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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1) Favorite pizza topping

2) Favorite type of cookie

3) Rank from best to worst: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate

4) Favorite Disney movie

5) Favorite Studio Ghibli movie (if you haven't seen any, we're gonna have to change that)

6) Favorite Avenger

7) Favorite weather conditions (include temperature)

8) Myers-briggs personality type? (I can PM you a link if you haven't taken it)

9) Hogwarts house?

10) Celebrity crush?

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6 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

1) Favorite pizza topping

2) Favorite type of cookie

3) Rank from best to worst: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate

4) Favorite Disney movie

5) Favorite Studio Ghibli movie (if you haven't seen any, we're gonna have to change that)

6) Favorite Avenger

7) Favorite weather conditions (include temperature)

8) Myers-briggs personality type? (I can PM you a link if you haven't taken it)

9) Hogwarts house?

10) Celebrity crush?

1. Pineapple Pepperoni, the classic!

2. Chocolate chewy chips ahoy cookies. ONLY WITH MILK


Milk chocolate

Dark chocolate- Yummy!

4. Aladdin, hands down

5. heh heh


I haven't seen any

6. Iron man, of course.

7. 72 degree light rain

8. I'd rather keep that classified

9. You can't just assume I'll know what you're talking about cause I don't XD. I've seen 2 Harry potter movies YEARS ago, so i don't remember anything!

10. Having an undisclosed gender always means I have to give a neutral answer, or one answer for ecah gender

Guy-Crush: Chris Evans

GIrl-Crush: T-Swift Though she'd probably break up with me.....

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Err... umm...
Why did I even get here again? Oh yes, questions for Arcanite since I saw your signature. Let's begin, shall we? ;):

  1. What's your most memorable moment in FE history?
  2. Who's your pick for Oboro's possible S supports? If so, why?
  3. Out of all the supports (up to A) with Oboro, which one is the best? If so, why?
  4. Which is your favorite Sacred Stones character, and his / her pairing?
  5. Your thoughts on Shadows of Valentia?
  6. You have a strangely exciting personality. Are you like this too, in real life?
  7. Share me your time distribution between PC / Laptop / Phone and any other activity? (Use Percentages)
  8. Do you know anything about my country?
  9. What are your reasons for undisclosed and classifying gender and location entirely?
  10. Am I preaching too personally on you?
Edited by Lyrai
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4 hours ago, Lyrai said:


  1. What's your most memorable moment in FE history?
  2. Who's your pick for Oboro's possible S supports? If so, why?
  3. Out of all the supports (up to A) with Oboro, which one is the best? If so, why?
  4. Which is your favorite Sacred Stones character, and his / her pairing?
  5. Your thoughts on Shadows of Valentia?
  6. You have a strangely exciting personality. Are you like this too, in real life?
  7. Share me your time distribution between PC / Laptop / Phone and any other activity? (Use Percentages)
  8. Do you know anything about my country?
  9. What are your reasons for undisclosed and classifying gender and location entirely?
  10. Am I preaching too personally on you?

Oh hey its Lyrai!

1. The Ephraim vs. Chrom match in the voting gauntlet

2. (I've never played Fates so I don't know if I'm answering this correctly) Nobody deserves Oboro's S supports but me!

3. After spending 20 minutes reading them all, I like them all actually XD. Benny's was funny. Rinkah's was funny. And Saizo's was also pretty hilarious

4. I like them all except for Neimi! But I'll just say Seth and......... uh............ Vanessa? I guess?

5. I haven't seen anything about that game so I am not qualified to make a decision on that

6. Not as much "exciting" as I am "positive".

7. uh. 40% IRL tings. 30% Lifetime movies. 30% Phone/games/computer tings. 

8. Its in Asia. That's pretty much it :/

9. Confidential

10. Nope!

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7. Fight or flight?

8. Favorite season?

8. Do you consider yourself more logical or emotional? (As you are a robot I assume the former.)

10. Are you much of a Disney fan?

11. Seeing your sig, are you a Star Wars fan?

12. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

12 hours ago, Arcanite said:

5. Do biblical events count?

I don't see why not.

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11 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

7. Fight or flight?

8. Favorite season?

8. Do you consider yourself more logical or emotional? (As you are a robot I assume the former.)

10. Are you much of a Disney fan?

11. Seeing your sig, are you a Star Wars fan?

12. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

7. Fight if its absolutely necessary, and I can definitely fight. But I prefer flight because I am really fast anyway!

8. Winter!

9. I'll say its even, but we'll go with logical

10. Disney makes marvel, and they made Aladdin, and they now make star wars. So yeah, I'd say so

11. YUP! I've only seen episode 3, episode 7, Rogue One, and all of Clone Wars. But I also played Jedi Knight II for Game Cube, and Battlefront II for PS2

12. Stay positive!

14 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

I don't see why not.

