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[FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: The Second


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@Elieson- I'd be cool with recordings, but do SF2 first. =)

Chapter 18x- 7/80 turns
Not particularly hard. I actually got Eliwood into position thanks to smart rescue dropping by Raven, but noone was good enough to ORKO the boss. If only I had a Killing Edge. =( At least it gave Raven more time to improve himself.

Name    Class     Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00  29 15  15  20  16  11  5   7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00  30 13  17  20  14   8  3   7   6
Raven   Mercenary 14.09  32 16  15  20   4   9  3   8   5

Chapter 19- 6/86 turns
Everyone rushes towards the boss and I have to use undeployed units to box in the sniper to...keep him from attacking undeployed units. Okay. I'm bitter because Raven could have ORKOed the boss if Darin had an axe equipped. Oh well.

Name    Class     Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00  29 15  15  20  16  11  5   7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00  30 13  17  20  14   8  3   7   6
Raven   Mercenary 16.31  34 18  15  20   4  10  3   8   5

Chapter 20- 3/89 turns
Steal Hero Crest, murderboat. Ninian's dancing was greatly appreciated, otherwise Matthew wouldn't have been able to aggro the boss on turn 2.

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11  5   7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8  3   7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/1.00  39 18  17  22   4  12  5   9   6

Chapter 21- 2/91 turns
Raven's untimely promotion was for a reason. If only I had two more enemies attack him...

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11  5   7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8  3   7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/2.85  40 19  18  22   4  12  6   9   6

Chapter 22- 3/94 turns

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11   5    7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8   3    7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/4.32  42 20  18  23   5  13   8    9   6

Note: I just realized I forgot to add Ninian's stats, but it's not like she'd gained any levels in the previous maps anyways.

Chapter 23- 3/97 turns

I could have two turned this chapter if Lloyd moved (Raven would have to proc strength and speed before fighting him but it'd be doable enough).

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11   5    7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8   3    7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/6.51  44 22  19  24   6  14   8    9   6

Chapter 24- 11/108 turns
I bought 10 Killing Edges and 5 Killer Axes. I may be doing turns for these defense maps wrong, I dunno. If anyone can help, that'd be appreciated. Oh, and I gave Eliwood the Afa's Drops despite him not being able to level. I mean, it's not like Raven needs them or anything.

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11   5    7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8   3    7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/8.49  45 24  20  25   6  15   8    9   6
Ninian  Dancer    3.25        15  0   0  14  12   5   5    4   5

Chapter 25- 15/123 turns
I have no idea how I'm supposed to do this better. I mean, I'm sure I can, I just don't know how I'd go about it. Eliwood stayed back, Matthew took care of the Sniper brigade up north, and Raven took...the entire right side. It was just as much of a pain as it sounds. I gave the Angelic Robe from way back in Isadora's chapter to Ninian (should've done this sooner) and the Talisman to Matthew.

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11   5    7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8   5    7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/16.76 51 25  26  26   8  18  10    9   6
Ninian  Dancer    4.41        23  0   0  14  13   5   6    4   5

Chapter 26- 15/138 turns
I got the boots and recruited Nino and had her talk to Jaffar. Not really much else to say, although the latter was surprisingly difficult within the alloted time constraints considering my team. Also I gave Raven the boots.

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11   5    7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00       30 13  17  20  14   8   5    7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/20.00 55 25  30  26  11  18  10    9   8
Ninian  Dancer    5.54        24  0   0  14  14   5   7    4   5

Chapter 26x- FREE/138 turns
Raven got to S axes, Matthew yoinked some stuff, and he was FINALLY able to promote. About damn time, too. I also gave Matthew the Angelic Robe.

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      20.00       29 15  15  20  16  11   5    7   5
Matthew Thief     20.00/1.00  40 14  17  20  14  10   7    7   6
Raven   Mercenary 17.98/20.00 55 25  30  26  11  18  10    9   8
Ninian  Dancer    7.47        26  0   0  16  16   5   9    4   5

And CoD is where I call it quits for now. I really fucking hate that map in drafts.

Edited by Refa
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I would like to purchase eclipse's Eliwood, is that possible?

Chapter 11 - 8/8

Traded the wrong weapons among all my units so they couldn't attack and gave Eliwood all the swords.

Made a brief trade chain to get the Power Ring to Eliwood for use while still optimising his movement, then distracted the units (particularly that archer) near Bartre and Dorcas' entrance point by making them and Lowen take turns inside the fort.

