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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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39 minutes ago, Koneko said:

1 //  What would you consider to be your strengths? What about weaknesses?
2 // If you had a heads up display that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show?
3 // Rank your top five touhou and explain why they're your favorites!
4 // What is your fondest childhood memory?
5 // If you could live in the universe of any novel, tv show, or film, what would it be and why?

1) My greatest strength and my greatest weakness are probably the same thing -- I find it trivially easy to drop all emotional attachment to anything, if I need to. It means I can approach things from a pretty objective standpoint even if I would otherwise be biased by personal preferences, and it means I find it fairly easy to stay calm in most stressful situations (as long as I'm paying attention). It also means I find it difficult to force myself to do things, because as a consequence I find it very difficult to get emotionally attached to anything, and that includes myself or what might broadly be defined as my personal interests.

2) I think that would make life too easy. I like the process of getting better at understanding people based on what they choose to show. I like things how they are, mostly. If anything, I would just want names, because I cannot for the life of me remember names.

3) I can do top 3. I don't tend to really expand things beyond that -- my preferences change based on my mood and everything else is too broad-strokes.

    3 - Reimu Hakurei - Well, there's a reason my bot's got a Reimu picture and motif. I love the aesthetic, and the general approach of 'view every problem as exactly the same'.
    2 - Marisa Kirisame - She's pretty much me, tbh. Explosive, aggressively weird and not insecure about it, curious, fairly unkempt, and extremely creative in the strangest ways. You can probably thank @dekw for her making my top 5.
    1 - Utsuho Reiuji - She's aesthetically perfect (incredible surreal cape, nuclear power, flight, fire, all of the Haru checkboxes hit in one). She's also fairly simple, and motivated by a desire I can relate to, which is just to have home the way she remembered it.
4) When I was fairly young: after two years of planning and practicing and teaching myself how to manipulate the RNG in really stupid roundabout ways, when I finished my route for Thracia 776 and saw the big, shiny SSS.

5) I live in this world. It's far from perfect, but that's part of the charm.

27 minutes ago, Iris said:

hello! thanks for taking some time to answer our questions. :tangerineglasses:

1. what are some of your favorite and least favorite words?

2. what's the origin of your name Harudoku?

3. what's your biggest pet peeve?

4. what are your favorite video games besides fire emblem?

5. what's an unpopular opinion you have?


18 minutes ago, Iris said:

sh, i have to ask these before i forget.

6. which final fantasy tactics game is the best and why?

7. what race did you play in Starcraft?

8. YES, SOMEONE WHO LIKES OLD SCHOOL RUNESCAPE. how long have you been playing it, and what's your favorite part about it? if you were a member at some point, what was your favorite minigame?

1) Favorite: Truth. Epiphany. Ignition. Acceptance. Eternity. Anything with some weight is good. You might think I'd put 'a' here, but you'd be correct; a. I don't really have any least favorite words.

2) Needed a moniker. Thought it was a name I'd heard on some show somewhere. It was not. Turns out it was taken nowhere. Took it. It's mine now.

3) People refusing to try to understand each other and treat each other like humans.

4) As listed above, mostly, which you appear to have addressed in your followup post... but I think I also have to mention the greatest game of all time, AI War: Fleet Command for being a little-known gem of a co-op strategy game which defies standard genre. Excellent music design, intuitive and interesting gameplay, and a whole lot of quality of life, along with a fairly active and reasonable developer make it easily the game I'm happiest to recommend trying.

5) I don't really pay attention to how popular or unpopular my opinions are. I think people need to pay less attention to that and more attention to the opinions themselves and why they exist.

6) The OG FFT. Though, probably with the War of the Lions translation. I just love the mechanics, love the tone, love the story, love the characters. You finish missions excited to unlock new skills and enter missions excited to try them out. It just feels really nice.

7) Protoss for days. Always gotta go with the technologically-advanced space-magicians and their cool ethereal themes and aesthetic. 'sides, Carriers are the best ship type and High Templars are rad.

8) I've been playing a long time, I'd say. I definitely prefer bossing to minigames -- I've got ~200 Corporeal Beast solos, for instance.

11 minutes ago, euklyd said:

[not a question] i'm quite excited for this

6) [is a question] there are a lot of paths to go down; do you have any idea where you'd start with the discworld series?

7) favorite bug(s) in harufe?

8+) favorite mtg color? guild? shard/wedge? why?

10) which harold is your favorite? (for reference, jugdral has coruta, harold, magorn, musar, papillon, ridale, and zyne)

6) Kay has recommended Good Omens. Any recommendations of your own?

