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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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So you want at least 18 children but you're not in a relationship, huh? We need to get you fixed up if soon if you're going to have time for all that!


31. When I was little I wanted to own a farm because I played Harvest Moon haha. Tell me something great about farming!

32. And something terrible about farming!

7 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

23. Usually they look gross. You are honestly the first person I've ever seen who looks good with dyed hair.

Thanks I guess haha.

33. What do you think about baby pink?

34. Why aren't you going to call one of your children Natalie? Natalie is a biblical name!

35. I'm afraid I'm a filthy agnostic. Tell me an interesting story from the Bible!

36. Have you ever done any research or explored other religions? 

37. How many FE games do you own physical copies of?

38. Do you speak any other languages?

39. Do you run?

40. Do you like Star Wars?


I'll try and ask more questions if I have time while I'm away, but if not, see you in two weeks!

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9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

1) My #1? Ike. He just seems the most real to me.

2) Not really. I like Zeke better.

And here I was starting to like you

9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

3) I love the Est archetype. No matter how hard they are to train, I love seeing the stats go up.

4) Final Fantasy, Zelda, Smash Bros, and, more recently, Legend of Heroes.

5) Yeah, when I have the time. 

6) I prefer paper, but I do most of my reading after dark so I usually read off of a screen.

7) Not yet. Sounds like I'm going to need Crunchyroll, which isn't a problem, but I have a few other things I want to watch in other places first.

I think there's several good ones on Netflix as well, but whatever. Go ahead and take your time, as long as you enjoy it.

13) Favorite show(s)?

9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

8) Technically, I'm homeschooled under religious exemption. But the real reason is that my parents prefer being able to customize their curriculum around each specific child's strengths and weaknesses. When you have 6 kids, it makes a lot more sense.

That sounds like a lot of work to do for 6 kids, but I can see it giving beter results when done well.

14) Do your parent have any experience with teaching people (apart from teaching you and your sibblings)?

15) If/when you get kids yourself, would you also homeschool them?

9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

9) Friendships with people my own age. Particularly with girls my own age.

I wasn't homeschooled and I can count the number of girls I've been friends with on one hand, just saying...

9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

10) Overall, I'm glad I was homeschooled. I'm a unique individual but public school would have tried to make me fit in a mold. I certainly wouldn't be at the academic level I am now had I been public schooled.

11) I usually try to nominate people who are already active on the interview thread, so they are prepared for their name to be called.

12) Not really. You seem like an honorable gentleman.

I don't think anyone who knows me a little irl would even consider calling me that, but thanks for the compliment I guess.

16) Be honest, how much of that assesment comes from my profile pic?

8 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

21. Pretty much. It's really all about loving God, loving your neighbor, and loving yourself, in that order. Individual commands aren't as much divine orders as they are extremely good advice for achieving those ends.

I like this attitute towards religion. I wish more people thought this way...

7 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

12: I'd probably be a mercenary. High STR and SKL, good HP and DEF, average SPD, poor MAG, RES, and LCK.

17) Why do think you'd have poor magic (you seem inteligent enough to me)?

7 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

14: FE6: Dieck. FE7: Legault. FE8: Gerik. FE9: Ike. FE13: Inigo. FE15: Gray

I get the feeling you like mercenaries quite a lot (I like your taste). Just to be sure though:

18) What is your favorite class?

19) What do you think of Gregor, Raven and Saber (since they seem to be missing from the list)?

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8 hours ago, Rixia Mao said:

what do you do to de-stress
what physical traits do you look for in a romantic partner
same as above but personality traits
what traits do you look for in friends

Play video games, read, and visit the forums.

Nothing in particular, probably because I'm desperate. The only thing I really care about is the way they dress. Anyone who dresses specifically to catch male attention is usually too immature for a serious relationship.

I like my women to be somewhere near that perfect level of independence, where they are fine with depending on you but don't depend on anyone else. I actually prefer a woman with a few personality issues, because I have personality issues and I always figured we could solve ours together.

I don't have that many options, so just about anyone who wants to be my friend becomes my friend. I could be choosy if I were more popular maybe.

8 hours ago, Truthblade said:

I am new to these so..


1. What is you're favorite planet

2. Do you have any favorite Fire Emblem characters that don't seem to get much love.

Welcome to the Interviews!

