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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Ever been drunk?

Dark Knight Cecil or Paladin Cecil?

Yu Yu Hakusho or Dragon Ball Z?

Why do you think Fire Emblem fans are generally obsessed with optimal pairings?

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Ever been drunk?

Dark Knight Cecil or Paladin Cecil?

Yu Yu Hakusho or Dragon Ball Z?

Why do you think Fire Emblem fans are generally obsessed with optimal pairings?

1. Yes. There was one party where one of my coworkers said that if I got drunk, he'd take me home so it's all good. I took him up on his offer and downed 13 different drinks (wine, whiskey including jameson, etc). 30 minutes later my mind blanked out and I have no recollection of what happened then. Never again.

2. Paladin. The AoE attack was cool an all but it just didn't do enough damage for the cost.

3. Tough one but I'll go with Yu Yu Hakusho.

4. I can't think of a good reason why, it's so unimportant. I'm leaning towards saying that it stands out as popular thing because of how much stupid discussion there is that everyone jumps ship and like sheep and just ask for what's best.

5: What was your former job, before you became Retired Staff?

Global Moderator under the fruit's reign as admin. I think I was the admin before her.

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Oh hey Sirius.

1. Impressions! I know we haven't talked all that much, but I was curious haha. (Other than... one round of L4D2 I'd like to not remember my poor performance in)

2. Have you played the Secret of Mana games?

3. Ohhh cool a fellow DB/YYH fan, who are your favorite characters in both franchises?

4. What is a game that holds the most sentimental value to you?

5. Do you like reading?

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1. What makes Tracia your favorite FE?

2. Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

3. Are you an actual knight? If not, do you want to be?

4. I don't know you too well myself, but how well do you know me? (In other words, impressions of me)

5. Favorite non-FE game?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. I dunno, you seem like you're chill but something tells me you have your moments where you get irrational. I noticed we like quite a few of the same games too.

2. Yes, my favorite is Seiken Densetsu 3. I once emulated it on a Wii and setup a 3-player run with family.

3. Kurama and Trunks. Intelligent and capable characters yet rarely got the spotlight.

4. Any Super Smash Bros game because they were always fun to play with anyone who didn't care about winning or losing.

5. Yes, although I mostly read as if I were researching. The last time I "read for fun" was Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 5 Sex Pistols and Full Metal Alchemist.


1. Sukus are worse for sure.


3. Hmm I suppose I should say yes. I enjoy some of the batman animated movies, specially Under the Red Hood.

4. A poor grown man that dwells on his constant disappointments and bad luck.

@Power Master:

1. Capture, item accessibility, music. It's honestly the one FE where I can go back to and be challenged without having to resort to Lunatic difficulty.

2. I guess the Slingshot ride in Coney Island. I wanna go skydiving at some point.

3. Nah but I'd like to be.

4. Like everyone else in this forum, a nerd. I think I've seen enough to say you're quick to apologize and try to avoid trouble when you don't fully understand the situation.

5. Super Metroid and Metroid Prime.


1. Finishing my education and living independently like I've always wanted.

2. Baklava.

3. Not really. The sound of my voice seems inconsistent to me.

4. Uh, right now lol. I currently reside in Austin Texas when all of my family is either in New York, New Jersey or Dominican Republic.

5. Typhlosion since that's my favorite Pokemon.

@Fire Emblem Fan:

1. Average dood that spends too much time on the internet.

2. Hector for sure.

3. Hmm... can't really think of one, they all suck honestly.

4. Super Metroid and Metroid Prime.

5. Of Mice and Men.

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1. I dunno, you seem like you're chill but something tells me you have your moments where you get irrational. I noticed we like quite a few of the same games too.

2. Yes, my favorite is Seiken Densetsu 3. I once emulated it on a Wii and setup a 3-player run with family.

3. Kurama and Trunks. Intelligent and capable characters yet rarely got the spotlight.

4. Any Super Smash Bros game because they were always fun to play with anyone who didn't care about winning or losing.

5. Yes, although I mostly read as if I were researching. The last time I "read for fun" was Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 5 Sex Pistols and Full Metal Alchemist.

Haha, that first one is very apt, I have very irrational moments, tend to like my emotions take over at the worst times honestly. All of your answers are awesome and we share a YYH favorite too! Trunks is probably my favorite saiyan though, I've always liked Tien myself, playing games with family brings tons of memories back to myself as well, because my Mom is who got me into gaming and my Dad and Uncle were a big part of it too! I think my grammar just went all over the place from being like "Whooooa such relating!" haha.

6. Oh man, you also love Seiken Densetsu 3, so I have to ask, who is your preferred lead character?

7. Have you played Live-A-Live? Its quite honestly one of the most interesting SNES RPG's i've played and thats saying quite a bit considering how much the library has to offer.