7) This one, bar none

8) I'm five-color. I'd probably say blue/izzet/jeskai just for historical reasons -- spell-based decks are my favorite and they just tend to have the most evocative mechanics, to me -- but I'm pretty firmly five-color by now, happy to play just about anything.

38 minutes ago, Dragonflare7 said:

Woah, I guess I understand the bit about other discord bots giving useless levels. That's a cool idea to expand upon. :o

But okay, I guess I'm as cool as Haru is guys, I'm rolling with it now. B)


33 minutes ago, peener weener said:

but it's me, gui, from tv

my answer stands :Lakche:

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7 minutes ago, Iris said:


9.THE PEOPLE deserve to know the answer to this. also, what's the funniest thing someone's posted to the bot?

9) I think we're on... five? people? Don't quote me on that.

5 minutes ago, BLSoldier said:

1: Remember me?

2: What made you join this forum?

1) Ye. Been a while, BLS.

2) Probably just following up on some stupid FETO thing or someone linked me via IRC or something. I do not recall.

3 minutes ago, SB. said:

1) When are you buffing Mage Fighter?

2) What (in your opinion) is the best way to make Mage Fighter viable?

3) What is the worst unit you've ever seen to reach promotion? How does Sborge compare?

4) What was the most broken thing to ever exist in HaruFE?

5) If you weren't using Reimu, what other character would you use to represent the bot?

1) Literally considering it already.

2) Probably just the addition of a skill to the starting kit. They're better than people think they are.

3) If we don't count Little Bobby Tables, it's... uh... ...Frankly, I have no idea. There are too many characters and people abandon the bad ones way too quickly. I've definitely seen worse than Sborge, though.

4) Well, one time I made Strike Twice proc itself, and at the same time, there was a bug that made it forget to remove the 'striking twice' status from the character and prorate the damage, which resulted in me doing this to FINALDUMMY and defeating it after about 960 hits. That was fun.

5) I would have no idea.

1 minute ago, Iris said:

ok i'll stop at 10. for now.

10. can i be invite to euklyd and harubot's wedding?


10) yes

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4 minutes ago, #!/dev/haru said:

2) Probably just the addition of a skill to the starting kit. They're better than people think they are.

Oh, I meant if I was going to make a Mage Fighter literally right now rather than "how would you change it" because I've never seen one that wasn't depressing statistically. 

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11) Re-asking: 

22 minutes ago, Iris said:

also, what's the funniest thing someone's posted to the bot?


Not a question:

6 minutes ago, #!/dev/haru said:

Kay has recommended Good Omens. Any recommendations of your own?

I think the City Watch sub-series is probably the most universally well-regarded, for good reason, to the point where it dominated much of Pratchett's later writings.

I'm a huge fan of Small Gods, though, which is (mostly) standalone.

I'd need more time to think of other favorites, because there are so many different things I enjoy about the series.

Also, I think Good Omens isn't technically Discworld (collaboration w/ Neil Gaiman set on Earth, iirc). I still need to read it myself.

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1 minute ago, SB. said:

Oh, I meant if I was going to make a Mage Fighter literally right now rather than "how would you change it" because I've never seen one that wasn't depressing statistically. 

Oh. Haru started as a Mage Fighter and the only stat I added (shrine boons aside) was LCK. +CON is fairly good if you want to do the siege build, and +RES is great for an all-around magic-focused hybrid and seriously underrated. Frankly, the defensive boons in general are seriously underrated.

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Hi Haru

1) How do I beat Zea up? You can't win forever!!
2) Opinions on Laguz? 
3) Add Laguz in game! ( Wait that's not a question ) Would you consider adding Laguz in the game?
4) Where are you going to plant Lyliacae's lily? ( Linearis asked )
5) What is your favorite food and drink? ( Taylor and Talowen asked )

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1 minute ago, Reiyson said:

Hi Haru

1) How do I beat Zea up? You can't win forever!!
2) Opinions on Laguz? 
3) Add Laguz in game! ( Wait that's not a question ) Would you consider adding Laguz in the game?
4) Where are you going to plant Lyliacae's lily? ( Linearis asked )
5) What is your favorite food and drink? ( Taylor and Talowen asked )

1) get gud

2) Eh.

3) Yeah, eventually. Infrastructure is in place but I have much bigger things on my plate.

4) It's in one of the many small flower patches growing out of Eira's dragon form. Don't ask how it got there, or do, if you want.

