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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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wtf i missed errant's interview

Oh, FFS.

If you had questions you were wanting to ask me but missed the chance to... feel free to pm them to me?

I would like to keep taking questions TBH, until next person is chosen. But IDK if that is allowed.

Thanks for all the awesome questions, guys. :)

(Still working to reply to remaining ones.)

Edited by ErrantShepherd
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If you had questions you were wanting to ask me but missed the chance to... feel free to pm them to me?

I would like to keep taking questions TBH, until next person is chosen. But IDK if that is allowed.

Thanks for all the awesome questions, guys. :)

(Still working to reply to remaining ones.)

My statement was not directed at you, I don't even know who you are. The rest of my post was edited after talking it out with someone else, but was initially posted because SOMEONE ignored something I had stated earlier in this thread and I was upset.

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Round Three to finish this up!

1. Have you played the older FE games? Would you like to play them?

-I have not yet, but I would. (Or rather I have not yet properly.)

2. What Tolkien books have you read (if any)? Opinions?

-The hobbit, Lord of the Rings, the Silmarrillion(sp?).

All fantastic books well worth reading. Though TBH, LoTR is a bit of a slog to get through. Purists may hate me, but I think the original Theatrical Trilogy by Peter Jackson captures the heart of the story excellently. His Hobbit however was a bloated mess, that needed to be either a single movie, or only two.

3. Do you speak any languages other than English?

-Francais est ma langue secondaire. Mais, je nest pas tres bon.

Otherwise bits and pieces here and there of German, and Japanese.

4. Are you interested in history?

-I am majoring in History. So I hope so. :p

5. Are you interested in law?

-Somewhat but more interested in fixing broken laws than minutia.

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

-Exactly the same nation and province I am in. West Coast is Best Coast.

7. Forgiveness or retribution?

-Forgiveness is the stronger choice. Retribution is the easier one to make but to forgive takes an awful lot of fortitude

8. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

-I typically am more of a reactive person. So I guess if I was interested enough in becoming a ruler it would be because I wanted to fix some things, so likely would be an active ruler to pursue policies that addressed those issues, but I would try to look for new developments. I have never been afraid to tweak things, or change a plan if the original was not working.

9. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)

-legal naturalism. Laws are useful and good for society, however a law is not absolute. There will, and imo always should be exceptions for when the law does not properly address something. I struggled with being more of a legal positivist, or legalist in some circles when I was younger and had little patience for anyone outside the law but I have always had a detail sympathy for them as well now being older, hopefully wiser and more experienced I realize the failings of both legal postitivism and legal naturalism but imo, a structure that allows for deviation and exceptions is better than one that tends to not as fairness and equality does not mean all are treated the same, in my mind but all treated with the same dignity and respect for their situation.

10. Do you bike?

-I used to. I miss it.

11.Favorite Bond movie?


12.Favorite Disney movie?

-Rescuers Down Under

13.Favorite Shakespeare play?

-Richard III

14.Favorite Queen song?

-Bohemian Rhapsody

15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

-Neville Longbottom

Yeah, Leo's my son!


By unbifurcated garment, I basically meant anything that might be classified as a skirt or dress.

-ah. *shrug*

21. What song would you use to describe your life?

-Some Nights by FUN or Everything is Awesome from the Lego Movie XD

22. Do you like the way magic in FE is now, or do you wish they brought back Light and Dark magic as their own unique weapon types?

-Yes, the Magi triangle should be revived. (As should stealing for thieves, honestly)

23. Favorite Tick character?

-The Tick!

24. Favorite Tick episode?

-The Tick vs The Tick!

25. If you could have one Fire Emblem character's outfit, who's would you take?

-I like Ikes outfits quite a bit, I would steal his. XP

Man, I wish I had more to answer... ah well, that was fun! Edited by ErrantShepherd
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SF Interview #87: Shin
Interview ends on 28/8/2016.

Final nomination count:

6: Shin

4: Hoshi
3: Mage Knight 404
3: Zak Something
1: Aquakat
1: Quintessence
1: NinjaMonkey
1: Raguna
1: Hezul
1: Ghast
Edited by Hattusili the Egg
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