Marcus ran near the units by the seize point, hoarded vulneraries from the vendor and chilled at a choke point to get their attention while Eliwood 2HKO'd most of the fighters coming his way. Killed the boss in three hits; doubted I could get the Rapier crit and I wanted to sustain that for a while.

Name    Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood Lord      4.31        21  7   6   8  10   6   1    7   5

Chapter 12 - 9/17 (I'm pretty sure that was nine turns, but idk worse case scenario I use the endgame list)

Did this chapter three times.

Basically I just baited the enemies towards in the eastern realm towards Eliwood using Marcus, and had Oswin and Hector obliterate everything up north. On the first attempt, I had all enemies killed bar one by like turn eight, but I kept missing the mercenary and it was tear-jerking, so three turns later I finally managed to hit but I restarted the chapter because that's not good enough.

The second time I forgot to count the turns, which is dumb because as I realised now they show a list at endgame, so the third time I did it I just went with what I think I last saw because it sounds right based on my first run of it. Easy chapter, but it was irritating.

Name        Class     Level       HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Mov
Eliwood (1) Lord      7.86        24  9   8   10  12  6  2    7   5
Eliwood (2) Lord      7.98        21  8   8   9   10  8  4    7   5
Eliwood (3) Lord      8.19        24  9   8   9   12  8  4    7   5

Really liked the first's extra point of speed, but daaaang the final one I ended up (3) has beautiful defences, that's definitely going to be helpful later along the line.

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there's something seriously wrong with matthew orko'ing wyverns

I enjoyed all the unpromoted enemies getting oneshotted by pent too, enm too strong.

Drafts don't count that stupid turn that the game adds on for no reason btw Refa for defence maps.

Edited by General Horace
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I would like to purchase eclipse's Eliwood, is that possible?

shift + f1, burn RN, f1, repeat

C11 7/7 turns

Eliwood rushed ahead, Dorcas facetanked an archer for him. Eliwood killed most brigands, which exp let him double Groznyi and 2RKO him with an iron sword on turn 6 PP + EP. He ate the energy ring fairly early, on turn 2 or 3. Lowen and Marcus gave their swords to Eliwood, who didn't end up needing to use the Rapier at all.

Eliwood (4.70): 21 HP / 9 Str / 6 Skl / 9 Spd / 7 Lck / 7 Def / 1 Res / C Swd

C12 7/14 turns

Hahaha Eliwood so good, I didn't even rig

sold all axes since I'm guaranteed not to need them. Hector just soloed the soldiers + 1 archer since his wolf beil doesn't sell for money, minor cash save that isn't going to matter. Zagan ended up moving south, so Eliwood went towards there, ORKOing or 2RKOing everything with an iron sword and 2RKOing Zagan on turn 7 PP + EP.

Eliwood (8.14): 24 HP / 9 Str / 7 Skl / 12 Spd / 10 Lck / 9 Def / 2 Res / B Swd

C13 11/25 turns

Eliwood didn't oneshot snags :(

Marcus went towards guy with matthew in the back to get the KE. Eliwood got Merlinus' village, routed the boss area and killed the boss, with 2 hits and a crit. Guy ended up dying after like four turns of sitting on a fort with enemies swarming him.

Eliwood (10.18): 26 HP / 10 Str / 8 Skl / 14 Spd / 11 Lck / 10 Def / 3 Res / B Swd

C13x 7/32 turns

Eliwood went for the village, Rebecca and Serra ended up dying for meatshielding purposes.

Eliwood (12.17): 28 HP / 11 Str / 10 Skl / 14 Spd / 12 Lck / 11 Def / 3 Res / A Swd

C14 12/44 turns

Eliwood stays near the start for a turn since otherwise a cav remains stationary forever, and then goes through the upper bridge, then towards Erik and then routs the beach. Discarded Erik's silver lance since I have no viable users for it. Erk died pretty early.

Eliwood (16.57): 30 HP / 11 Str / 13 Skl / 16 Spd / 15 Lck / 11 Def / 5 Res / A Swd

C15 8/52 turns

Eliwood goes mountain -> goes ham

Wil gets exp, dudes shop for iron swords and door keys.