1. Earth.

2. Nobody else likes Legault. I know that he's a subpar unit, but his personality makes it worth it!

6 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

1. are you single

2. what's your sign

3. would you like a drink

4. whats your number

5. want to take this party back to my place

1. Yeah.

2. I never dabbled in astrology. Does it have something to do with my birthday? 

3. Are you suggesting underage drinking? Shame on you!

4. 867-5309

5. That depends... do they have pizza at your place?

3 hours ago, Natalie said:

So you want at least 18 children but you're not in a relationship, huh? We need to get you fixed up if soon if you're going to have time for all that!


31. When I was little I wanted to own a farm because I played Harvest Moon haha. Tell me something great about farming!

32. And something terrible about farming!

Thanks I guess haha.

33. What do you think about baby pink?

34. Why aren't you going to call one of your children Natalie? Natalie is a biblical name!

35. I'm afraid I'm a filthy agnostic. Tell me an interesting story from the Bible!

36. Have you ever done any research or explored other religions? 

37. How many FE games do you own physical copies of?

38. Do you speak any other languages?

39. Do you run?

40. Do you like Star Wars?


I'll try and ask more questions if I have time while I'm away, but if not, see you in two weeks!

31. It builds great work ethic. My mom always tells me that I'm going to grow up and look back at my childhood and see that my adult life is easy compared to what I had to do then. If I can manage 100+ cows single-handedly, what can I not do? It also helps that I love the great outdoors and cows are cute.

32. The schedule. I'm a night owl who loves to stay up until midnight but morning milking demands that I be up and ready to go at 5:00 AM. I usually end up falling asleep in someplace during the day.

33. Anything would be cute on you! Personally, I don't prefer baby pink, or hot pink, or psuedo-pinks (like Nantucket red), but that's because I'm a guy.

34. Because then @Arcanite would be all like, "hey, why don't you name a kid after me?", and then @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I would hop on board  and NONE OF THOSE are good names for innocent children.

35. There once was this guy called Balaam who was supposed to do one thing but decided to do something else. In order to set him straight, God gave his donkey the ability to speak. I used to have a donkey called Balaam.

36. Yeah. It was necessary for school.

37. 3: Awakening, Conquest, and Echoes.

I've got to run and do farm stuff, I'll finish answering your questions when I get back!

OK, I'm back!

38. I speak a little bit of Spanish. I wish I spoke more.

39. Depends on what's chasing me When I feel like it.

40. I used to LOVE Star Wars! I still catch every new movie that comes out. 

I'm gonna miss you Natalie! Have fun while you're... doing whatever you're going to be doing for the next two weeks.

And here I was starting to like you

I think there's several good ones on Netflix as well, but whatever. Go ahead and take your time, as long as you enjoy it.

13) Favorite show(s)?

That sounds like a lot of work to do for 6 kids, but I can see it giving beter results when done well.

14) Do your parent have any experience with teaching people (apart from teaching you and your sibblings)?

15) If/when you get kids yourself, would you also homeschool them?

I wasn't homeschooled and I can count the number of girls I've been friends with on one hand, just saying...

I don't think anyone who knows me a little irl would even consider calling me that, but thanks for the compliment I guess.

16) Be honest, how much of that assesment comes from my profile pic?

I like this attitute towards religion. I wish more people thought this way...

17) Why do think you'd have poor magic (you seem inteligent enough to me)?

I get the feeling you like mercenaries quite a lot (I like your taste). Just to be sure though:

18) What is your favorite class?

19) What do you think of Gregor, Raven and Saber (since they seem to be missing from the list)?

13) Parks and Recreation. I didn't watch a lot of TV growing up, so that's just about all I've seen.

14) Not really. I could see my mom being a great teacher in a public school, but she's always been more interested in other things.

15) Yeah. But there are a lot of things I'd do differently.

16) Being honest, all of it. Sorry, I don't actually know you at all. But I'm getting to know you better now!

17) Magic=intelligence? You see, the way I've always thought about it is that Magic=emotional will, while Skill=intelligence. But now that I think about it, your way does make more sense.

18) Pirate! But they're only playable in a handful of games, so I guess mercenary would be second best.

19) I like Gregor. I just forgot to put him on the list. While he's not that great as a unit, he's one of the only units in the game to have a solid backstory. Raven has a good backstory too. I feel like Saber is overrated. He's cool, but I'm more of a Jesse person.

