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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1:First/Current Impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

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4 hours ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

What do you mean by that? I'm limitless. 

All hail Fypo


6. Don't you hate all tese fother mucking Pytos?

7. Do you have a stuffed animal?

8. How tall are you?

9. Should I ask the rest of my questions in all caps?

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Still trying to iron out a good set of reasonably meaningful 5 initial questions; let's try...

1. Do you have a favorite composer?

2. What is your favorite book and/or book series?

3. Have you ever baked anything?

4. Do you play, or have you ever played, an instrument?

5. Do you play, or have you ever played, a sport?

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My apologies, I suddenly got busy. I'm back now. :D

6 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

It's Fypo's turn? Yes! Now I feel bad for missing the nomination period

1. I m p r e s s i o n s

2. Say something nice about your least favorite FE character

3. Any "guinea pig" related escapades before the Strategists Three came along?

4. What's your planned major?

5. How did you get into collecting?

6. One dish you want everybody reading this thread to try?

7. Favorite music genre?

8. Android or iOS?

9. What FE games have you played, besides Echoes and Fates?

10. What do you want the most out of E3?

1. On you? You seem chill to me. Easy to converse with.
2. Ummm... I don't think I have a least favorite FE character.
3. Not really. Unless you count having gel and acrylic toes all the time because your mom was a nail technician at the time.
4. Right now, I'm in Business. Accounting major. Super easy. I might switch though.
5. Collecting? I kinda just did. Some coins I found looked cool, so I kept them. Then I got more.
6. Beef Stew.
7. I'm pretty open to most music genres.
8. I'm good with either or. Right now, I have iOS, since I got a good deal on the plan, provided that I got an iPhone.
9. Heroes and Awakening.
10. FE Warriors. And Super Mario Odyssey, since it reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine. Actually, the Rabbids game looks funny.

3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Thank you Hattusili for putting my interview on hold. I should be OK by the beginning of July, though I'll contact you, whether on your profile or on this thread, once I'm available.

Anyway, the questions!

1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

6. Fight or flight?

7. Favorite season?

8. Seeing your username, are you a grammar police, or were you just trying to be ironic and funny?

1. Water, I think.
2. Unfortunately, I need to read up on this before I answer you.
3. A bet. My boyfriend was playing Awakening, and I wanted to try. He said "... wouldn't like it." I went and proved him wrong.
4. I lurked here since 2014, though I most looked at guides and stats. I didn't really join until last August. No idea why, I just didn't.
5. Not really at the moment. Though that's probably because my boyfriend talks a lot about Warhammer 40k lore, so I might just be tired.
6. Fight. 
7. I like all of them.
8. I'm a tad lysdecix. It runs in my dad's side of the family.

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

1:First/Current Impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

1. You seem chill too. Found an MBTI buddy, so that's good in my books.
2. I'm trying to figure them out right now. 
3. I'm only turning 20 on the 24th, so I think I'm a tad young to think of such things. I'll probably have kids though; my boyfriend really wants some. I'm just "meh, I don't really care."
4.  No idea. I don't know what most people like or hate.
5. Same as 4.

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

All hail Fypo


6. Don't you hate all tese fother mucking Pytos?

7. Do you have a stuffed animal?

8. How tall are you?

9. Should I ask the rest of my questions in all caps?

6. I try not to hate. Irritating, yes. Hate it? Not really. To each their own.
7. Of course. My boyfriend gave me a stuffed seal. I named it Club.
8. 5'1''
9. Don't even.

28 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Still trying to iron out a good set of reasonably meaningful 5 initial questions; let's try...

1. Do you have a favorite composer?

2. What is your favorite book and/or book series?

3. Have you ever baked anything?

4. Do you play, or have you ever played, an instrument?

5. Do you play, or have you ever played, a sport?

1. Not really. 
2. Ummm. I really liked Lord of the Flies.
3. Lots. I took culinary arts, but dropped due to injuries. Baking was my strongest part.
4. No, but I want to learn piano and violin.
5. My parents tell me I did soccer when I was like 3, but I don't remember. I remember ballet, but that didn't last long, since i broke a toe by dropping a concrete block on it shortly after. 