5) I like coffee (black, or with cream) and I like seafood, particularly non-fish seafood like calamari and scallops. Anything spicy is good, too. I'm not fond of anything sugary.

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6 minutes ago, euklyd said:

11) Re-asking: 

Funniest thing etc etc

To answer this one: I don't retain anything I see flashing past. I let people keep their privacy and don't keep track, and HaruBot only keeps persistent logs of command usage except in extreme situations. I do quite often watch people (particularly @dekw) mistype commands repeatedly and then get annoyed, and I also occasionally see people just dueling the same person over and over again for one reason or another. People thanking the bot is another favorite.

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1: Which is the best Ravnica guild, and why izzet your favourite?

2: What is your favourite animal?

3: What achievements in games (whether structured or self-defined) are you most proud of?

4: If train A leaves the station going 90 kilometres per hour and train B leaves one hour later going 135 kilometres per hour, but train A is on fire, will train B be able to catch up with train A? And if so, will it attempt to put out the fire, or simply drill right through the back of the train to reach its destination at its appointed time?

5: What's one time someone surprised you the most, in a good way?

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10 minutes ago, Parrhesia said:

1: Which is the best Ravnica guild, and why izzet your favourite?

2: What is your favourite animal?

3: What achievements in games (whether structured or self-defined) are you most proud of?

4: If train A leaves the station going 90 kilometres per hour and train B leaves one hour later going 135 kilometres per hour, but train A is on fire, will train B be able to catch up with train A? And if so, will it attempt to put out the fire, or simply drill right through the back of the train to reach its destination at its appointed time?

5: What's one time someone surprised you the most, in a good way?

1) The best Ravnica guild is Selesnya, and Golgari is my favorite because Boros is based on the black/blue spell synergy and milling, which synergized well with the Orzhov mechanic of -- actually, strike that shitpost, I literally don't remember the Orzhov mechanic from Ravnica 1.

2) DOG backwards is GOD

3) The SSS in Thracia 776, and "IT WAS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURE" in AI War: Fleet Command.

4) Well, you see, Train B will attempt to drill through the back of Train A, but Train A, being galvanized by fire, will simply assimilate Train B and due to the properties of fire momentum, the trains will thereafter hurtle along the tracks together at 90^135 KPH (which is about 2.2 * 10<sup>255</sup> times the speed of light, thus resulting in the End Of All That Is and the creation of the universe).

5) That's a hard one. Watching one of my friends pull all the way out of depression was a unique experience that I've never seen before. For the most part, I don't assume enough about what people will do to be surprised.

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Oh, questions?!?! I've got some.

1) What is your opinion on RNG nonsense?

2) Who do you look up to as a Hero Figure?

3) Will you play Vestaria Saga when the full game becomes available in English?

4) What is the most absurd game stat Harubot tracks?

5) Is the level 8 ~Chessmastery badge for anyone who has over 100 Chessfacts or is it only for the person with the most?

6) Last one, but it's more than one. Favorite Poem, Book, Movie, and specifically favorite Comedic book/movie/song/play/game/whatever else is really funny?


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Yay. A fellow FFT fan.

  1. Would you recommend FFT to a SRPG newbie? If so, how?
  2. Do you think it would be possible to beat FFT without That Character I Will Not Name But Once You Get Him Busts the Game Wide Open?
  3. Ever played Vagrant Story too? Given the chance, would you want to tie the lores of that world and FFT's together? And how would you go about it, gameplay-wise?
  4. Ever read other books by the late Terry Pratchett?
  5. Do you believe that The Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42?
Edited by Karimlan
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Hi, Haru.


1. If you had one superpower, what would it be?

2. With the recent success of HaruFE, did you ever imagine that the game would grow this big?

3. What are you currently working on right now (at this moment!) with HaruFE? Story? Pair-up? Arena? Or anything else?


Have a great day!

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1) What is shockwave's recipe? ( from Arisu )

2 ) What is your inspiration of Mystic and Cryptic?

3 ) Is creating prf off-hand equipment down the line?

4 )  Favorite D&D magical item? ( from Talowen )

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1 hour ago, Ϲharlie said:

Did you know that I used to secretly call you Harudork?

I'm not surprised

1 hour ago, Sakusa said:



1 hour ago, BestFriendJ0 said:

Oh, questions?!?! I've got some.

1) What is your opinion on RNG nonsense?

2) Who do you look up to as a Hero Figure?

3) Will you play Vestaria Saga when the full game becomes available in English?

4) What is the most absurd game stat Harubot tracks?