Edited by SullyMcGully
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1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

13) Parks and Recreation. I didn't watch a lot of TV growing up, so that's just about all I've seen.

Never heard of it honestly.

20) Would you recommend it?

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

15) Yeah. But there are a lot of things I'd do differently.

21) Care to name a few things?

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

16) Being honest, all of it. Sorry, I don't actually know you at all. But I'm getting to know you better now!

It's fine, don't worry about it. I was just suprised. I'll ask again when the interview is almost over.

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

17) Magic=intelligence? You see, the way I've always thought about it is that Magic=emotional will, while Skill=intelligence. But now that I think about it, your way does make more sense.

I always see Res=emotinal will and Skill=dexterity. I thought at least the last one was what most people would use, but it's intresting to see someone with a different view.

22) What exactly did you use for Res then?

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

18) Pirate! But they're only playable in a handful of games, so I guess mercenary would be second best.

Oh wow, you also like pirates?! Nice!

23) Who's your favorite pirate/beserker?

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

19) I like Gregor. I just forgot to put him on the list. While he's not that great as a unit, he's one of the only units in the game to have a solid backstory. Raven has a good backstory too. I feel like Saber is overrated. He's cool, but I'm more of a Jesse person.

Glad you at least know Gregor is amazing.

Before I forget you liked reading:

24) What kind of books do you like to read?

25) What's your favorite book?

Going back to the whole homeschooling thing:

26) Since I'm not familiar with this, can you still get into university and stuff when you're homeschooled? (I'm used to it depending on how well you did in school, so I'm curious if/how they'd test that in your case)

Not sure whether this has already been asked, but:

27) Favorite school subject?

28) Least favorite one?

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21 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Never heard of it honestly.

20) Would you recommend it?

21) Care to name a few things?

It's fine, don't worry about it. I was just suprised. I'll ask again when the interview is almost over.

I always see Res=emotinal will and Skill=dexterity. I thought at least the last one was what most people would use, but it's intresting to see someone with a different view.

22) What exactly did you use for Res then?

Oh wow, you also like pirates?! Nice!

23) Who's your favorite pirate/beserker?

Glad you at least know Gregor is amazing.

Before I forget you liked reading:

24) What kind of books do you like to read?

25) What's your favorite book?

Going back to the whole homeschooling thing:

26) Since I'm not familiar with this, can you still get into university and stuff when you're homeschooled? (I'm used to it depending on how well you did in school, so I'm curious if/how they'd test that in your case)

Not sure whether this has already been asked, but:

27) Favorite school subject?

28) Least favorite one?

20) If you like mockumentary comedies like The Office, you'd love Parks and Rec. 

21) I'd find a way to get more social interaction into the mix. When I was a kid people would say "oh, but you have so many brothers and sisters. You don't need friends!" That is SO not true!

22) Res=emotional stability. Your way is better, though.

23) Dart. Good backstory, good unit, and he's a freaking pirate for goodness' sake!

24) I like reading epic fiction and philosophical nonfiction. 

25) Fiction: Les Miserables. Nonfiction: Mere Christianity.

26) Homeschoolers can still take the SAT or ACT. Also, there are several colleges that make it very easy for homeschoolers to enroll. Homeschoolers can actually start college early if they're smart enough. For instance, I'm no genius, but I skipped high school and went straight to college and haven't had any major issues. 

27) Math. I love the logical skills it uses.

28) English. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. Which is why I hate it when "professionals" tell you you have to write about a certain thing in a certain way with a certain word count. There's nothing creative about that!

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2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Because then @Arcanite would be all like, "hey, why don't you name a kid after me?"

Actually no, I wouldn't care

It would be great if you named one of them Syntyche or Jezebel ;)

5 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Hey, if it's any consolation, I've never heard of this "Calvinism" thing either.  

Thanks infinite dreams

I'm no longer alone :')


31. Do you know any other languages?

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2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Actually no, I wouldn't care

It would be great if you named one of them Syntyche or Jezebel ;)

Thanks infinite dreams

I'm no longer alone :')


31. Do you know any other languages?

31. I know a few words in Latin.


2 hours ago, Rixia Mao said:

shower or bath
espeon or umbreon
favourite colour

I prefer bath, but I rarely have the time.

Are those Pokemon? I've never actually played.

Navy Blue.

