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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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44 minutes ago, Taav said:

16. What is going on in that battle between Mask Marf and Minato, who is winning, and what exactly is Aigis doing in the background?

17. What'cha reading down there?

18. Alrighty buster! What are your favorite Alt. Rock bands?

19. Any particular reason you like Conquest more than FE4?

20. Any interest in the TRS games?

21. Have you played any Tales games, and if so, what are your favorites?

22. Favorite Sekkou Boy?

23. Opinion of Hisoka?

16. They're locked in eternal conflict. Aigis is petting Elise's pony.

17. Two autobiographies are on the lower shelf: Ben Collin's "The Man In The White Suit", and Anthony Kiedis' "Scar Tissue".

18. Nickelback and Daughtry.

19. Because the gameplay's fantastic. FE4 is probably the better package overall, but I can't ignore how steller the gameplay is in Conquest.

20. TRS? Turtle Rock Studios? The computer family? Not sure what you mean by that one, sorry.

21. Only one: Zestiria. So, uh, I guess that's my favourite!

22. What?

23. What?

Edited by DodgeDusk
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31.What is one of your most fond memories up to date?
32. Favourite flower, if any.
33. Teach me more about British spelling and words.
34. Favourite colour
35. Do you have any transitional objects?

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2. What are your first/current impressions of me?

3. What are your favourite units in FE Heroes (because of their Heroes portrayal, not because you liked them before)?

4. What are your favourite Japanese cartoons?

5. ETA on the next thing you're super hyped about.

6. Favourite character(s) in Echoes besides Python?  Why do you like them so much?

Edited by Refa
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  1. Favorite non playable character in ToCS II?
  2. Favorite bossfight in ToCS II?
  3. Could you describe yourself in three Welsh words?
  4. Do you like Celtic languages?
  5. What's your opinion of the Brexit?
  6. Do you care for Lady Diana's death to the day 20 years ago?
  7. Your opinion about the British Monarchy?
  8. Do you wish that Wales should become an independent country?
  9. Five favorite things about Wales?
  10. Did the terror attacks in London or while the music concert in Manchester affect you in any way?
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18 hours ago, Rixia Mao said:

31.What is one of your most fond memories up to date?
32. Favourite flower, if any.
33. Teach me more about British spelling and words.
34. Favourite colour
35. Do you have any transitional objects?

31. Recently, my surprise 21st birthday party.

32. Not a flower man.

33. Add a "u" to random words, and make sure you pronounc words properly.

34. If you count it, black, If not, blue.

35. No.

18 hours ago, Taav said:

Oops my B.

20. TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga

22. You can just answer "St. Giorgio" here tbh.

23. Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter.

21. Oh. Eh, a little.

22. Then I shall: St. Giorgio.

23. Oh. Wouldn't know, never watched it.

15 hours ago, Refa said:

2. What are your first/current impressions of me?

3. What are your favourite units in FE Heroes (because of their Heroes portrayal, not because you liked them before)?

4. What are your favourite Japanese cartoons?

5. ETA on the next thing you're super hyped about.

6. Favourite character(s) in Echoes besides Python?  Why do you like them so much?

2. Don't remember my first impressions of you. Nowadays, you're one of the LADS! Hilarious, fun to talk to, pleasant, hilarious, and hilarious.

3. Cecilia, because she sounds like a hot mom and has great art; Bartre, because of his MUSCLE UP; and Xander and Reinhardt, because there're universally excellent as units.