8. Familiar with the Contra series? If so what is your favorite one?

9. What type of characters do you tend to prefer?

10. What kind of music do you listen to?

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6. Lise or Duran. Not a big fan of Kevin/Carlie's route and after subsequent playthroughs I began to favor Lise over Hawk.

7. A bit. I didn't get to finish it and haven't tried playing it again. It seems really good and the Psycho Killing track is so catchy.

8. Contra 3 would be my favorite but I can't say that the top-down levels have aged all that well.

9. The ones that show that they're confident and capable, usually unfazed by stuff or generally opposites to the whining protagonists. A good example of this is Auron from FFX.

10. Mostly metal and rock but I enjoy lots of video game soundtracks, specially Hotline Miami's.

@Power Master:

Don't recall the date and don't care enough to look. I pretty much retired when the forum started to become more peaceful and most of the guys that just brought up shit for the sake of bringing shit lost interest in the forum. It got really boring there and i started becoming way too busy to really devote time to this place


1. Memester

2. Maaaaaan fuck you. I'm gonna say Capra demon because it feels like an actual Dark Souls boss fight and is not too bad once you're rid of the dogs. Bed of Chaos is just dumb.

3. Electric. ZAP

4. Hero/FE5 Mercenary. Aesthetically it would be GBA Warrior.


Nutty little girl that won't shut up about Penguins and Sukus.


1. Megaman and my favorite element in Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts being Thunder. Then MMBN2 came along and created a character named "ThunderMan" and everybody thinks I took the name from that.

2. Haven't found it yet. Would say gaming but I play games less and less as time goes on.


4. Boring. People report over the dumbest things and that shit stands out more than you'd like.

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How would you feel SF has changed over the years?

From all the time you've been on this site, was there anything you regretted doing or not doing??

what keeps you coming back here?

if you had a nickle for all the times people made serious/sirius puns for your time on this site, what would you spend the money on?

Whats something you greatly enjoy that you wished others would enjoy?

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

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1. SF has become a bit more peaceful in a way since the more vocal troublemakers that always started shit are gone. It's also become more segregated and packing more and more pointless debates since Awakening.

2. I regret participating in a discussion with Anacybele regarding Geoffrey x Elincia vs Ike x Elincia. Nothing good really comes from such discussions.

3.Observation purposes mostly. Also to see if the folks I know changed or keep in touch with them to hang out if I'm traveling and I end up nearby.

4. Probably gifts for family or games for friends.

5. Starcraft 2 Free for All battles.


1. Hello.

2. You seem to the be quirky lovable weirdo that gets a laugh out of everyone.

3. The place people go to when they're really bored and want to forget that there's rules.

4. Racist behavior, discussions that go on forever because in the end it's just opinion vs opinion, religious discussions that overstay their welcome, learning about really really really dumb design choices I have to implements because clients are stupid.

5. Living: Organism state of being conscious, functioning anatomy.

Existence: ERROR, unable to condense answer into a simple, conclusive and satisfactory statement. Executing "Pass" protocol.


1. Alan Turing, George Washington, Martin Luther King

2. Hector from FE7, Ryoma from Getter Robo, Vash from Trigun

3. Can't really think of any.

4. Don't know, don't care.

5. My stock question is "Do you like hurting other people?". The answer is "only men who've pissed me off". I will never physically assault a girl.

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Why do people think you're a machine?

Do you like driving?

Have you ever killed a Goldie?

Do you still think I'm lonely?

1. I don't emote very much and often seem too methodical.

2. Only at 60 mph+ and if it's not for longer than 1 hour. Seriously, fuck driving 5 hours from Dallas back to Austin with all that traffic.

3. No, I think she went under that strange phase of hers after I retired. A real shame

4. You're lonely whenever the fruit is not around.

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Whats stuff from the old days of the forums you miss?

people you knew and talked to back then you miss as well?

Top five games you enjoy the most?

something nowadays that you would say was disappointing?

why would you say you haven't been gaming as much nowadays?

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You're lonely whenever the fruit is not around.

So in other words, all the time. >_>

Why did you have to bring HER of all people into this?

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1. FE12 and Shining Force 2 discussions, playing some fighting games and Killing Floor with some of the users.

2. Tangerine when she was goofier and Liz/Bianchi. I still keep in contact with most of the folks I like here.

3. Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Robot Wars Z3, Seiken Densetsu 3

4. The lack of Megaman and Metroid.

5. Because few games capture my interest, Dota 2 community made the game so much worse when the game "got out of beta", indie games used to be interesting but now they're being flushed out similar to what I've heard of the Video game market crash of 1983. My steam playtime in the past 2 weeks is listed as 7 hours, haven't played anything on my PS3/PS4, haven't had any desire to get my Wii U shipped to me from New York. I just don't play as much as I used to.


Uh... you asked for it and yesterday was her birthday?

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