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7 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

34. Because then @Arcanite would be all like, "hey, why don't you name a kid after me?", and then @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I would hop on board  and NONE OF THOSE are good names for innocent children.

Eh. I intend on naming one of my own children after myself... assuming I get married. Er, my real name. Not Rex Glacies. Although Rex and Glacia aren't bad names...

7 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

13) Parks and Recreation. I didn't watch a lot of TV growing up, so that's just about all I've seen.

I think I saw this elsewhere as well. Cool.

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:

31. I know a few words in Latin.

Also cool. You're really neat Sully.

XXII. Have you ever been to public school, or were you homeschooled you entire life?

XXIII. I think I read that you're in college; how odd was the transition?

XXIV. Have you ever heard of the K12 homeschooling curriculum?

XXV. Favorite Parks and Recreation character?

XXVI. Hot or cold?

XXVII. Do you know anything about the Byzantines?

XXVIII. How about the Norse/Vikings?

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23 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Eh. I intend on naming one of my own children after myself... assuming I get married. Er, my real name. Not Rex Glacies. Although Rex and Glacia aren't bad names...

I think I saw this elsewhere as well. Cool.

Also cool. You're really neat Sully.

XXII. Have you ever been to public school, or were you homeschooled you entire life?

XXIII. I think I read that you're in college; how odd was the transition?

XXIV. Have you ever heard of the K12 homeschooling curriculum?

XXV. Favorite Parks and Recreation character?

XXVI. Hot or cold?

XXVII. Do you know anything about the Byzantines?

XXVIII. How about the Norse/Vikings?

XXII. Homeschooled for life.

XXIII. It wasn't that weird. I've pretty much always done school my way, now things are pretty much the same, but on a college level.


XXV. April Ludgate. She's a feminine, slightly darker version of myself.

XXVI. Cold.

XXVII. Yes. 

XXVIII. Also yes.

20 minutes ago, Rixia Mao said:

thoughts on psychology
what's your dream career if you have something in mind

It's quite an interesting field. Human interactions are my favorite thing to study. 

I'm a multipotentialite, so my dream career is one that I make up myself. I'll call myself a "creativity specialist".

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then you should consider studying psychology some more. i'm asking as a psych nerd
you missed my edit too:

classical or operant conditioning?

Edited by Rixia Mao
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1 minute ago, Rixia Mao said:

then you should consider studying psychology some more. i'm asking as a psych nerd
you missed my edit too:

classical or operant conditioning?

Classical. I don't remember much, but I remember liking that one more.

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6 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

26) Homeschoolers can still take the SAT or ACT. Also, there are several colleges that make it very easy for homeschoolers to enroll. Homeschoolers can actually start college early if they're smart enough. For instance, I'm no genius, but I skipped high school and went straight to college and haven't had any major issues. 

I guess that makes sense.

6 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

27) Math. I love the logical skills it uses.

Good choice my friend, good choice! The only right choice.

6 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

28) English. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. Which is why I hate it when "professionals" tell you you have to write about a certain thing in a certain way with a certain word count. There's nothing creative about that!


2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Are those Pokemon? I've never actually played.


You're kidding right?

29) Why did you not play Pokemon?

30) What other important things did you miss?

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2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

I guess that makes sense.

Good choice my friend, good choice! The only right choice.



You're kidding right?

29) Why did you not play Pokemon?

30) What other important things did you miss?

29) I've only played video games for the past two years, and I still haven't played very many. The most important thing to me in an RPG is the story and the characters, not the gameplay. Pokemon just seems so gameplay-centered. I'm sure I'll play one eventually... after I finish playing all of the more promising games on my need-to-play list.

30) I was homeschooled, so... everything? I dunno, you tell me!

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6 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

XXV. April Ludgate. She's a feminine, slightly darker version of myself.

XXVI. Cold.

XXVII. Yes. 

XXVIII. Also yes.

Yes, yes, more yes, and a greater "yes." Though I slightly prefer Ron Swanson.

2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

29) I've only played video games for the past two years, and I still haven't played very many. The most important thing to me in an RPG is the story and the characters, not the gameplay. Pokemon just seems so gameplay-centered. I'm sure I'll play one eventually... after I finish playing all of the more promising games on my need-to-play list.