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7 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

1. First impression of me?

2. Current impression of me?

3. Why do you love Leo so much?

4. Favorite and least favorite thing about Fates?

5. Have you played or plan to get Echoes?

My apologies. I didn't even realize you ninja'd me O_O

1. Easygoing. Friendly.
2. Same as above.
3. I just do. >w<

  • Favorite: Leo
  • Least Favorite: The Story.

5. I got Echoes, and beat it. I want DLC now.

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I like how you answered literally everyone else's but mine at first. I see how it is </3

6. Favorite cuisine?

7. Does your boyfriend also play FE (and if so, is he on SF?)

8. What's your impression of Echoes?

9. Characters you're most looking forward to getting added to Heroes?

10. Play any sports?

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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


I could tell from your baby feet :P


10. Can I call you shorty?

Of course I'm short; my mom is a tiny Asian Lady. (lol)

10. I would prefer it if you didn't. But I won't object if it's once in a blue moon.

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13 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I like how you answered literally everyone else's but mine at first. I see how it is </3

6. Favorite cuisine?

7. Does your boyfriend also play FE (and if so, is he on SF?)

8. What's your impression of Echoes?

9. Characters you're most looking forward to getting added to Heroes?

10. Play any sports?

Holy crap I did it again >_< Sorry! I don't know why I'm not being notified of you posting.

6. Japanese and Italian 
7. He doesn't play it as much now, and no, he's not on SF.
8. I really like it. 
9. Kellam and Nils
10. No. I practice Archery in my backyard once in a while though.

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6: Opinion on the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on Ests in FE?

8: Favorite archetype in FE?

9: If you were a FE unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

10: Least favorite FE character?

11: Opinion on petticoats?

12: Opinion on kilts?

13: If you could remove one thing from Heroes what would it be?

14: If you could add one thing to Heroes, what would it be?

15: Favorite Historical era?

23 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:


1. You seem chill too. Found an MBTI buddy, so that's good in my books.
2. I'm trying to figure them out right now. 
3. I'm only turning 20 on the 24th, so I think I'm a tad young to think of such things. I'll probably have kids though; my boyfriend really wants some. I'm just "meh, I don't really care."
4.  No idea. I don't know what most people like or hate.
5. Same as 4.


1: Cool, it's nice to find a fellow INTJ, I know very few in real life.  The only others would be my father, one of my cousins, a former professor, and one of my employees.

2: Take your time, you're young.

3: Happy Early Birthday!  I turn 31 next month.

10 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


I could tell from your baby feet :P


10. Can I call you shorty?

How tall are you?

Baby feet?  Where?

1 minute ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Of course I'm short; my mom is a tiny Asian Lady. (lol)

10. I would prefer it if you didn't. But I won't object if it's once in a blue moon.

Don't feel bad, my mom is five foot nothing.  I'll say how tall I am if Arcanite does, too.

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You're the first person I've known to actually know archery, which I think is awesome!

I'm also slightly surprised at how smol you are

Btw HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY :DDD you'll be in your 20s soon! Excite :D also we're surprisingly close in age

11. Do you have any superstitions?

12. What is your greatest fear?

13. Do you have any unconscious habits when you're nervous?

14. How do you sleep at night? (intentionally vague: sleeping positions? rituals before bed? things you do to help you fall asleep? etc etc)

15. How proficient are you with chopsticks?

16. Ideal temperature range?

17. Dream job?

18. Do you play any musical instruments? (Singing counts for the purposes of this question)

19. List a few songs that are special to you (for any reason) (explanations for why they're special is optional, but it'd be neat to hear about them)

20. Do the ends justify the means?

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9 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Don't feel bad, my mom is five foot nothing.  I'll say how tall I am if Arcanite does, too.

Its on your profile I think

You're 5 feet 11 inches right? hee hee

10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

How tall are you?

Baby feet?  Where?

