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Lets talk about Jagens


Jagens, what do you think of them  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Jagen from a gameplay standpoint?

    • Jagen(FE1)
    • Jagen(FE3)
    • Jagen(FE11)
    • Arran(FE3)
    • Arran(FE12)
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus(FE6)
    • Marcus(FE7)
    • Gunter
    • Oifey
    • Seth
    • Titania(FE9)
    • Sothe(FE10)
    • Frederick
  2. 2. Worst Jagen from a gameplay standpoint?

    • Jagen(FE1)
    • Jagen(FE3)
    • Jagen(FE11)
    • Arran(FE3)
    • Arran(FE12)
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus(FE6)
    • Marcus(FE7)
    • Titania(FE9)
    • Seth
    • Sothe(FE10)
    • Frederick
    • Gunter
  3. 3. Favorite Jagen?

    • Jagen
    • Arran
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus
    • Seth
    • Titania
    • Sothe
    • Frederick
    • Gunter
  4. 4. Least Favorite Jagen

    • Jagen
    • Arran
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus
    • Seth
    • Titania
    • Sothe
    • Frederick
    • Gunter

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Technically Sigurd is a Jagen lord so....

If he counts, then Sigurd, if not, Seth

Worst Gameplay wise, I picked Sothe since he couldn't even preform the one task I usually give to Jagens of giving their weapons to a none EXP sponge who can actually use them.

One I like least as a character would be Sigurd, again if he counts, or Eyvel.

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alright I'm just gonna ask

why do we all hate Sothe

I haven't played Radiant Dawn but I played Path of Radiance and gave him huge amounts of favoritism because he's cute and also I like his character so I'm curious whether or not I'm going to hate him when I play Radiant Dawn

is he just extremely unlikable and/or boring in that game?

Sothe is a Jeigan of one of the most frail classes in the game, becomes lackluster by mid part 3 and is easily surpassed by everyone at that point, takes time until he becomes a decent unit again and Volke is just much better than him later on even if you train Sothe.

I still use Sothe, but I've got to admit that. I kind of like his personality too, my issue with him is how poorly written his relation with Micaiah was.

Edited by Rapier
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Best is clearly Seth, I said worst is Arran, but this is up for discussion I guess.

My favorite is definitely Marcus (FE7) because he was awesome, and I don't like FE8 at all, so he's the best Jagen in a game I enjoy playing (I would say he's better than Titania thanks to all weapons, but that's opinion; Canto is OP in PoR). I didn't really like Oifey or his personality much, so I chose him as least favorite.

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Best: Seth obviously. He beats Franz and makes Kyle and Forde look like compete jokes. No contest.

Worst: Gunter because lol his growths and some other stuff. Arran and Jeigan can at least do something.

Favorite: Frederick. I mean, he's Frederick. Not much else to it.

Least: Arran. Who even chose Arran over Samson in the first place?

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alright I'm just gonna ask

why do we all hate Sothe

I haven't played Radiant Dawn but I played Path of Radiance and gave him huge amounts of favoritism because he's cute and also I like his character so I'm curious whether or not I'm going to hate him when I play Radiant Dawn

is he just extremely unlikable and/or boring in that game?

I've never used him in PoR so I don't know if he changed radically between games. I also can't tell you what I didn't like about him in RD, because it's been years. I just don't remember him in a positive light. (Probably something to do with how he knows what they're doing is bad/wrong, but does it anyway. Show some backbone, dude.)

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I've never used him in PoR so I don't know if he changed radically between games. I also can't tell you what I didn't like about him in RD, because it's been years. I just don't remember him in a positive light. (Probably something to do with how he knows what they're doing is bad/wrong, but does it anyway. Show some backbone, dude.)

Sothe was an absolutely awful unit in PoR who couldn't promote and had Blossom as a skill which meant he gained EXP at half the rate (with better growths, but sucky bases, and unpromoted caps at 20).