Same, sort of - I prefer story to gameplay. However, if I might say something, Pokemon Black and White, as well as Sun and Moon, all have rather good stories, if you were ever wanting to get into Pokemon. (And Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky has one of the best stories I've ever seen, though that game would be kinda difficult for a "noob" to Pokemon.)

XXIX. Is the Byzantine Empire its own entity, or is it part of the Roman Empire?

XXX. Thoughts on this myth?

XXXI. How about this one?

XXXII. Did you know Rex Glacies means "King of Ice?"

XXXIII. I know a farmer that has a... colossal... appetite. (E.g. he'll fill his plate up as high as it is wide and ask for seconds.) Do you have such an appetite?

XXXIV. I also know someone who also has peacocks on their farm. What... exactly do they do (aside from looking unique)?

XXXV. Time or money?

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49 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Yes, yes, more yes, and a greater "yes." Though I slightly prefer Ron Swanson.

Same, sort of - I prefer story to gameplay. However, if I might say something, Pokemon Black and White, as well as Sun and Moon, all have rather good stories, if you were ever wanting to get into Pokemon. (And Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky has one of the best stories I've ever seen, though that game would be kinda difficult for a "noob" to Pokemon.)

XXIX. Is the Byzantine Empire its own entity, or is it part of the Roman Empire?

XXX. Thoughts on this myth?

XXXI. How about this one?

XXXII. Did you know Rex Glacies means "King of Ice?"

XXXIII. I know a farmer that has a... colossal... appetite. (E.g. he'll fill his plate up as high as it is wide and ask for seconds.) Do you have such an appetite?

XXXIV. I also know someone who also has peacocks on their farm. What... exactly do they do (aside from looking unique)?

XXXV. Time or money?

XXIX. It was part of the Roman Empire, but then it separated. Depending on who you ask, however, it can be said that the Byzantine Empire was the true Roman Empire all along.

XXX. I'm sorry, anytime I hear these old Norse myths I think of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston.

XXXI. ...and you just made me imagine Chris Hemsworth crossdressing. Thanks a lot.

XXXII. Rex=T-Rex=king of dinosaurs. Glacies=Glacier=cold. I know enough about Latin to be able to guess what a lot of those phrases mean.

XXXIII. I have a large appetite, but not that large!

XXXIV. They eat bugs. Particularly ticks, which are a serious problem where I come from. Also, their feathers are great tickle wands!

XXXV. Time.

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11 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

29) I've only played video games for the past two years, and I still haven't played very many. The most important thing to me in an RPG is the story and the characters, not the gameplay. Pokemon just seems so gameplay-centered. I'm sure I'll play one eventually... after I finish playing all of the more promising games on my need-to-play list.

30) I was homeschooled, so... everything? I dunno, you tell me!

Hmm, I guess that's fair. It's also one of the reasons I stopped playing Pokemon games. It's just.... you don't know Pokemon....

31) Do you like any sports?

32) Do you like card games (I mean the ones played with actual playing cards)?

33) How about board games?

34) Do you live far away from a city?

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12 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

The most important thing to me in an RPG is the story and the characters, not the gameplay.

It game

Game all that matter 

They make the story interesting to get you roped in and eventually you'll end up buying into the whole series arguing online about your OTP

Just like fire emblem!


1337. Say something that makes you sound like a boss :B):

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1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

Hmm, I guess that's fair. It's also one of the reasons I stopped playing Pokemon games. It's just.... you don't know Pokemon....

31) Do you like any sports?

32) Do you like card games (I mean the ones played with actual playing cards)?

33) How about board games?

34) Do you live far away from a city?

I promise, I'll play one... when I get around to it.

31) I play cornhole and watch the Super Bowl. But the latter I do mostly for the commercials.

32) A few. Russian rummy, spades, and such. Go Fish is always fun with kids. I've actually never played played poker or bridge, though.

33) I used to love board games. Risk is my favorite, but I haven't played it in 4 years. The problem is that in order to play a good board game, you need 3-6 people with 4+ hours of spare time on their hands. That's a rare situation on the farm. It's kind of sad, actually. One of the main reasons I picked up video gaming was because you can do it by yourself and put it down at anytime.

34) Our farm is located in a sweet spot for our kind of business. We're situated conveniently so that it only takes about 20 minutes to get to "town" and we are only two hours away from 4 of Virginia's biggest populated areas, which makes deliveries easier. However, we are far enough into the country that we have good land, room for expansion, and no property-hungry developers to worry about.