4. I don't really watch anime. I really enjoyed Nijú Mensó no Musume, though!

5. If XSEED are true gods, then hopefully just over a year.

6. Apart from Python? Clive, Saber, Sonya, and Lukas

  • Clive: A great portrayal of a hypocritcal character. Great voice.
  • Saber: Hot, great unit, hot, calls Celica out on her bull, hot, great voice, hot, great design.
  • Sonya: Hot, great voice and design, interesting backstory.
  • Lukas: See a lot of myself in him, great voice.
8 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:
  1. Favorite non playable character in ToCS II?
  2. Favorite bossfight in ToCS II?
  3. Could you describe yourself in three Welsh words?
  4. Do you like Celtic languages?
  5. What's your opinion of the Brexit?
  6. Do you care for Lady Diana's death to the day 20 years ago?
  7. Your opinion about the British Monarchy?
  8. Do you wish that Wales should become an independent country?
  9. Five favorite things about Wales?
  10. Did the terror attacks in London or while the music concert in Manchester affect you in any way?

1. To not include a spoiler, Duvalie.

2. Final fight of the Divertissement.

3. Nope!

4. Apathetic towards them.

5. All I'm gonna say is this: anyone who voted to leave out of hatred and fear are problematic. I'm not going to say much, since I'm ignorant on politics.

6. Yes.

7. Too ignorant to comment.

8. No.

9. I don't know.

10. They were awful events and my condolences are to the families and friends effected. But personally, it didn't effect me.

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36. what's the proper British pronunciation?
37.Kevin or Ries?
38. Rank your favourite Trails protagonists
39. What languages would you like to learn given you had the expenses and all that?
40. How many close friends do you have offline? Online?

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1 hour ago, Rixia Mao said:

36. what's the proper British pronunciation?
37.Kevin or Ries?
38. Rank your favourite Trails protagonists
39. What languages would you like to learn given you had the expenses and all that?
40. How many close friends do you have offline? Online?

36. Tuh-mar-toe, not tuh-may-toe. Just one example.

37. Kevin, by a long shot. Ries feels like she's there to give Kevin more development.

38. Estelle Bright > Kevin Graham > Lloyd Bannings > Rean Schwarzer.

39. Japanese.

40. Offline: diddly squat. Online: Three.

Edited by DodgeDusk
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11: Have you ever played a Final Fantasy game?

12: What quality do you like the most in other people?

13: What quality do you dislike the most in other people?

14: What's your favorite supporting actor?

15: Do you ever listen to musicals?

16: Are you interested in politics?

17: If you could be the ruler of the world, would you?

18: What's your favorite videogame console ever?

19: Do you ever read books?

20: How are you enjoying your interview so far?

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1. Opinions of the following:

a. Getoutoftherecat (aka, the tumblr in my sig)

b. 300px-Meow_Wow_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

c. Flowbermeow_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

d. 200px-Meowjesty_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

e. Catanuki_(Spirit)_KH3DHD.png

2. Favorite Rotom forme?

3. Favorite Eevee evolution?

4. Opinions on Sun and Moon's Pokedex entries?

5. Do you remember to ink your spawn?

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7. I have no taste, what alcoholic drinks should I buy?

8. What's so special about Trails over other JRPG's?  Why should anyone give two fucks about it?

9. What's your greatest accomplishment to date and how long will it take before you make that look like chump change?

10. Do you like waffles?

11. If you had to eat at a fast food joint, which one(s) would you pick?

12. What character traits do you find endearing?  Which ones really tick you off?

13. Do you like Cold Steel 2?  I mean, I think you do, but gotta prove it to the whole world right now.

14. Actually you've mentioned spoilers several times now.  Do you think entertainment can still be enjoyable even if it's been spoiled, and how much (if any) enjoyment do you think it ruins?

15. If you could have any super power, what would it be (feel free to make one up)?

16. What's something you like that not many people would know or expect?

17. Favourite Pokemon type?

18. FMK Tonton, Tontão, Ton "Shut The Fuck Up" Ton

19. Favourite Sun/Moon character?

20. Are there any other new game releases you're looking forwards too?

Edited by Refa
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XIII.  Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XIV. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XV. Time or money?

XVI. Favorite video game franchise?

XVII. Hot or cold?

XVIII. Have you ever gone fishing?

XIX. Quality or quantity?

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On 8/30/2017 at 2:29 PM, DodgeDusk said:

Every kid's different, so I don't have a solid opinion of them. As of now, I don't want any.