In Radiant Dawn, he was a reasonable unit in part 1), where most of your team is weak and you need a powerful unit to help dish out damage (like most Jagens). However, unlike most Jagens, he quickly becomes inferior (especially on the harder modes) in part 3, not being much help without Beastkiller knife or whatever it was called. More annoyingly however, he's a forced unit for endgame, where he is absolutely useless due to a low Str cap making it possible for him to do a max of like ~3 damage (twice) with his S-rank weapon Baselard. Most people would have preferred to take the much superior Volke (or really any other combat unit) in his place.

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I brought Volke to the endgame because I didn't want to waste a blessed Baselarde on Sothe. So he had two blessed knives.

But Sothe can always be benched once you get Nasir and Gareth, so him being forced isn't that bad.

Edited by Radiant head
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I brought Volke to the endgame because I didn't want to waste a blessed Baselarde on Sothe. So he had two blessed knives.

But Sothe can always be benched once you get Nasir and Gareth, so him being forced isn't that bad.

You can bench someone that's forced? How, besides having them not engage in combat on the maps?
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You can bench someone that's forced? How, besides having them not engage in combat on the maps?

Actually, while he's forced to be taken into the tower, he's NOT forced to be deployed on the maps themselves.

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Yeah, so my main problem with Sothe is that he takes up spots that other viable characters (recruited prior to entering the Tower) could use.

Huh. I have the same issue with Ranulf in part 3.

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In Radiant Dawn, he was a reasonable unit in part 1), where most of your team is weak and you need a powerful unit to help dish out damage (like most Jagens). However, unlike most Jagens, he quickly becomes inferior (especially on the harder modes) in part 3, not being much help without Beastkiller knife or whatever it was called. More annoyingly however, he's a forced unit for endgame, where he is absolutely useless due to a low Str cap making it possible for him to do a max of like ~3 damage (twice) with his S-rank weapon Baselard. Most people would have preferred to take the much superior Volke (or really any other combat unit) in his place.

This is rather interesting, considering most people perceive Jagens to be units who are supposed to start strong and ultimately be passed up. In fact, most of them are like this, even though some still remain okay.

Yeah, so my main problem with Sothe is that he takes up spots that other viable characters (recruited prior to entering the Tower) could use.

Under what logic? If Sothe weren't forced, that doesn't mean you would be able to take someone else.

Also, he only takes one spot. His own spot.

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Best: Seth.

Worst: out of the games i played, i think FE6!Marcus is pretty bad. But i dont have a really great answer for this one.

Favorite has to be Titania because she be so bamf. <3

Most Hated is Sothe. Hes a little shit and i hate him a lot.

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Huh. I have the same issue with Ranulf in part 3.

Except Part 3 isn't endgame so it's easier to deal with, but whatever.

Under what logic? If Sothe weren't forced, that doesn't mean you would be able to take someone else.

Also, he only takes one spot. His own spot.

My bad, I realized that I pluralized it by accident but I was too lazy to edit it back in.
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So...you guys are talking about why Sothe is the most hated, but I'm wondering why Titania is the most liked. Not that I dislike her, she's pretty neat. But I never felt that she had as much character or depth as Frederick. All I've seen of her is that she's serious, has unrequited love for Greil (which is barely built upon), is kind of motherly, and was once a Crimean Royal Knight. I just don't understand what the big deal is. Is it because she's the only female Jagen so far? I do like that she's female, though, don't get me wrong. I just don't think that's a good reason to say she's the best character-wise... I felt that a lot of Tellius characters were better written than her (Ike, Mist, Jill, Lethe, Ranulf, Black Knight, etc. etc.).

And here's what we learn about Frederick:


- Super serious

- Very loyal

- Gentlemanly

- Drama llama

- Kind of cold

- Big softie deep down

- Doesn't seem to understand how others feel about his actions at times (he reminds me of an Aspie like myself in this sense)


- Grew up in a village in the hills

- Was nearly killed by a wolf

- Had a VERY loving mother


- His duties

- Rare mushrooms

- Knitting

- Campfires

- Exercise


- Gamey meat

- Training

- Wild animals (he just has a phobia of them)

That's quite a lot. I didn't add training to that interests list because it's revealed that Frederick actually hates it.

Edited by Anacybele
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