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

It game

Game all that matter 

They make the story interesting to get you roped in and eventually you'll end up buying into the whole series arguing online about your OTP

Just like fire emblem!


1337. Say something that makes you sound like a boss :B):

1337. Oh, I love this! "Who said I was perfect? Even gods make mistakes. That's why there are people like you in the world!"

I'm a really mean boss. I actually have a chalkboard in the parlor that says "IT HAS BEEN ___ DAYS SINCE THE LAST CATASTROPHE. IT WAS ___________'S FAULT. 

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I'm sending these on my phone, so I'm sorry if they end up messed up or something. I think I got to 40 but I'm not sure.

41. Favourite Star Wars film?

42. Favourite Star Wars character?

43. Do you like sci-fi?

44. Ever read any of Tolkien's work?

45. Do you like apple pie?

46. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

47. What's the temperature like where you are right now?

48. Favourite weather conditions?

49. Do you like swimming?

50. Are there any FE characters that you most relate to/empathise with?

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1 hour ago, Natalie said:

I'm sending these on my phone, so I'm sorry if they end up messed up or something. I think I got to 40 but I'm not sure.

41. Favourite Star Wars film?

42. Favourite Star Wars character?

43. Do you like sci-fi?

44. Ever read any of Tolkien's work?

45. Do you like apple pie?

46. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

47. What's the temperature like where you are right now?

48. Favourite weather conditions?

49. Do you like swimming?

50. Are there any FE characters that you most relate to/empathise with?

Natalie! I knew you'd be back.

41. To be honest, I've found that I really like Rogue One. It just made me feel so nostalgic. When they brought out the AT-ATs, I cried.

42. Lando's pretty cool.

43. Yes.

44. Yes.

45. Yes, but I like strawberry pie more.

46. Pizza.

47. Somewhere in the 70s. Fahrenheit, that is.

48. I love those short little spring thunderstorms where everything gets windy and rainy for about thirty minutes.

49. Not particularly. I'm more of a hot tub person.

50. I'm a lot like Stahl. I don't really like him that much, though.

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6. Would you like to learn any foreign languages?
7. What makes Blazing Blade your favorite FE game?
8. Favorite Tolkien character(s)?
9. Least favorite Tolkien character(s)?
10. The Akallabêth was your favorite Tolkien story, right? 
11. If so, you must be familiar with the element in Tolkienology that Men are restless and always seeking something, but not knowing what. What do you think it is that Men seek?
12. Favorite Númenórean King?
13. If given the choice, would you rather be an Elf, a Dwarf or a Man?
14. The tale of the children of Húrin or the tale of Beren and Lúthien?
15. Which Tolkien books have you read?
16. Have you heard any of Clamavi de Profundis' renditions of Tolkien songs?
17. Favorite Roman Emperor(s)?
18. Do you ever ride a bike?
19. Do you have any interest in law?

And since Calvinism was mentioned:
20. Are you familiar with the theory of predetermination? If so, what do you think of it?

21. Are you familiar with the disagreement on predetermination between the remonstrants and the contraremonstrants? If so, who do you think was right about it?

On 13-9-2017 at 3:28 AM, SullyMcGully said:

12. Controversial. You don't really want to know.

22. What if I do? :^)

On 13-9-2017 at 1:14 PM, SullyMcGully said:

34. Because then @Arcanite would be all like, "hey, why don't you name a kid after me?", and then @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I would hop on board  and NONE OF THOSE are good names for innocent children.

Hey man, Hattusili/Claudius/Daniel are perfect names for children.
Especially Hattusili. There aren't enough of those around nowadays.

On 13-9-2017 at 3:31 PM, SullyMcGully said:

28) English. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. Which is why I hate it when "professionals" tell you you have to write about a certain thing in a certain way with a certain word count. There's nothing creative about that!


On 13-9-2017 at 7:10 PM, SullyMcGully said:

31. I know a few words in Latin.

A, video te quoque hominem culturae esse.