She painted her toenails for the mage gauntlet

I noticed how tiny her feet were lol

I don't want to reveal my height, but eh whatever. I guess it doesn't matter that much anyway:


I am 5 feet 9 inches!


17 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I would prefer it if you didn't. But I won't object if it's once in a blue moon.

Hm unfort :( I guess it can be seen as teasing...
You'll be shorty number 2



11. MTBI personality type? (did I spell MTBI right?)

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32 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

6: Opinion on the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on Ests in FE?

8: Favorite archetype in FE?

9: If you were a FE unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

10: Least favorite FE character?

11: Opinion on petticoats?

12: Opinion on kilts?

13: If you could remove one thing from Heroes what would it be?

14: If you could add one thing to Heroes, what would it be?

15: Favorite Historical era?


1: Cool, it's nice to find a fellow INTJ, I know very few in real life.  The only others would be my father, one of my cousins, a former professor, and one of my employees.

2: Take your time, you're young.

3: Happy Early Birthday!  I turn 31 next month.

How tall are you?

Baby feet?  Where?

Don't feel bad, my mom is five foot nothing.  I'll say how tall I am if Arcanite does, too.

6. Seems fine to me. 
7. Cute, but I'm struggling to raise her >_<
8. No idea.
9. Not sure, but I'd have a decent Skill and Luck stats for sure.
10. I don't have one.
11. They make great costume additions, but they're itchy...
12. I'm... not really sure. Never really thought of it. I'm pretty neutral on the subject.
13. and 14.  Not sure. Right now,  the game seems to be in a good spot.
15. That's a tough one. It depends on the country. 
1.02. Well, as I mentioned in the MBTI thread, I wasn't sure if I'm INTJ or INFJ.
2.02. Don't worry, I plan on taking my time.
3.02. Thanks!
15.5?. 5'1''
15.75?. On my DeviantArt. Just before the May Voting Gauntlet, I showed my dedication to Team Leo by painting my toes purple, and drew the Nohr insignia on my big toe with a nail art pen. 
4.02. My mom is 4'10'' XD

23 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


You're the first person I've known to actually know archery, which I think is awesome!

I'm also slightly surprised at how smol you are

Btw HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY :DDD you'll be in your 20s soon! Excite :D also we're surprisingly close in age

11. Do you have any superstitions?

12. What is your greatest fear?

13. Do you have any unconscious habits when you're nervous?

14. How do you sleep at night? (intentionally vague: sleeping positions? rituals before bed? things you do to help you fall asleep? etc etc)

15. How proficient are you with chopsticks?

16. Ideal temperature range?

17. Dream job?

18. Do you play any musical instruments? (Singing counts for the purposes of this question)

19. List a few songs that are special to you (for any reason) (explanations for why they're special is optional, but it'd be neat to hear about them)

20. Do the ends justify the means?

Ha! I caught it this time!

Thanks! Close in age? 

11. Nah. If I do, I'm unaware of it.
12. Hmmm. A fear of lack of Acceptance. I feel the need to distinguish it from a Fear of Rejection, because I can handle rejection, for the most part. What I can't deal with is not being accepted for who I am, regardless of my age, ethnic background, gender, potential flaws out of my control, etc. It's a reality though, since I have a very hard time getting work due to my disability, and other's bias' on the disabled. It's unfair, but happens all the same. Doesn't help that I was raised to come across as perfect. insert Subaki complex here
13. Ummm. May I ask how I would know that?
14. It varies. Like, comfort wise, I either need leg support via firm pillow, or need to position my legs into a '4', for my back issues.
15. Quite proficient, actually. 
16. About -5C to 25C. Sorry it's in Celcius, I'm Canadian. (about 28F-....what's 25C in Fahrenheit?)
17. No idea.
18. Not yet. I want to learn violin.
19. Hmmm. I've never thought of this before. Ever. 
20. That depends on the situation. 

18 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Hm unfort :( I guess it can be seen as teasing...
You'll be shorty number 2

11. MTBI personality type? (did I spell MTBI right?)

All good. My friends are all taller than me, and my boyfriend is 6'3''-6'4''

So close. It's MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). I must've dyslexically mistyped it. 

