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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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6 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

XXXVI. Why do you like Caligula?

XXXVII. Was the Byzantine Empire its own entity, or was it an extension of the Roman Empire?

XXXVIII. Favorite Egyptian myth?

XXXIX. Favorite Egyptian god, if any?

XL. Have you enjoyed your interview so far?

XXXVI. He was the only Roman Emperor to make a horse his consul which is pretty interesting

XXXVII. It has been a while since I last did any history so I might be a little bit uncertain as to how to answer the question.  My instincts tell me that the Byzantine Empire was its own entity in the end of the Roman Empire.

XXXVIII. The Myth of Osiris and his wife Isis

XXXIX. The goddess Isis

XL. Yes yes, I have :D:


5 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Hey again Chloey! Sorry I missed most of your interview. I SWEAR that it's not because you aren't an interesting person, I've just been cramming school lately. You are very interesting and I will read this interview in full once I have the time.

11. What does a "vegemite sandwich" taste like?

12. What does it mean to "chunder"?

13. Does everybody in Australia like the Men at Work?

14. When I was a kid, there was this Australian guy on TV called "Steve the Crocodile Hunter". I used to love watching him all the time but then he died. Have you ever heard of him?

15. How has your interview been?


11. Why don't you try one?  It's a bit hard to describe something to someone that might not understand it.

12. Google it...*sighs* well I suppose I did and apparently it means to vomit...the more you know

13. The same as anywhere else I suppose

14.  Obviously...the question would be which young Aussie hasn't heard of the bloke?  Only those that were born after his death.

15.  So far so good I'd say :XD:


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2 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

Arcanite was Interviewed a while back and reinterviews are only on multiples of ten so you would have to wait for the 150'th interview 

Oh, must have missed that on the list. Swear I checked all names.

in that case, I nominate you

@Mackc2... unless I missed you on the list.

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As he appears to be content being nominated, DisobeyedCargo and Sully's name for...

Huh. Quotes don't appear to be working right now. I guess I'll just copy and paste hewhomunchesonbutts.ops

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sorry for making my own AMA. I didn’t think of it but another poster kinda made me think maybe it was rude of me since you have this topic, I basically did this without being nominated. So I’m so sorry. 



so for my nomination i nominate Nym of course  

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9: buttmuncher.ops
3: Carter
3: DisobeyedCargo
2: Mackc2
2: DefaultBeep
2: Mewyeon
2: Sigismund of Luxemburg

5 hours ago, IEatLasers said:

sorry for making my own AMA. I didn’t think of it but another poster kinda made me think maybe it was rude of me since you have this topic, I basically did this without being nominated. So I’m so sorry. 



so for my nomination i nominate Nym of course  

You can make whatever thread you want. I don't think there's anything wrong with making an AMA thread. 


Nym has already been interviewed (#96). 
You may nominate someone else instead.

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