14 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

XXIX. It was part of the Roman Empire, but then it separated.



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59 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

6. Would you like to learn any foreign languages?
7. What makes Blazing Blade your favorite FE game?
8. Favorite Tolkien character(s)?
9. Least favorite Tolkien character(s)?
10. The Akallabêth was your favorite Tolkien story, right? 
11. If so, you must be familiar with the element in Tolkienology that Men are restless and always seeking something, but not knowing what. What do you think it is that Men seek?
12. Favorite Númenórean King?
13. If given the choice, would you rather be an Elf, a Dwarf or a Man?
14. The tale of the children of Húrin or the tale of Beren and Lúthien?
15. Which Tolkien books have you read?
16. Have you heard any of Clamavi de Profundis' renditions of Tolkien songs?
17. Favorite Roman Emperor(s)?
18. Do you ever ride a bike?
19. Do you have any interest in law?

And since Calvinism was mentioned:
20. Are you familiar with the theory of predetermination? If so, what do you think of it?

21. Are you familiar with the disagreement on predetermination between the remonstrants and the contraremonstrants? If so, who do you think was right about it?

22. What if I do? :^)

Hey man, Hattusili/Claudius/Daniel are perfect names for children.
Especially Hattusili. There aren't enough of those around nowadays.


A, video te quoque hominem culturae esse.



6. Yes, but I probably never will.

7. I like the worldbuilding, the characters, the gameplay, and the script. It's fairly deep by Fire Emblem standards.

8. Gollum. I love complicated characters.

9. Tom Bombadil. He's not a horrible character, he just feels out of place in Middle-Earth.

10. Maybe? I last read that stuff when I was thirteen, and I don't remember all of the names.

11. Maybe Men want to be immortal like the Elves? I don't know.

12. The first one. I forgot what his name was.

13. I'd prefer Elf, but Dwarf wouldn't be too bad of a fit.

14. Hurin. Beren and Luthien's tale always sounded to wild and unrealistic to take place in the serious Tolkien universe.

15. The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Silmarillion. 

16. No.

17. Augustus. 

18. I know how to, but in a world without pavement, they can get stuck in a lot of places.

19. I have an interest in justice, but not that farce that they call law! My brother-in-law wants to be a Supreme Court Justice and he can be annoyingly intelligent sometimes. 

20. Yeah, I know a fair bit about it. I don't think it works out in the end. My disbelief in predeterminism is one of the main reasons I'm not a Calvinist... or an atheist, for that matter.

21. Nope. They don't exactly teach you this in Sunday School. Should I look it up?

22. I'll PM you if you really want to know. Do you really want to know?


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15 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

XXIX. It was part of the Roman Empire, but then it separated. Depending on who you ask, however, it can be said that the Byzantine Empire was the true Roman Empire all along.

XXX. I'm sorry, anytime I hear these old Norse myths I think of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston.

XXXI. ...and you just made me imagine Chris Hemsworth crossdressing. Thanks a lot.

This is not a suitable answer. You went for the politically correct answer. I do not want the politically correct answer. I want your answer.

And you're not alone. I'm pretty sure everyone imagines the Norse myths with them in it.

5 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

33) I used to love board games. Risk is my favorite, but I haven't played it in 4 years. The problem is that in order to play a good board game, you need 3-6 people with 4+ hours of spare time on their hands. That's a rare situation on the farm. It's kind of sad, actually. One of the main reasons I picked up video gaming was because you can do it by yourself and put it down at anytime.

It's a rare situation anywhere. Alas, few are willing to spend 4+ hours in a game while watching me conquer the world and obliterate their forces. It truly is sad.

3 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

41. To be honest, I've found that I really like Rogue One. It just made me feel so nostalgic. When they brought out the AT-ATs, I cried.

I almost cried as well.

3 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

50. I'm a lot like Stahl. I don't really like him that much, though.

So, you're saying you do have a big appetite?

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

A, video te quoque hominem culturae esse.

Cur non cogito qu?

I know my grammar is bad.

1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

9. Tom Bombadil. He's not a horrible character, he just feels out of place in Middle-Earth.

You're going to regret saying that. I don't hold it against you, but others...

XXXVI. Don't be politically correct here, and don't say something just because you think it's what I want to hear. Was the Roman Empire conquered by Odoacer in 476, or by Mehmed in 1453?

XXXVII. Do you like chess?

XXXVIII. Would you say you are more logical or emotional?

XXXIX. Do you know many other homeschoolers (aside from your family)?

XL. Are you more of a dreamer and theorist or do you pay more attention to the facts?

XLI. Do you read books often?

XLII. Do you make plans or do you go with the flow?

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