13. If you were married would you want any?

14. Ya got any drugs?

15. Opinion on this:

Nice profile picture ;)

16. Guns or Roses? 

17. 5 units you want in heroes!

18. You ever play uncharted? 

19. You ever play Play Station All Stars Battle Royale?

20. Chicken of beef?

21. Second favorite sandwich? 

22. Cupcakes or pancakes? 

23. Do you like waffles? 

24. Say something that makes you sound like a weirdo!

25. Do you floss your teeth?

26. How important is being healthy? 

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21 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

11: Have you ever played a Final Fantasy game?

12: What quality do you like the most in other people?

13: What quality do you dislike the most in other people?

14: What's your favorite supporting actor?

15: Do you ever listen to musicals?

16: Are you interested in politics?

17: If you could be the ruler of the world, would you?

18: What's your favorite videogame console ever?

19: Do you ever read books?

20: How are you enjoying your interview so far?

11. Played IV, VII, VIII, IX, and X. Only finished IV.

12. Honesty.

13. Hmm, not sure.

14. No idea.

15. Not really interested in musicals.

16. No.

17. No.

18. Nintendo Wii.

19. Very rarely.

20. It's been good so far! Don't think it was as lively as my previous one three years ago, but it's been enjoyable.

18 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

1. Opinions of the following:

a. Getoutoftherecat (aka, the tumblr in my sig)





2. Favorite Rotom forme?

3. Favorite Eevee evolution?

4. Opinions on Sun and Moon's Pokedex entries?

5. Do you remember to ink your spawn?

1a. Not a fan. Don't like cats.
b, c, d, e: All look silly.

2. Does the normal one count? If not, then Wash.

3. Jolteon.

4. I remember them giving me far more chuckles than the others'.

5. I'm sorry?

17 hours ago, Koneko said:

1. Why is :J the superior face

2. What anime recommendations do you have, if any

3. How are you btw

4. Opinions on

1. Occupants of the Opposite Land are weirdos, Kitty. [: is superior.

2. I don't watch anime! I'd recommend people that Nijú Mensó no Musume anime we watched, though!

3. Good, now that work for the week is done. Can relax and enjoy myself.

4. Not a fan of his voice, though I can't say he's bad, so I see his appeal. He has good range. The acoustic's great!

17 hours ago, Refa said:

7. I have no taste, what alcoholic drinks should I buy?

8. What's so special about Trails over other JRPG's?  Why should anyone give two fucks about it?

9. What's your greatest accomplishment to date and how long will it take before you make that look like chump change?

10. Do you like waffles?

11. If you had to eat at a fast food joint, which one(s) would you pick?

12. What character traits do you find endearing?  Which ones really tick you off?

13. Do you like Cold Steel 2?  I mean, I think you do, but gotta prove it to the whole world right now.

14. Actually you've mentioned spoilers several times now.  Do you think entertainment can still be enjoyable even if it's been spoiled, and how much (if any) enjoyment do you think it ruins?

15. If you could have any super power, what would it be (feel free to make one up)?

16. What's something you like that not many people would know or expect?

17. Favourite Pokemon type?

18. FMK Tonton, Tontão, Ton "Shut The Fuck Up" Ton

19. Favourite Sun/Moon character?

20. Are there any other new game releases you're looking forwards too?

7. People, from my experience, start with lager, so maybe Carling or Stella? People generally like them. I'm more of a bitter person, myself, so I'd recommend Worthington.

8. Because the chraracters are written, for the most part, excellently-written (and localised!) and endearing; the world-building and lore is rich and believeable, the battle system, especially in Cold Steel, is a blast to learn and play; and the fact each game takes place in the same continent means seeing a familiar face is just the best feeling.

9. For me, it's passing my driving test, since before then, every time I attempted something, I'd lose motivation and eventually stop. Passing that proved I have it within me push myself to do things--especially stuff I dislike doing.

