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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Greetings TheSilentChloey!

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Do you intend on extending/lifting/otherwise altering the question limit?

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1. Which FE games have you played?

2. Top 5 favourite FE characters?

3. What are some of your favourite games apart from FE?

4. What is one thing you wish you could change about the world?

5. Would you mind if I shortened your UN to Chloey when referring to you?

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5 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Greetings TheSilentChloey!

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Do you intend on extending/lifting/otherwise altering the question limit?

I. Right off the bat we have a hard question.  I like those :XD: it makes me have to think a bit.  I would have to say that I've always been fascinated with Egypt, mostly because of the culture and the interesting mythos that they have created.  Chinese not so much, although they also have an interesting culture if one scratches beneath the surface.  That and I've always been interested in history.  In fact I took Ancient History as part of my HSC (High School Certificate) and found it to be one of my better subjects

II. I'd say Pride and Wrath...under specific conditions.  Wrath more so than pride...especially if someone annoys me enough to warrant being wrathful towards them in anyway...I could think of a few examples of that but it would take a while because I don't like to dwell on them too much.  I get rather upset when people push me that far.  Of the virtues I'd say kindness and humility.  Which is surprising because the pride thing (although not as much of a pride thing really).  I'd add charity to that list most likely because I do prefer to do things for other people if I can; nothing makes me happier really.

III. Initially I was introduced by a little game called Pokémon Conquest which I found had Fire Emblem like elements, but I didn't really get it.  I would however have to say that it was only when I purchased Fire Emblem Awakening that I true got introduced to Fire Emblem as a whole.  Of course I initially thought that I would at least try the game and found it to my liking because it was unique from Pokémon and I was at the point where Pokémon was getting a bit much (most because I am not a competitive player) and there weren't many people that I knew that wanted to play for fun.

IV. If I remember correctly it was because I was at the time looking for tips on how to get through a chapter/working out pairings in FE:A that I was having trouble with and Serenes just popped up in the search.  When I noticed that there was a forum attached to the information I was seeking I decided that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to join.  Of course I have been known to float around without saying much so there is that too :D:.

V.  It will depend on how many questions everyone has; I don't mind a few more questions if that is what you're asking.  My thought is that if everyone asks in a batch of five that will work just fine.  Although it would depend (as does most things) on how difficult the questions are, how long it takes me to answer and most importantly how comfortable I am with answering those questions.

1 hour ago, Natalie said:


1. Which FE games have you played?

2. Top 5 favourite FE characters?

3. What are some of your favourite games apart from FE?

4. What is one thing you wish you could change about the world?

5. Would you mind if I shortened your UN to Chloey when referring to you?

1. Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem Fates (all three routs) and Fire Emblem Heroes (which I dislike more than Fates funnily enough) and I'll be adding Fire Emblem Warriors to this list as well as hoping to add Shadows of Valentia (we'll see how I go XD)

2. In no particular order, Chrom, Lucina, Both Morgans, Henry and Xander.

3. *grins widely* Skyrim, Pokémon (main series games not counting remakes although I do like Heart Gold and Soul Silver and they are the exception to the no remake rule), LoZ: Breath of the Wild, Yu-Gi-Oh! (the card game of course not the DS titles), Mario Cart, Bastion, Age of Empires (god that game is old) and Transistor (a relatively new game for me)

4. A relatively simple question with a relatively complex answer.  There is not really one thing per say, as a few little things.  However if there is truly one thing I would remove from the world it would be either greed or cruelty as both seem to lead to negative paths...i.e war or people suffering

5. Well my name is Chloey so I don't see why not, or alternatively you could shorten it down even further to TSC.  Both work fine :XD:

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1- What do you think of me (ahaha, such a hard question to answer XD)

2- Favorite fruit?

3- Favorite dessert?

4- What would be next after Amelia?

5- Cat or dog?

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1 minute ago, Nym said:

1- What do you think of me (ahaha, such a hard question to answer XD)

2- Favorite fruit?

3- Favorite dessert?

