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Which do you like better, western RPGs or Japanese RPGs?


Which do you prefer?  

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  1. 1. Which do you prefer?

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Ugh! I demand a third option, both of them! I found myself enjoy the gameplay of western RPG more but I am attached to the story and characters of JRPG more. I prefer JRPG's art and design but the simple and gritty designs of WRPG are also great. I found that both WPRG and JRPG have good soundtracks and voice acting...but, ugh! A cute loli like Nepnep and a cool old guy like Gerault, which should I choose!?

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I have always loved the dynamic feel of the Diablo series. I think that's about the only Western RPG I played, but the hack-and-slash style of gameplay left a much stronger impression to me than that of Pokemon games or pretty much any Final Fantasy game I have played.

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Ugh! I demand a third option, both of them!

This is how I feel. Sometimes I want the more active combat of WRPGs, other times I want whatever variation on turn-based combat can be found in the multiple JRPGs I have. Sometimes I'd rather enjoy a perfectly sappy story about friendship and the power of love, and sometimes I want something dark and gritty, though I have admittedly seen more JRPGs do different stories than I have WRPGs(mostly thinking of SMT and I guess Fromsoft's RPGs here).

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My favourite WRPG-style game is made by a Japanese developer (Dark Souls). I guess I enjoy JRPG's more, though I haven't played many good WRPGs. Both have different and good aspects to them.

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I prefer JRPG games I just can`t get into WRPG games most are.. just not too RPG like to me (although I have never personally played any WRPG before except 2?? Fable 3 and Skyrim) Anyway I couldn`t get into them and even ones I didn`t play and have just seen they don`t really appeal to me.

Something about the way they are executed you see WRPG generally focus more on open world exploring etc. while that is not a bad thing usually things like character development etc. with JRPG games they generally have good character growth and such and they are more likely to get me sucked in to the game as most are pretty linear so I can get story focus and not be all over the place WRPG`s are more like in my opnion adventure games with stats thrown into the mix than actual RPG games.

Ah and did I mention JRPG`s also excel in music but this could be a very biased point of view as like I said I haven`t actually physically played many WRPG games just mostly examined and read about them from other sources.

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As many others said, didn't expect to see WRPG's to win here. I've played a lot of both WRPG's and JRPG's to see and realize that both of those two genres are unique in their own way. I like really like the fact that WRPG's give the player a bit more freedom and the games are more fluid, although I find that JRPG's characters are more to my liking and there is something about JRPG's games that I enjoy but can't really express that feeling. In the end I agree that it should've been a third option to the poll, meaning that I can't decide and I like them both.

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I like both since I usually lump them into one big blanket of RPG. Since I like RPGs regardless of the variation.

This makes me a terrible person.

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WRPG. Generally they have better character customization, and tactics provided in battle. JRPGs generally tend to have very little meat to their gameplay so there's not much customization and character setups to be interesting and the ones that do tend to be broken messes. There are exceptions, but those are few and far inbetween.

As for the stories? Generally both of them tend to be average at best, but JRPGs tend to be more cookie cutter than WRPGs, and that includes the whole "Tolkenisms" that seem to be the standard for WRPGs.

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It's hard to say, both are starting to seriously screw up big time. They are starting to have the same kind of crap. Railroading, bad writing, dialogue for nothing, shitty NPC. Heck, even the plots seems shitty.

Eh, voting for WRPG. Those are mostly superior in everyway generally-speaking, better story, customizations, more freedom. Heck, better characters too. Though like I said, they are starting to screw up.

Generally speaking, JRPG tend to be the oposite, railroading, one-dimensional characters, no customizations, shitty story, again, generally speaking. (EO-chan don't leave me baby ! :()

Dark Souls and co doesn't count as JRPG, since they are heavily WRPG inspired. The good ol kind of WRPG.

Edited by B.Leu
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