Eliwood (18.49): 31 HP / 11 Str / 13 Skl / 18 Spd / 16 Lck / 11 Def / 5 Res / 6 Swd

Wil (6.59): 23 HP / 7 Str / 6 Skl / 7 Spd / 8 Lck / 6 Def / 3 Res / D Bow

Eliwood got six levels without strength hahaha.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Wow you guys are already finishing, I feel like a Slaking without even beginning, and having finished a playthrough of 688 turns at the VC

Edit: also horse, matt had Silver Sword and 12 or 11 str so it's totally legit that he one rounds wyverns, they have like 9 def iirc idk

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C16 12/64 turns

Go corridor. Wil helped Eliwood by removing the tons of archers that he can 2HKO with steel bow. Eliwood just killed the boss with 4x Rapier, which I had just enough uses for. Raven ended up dying against the green soldiers he tried to solo, one of which stayed alive which allowed for the gaiden.

Sold the wolf beil because Horace reminded me that it works. It nets 2,1k too, neat.

Also NO I just realized I gave Guy like 25 exp in C13 and will go Jerme and I don't even have any guiding ring users that I could use at the cost of a penalty to get exp for Kenneth. B_o_n_e_d

Eliwood got 8 subsequent levels without str. Also I almost wrote Archer instead of Wil hahaha.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (11.29): 27 HP / 11 Str / 9 Skl / 8 Spd / 9 Lck / 8 Def / 6 Res / C Bow

C16x 5/69 turns

Eliwood charged towards Fargus and talked to him, with Wil doing self-improvement. He also got fed the bosskill, rather than getting the sleep staff since I don't see any use for it.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (12.62): 27 HP / 12 Str / 9 Skl / 8 Spd / 9 Lck / 8 Def / 6 Res / C Bow

C17 4/73 turns


Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (15.33): 29 HP / 14 Str / 10 Skl / 10 Spd / 9 Lck / 8 Def / 7 Res / C Bow

Edited by Gradivus.
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Should've killed off Dorcas, too late though.

EDIT: I can just kill him with a 4-turn penalty.

Both Bartre and Dorcas entered combat, so it's Jerme, unless an 8-turn penalty turns out to be worth it, which I doubt.

Also @Quint they should be allowed to visit merlinus since it's like, the same as trading.

Edited by Gradivus.
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C18 6/79 turns

Went through the middle, Wil could break the snags with an iron bow too.

Preventing Dart from inducing a penalty was tricky. I fielded Florina who always was ferried by Dart. From turn 1 to 4, Wil got targeted instead of Dart. On turn 5, Wil had way lower HP than Dart (I think that's the reason) so mage types went after him, and on turn 6 Dart dropped Florina into Uhai's Longbow range so he's visible on PP, which means Eliwood needs a KE crit + 2 hits, rather than 2 crits. Wil rescues Florina out of Uhai's range so Eliwood can finish him off on EP.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (15.85): 29 HP / 14 Str / 10 Skl / 10 Spd / 9 Lck / 8 Def / 7 Res / C Bow

C18x 8/87 turns

Eliwood charged, critblicked the boss, Wil self-improved and distracted dudes.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (18.11): 31 HP / 15 Str / 11 Skl / 12 Spd / 9 Lck / 9 Def / 7 Res / B Bow

C19 7/94 turns

Eliwood and Wil charged ahead, I forced a KE crit against Cameron. Recruited Legault on turn 5, after he opened the door as an enemy. On the EP, Eliwood got attacked by two dark mages, one of which could do it from 2 range and blocked the path, who got finished off by Longbow!Wil on turn 6, who gave the Armorslayer dropped by a Cav to Eliwood. Eliwood hit Darin four times with it, needing to dodge one of two 61's, and Wil picked up the kill.

Used seven undrafted units to box in the sniper and the archer reinforcement.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20.00): 31 HP / 15 Str / 12 Skl / 13 Spd / 10 Lck / 9 Def / 8 Res / B Bow

C20 3/97 turns

Wil promoted.

Wil got danced on turn 1, to kill the Torch!Cav he saw thanks to Legault. Eliwood killed a monk so he can reach the cav. Turn 2, he kills a Wyvern Rider with Longbow and goes onto a tile that makes the boss attack him at 2-range. Turn 3, Florina bought a bunch of steel bows, Marcus some pure waters and Wil finished Oleg off with Steel Bow.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/2.87): 34 HP / 16 Str / 14 Skl / 16 Spd / 11 Lck / 11 Def / 12 Res / A Bow

C21 2/99 turns

Wil got danced ahead on turn 1 and killed a Shaman. Turn 2, he kills a Mage and gets danced to attack Eubans, who he 2RKOes with Iron Bow on PP+EP, needing to dodge one of two 58's.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/4.38): 35 HP / 17 Str / 15 Skl / 16 Spd / 11 Lck / 11 Def / 13 Res / A Bow

Edited by Gradivus.
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@Gradivus I don't know about undrafreds being able to visit villagess. As far as I know, only drafteds can do so; althought rule 1 doesn't include it nor rule 2 limit it.