4- What would be next after Amelia?

5- Cat or dog?


1. *laughs* Lol Nym that is certainly a hard question indeed :P: although to be serious you are a good friend, great at bring out the laughs and most certainly a better author than you give yourself credit.

2. Strawberries of course.  I have a weakness to them like Gaius has to candies...

3. Strawberry ice-cream or Neopolitan ice-cream if it's warm weather and puddings/cakes if its cold weather

4. I am not going to post spoilers or else Chrom will break the fourth wall in Invisible Ties again, something that I really, really don't want to think about.  He breaks enough stuff as it is.

5. God damn it Nym!  There is no choosing between a cat and a dog.  Both.  Because I'm an animal lover.


4 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Have you ever done a nuzlocke challenge?

I tried and failed in the first attempt (in Alpha Sapphire).  Brandon had an OP Torchic that was annoying to deal with.

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:


1. *laughs* Lol Nym that is certainly a hard question indeed :P: although to be serious you are a good friend, great at bring out the laughs and most certainly a better author than you give yourself credit.

2. Strawberries of course.  I have a weakness to them like Gaius has to candies...

3. Strawberry ice-cream or Neopolitan ice-cream if it's warm weather and puddings/cakes if its cold weather

4. I am not going to post spoilers or else Chrom will break the fourth wall in Invisible Ties again, something that I really, really don't want to think about.  He breaks enough stuff as it is.

5. God damn it Nym!  There is no choosing between a cat and a dog.  Both.  Because I'm an animal lover.


I tried and failed in the first attempt (in Alpha Sapphire).  Brandon had an OP Torchic that was annoying to deal with.

I've wonderlocke ORAS multiple times if you need advice if you ever want to try again.

another question: what is your favorite game of all time


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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:


1. *laughs* Lol Nym that is certainly a hard question indeed :P: although to be serious you are a good friend, great at bring out the laughs and most certainly a better author than you give yourself credit.

2. Strawberries of course.  I have a weakness to them like Gaius has to candies...

3. Strawberry ice-cream or Neopolitan ice-cream if it's warm weather and puddings/cakes if its cold weather

4. I am not going to post spoilers or else Chrom will break the fourth wall in Invisible Ties again, something that I really, really don't want to think about.  He breaks enough stuff as it is.

5. God damn it Nym!  There is no choosing between a cat and a dog.  Both.  Because I'm an animal lover.


Awwwww, thanks Chloey XD

Mine is Apple and Cheesecake

Damn it Chrom, every time

Sumia, get off this body

6- Favorite pokémon outside of Vaporeon?

7- Favorite tome

8- Favorite boss to fight in Zelda

9- Vanilla or Chocolate?

10- Why are you so inspiring?

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7 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

I've wonderlocke ORAS multiple times if you need advice if you ever want to try again.

another question: what is your favorite game of all time


Now that is a hard question.  To be honest there are a few games that I have mentioned and mostly those games tend to have 300+ gaming hours (although I forgot to add that I also like the Sims 4, so there is another game to the favourite games list) so it's a bit hard to pick just one so yeah :D:

1 minute ago, Nym said:

Awwwww, thanks Chloey XD

Mine is Apple and Cheesecake

Damn it Chrom, every time

Sumia, get off this body

6- Favorite pokémon outside of Vaporeon?

7- Favorite tome

8- Favorite boss to fight in Zelda

9- Vanilla or Chocolate?

10- Why are you so inspiring?

6. Pikachu, of course :XD:

7. Mire because I like to snipe out the enemy before they come near me.  For close combat, Mjolnir.  You can't go wrong with that :D:

8. Probably Calamity Ganon in his final beast form and having Epona to ride on in BotW

9. Vanilla because I am not a fan of chocolate

10. Now here is the hard question.  To be honest I don't really know.  I would like to think that I have some charm about me, or that I can give someone ideas that they may find useful at a later date.  That or I'm always coming up with crazy ideas from time to time (at least I think so).

