What aspects of physics do you like more, theoretical or experimental?

3. What was your favourite part about your FF9 stream alongside Elieson?

4. What is your opinion on DRAGON BALL SUPER?

That's okay, I don't talk to Power Master either. Last time I interacted with him was an SD thread.

1. I don't know, because I haven't looked too far into it. The issue is that I'm kinda in a quarterlife crisis where I don't know where I'm going. I don't know if I even want to get a PhD when all is said and done. Unfortunately I can't answer that, but any sort of job to me isn't "underwhelming" is my current mentality.

2. Theoretical. I'm in school right now to do theory, and I really hated the experimental stuff. I want to do like applied theoretical physics, not hard theory.

3. The final boss. Holy fuck that final boss. Also one of my good friends from the internet (Lady) was there, and that's always a lot of fun cause she's great. Here's the final boss fight.

4. It's certainly not the Dragonball or Dragonball Z I grew up with, but I'm waiting on the dub before I watch it. I watched the most recent two or three episodes and enjoyed them, and enjoyed the little bits I watched at the start, but I'm not looking forward to like the first 30 episodes because I wasn't too fond of the two movies.. I think those suffer from the same end-of-buu-saga issues.

6.Favorite Bond movie?

7.Favorite Disney movie?

8.Favorite Shakespeare play?

9.Favorite Queen song?

10.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

6. I have never seen a bond movie in my life, hahahaha.

7. Aladdin, because that's the closest thing to middle eastern representation we'll ever get in Disney. I also played the every loving fuck out of the SNES game when I was younger and it was amazing.

8. I don't read Shakespeare regularly at all, just shit I read in high school I guess. Was it MacBeth that had the really shitty movie adaptation where the kid was like "Mother, he's killed me!"

9. I don't like Queen either but I'm gonna say Killer Queen.

10. I don't like Harry Potter either, and it's sad you struck all of the chords that I really don't like or whatever, but I guess I would say Sirius Black.

Why isn't your name Lord Fuckboy like it should be?

also I'm upset you didn't get to see my last post on FESS before it died. I just wanted you to know how much better I am than you.

1. Because SF would force me to change my username, but fuck you.

2. Fuck you, I wanted to post in response but FESS fucked up when I tried a few years back.

3. I know you had 2 lines, but I would like to re-emphasize; fuck you.

1. Favorite aspect of your personality?

2. Least favorite?

3. When did you decide to start studying physics?

4. What would you say is the most important quality a person needs to be successful in physics?

5. What is one scientific discovery or acheivement you would like to see most in your lifetime?

1. I would like to say my blunt honesty even though it grates on people a lot and makes me come off as a dick. I can at least say I've said what I feel and I mean what I say, though, which is ultimately what I also value in people.

2. I have a very obsessive and awkward personality, where I can keep ranting on and on about something and bore someone and I can get way too annoyingly attached to people. I really hate that about myself, and it's hard for me to stop because I have no idea, but I've made very small improvements over the years. They're smaller than I'd like, but alas.

3. During my summer program right before freshman year. We had to take a preliminary math analysis class during that summer program and I took it and absolutely hated math and had a bit of an existential crisis. So I thought about the fact that I wanted to study physics in high school before I took AP Physics, and just on a whim switched to physics. And here I am.

4. The most important quality you need to study for physics is the most important quality you need to study anything - tenacity, hard work, openness to understanding other things, and smart work. You gotta be able to understand things from a few different angles as well, like for instance being able to get the same result from multiple different physically correct methods. Also, math.

5. I'm not sure, I think honestly what I want to see is more technological in nature (much less reliability on fossil fuels), but as far as hard physics go, probably widespread quantum computers, but we won't see that when I'm alive.

Edited by Lord Raven
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That's okay, I don't talk to Power Master either. Last time I interacted with him was an SD thread.

That is probably the only place I've seen you interact with me. Maybe chat once or twice.

Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

Greatest gift you've given some one else? Received?

Do you own any pets? How many?

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

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That is probably the only place I've seen you interact with me. Maybe chat once or twice.

I think that has something to do with the fact that you ignored me in the SD thread.

Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

Greatest gift you've given some one else? Received?

Do you own any pets? How many?

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

1. I've already answered this.

2. I haven't given many gifts I guess, I've pitched in for an Ostrich pillow for my friend, and I bought my friend some SRW plastic model lately, and some nintendo gift card for someone else. I've done whatever I could for some friends so I wouldn't rank one gift over the other, since they're all friends. Best I've received is the same boat. I've received quite a few gifts and I appreciate them all equally, and I'm more likely to use them if they were a gift.

3. My sister has a cat, and that's the only pet I've ever owned or come close to owning. I posted pictures of her cat, named Cat, in an SF thread. I think I've answered this.

4. The ability to shave my face with my fingernails (see: Hancock), otherwise something to the effect of being able to function without sleep.

I'm getting so old I forgot that.

yeah man i was like 14 then now i'm 23 it's been almost a decade Edited by Lord Raven
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1. Have you played the older FE games?

2. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

3. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

4. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

5. Forgiveness or retribution?

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

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1. Have you played the older FE games?

2. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

3. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

4. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

5. Forgiveness or retribution?

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

1. I have played a little bit of 1 and 2, but havent gotten all the way through 1 or 2. Otherwise, I've played and beaten every FE game aside from those, except Berwick Saga but I'm like over halfway through Berwick.

2. I do not read books too much, and Tolkien I am especially not familiar with. I haven't seen a Lord of the Rings movie ever.

3. That is a great question. It depends on the system in place, I guess, which would make me a passive ruler? If stuff is going swell then I will view my job as a maintainer - so passive. But if necessary, I would be an active ruler and do whatever I can to up the status quo. It honestly just depends on the status quo.

4. Justice before law, even though the issue with that is that it's highly subjective what "justice" actually is, but I would prefer to go through things with more of an active thinking role than relying on the letter of the law. Of course, I ultimately believe in allowing the letter of the law to give the law more power (so a vague letter of the law), but I would happily go against unjust laws.

5. Forgiveness, because retribution doesn't teach anyone anything, it just makes people petty and unable to reason the stuff that truly matters in life. Of course, the "thing that truly matters" varies from person to person, so I may just be forcing my ego unto others.

6. Somewhere in central Maryland, to be honest. So basically, where I grew up. It is just so familiar to me, and it's also sort of the central hub where all of my closest friends and family can meet up.

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