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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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3 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

18. So when are we gonna meet up?

19. Do you sleep on your stomach, side, or back?

20. Can I call you Bloody Sharii?

21. How's your CV looking now? Take on any of my advice?

22. If you had to learn a weapon used in the Trails series, what would it be? For example, I'd learn how to use the tonfas.

18. In the year 20XX at an international melee tournament. We will be matched up in losers quarter finals. Prepare yourself.

19. I alternate between side and back. 

20. You can call me 血染めのシャーリィ.

21. I took some of it. Other things like references are typically omitted around here.

22. I actually have some background in kendo and fencing from college, so katana or rapier would make sense. Though if we're considering unrealistic fantasy weapons, I'd probably be in the Vander school. 

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54. favourite word to use
55. favourite word in general
56. favourite japanese word
57. are you a morning or night person?
58. what are some of your hobbies besides trails?

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9 minutes ago, KeA said:

54. favourite word to use
55. favourite word in general
56. favourite japanese word
57. are you a morning or night person?
58. what are some of your hobbies besides trails?

54. Melancholy. My least favorite right now is probably ostensibly, because one of my good friends uses it way too often in conversation.

55. Circumambulate 

56. I'm gonna cheat here and give you a favorite phrase instead: 頭が痛い

57. When I'm actually on a decent sleep schedule, night person.

58. Weight lifting, though I haven't done much of it since graduation. Also pixel art, composing music, and playing the piano.


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1. Cake or pie? What kind?

2. Favorite kind of dog?

3. Favorite Mario game?

4. Favorite Mario character?

5. Qualities within yourself you feel have grown significantly or even shown up for the first time within the past year? Anything from skills, emotions, virtues, etc.

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XXIX. What do you have against serious conversation?

XXX. Samurai or ninja?

XXXI. Favorite Pokemon type?

XXXII. Is it better to tell a harsh truth or a kind lie?

XXXIII. Are you a fan of Disney?

XXXIV. Would you prefer to receive more serious questions, or a bit more lighthearted and nonsensical?

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On 10/20/2017 at 3:39 PM, Arcanite said:


This is what I look like naked:

  Reveal hidden contents


You like, son?

How do I say this discretely... you seem to have reasonably high core strength, and lots of compatible openings. Just remember to cool off every once in awhile, son.


On 10/20/2017 at 11:25 PM, Gemma said:

1. Cake or pie? What kind?

2. Favorite kind of dog?

3. Favorite Mario game?

4. Favorite Mario character?

5. Qualities within yourself you feel have grown significantly or even shown up for the first time within the past year? Anything from skills, emotions, virtues, etc.

1. I don't eat too much of either due to celiac disease, but when I do occasionally get something gluten free, cheesecake would be my pick. Google tells me it's technically a pie despite being called a cake, so pie I guess.

2. Shiba. They cute, although I don't think I could really take care of a pet anytime in the near future.

3. Melee. Nothing beats Super Mario 64 in my book. 

4. Chain Chomp. 

5. Actually, if anything I've digressed within the past year. I've been kinda stuck since graduating college. My final semester was a total burnout, and going back to live with my family while most of my friends already had jobs was... not so appealing. It was certainly worthwhile for me to rest and recharge, but hasn't really given me any means to grow as a person per se.

On 10/20/2017 at 11:59 PM, Rex Glacies said:

XXIX. What do you have against serious conversation?

XXX. Samurai or ninja?

XXXI. Favorite Pokemon type?

XXXII. Is it better to tell a harsh truth or a kind lie?

XXXIII. Are you a fan of Disney?

XXXIV. Would you prefer to receive more serious questions, or a bit more lighthearted and nonsensical?

XXIX. From Olivier's perspective, it is impossible to flirt with anyone and everyone when the conversation goes serious.

XXX. My kendo bias leads me to answer samurai. Both are very interesting from a historical perspective.

XXXI. Dragon

XXXII. I think erring on the side of honesty is typically for the better, though I do see the benefits of telling white lies for the sake of comforting someone. If someone's dealing with emotional pain, harsh truths are just going to make them feel worse.

XXXIII. I haven't seen a Disney movie in many years, though I hardly watch movies anymore in any capacity. Definitely not my thing anymore. 

XXXIV. Doesn't really matter to me all that much, but I think I prefer silly over serious. For more details, please see signature.

Edited by Taav
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14 hours ago, KeA said:

54. how has your interview been so far? yes, i know there's another day to it
55. what do you like about Japan?
57. long hair or short hair on girls?
58. on guys?

54. For this particular job, I'm done with the phone interview phase and I'm waiting to hear back on whether they want to proceed to the on-site interview. Depending on how good or bad my performance was, I could already be done, or I could be taking a trip to Boston. As usual, I panicked during the coding parts of the phone interview, though I managed to get through it in one piece. Overall, it went a lot better than my last phone interview, which was basically two software engineers firing lots of technical questions at me for things that didn't seem relevant to the position I was applying for. Never got any response after that and my self-esteem took a pretty bad hit from the whole ordeal.

55. Well, like any country, it has it's perks and problems. Aside from the obvious interest in Japanese media, I'm very interested in martial arts. I used to practice shorin ryu when I was younger, and getting into kendo has revived that interest quite a bit. I also really like the history of East and South Asia in particular, and Japan... hopefully I'll someday muster up enough motivation to start rereading some of my tomes from college. But I think the thing that interests me the most about Japan right now is its passion surrounding robotics. The field has a very different atmosphere compared to robotics in the U.S. Far more peaceful, quirky, maybe not always entirely practical but absolutely overflowing with creativity. I'll stop there to avoid overgeneralizing. 

56. Yeah, no question 56? You thought I wouldn't notice!? Too bad for you!

57/58. Hmm... I don't really have a strong feeling on whether guys or girls should have long or short hair, if that's what this question is about. I do have some pet peeves for guys' hairstyles though. "Man buns" and super short hair like buzz cuts are just bad taste imo. 

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Default Beep and Disobeyed Cargo
I appreciate the votes for me however this week is my last week on uni and I have a concert this weekend so I really don't have the time this week. Feel free to vote me next week though.

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