5) Is the level 8 ~Chessmastery badge for anyone who has over 100 Chessfacts or is it only for the person with the most?

6) Last one, but it's more than one. Favorite Poem, Book, Movie, and specifically favorite Comedic book/movie/song/play/game/whatever else is really funny?


1) RNG nonsense is great and forces people to adapt their approaches

2) I don't really have heroes. Many people have qualities that I respect and appreciate but no one is perfect.

3) Maybe. Time is a thing.

4) :)

5) Anyone over 100

6) Not much of a poetry person, but I always liked Silverstein when I was young. I barely remember it, but my favorite book (and comedic book, as well) was probably Restaurant at the End of the Universe. ...Frankly I'm less of a movie person than I am a book person, but my favorite movie is probably a Disney or Pixar movie. Atlantis: The Lost Empire, maybe, just because the technology and atmosphere were always wondrous and I loved the characters and the feel-good of the plot near the ending.

1 hour ago, Karimlan said:

Yay. A fellow FFT fan.

  1. Would you recommend FFT to a SRPG newbie? If so, how?
  2. Do you think it would be possible to beat FFT without That Character I Will Not Name But Once You Get Him Busts the Game Wide Open?
  3. Ever played Vagrant Story too? Given the chance, would you want to tie the lores of that world and FFT's together? And how would you go about it, gameplay-wise?
  4. Ever read other books by the late Terry Pratchett?
  5. Do you believe that The Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42?

1) I honestly couldn't tell you. I don't recommend to people based on my interests, I recommend based on theirs -- if they're into weird political intrigue and/or can appreciate the fairly dark tone and animations, absolutely. If they like fairly janky mechanics and open-ended character customization, maybe. Otherwise, it might be a hard sell, because it's a bit of a weird game -- they'd certainly have to be a patient sort, particularly with some of the bullshit like the Wiegraf fight.

2) Not to be rude, but if you can't beat the game without that character, you should go back and play through again, try some new things. Game has a lot of fun mechanics. Personally I'm particularly a fan of the 1.3 patch, but it's got some really unforgiving scaling and isn't for everyone.

3) I have not. Never found the time or interest.

4) Sadly, no.

5) The meaning of life is that which we assign it.

1 hour ago, Maxwell said:

Hi, Haru.


1. If you had one superpower, what would it be?

2. With the recent success of HaruFE, did you ever imagine that the game would grow this big?

3. What are you currently working on right now (at this moment!) with HaruFE? Story? Pair-up? Arena? Or anything else?


Have a great day!

1) I would want to be able to generate a new, comfortable, perfect pair of socks any time I wanted to. It would be a low-key superpower -- I'd rather not throw off the balance of power of the world, I don't think I have quite the perspective to handle that responsibility -- but it would mean I could wear a new pair of socks every single day of my life, and socks are probably the most important/underappreciated piece of clothing to donate. If I had to not be stupid about it, teleportation would be useful and could probably solve some world problems, but god that's boring and I have better things to do.

2) I have a fairly good imagination, so I could definitely see it happening. I don't ever have any expectations, though.

3) The answer to this one is, I'm afraid, fairly boring most of the time. The last week or so have been "I updated <this and that> infrastructure in a way the players will never really notice that helps me do future things!"  ...Except today, when I literally made it so I can generate new arenas in like a minute. So that's pretty cool. Once the infrastructure's done -- probably another three or four productive hours? Could take a while but I hope not -- I can finish about four different plotlines and we can really get rolling.

27 minutes ago, Reiyson said:

1) What is shockwave's recipe? ( from Arisu )

2 ) What is your inspiration of Mystic and Cryptic?

3 ) Is creating prf off-hand equipment down the line?

4 )  Favorite D&D magical item? ( from Talowen )

1) It's thirty Electrum Rings and a Seraph Robe.

2) Sort of a weird vision of Shinto spiritualism.

3) Not in any near future.

4) I have a soft spot for the Holy Avenger as my first real artifact, but my favorite is the Cloak of Poisonousness for the name.

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Hello there.

1. Anything hilariously stupid happen during your first run of Thracia 776?

2. Which of the Dark Souls games do you enjoy the most?

3. How is Shin still speed screwed in HaruFE even after getting pity speedwings twice? Have mercy on his poor soul.

4. Nerf Ciraxis more, he's still too powerful.

5. Of the 4 physical base armor classes (Sword, Lance, Axe, and Bow armor), which one has been chosen most often as a starting class in HaruFE?