Then I'll say for #5 that I like reading/learning about biblical events. There's some pretty epic stuff in there...

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1) Any pets?

2) Airbender, Waterbender, Earthbender, or Firebender?

3) Any allergies?

4) Most memorable quote from fiction

5) Do you play any instruments?

6) Do you play any sports?

7) Chocolatey or fruity desserts?

8) How do you pronounce gif?

9) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

10) Name your top 5 FE characters not yet in Heroes (feel free to go up to 10 if you want to)

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

1) Any pets?

2) Airbender, Waterbender, Earthbender, or Firebender?

3) Any allergies?

4) Most memorable quote from fiction

5) Do you play any instruments?

6) Do you play any sports?

7) Chocolatey or fruity desserts?

8) How do you pronounce gif?

9) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

10) Name your top 5 FE characters not yet in Heroes (feel free to go up to 10 if you want to)

1. No

2. Air bender!

3. Nope!

4. "Giggity"

5. Guitar

6. Basketball a little

7. I don't like sweets or desert too much, but I'll say fruity

8. Like "Gift" If you got a problem, bite me

9. Invisibility

10. In no particular order:











maybe Vanessa

Don know how much that is but whatever :D 

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If you could make yourself immune to any one of the seven capital sins (Eg: anger, lust, envy), which would you pick?

What's the most ridiculous fight/chase scene you've seen, in your opinion? It can be from anything, from a movie, TV show, or even a fan-made video clip.

Aside from anything Batman related (since I'm beyond sick of hearing about the character/universe), are there any DC comics characters or universes you particularly like? 

Do you play any traditional fighting games? (Eg: Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur) If so, who do you main in those games?

Is there any physical things you're particularly untolerant/squeamish of? (Eg: blood, insects, etc.) We're not counting lewd things for this question to keep things appropriate.

If you had to guess if the below character is a hero or villain, which one would you pick?


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1) Which of the seven sins do you represent most prominently?

2) Which of the seven virtues do you find most difficult to uphold?

3) Rank the seven chaos emeralds from favorite color to least favorite color

4) Which of the seven wonders of the world is your favorite?

5) Which of Snow White's seven dwarves best represents your personality?

6) Top 7 characters from FE

7) Top 7 videogame characters not from FE

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27 minutes ago, Randoman said:

If you could make yourself immune to any one of the seven capital sins (Eg: anger, lust, envy), which would you pick?

What's the most ridiculous fight/chase scene you've seen, in your opinion? It can be from anything, from a movie, TV show, or even a fan-made video clip.

Aside from anything Batman related (since I'm beyond sick of hearing about the character/universe), are there any DC comics characters or universes you particularly like? 

Do you play any traditional fighting games? (Eg: Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur) If so, who do you main in those games?

Is there any physical things you're particularly untolerant/squeamish of? (Eg: blood, insects, etc.) We're not counting lewd things for this question to keep things appropriate.

If you had to guess if the below character is a hero or villain, which one would you pick?

1. pride is one right?

2. The elevator fight in Ip Man 3, and the Millenium Falcon chase in Force Awakens

3. Ummmmmmm...........................................no

4. OHHHHHH BABY! I main Eileen in Virtua Fighter, and Cervantes in Soul Calibur 4. Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2

5. We can make it inappropriate if you want Feet in general (Yeah its weird). And Bees. I HATE bees.

6. Godspeed? Assuming he's from the flash right? I'll say he sounds like a bad guy, looks like a bad guy, he's probably a bad guy.

18 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

1) Which of the seven sins do you represent most prominently?

2) Which of the seven virtues do you find most difficult to uphold?

3) Rank the seven chaos emeralds from favorite color to least favorite color

4) Which of the seven wonders of the world is your favorite?

5) Which of Snow White's seven dwarves best represents your personality?