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I. Right off the bat we have a hard question.  I like those :XD: it makes me have to think a bit.  I would have to say that I've always been fascinated with Egypt, mostly because of the culture and the interesting mythos that they have created.  Chinese not so much, although they also have an interesting culture if one scratches beneath the surface.  That and I've always been interested in history.  In fact I took Ancient History as part of my HSC (High School Certificate) and found it to be one of my better subjects

Er, I meant "elements" as in water, earth, fire, and air. But I guess this works - I don't have to ask about your favorite history to learn about. Also, it's nice to see yet another history lover on this site.

1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

III. Initially I was introduced by a little game called Pokémon Conquest which I found had Fire Emblem like elements, but I didn't really get it.  I would however have to say that it was only when I purchased Fire Emblem Awakening that I true got introduced to Fire Emblem as a whole.  Of course I initially thought that I would at least try the game and found it to my liking because it was unique from Pokémon and I was at the point where Pokémon was getting a bit much (most because I am not a competitive player) and there weren't many people that I knew that wanted to play for fun.

Really? I never expected someone would be introduced to Fire Emblem through Pokemon Conquest. That's neat!

1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

8. Probably Calamity Ganon in his final beast form and having Epona to ride on in BotW

I assume you like it more for the cinematic/climatic appeal rather than gameplay?

VI. Fight or flight?

VII. Favorite season?

VIII. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

VIII. Water, earth, fire, or air?

IX. Favorite Zelda game?

X. Have you read the Kane Chronicles (children's series of sorts; but it involves Egyptian mythology, so...)?

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1: First/Current Impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

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1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

Er, I meant "elements" as in water, earth, fire, and air. But I guess this works - I don't have to ask about your favorite history to learn about. Also, it's nice to see yet another history lover on this site.

Really? I never expected someone would be introduced to Fire Emblem through Pokemon Conquest. That's neat!

I assume you like it more for the cinematic/climatic appeal rather than gameplay?

VI. Fight or flight?

VII. Favorite season?

VIII. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

VIII. Water, earth, fire, or air?

IX. Favorite Zelda game?

X. Have you read the Kane Chronicles (children's series of sorts; but it involves Egyptian mythology, so...)?

Apologies for confusing the Elements Question.  Water and Air, are the two I am most naturally drawn to (and I happen to be an "air" element thanks to my star sign)

VI. Flight or more accurately freeze.  I'm not really one to get violent without good reason

VII. Spring, even though I have fun with heyfever.

VIII. Um that is a hard question as well.  I kind of see myself more as introverted personality hence the UN.  I did one such test and it came out with INFP-T and that mostly is enough to describe me.

IX. BotW Although expect that to maybe change if I have a chance to get to play the others at some point

X. No I haven't but now that I've heard of it I will most certainly give it go.  I have read the Ramose Series by Carole Wilkinson though.  They were good books.


1 hour ago, Rezzy said:


1: First/Current Impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

1. Well isn't this a common question :XD: I don't mind of course!

I'd say caring and kind.  For both.

2. Does being a writer to help children that are going through some rough patches in life count?  I'm sure it does!  Heh, funny that it all started when I was just twelve...

3. I love children; quite frankly I would most certainly love to have children some time in the future.

4. I honestly don't know as I haven't encountered that yet.

5. If I said that my roommate doesn't like Fire Emblem would you believe me?

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1. Opinions of the following:




b. e67647148a.gif

c. 5e7683bee6.jpg


2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

Rigid boundaries: 
* Avoid intimacy and close relationships
* Unlikely to ask for help
* Has few close relationships
* Very protective of personal information
* May seem detached, even with romantic partners
* Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

Porous boundaries:
* Overshares personal information
* Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* Overinvolved with other's problems
* Dependent on the opinions of others
* Accepting of abuse or disrespect
* Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

Healthy boundaries:
* Values own opinions
* Doesn't compromise values for others
* Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* Accepting when others say "no" to them

3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* Physical (personal space and physical touch)
* Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* Emotional (personal feelings)
* Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* Material (money and possessions)
* Time (how someone uses their time)

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