11. INTJ or INFJ. Though some people have typed me as ENTJ as well... 

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2 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

All good. My friends are all taller than me, and my boyfriend is 6'3''-6'4''


My dad is actually that tall XD 

3 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

So close. It's MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). I must've dyslexically mistyped it. 

I was actually spelling it from memory cause I didn't care to look it up so it's my fault heh


12. Do you happen to have room in your home for a robot that knows how to cook and clean?

13. You have a shoe lace, a jar of spit, Chlorine, brake fluid, a fly swatter, a bugatti with no keys, and a satellite phone in the middle of the Sahara desert

What do you do!?

14. Can you cook? If you can what's your favorite thing to cook?


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3 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Ha! I caught it this time!

Thanks! Close in age? 

11. Nah. If I do, I'm unaware of it.
12. Hmmm. A fear of lack of Acceptance. I feel the need to distinguish it from a Fear of Rejection, because I can handle rejection, for the most part. What I can't deal with is not being accepted for who I am, regardless of my age, ethnic background, gender, potential flaws out of my control, etc. It's a reality though, since I have a very hard time getting work due to my disability, and other's bias' on the disabled. It's unfair, but happens all the same. Doesn't help that I was raised to come across as perfect. insert Subaki complex here
13. Ummm. May I ask how I would know that?
14. It varies. Like, comfort wise, I either need leg support via firm pillow, or need to position my legs into a '4', for my back issues.
15. Quite proficient, actually. 
16. About -5C to 25C. Sorry it's in Celcius, I'm Canadian. (about 28F-....what's 25C in Fahrenheit?)
17. No idea.
18. Not yet. I want to learn violin.
19. Hmmm. I've never thought of this before. Ever. 
20. That depends on the situation. 

All good. My friends are all taller than me, and my boyfriend is 6'3''-6'4''

So close. It's MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). I must've dyslexically mistyped it. 

11. INTJ or INFJ. Though some people have typed me as ENTJ as well... 

I turn 22 in October, so reasonably close, I suppose. 

Disabilities? Would you be comfortable with elaborating (it is 500% okay if you are not, and you can always PM instead of posting it here)

For #13, a friend or family member could have told you. For example, your friend may notice that you bite your lip when nervous. Something like that.

25˚ C is 77˚ F, which is about my comfortable temp too (though my range definitely does not stretch as low as yours) (then again I live in a very hot place, where it goes up to over 100˚ F (38˚ C) sometimes in the summer, so I'm much more used to hot weather than cold)

Oh cool, I'm an INFP

Anywho more questions!

21. Favorite pokemon and why?

22. Favorite game series besides FE?

23. Favorite game soundtrack? (And favorite pieces from that soundtrack?)

24. If you could live in any game world, where would you choose?

25. Favorite animal and why?

26. Harry Potter house?

27. Favorite colors? 

28. Least favorite colors?

29. List 3 things about a character's aesthetic that appeals to you.

30. List 3 things about a character's personality that appeals to you.

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9 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


My dad is actually that tall XD 

I was actually spelling it from memory cause I didn't care to look it up so it's my fault heh


12. Do you happen to have room in your home for a robot that knows how to cook and clean?

13. You have a shoe lace, a jar of spit, Chlorine, brake fluid, a fly swatter, a bugatti with no keys, and a satellite phone in the middle of the Sahara desert

What do you do!?

14. Can you cook? If you can what's your favorite thing to cook?


Yes. My top shelf reacher >w< love it.

12. Actually yes. At the end of June. Though if you're looking for a new place. I kinda live in a diferent country, so you might be out of luck there if that's the case...
13. Well, I stop imagining. Everything is all better.
14. I can cook. I can make creme brulees, provided that I have the proper tools...
15. The closest thing I've had to that was creamy bacon risotto. Delish.

6 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I turn 22 in October, so reasonably close, I suppose. 