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Normally I don't get into these things, but what the hey, I'm bored and have some time to kill. Afraid these aren't terribly interesting questions, though.

1: Firstly, who even are you? Everyone seems to know who you are yet I swear I've never seen you before Inty's post about Tangerine retiring.

2: What is this HaruFE everyone is referencing? It appears to be a game you dev for, but I've never heard of it.

3: What made Binding Blade your lowest-ranked FE on that list from earlier?

4: Do you have a favorite Unit in FEH?

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30 minutes ago, Carmine Sword said:

Hello there.

1. Anything hilariously stupid happen during your first run of Thracia 776?

2. Which of the Dark Souls games do you enjoy the most?

3. How is Shin still speed screwed in HaruFE even after getting pity speedwings twice? Have mercy on his poor soul.

4. Nerf Ciraxis more, he's still too powerful.

5. Of the 4 physical base armor classes (Sword, Lance, Axe, and Bow armor), which one has been chosen most often as a starting class in HaruFE?

1) Oh dear god yes. I was under the impression for up until later testing for the SSS run that the Reinhart chapter just literally wasn't skippable because -- and my memory is foggy on this, so I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I warped someone over to the end area (planning to rescue back, iirc) and my turn ended. I think I was just clumsy with a menu but I'd just assumed the chapter was literally the worst thing ever for like a year after that debacle. Also, warp tiles for days. I think I spent a week on that map.

2) Dark Souls 1, easy answer. The atmosphere was just right, and the mechanics made you feel like you were descending into hell alone. Bonfire warping really screwed up the tone of earlygame Dark Souls.

3) I have no idea but it's hilarious.

4) No.

5) Axe, followed by Lance.

12 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Normally I don't get into these things, but what the hey, I'm bored and have some time to kill. Afraid these aren't terribly interesting questions, though.

1: Firstly, who even are you? Everyone seems to know who you are yet I swear I've never seen you before Inty's post about Tangerine retiring.

2: What is this HaruFE everyone is referencing? It appears to be a game you dev for, but I've never heard of it.

3: What made Binding Blade your lowest-ranked FE on that list from earlier?

4: Do you have a favorite Unit in FEH?

1) I'm someone from the Ancient Times, before things like 'common sense', 'gravel', and 'Fire Emblem: Awakening' were invented. We had rocks and the SNES/GBA Fire Emblems and we liked it. (No, but actually I'm just from Serenes Forest way back when, don't usually actually hang around here, mostly stick to Discord.)

2) HaruFE is my Discord Bot game, playable simply by joining, for instance, the Serenes Forest Discord. You can make your own Fire Emblem character and level it up and get items, it has a full combat engine, there's an arena patch coming and an emergent story, and it even has a full original soundtrack. Here's a sample!

3) Binding Blade was, mechanically, possibly the simplest game in the whole series, and immediately followed one of the most complicated, tonally interesting games in the series. To me, it was just a huge disappointment and a departure from everything I loved about Fire Emblem, particularly when I was younger and expected every game to be 'the same as the last, but better!' Many of its mechanics could've been handled many times better and none of the characters really gripped me, except Gonzales, who rules.

4) Laevatein, no contest. I'm also known to have a very, very dangerous 40+10 Olivia and Eliwood, along with the legendary RED FINN and BLUE ZEPHIEL.
My Thing in FEH is mostly 'completing all content with only red units, where possible'.

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6. So now that I'm as cool as you, what's the first thing I should do?

7. Is there a way to discover the meaning of a? 

8. If one should discover its meaning, how much will it impact their life?

9. How many of my theories are actually accurate? It's okay if none of them are, I enjoy making them.

10. Are there any changes I should make to my Navarre in FEH? I kind of feel like he's missing something. I debated giving him a Wo Dao, but I'm not sure about it yet. 

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4 minutes ago, Dragonflare7 said:

6. So now that I'm as cool as you, what's the first thing I should do?

7. Is there a way to discover the meaning of a? 

8. If one should discover its meaning, how much will it impact their life?

9. How many of my theories are actually accurate? It's okay if none of them are, I enjoy making them.

10. Are there any changes I should make to my Navarre in FEH? I kind of feel like he's missing something. I debated giving him a Wo Dao, but I'm not sure about it yet. 

Followup post mostly to post Eliwood but also to answer DF's second wave.

6) Ask less, listen more.

7/8) There is a meaning, but the search is part of its meaning, so to answer this and the next question would render it meaningless.

9) There's an element of truth to everything. Or maybe an element of Truth. Who knows?

10) Dunno, post him.


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