6) Top 7 characters from FE

7) Top 7 videogame characters not from FE

1. If I see "seven" "sin" or "virtue" in the same sentece one more time, I'm going to flip AGAIN, pride

2. AGAIN, patience (sorry for getting triggered :)

3. So I'm supposed to google it or something? meh


Orange if that's one of them

the rest, I don't care :D

4. The colossus of Rhodes. That's what its called right?

5. I've never seen snow white so I'm just going to say sleepy?

6. Hm





thats pretty much it. No one else deserves the title of "Favorite"

7. Tough one (In no particular order)

The first hokage in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4


Hinara (Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4)


Riku Kingdom Hearts

Axel ^




Edited by Arcanite
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1. favorite kirby ability?

2. thoughts on kimchi?

3. thoughts on people who sit vs people who stand when wiping their butt?

4. favorite hair color?

5. favorite type of sushi?

6. what type of milk do you drink?

7. since this is number Seven, what SIN or VIRTUE do you hate and like the most in other people, respectively?

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

1. favorite kirby ability?

2. thoughts on kimchi?

3. thoughts on people who sit vs people who stand when wiping their butt?

4. favorite hair color?

5. favorite type of sushi?

6. what type of milk do you drink?

7. since this is number Seven, what SIN or VIRTUE do you hate and like the most in other people, respectively?

1. Knuckle Joe, Yo-Yo, flame sword (from N64 Kirby), or beast (Squeak Sqaud)

2. Never had it *googles*

I'd definitely eat that.

3. this question feels some what kinky and I don't know why I don't think it makes a difference....

4. Black/Dark. Blonde is nyeh. Brunette is okay. And I find people who dye their hair unnatural colors (blue pink purple) to be often weird.....

5. I had Sushi once. Didn't like it. My friends dared me to eat it with Wasabi. I did it of course

It was pretty awesome (and hilarious)! They say there's cooked sushi so I'd try that if I could

6. Whole, 100%, Vitamin D milk! Any other type of milk is for squares

2% my foot!

7. I hate greed, and I like chastity I guess lol


ARE YOU ALL HAPPY!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?

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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

16.Favorite Bond movie?
17.Favorite Disney movie?
18.Favorite Shakespeare play?
19.Favorite Queen song?
20.Favorite Harry Potter character?

16. Skyfall

17. Alladin

18. Romeo and Juliet!

19. Another one bites the dust.

20. eh, Hermoin or Hermione or Hormone or however you spell her name

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i don't actually ask kinky questions. i just get bored and want to satiate my curiosity at times :KnollRoll:

1. favorite helper in Kirby Super Star?

2. have you ever burned yourself?

3. favorite FE character in your least favorite FE game?

4. firefox or chrome?

5. thoughts on Bill Nye Saves the World?

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i don't actually ask kinky questions. i just get bored and want to satiate my curiosity at times :KnollRoll:

1. favorite helper in Kirby Super Star?

2. have you ever burned yourself?

3. favorite FE character in your least favorite FE game?

4. firefox or chrome?

5. thoughts on Bill Nye Saves the World?

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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

1. favorite helper in Kirby Super Star?

2. have you ever burned yourself?

3. favorite FE character in your least favorite FE game?

4. firefox or chrome?

5. thoughts on Bill Nye Saves the World?

1. Yo yo!

2. twice!

3. Least favorite FE game I'd have to say was Shadow Dragon. But your girl Minerva!

4. Is this even a question? #FireFoxIsForSquares #RealGangstersUseChrome

5. I've never heard of this before *googles*

Oh crap its on Netflix? I haven't watched Netflix in a while!

Welp, Time to watch he whole show in 2 days!

3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

i don't actually ask kinky questions. i just get bored and want to satiate my curiosity at times :KnollRoll:

Yeah that makes sense!


Makes me curious actually.............


Do you wipe your butt standing up or sitting down?


Asking humans these types of questions are quite hilarious to me











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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Oh crap its on Netflix? I haven't watched Netflix in a while!

Welp, Time to watch he whole show in 2 days!

Yeah that makes sense!

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Makes me curious actually.............

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Do you wipe your butt standing up or sitting down?

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Asking humans these types of questions are quite hilarious to me











I think... you might... be disappointed

not answering since it's not my interview :Gerik:


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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

I think... you might... be disappointed



Bill Nye is awesome :(

But if you say I'll be disappointed I'll just take your word for it......


Now I'm going to YouTube episodes of Bill Nye the sience guy


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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:



Bill Nye is awesome :(

But if you say I'll be disappointed I'll just take your word for it......

  Hide contents

Now I'm going to YouTube episodes of Bill Nye the sience guy


oh how the mighty have fallen...


1. thoughts on Kanye West?

2. fastest running mile time?

3. favorite smoothie?

4. is it hip to be square?

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