Edit: first try and eliwood dies at turn 2 chapter 11 hahaha game over

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Oh, got you wrong, I thought you mean accessing the convoy. Visiting the merlinus village with undrafteds is banned since rule 2 says "including, but not limited to".

C22 4/103 turns

Wil pulled Jasmine on turn 1 after getting a dance to kill both the cav and the knight. Turn 2, he and Eliwood cleaned up a bunch of mages. Turn 3, Wil got a dance after using a vulnerary to attack Paul with Iron Bow, Eliwood just killed an Archer. Turn 4, Wil finished Paul off and got danced again to kill the reinforcement wyvern. Eliwood killed a random monk that remained and Hawkeye killed the Mage on NPC phase.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/6.49): 37 HP / 18 Str / 15 Skl / 16 Spd / 12 Lck / 11 Def / 13 Res / A Bow

C23 4/107 turns

Had to spend an extra turn since Wil had no way to ORKO Lloyd.

Wil just got danced up, attacked Lloyd on turn 3 PP thanks to torch vision, Eliwood got danced to attack him on turn 4 PP so Wil can finish off.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/7.74): 38 HP / 18 Str / 16 Skl / 17 Spd / 12 Lck / 11 Def / 14 Res / S Bow

C24 11/118 turns

Went shopping, sold the heaven seal and white gem, got hammerne and Luna.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/9.35): 40 HP / 19 Str / 17 Skl / 18 Spd / 13 Lck / 11 Def / 14 Res / S Bow

Pent (8.34): 34 HP / 19 Mag / 21 Skl / 19 Spd / 15 Lck / 13 Def / 17 Res / A Anima A Stf

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Chapter 11:Turns 9/9

Eliwood ate some stat boosters and ran, gained two levels of strength and one defense too, no speed though. Already sacrifced a helpless Rebecca and Lowen

Chapter 12: 9/18

Ran to the mountain pass with Eliwood. 9's were wild with stats for a while, managed to get Hector a level too.

Chapter 13:9/27

Apparently I really like '9's', I had Hector and Eli run towards Merlinus' village and waded through the enemies while the other bozos sat and died at the starting point. Bought lots of hand axes with Matthew

Chapter 13x 7/34

Had Marcus resuce Merlinus and run south and sent the Lords up north to kill the boss for xp, Eli finally got more speed


Eliwood 10.23 24 11 11 10 9 10 4 B SWORD

Hector 03.02 25 09 06 07 08 09 00 B AXE

Chapter 14: 11/45

Ran west with Hector to kill damn Erik so the pirates would stop spawning, Eliwood goes south to pick off the last of the pirates, lots of Speed for Hector.

Edited by Zasplach
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Fixed my turns, although it sadly didn't end up changing much because I made a 2 turn mistake in my favor anyways (so sad).

Also you can double post in drafts FWIW, at least for updates anyways

EDIT Also Gradivus' Wil is the best, mostly because it's amazing that Wil is actually contributing.

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C25 13/131 turns

Jerme didn't kill my turncount that much I guess.

Eliwood killed the Warrior's group, the brigands to the west, recruited Harken and the Merc+Hero group in the south-east corner. Wil took on the sniper squad, Pent annihilated Jerme's area and the south-east knight room. He gained 7 levels, holy crap.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/12.04): 43 HP / 20 HP / 17 Skl / 19 Spd / 13 Lck / 13 Def / 15 Res / S Bow

Pent (15.68): 37 HP / 20 Mag / 23 Skl / 22 Spd / 19 Lck / 16 Def / 19 Res / S Anima A Stf

C26 15/146 turns

Pent and Eliwood went down the left, Ninian and Wil the right. Got all the treasure, killed Ursula and forgot to recruit Nino so I won't enter C26x.

Eliwood (20.00): 33 HP / 11 Str / 14 Skl / 19 Spd / 18 Lck / 12 Def / 7 Res / A Swd

Wil (20/14.95): 44 HP / 22 Str / 18 Skl / 20 Spd / 13 Lck / 14 Def / 16 Res / S Bow

Pent (17.35): 38 HP / 22 Mag / 23 Skl / 23 Spd / 19 Lck / 17 Def / 20 Res / S Anima A Stf

Edited by Gradivus.
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