Disabilities? Would you be comfortable with elaborating (it is 500% okay if you are not, and you can always PM instead of posting it here)

For #13, a friend or family member could have told you. For example, your friend may notice that you bite your lip when nervous. Something like that.

25˚ C is 77˚ F, which is about my comfortable temp too (though my range definitely does not stretch as low as yours) (then again I live in a very hot place, where it goes up to over 100˚ F (38˚ C) sometimes in the summer, so I'm much more used to hot weather than cold)

Oh cool, I'm an INFP

Anywho more questions!

21. Favorite pokemon and why?

22. Favorite game series besides FE?

23. Favorite game soundtrack? (And favorite pieces from that soundtrack?)

24. If you could live in any game world, where would you choose?

25. Favorite animal and why?

26. Harry Potter house?

27. Favorite colors? 

28. Least favorite colors?

29. List 3 things about a character's aesthetic that appeals to you.

30. List 3 things about a character's personality that appeals to you.

I see. I'd say close enough :P
I've been diagnosed with ASD:PDD-NOS (Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified). I'm very mild, but it's prominent enough that employers notice and don't hire me for it. 

13.02. I see. I have anxiety as well, so I usually isolate myself from everyone and quietly breakdown (though that is rare). Otherwise I'm rather composed.

I know you're INFP. I'm the one who asked :9

21. Right now? Charjabug, because it sounds like a BAMF accordian.
22. Hmmm. Tough one... 
23. I don't know if I have a favorite game soundtrack...  Recently, I've found myself really liking Berkut's theme. Don't know why though.
24. Harvest Moon/Rune Factory, or Fire Emblem. 
25. Maybe Narwhals? I dunno. 
26. No idea. Probably Slytherin.
27. Blue, I guess? 
28. Orange? For the sake of answering.
29. Tall, Blonde and on the leaner end of thing (my boyfriend ain't blonde but whatever. Personality is more valuable to me anyways.)
30. Intelligence, Good judgement, and adorkable. 

19 minutes ago, Futaba said:

opinions on the following

a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif

1. Both a. and b. look fine to me.

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No interview is complete without @Futaba and her signature marshmallows~

Anyways, questions, questions...

31. Favorite show/movie genre?

32. Favorite anime (if you don't watch anime then favorite TV shows)?

33. Favorite superhero?

34. If you could have one superpower, what would you want?

35. Windows or Mac?

36. How do you pronounce 'gif'?

37. Thoughts on pineapple on pizza?

38. Rank the three main chocolates (milk, dark, white) from best to worst

39. Do you prefer fruity desserts or creamier (includes chocolate) desserts?

40. Do you have a tumblr (and if so, would you consider adding anyone from SF)? If not, what social media do you use?

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

signature marshmallows~

Pretty sure those aren't marshmallows but uh

12 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

14. I can cook. I can make creme brulees, provided that I have the proper tools...
15. The closest thing I've had to that was creamy bacon risotto. Delish.

I figured! You, my friend, just got massive respect points Cause Amph and Smoke both can't cook at all.

Also creamy bacon risotto, added to the list of recipes I have to try!


16. How did you obtain your cooking skillz?

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9 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

No interview is complete without @Futaba and her signature marshmallows~

Anyways, questions, questions...

31. Favorite show/movie genre?

32. Favorite anime (if you don't watch anime then favorite TV shows)?

33. Favorite superhero?

34. If you could have one superpower, what would you want?

35. Windows or Mac?

36. How do you pronounce 'gif'?

37. Thoughts on pineapple on pizza?

38. Rank the three main chocolates (milk, dark, white) from best to worst

39. Do you prefer fruity desserts or creamier (includes chocolate) desserts?

40. Do you have a tumblr (and if so, would you consider adding anyone from SF)? If not, what social media do you use?

31. I like action packed movies like John Wicke. For me, I need long fight scenes, and lots of em'.
32. One-Punch Man, Rurouni Kenshin and Your Lie In April. For TV shows, I usually watch Documentaries or stand-up comedy.
33. Batman. He has no super powers. 
34. Not sure. Suggestions? What would fit me? @Arcanite @MaskedAmpharos @MrSmokestack @Rezzy
35. I have no preference.
36. No idea. 
37. Whatever floats your boat (I'm neutral about it).
38. Chocolate is chocolate. It's all good.
39. I like both. It's dessert.
40. No, I don't (someone beat me to my own username dammit). Though I'll add people from SF if I make one (I'll probably need help with that).