10. Yes.

11. KFC and Burger King.

12. Not sure. Nothing really ticks me off, though being secretive for no reason rolls my eyes (looking at you, Alisa R).

13. Yes. It's frustrating at times, but the game's damn good.

14. Well yeah, people find enjoyment in different things. I personally don't like being spoiled on character and story-related subjects, so I try to spare the same sentiment to other people. But some people don't care. That's okay.

15. Invisibility.

16. I like playing with hair.

17. Electric.


  • F: Ton "Shut the Fuck Up" Ton.
  • M: Tontão.
  • K: Tonton


20. Mother Hunter Stories is a recent one that's coming out.

14 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

XIII.  Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XIV. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XV. Time or money?

XVI. Favorite video game franchise?

XVII. Hot or cold?

XVIII. Have you ever gone fishing?

XIX. Quality or quantity?


13. Urban.

14. Rural.

15. Time.

16. Hard to say. Pokémon is a safe answer, but I really do love the Trails series.

17. Cold.

18. Once.

19. Quality.

1 hour ago, Astolfo! said:

13. If you were married would you want any?

14. Ya got any drugs?

15. Opinion on this:

Nice profile picture ;)

16. Guns or Roses? 

17. 5 units you want in heroes!

18. You ever play uncharted? 

19. You ever play Play Station All Stars Battle Royale?

20. Chicken of beef?

21. Second favorite sandwich? 

22. Cupcakes or pancakes? 

23. Do you like waffles? 

24. Say something that makes you sound like a weirdo!

25. Do you floss your teeth?

26. How important is being healthy? 

13. Like I'd get married.

14. Drinking alcohol right now!

15. Seen it before. Gave me a chuckle or two.

16. Why not both?

17. I want?

  1. Brave Roy.
  2. Innes.
  3. Sonya.
  4. Hector.
  5. Amelia.

18. The second and third games! Both lots of fun, though 2 on Crushing was... crushing. Made me sweat more than a hooker in church.

19. Pff, no.

20. BEEF.

21. Egg.

22. Pncakes.

23. Yeah, I like waffles.

24. I can put both my legs behind my head without strain.

25. No, unless something is stuck in between them.

26. I believe it's important.

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Which of the Phantom Thieves do you consider to be your favourite?

What is your current impression of yourself?

What is your current impression of myself?

I'm considering a new username, what would you recommend, for someone with a name as majestic as DodgeDusk?

When are we sharing a pint?

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14 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Like I'd get married.

This doesn't answer my original query


16 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Drinking alcohol right now!


27. Just boring old beer?

28. Ever had Smirnoff Ice?

29. Ever had Tequila?

30. Ever had vodka?

[If you've had any of those, include your opinion on them]

31. Why haven't you played uncharted 4!?!?!?!

32. Sully or Nathan?

33. What do you think of first person shooters?

34. You into Star Wars?

35. Favorite home cooked meal?

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4 minutes ago, Motendra said:

Which of the Phantom Thieves do you consider to be your favourite?

What is your current impression of yourself?

What is your current impression of myself?

I'm considering a new username, what would you recommend, for someone with a name as majestic as DodgeDusk?

When are we sharing a pint?

1. Ryuji Sakamoto. Dude's a legend.

2. Oh, I wasn't expecting this question. I like it.


I consider myself lazy, uncaring (which I think is linked to my piss-poor memory), and repulsive--both physically and as a person. If you feel like any of those things are a lie, that might be down to the fact I put on airs around other people, since I know they're not exactly liked traits. Guess me valuing honesty in people makes me a hypocrite, huh? Though lately, I'm trying to be a bit more truthful with my feelings. Probably since I really have lost all care in how peple see me. My only redeeming qualities are my patience, my trustworthiness, and my desire to help out others--the latter being something that has been taken advantage of many times before and even now.

