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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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11.Favorite Bond movie?
12.Favorite Disney movie?
13.Favorite Shakespeare play?
14.Favorite Queen song?
15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

11: Golden Eye

12: Pirates of the Caribbean, mostly because I really enjoyed Depp's acting as Jack Sparrow.

13: Macbeth, probably.

14: Don't have a favorite, tbh.

15: Snape.

I might have missed it, but what's Mo/ES/FO? And yes,I meant fictional characters and thanks for the kind words!

(Also, demons aren't really hard to summon)

Don't worry, you missed nothing. Most of those are my own made up on the spot, since I'm not sure about the official/normal way to do it.

ME = Mass Effect

ES = Elder Scrolls

FO = Fall Out

Have a nice day c;

(also, you're scary playing with that stuff, lol)

Re 1) Thanks for not disappointing me with that one, it was kind of a freebie. ;)

Re 2) There's no reason for it to throw up an error. 3 underscores is, to the computer, entirely different than 5 underscores. It's just our feeble human eyes that sees the two blend together almost indistinguishably. Also, I believe it has to do with the difference between registering it as your account name, and using it as your display name, but don't take my word on that as I've never personally changed names. Anyway, there's no reason to feel pressured to change yourself, as the other individual hasn't used that name in ages, and no longer is even active. I just found it an amusing coincidence.

lol, it was blatantly obvious c:

*sigh* I know I know, but it was a shock regardless. Useless computers, only doing what you tell them to...

Well, I would love to forget about it, but I can't just ignore it now that I'm aware of it for some reason. Anyways, it won't matter in the long run, so it's all good.

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1. Do you bike?

2. Are you interested in law?

3. Have you played the older FE games? If not, would you like to play them?

4. What's your opinion on The Lord of the Rings? Have you read any other of Tolkien's books?

5. Are you interested in history?

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1. How does it feel to be mysterious?

2. If you were in an anime, what would your role be?

3. Would you rather be a ninja with one arm or a legless assassin?

1: I'll confess, I don't honestly understand how any one thinks that of me. lol, that's a bit ironic since I feel I already reveal plenty about myself in what I do and what I post, perhaps even an excess in some ways. Yet even a close friend of mine somewhere else once said that, even though this person knew my name (seems they forgot it though, but all for the best I suppose). So honestly, I don't get it. What is it? I don't use a standard un? A member title? Don't list a gender? My page often has some thing or other details of me; so this whole thing is what's really mysterious to me, lol.

2: I'm a supportive character, may be not a part of the main party, but occasionally may show up to help.

3: I feel I'll be more successful being a one-armed ninja than a no-legs assassin.

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I think being mysterious is just that you don't act like everyone else; Extra points go to not listing a gender and the way you talk. I used to be called "mysterious" too(unsurprisingly), until everyone thankfully got tired of trying to "figure me out".

Edited by Soledai
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1. Do you bike?

2. Are you interested in law?

3. Have you played the older FE games? If not, would you like to play them?

4. What's your opinion on The Lord of the Rings? Have you read any other of Tolkien's books?

5. Are you interested in history?

1: I know how to ride a bike, but I don't actually bike, no.

2: I have only a small degree of interest on it, since I do not actively look into it. Personal views aside, it is truly very interesting how the whole world works in regards to law, authority, power, and politics.

3: Only Shadow Dragon. I don't have the time to add more games to my crowded backlog.

4: It's probably my favorite work of fantasy, with a great example of logical disaster, and at least the last movie in the Hobbit trilogy was comedy gold.

5: I am. Do not have the time to learn about all the things I would like to go back and learn about.

I think being mysterious is just that you don't act like everyone else; Extra points go to not listing a gender and the way you talk. I used to be called "mysterious" too(unsurprisingly), until everyone thankfully got tired of trying to "figure me out".

Sol, I believe I know you enough to understand I don't know you at all, but I sense honesty in that post, and I do appreciate that. It is all the more important, then, that I return such honesty in equal measure and admit that every time you've said something to that effect my mind happily warps it into something saying more or less exactly the following: "you're weird/strange", lol.

Trust me, though, if you were to place this person next to a rock in real life, you'll realize you've never seen a more fascinating rock before in your life. The most interesting aspect in all of this is your own curiosity, really.

But thanks, that helps me understand a little bit about that particular little anomaly, & I'll make efforts to be more self-aware.

A major pet peeve of yours?

Something you greatly value in others?

Something you despise in others?

Least favorite anime?

Well, if I ever buy a book, it annoys me to no end when soon after you begin to read it the covers begin to bend and the pages start to look like you dropped into a pool. It's tragic. Hard cover is best, but the choice isn't always there.

Common sense and integrity.

Jelousy, greed.

Edit: I misread that question:

Here's one I really didn't like SAO S2.

The last arc is among my favorites in anime, though.

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Sol, I believe I know you enough to understand I don't know you at all, but I sense honesty in that post, and I do appreciate that. It is all the more important, then, that I return such honesty in equal measure and admit that every time you've said something to that effect my mind happily warps it into something saying more or less exactly the following: "you're weird/strange", lol.

Trust me, though, if you were to place this person next to a rock in real life, you'll realize you've never seen a more fascinating rock before in your life. The most interesting aspect in all of this is your own curiosity, really.

But thanks, that helps me understand a little bit about that particular little anomaly, & I'll make efforts to be more self-aware.

I wasn't intending on sounding mean or anything if I came off that way. But lol thanks, I don't consider being thought of as strange or weird to be bad. If by chance you mistook what I said about 'how you talk' I don't mean that's weird or bad, I mean it makes you seem aloof and it's pretty easy to get drawn to that.

Hey, I feel more or less the same way. The reality is no match for the legend, indeed.

Ah, you shouldn't really change how you conduct yourself, it's fine as is. I'm just giving my emphatic insight into the matter, is all.

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But questions:

Since you mentioned backlogs, what is in your backlog?

And, since you haven't had paella, have you had curry?

Can you cook? If so, what's your signature dish, if applicable?

Favorite scent from a flower, perfume, etc?

What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

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I wasn't intending on sounding mean or anything.....

Oh, I took no offense to anything you said, don't worry.

But questions:

Since you mentioned backlogs, what is in your backlog?

And, since you haven't had paella, have you had curry?

Can you cook? If so, what's your signature dish, if applicable?

Favorite scent from a flower, perfume, etc?

What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, the first Ace Attorney, Bravely Default, Monster Hunter Ultimate, Persona 4, FFX, FFXIII-2, FF Type-0, Tales of Xillia II, Odin Sphere

among others rather numerous.

lol, no, I haven't either, which is really a shame given how much I've seen anime.

Oh, well, yeah I can...cook. How would you like your hard boiled eggs, served alone or with a veggie?

This is something I'm in need of learning, I will admit.

If it doesn't turn me away, I'm generally fine with it. As long as it isn't one of those things were you can smell the person coming 20 feet down the hall and can't tell how many scents are going on at once. I'll say regular roses smell fine enough, fresh and decent.

Hmm, not sure. Poseidon's trident, may be? It would look great hanging from my wall, defenitely interesting.

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What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

Are you a better leader or a better follower?

What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately? If not, why not?

Which game series would you like to try that you have never played before?

If your mind was an animal, would animal would it be?

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6: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any yourself?

7: What do you think of Ests?

8: What do you think of the name Rachel?

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Hmm. I hope it's not too late to ask questions.

1. What is your shoe size? I think it says a lot about a person, lol

2. If you could be any age for a week, what would it be?

3. Have you ever tipped a cow?

4. Worst injury you've sustained?

5. And finally, if you had to be named after a city in Malaysia, which city would it be?

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