3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Pretty sure those aren't marshmallows but uh

I figured! You, my friend, just got massive respect points Cause Amph and Smoke both can't cook at all.

Also creamy bacon risotto, added to the list of recipes I have to try!

16. How did you obtain your cooking skillz?

I see. I should have it somewhere. I'll have to dig it out sometime this week and send it to ya. 

16. Well, I did go to Culinary school. So that would help. But really, I've always had a talent for baking. Like, my process could be improved on (the ADHD is strong with this one), but my end result is rarely anything less than awesome. Hell, I can even make gluten free crepes.

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Just now, TheTuckingFypo said:

16. Well, I did go to Culinary school. So that would help. But really, I've always had a talent for baking. Like, my process could be improved on (the ADHD is strong with this one), but my end result is rarely anything less than awesome. Hell, I can even make gluten free crepes.

I learned all my skills from my mom but that's amazing! I LOVE YOU

1 minute ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

What would fit me?

Well you're short so I guess Ant man's powers would help, or maybe something like the Atom

You see this lil girl walk up to you and you're all "Oh she's tiny, she aint going do nuttin"

Then she's 60 feet tall getting ready to stomp you out of existence

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3 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

31. I like action packed movies like John Wicke. For me, I need long fight scenes, and lots of em'.
32. One-Punch Man, Rurouni Kenshin and Your Lie In April. For TV shows, I usually watch Documentaries or stand-up comedy.
33. Batman. He has no super powers. 
34. Not sure. Suggestions? What would fit me? @Arcanite @MaskedAmpharos @MrSmokestack @Rezzy
35. I have no preference.
36. No idea. 
37. Whatever floats your boat (I'm neutral about it).
38. Chocolate is chocolate. It's all good.
39. I like both. It's dessert.
40. No, I don't (someone beat me to my own username dammit). Though I'll add people from SF if I make one (I'll probably need help with that).

I see. I should have it somewhere. I'll have to dig it out sometime this week and send it to ya. 

16. Well, I did go to Culinary school. So that would help. But really, I've always had a talent for baking. Like, my process could be improved on (the ADHD is strong with this one), but my end result is rarely anything less than awesome. Hell, I can even make gluten free crepes.

I can't speak for others,  it if I had a superpower, I'd either like healing powers or shapeshifting.

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I can't speak for others,  it if I had a superpower, I'd either like healing powers or shapeshifting.

>Cant speak for others

>Speaks for self instead

This is slowly the Rezzy interview hijack. She starts answering Fypo's questions and makes people more interested in her than Fypo, until Fypo herself starts asking questions

Then the OP tries to step in, and he starts asking questions too. Eventually, it'll turn into a Rezzy worship thread where we sacrifice all of our -Atk units to gain favor in her Serpent-like, yet luminous green eyes....

Yes, I'm that bored


17. What do you think of burgers?

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

>Cant speak for others

>Speaks for self instead

This is slowly the Rezzy interview hijack. She starts answering Fypo's questions and makes people more interested in her than Fypo, until Fypo herself starts asking questions

Then the OP tries to step in, and he starts asking questions too. Eventually, it'll turn into a Rezzy worship thread where we sacrifice all of our -Atk units to gain favor in her Serpent-like, yet luminous green eyes....

Yes, I'm that bored


17. What do you think of burgers?

To be fair, Fypo asked for suggestions.  Someone's gonna get some - Atk soon...

16: Which way of doing magic do you like best?  e.g. Echoes with HP as a mana pool and spell list, GBA magic trinagle, 3DS lumping everything together?

17: Do you watch/like Star Trek?

18: What is your favorite genre of movie?

19: Opinion on facial hair?

20: Why is guarantee so hard to spell correctly?

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