3. One of the lads. Funny, genuine, and my Hero-King brother! Sorry for being racist against the Einherjar, haha.

4. I wouldn't call "DodgeDusk" majestic. But, uh, howzabout... Schmero-Schking?

5. I'm considering a trip to America soon. Maybe then!

14 minutes ago, Astolfo! said:

This doesn't answer my original query



27. Just boring old beer?

28. Ever had Smirnoff Ice?

29. Ever had Tequila?

30. Ever had vodka?

[If you've had any of those, include your opinion on them]

31. Why haven't you played uncharted 4!?!?!?!

32. Sully or Nathan?

33. What do you think of first person shooters?

34. You into Star Wars?

35. Favorite home cooked meal?

Then no.

27. Stella Cidre.

28. Nope.

29. Nope.

30. Nope.

31. Because... I don't know. I want to, but... I don't know.


33. Not a huge fan. Titanfall 2 was a great game, though!

34. Not a great deal. I like the original three movies.

35. I love my mother's corned beef pie.

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11 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

28. Nope.

29. Nope.

30. Nope.




11 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Because... I don't know. I want to, but... I don't know.

Play the fricking game



37. Ever eat spam?

38. Fill in the blank:

My whole life in heroes would be different if I pulled a ________.

39. Do you know what's waiting in the bushes for us? 

40. Would you like to learn how to dance?

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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

2. Does the normal one count? If not, then Wash.

I'll take it.

1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

5. I'm sorry?

Splatoon reference. Got it from Kotaku, where one editor barely won a Turf War because the opposing team failed to fully ink their spawn.

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3 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

I consider myself lazy, uncaring (which I think is linked to my piss-poor memory), and repulsive--both physically and as a person. If you feel like any of those things are a lie, that might be down to the fact I put on airs around other people, since I know they're not exactly liked traits. Guess me valuing honesty in people makes me a hypocrite, huh?


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6. Favorite Pokemon type?

7. Favorite and least favorite FE skills and why?

8. Favorite video game dogs?

9. Favorite and least favorite FE classes and why?

10. Can your Smash mains pass over the Death Pool?

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2 hours ago, Astolfo! said:

Play the fricking game



37. Ever eat spam?

38. Fill in the blank:

My whole life in heroes would be different if I pulled a ________.

39. Do you know what's waiting in the bushes for us? 

40. Would you like to learn how to dance?

Yes, mother.

36. YES.

37. Yes. Do not want ever again.


39. I feel as though this is another reference to a song.

40. Maybe ballroom dancing.

2 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

6. Favorite Pokemon type?

7. Favorite and least favorite FE skills and why?

8. Favorite video game dogs?

9. Favorite and least favorite FE classes and why?

10. Can your Smash mains pass over the Death Pool?

6. Electric.

7. Favourite: Draconic Hex. Absolute lifesaver in Conquest.
Least favourite: Misfortunate. It's nothing but a hinderance to Arthur unless you pump Goddess Icons into him. Which is certainly viable, but I always run an Unlucky bane on my Corrin, so they end up going to her.

8. Koromaru.

9. Favourite: Archers and Knights, both because of the roles they play. Least favourite is Witch, because of their teleport skill.

10. Uh... yeah, sure.

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Mehr Fragen: 

  1. Have you ever ... before?
    1. Danced a jig
    2. Played Pokemon
    3. Gone to India
    4. Visited Warsaw
    5. Won a game of chess 
    6. Listened to classical music
  2. What is your favorite type of music?
  3. Why do you like Conquest?
  4. Do you speak Welsh? If yes, answer questions 5-5 through 5-7.
  5. Quiz time:
    1. What is the chemical formula of salt?
    2. Is dihydrogen monoxide a noxious chemical or something else?
    3. Who is the Prince of Wales?
    4. What is the capital of Wales?
    5. Is this correct Welsh for "disabled parking": "Parcio i bobi anabl"?
    6. Is this correct Welsh for "businesses open as usual": "Busnesa ar gau fel arfer"?
    7. Does llyd y bledren dymchwellyd mean "Cyclists dismount"?


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