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The levels you despise


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So there are some levels in Awakening that seem generally unfair or annoying or are just are difficult (in the sense of losing no one, If you accept loss the levels are generally easy) unless you are over-levelled.

Personally I hate chapter 13 (The Gangrel one) Generally because of the constant reinforcements, sheer number of enemies and the flat layout that mostly requires you to just power through (the endgame suffers from the same thing mostly).

There is also paralouge 3 (the villager one) those villagers are generally extremely annoying to save unless you have a ton of rescue staffs.

Generally though if a level has reinforcements it is ridiculously annoying but there are too many of those. (though the milla tree and endgame are some that come to mind)

and to End on a positive note I will also mention chapter 12 as my favourite purely because I love its soundtrack

These are the levels that I hate and my favourite. How about everyone else?

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So there are some levels in Awakening that seem generally unfair or annoying or are just are difficult (in the sense of losing no one, If you accept loss the levels are generally easy) unless you are over-levelled.

Personally I hate chapter 13 (The Gangrel one) Generally because of the constant reinforcements, sheer number of enemies and the flat layout that mostly requires you to just power through (the endgame suffers from the same thing mostly).

There is also paralouge 3 (the villager one) those villagers are generally extremely annoying to save unless you have a ton of rescue staffs.

Generally though if a level has reinforcements it is ridiculously annoying but there are too many of those. (though the milla tree and endgame are some that come to mind)

and to End on a positive note I will also mention chapter 12 as my favourite purely because I love its soundtrack

These are the levels that I hate and my favourite. How about everyone else?

Erm, Gangrel isn't in chapter 13.

Anyways, chapter 4 (I don't like being forced to use a very small number of units), chapter 17, and Paralogue 6 come to mind.

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Chapter 21; The amount of times I get unlucky with all those Mires and actually lose a unit... It makes me so sad. My Virion seriously needs to step up his evasion game.

Chapter 9; Although we get Libra and Tharja on this chapter (two awesome units), anything that includes sand makes me frustrated, bored and just generally impatient.

Chapter 18; I hate stage hazards too. Especially when I played through the game for the first time and lost three chests because I only brought Gaius along thinking everything would be okay... :c

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Be sure to include the other sand maps like Nowi's one, too, as they shouldn't exist. ):<

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Chapter 2 on Lunatic as some have mentioned but also Severa's paralogue. For some reason she always gets herself killed when ever I play harder difficulties and it is just so annoying.

Also chapter 9. Not only do I hate what happens story wise but also I just don't like how it is a dessert map. Normally I don't mind dessert maps, but there is always that one in every FE game that I despise. It doesn't help that a lot of the time my mages and fliers are not good by that point.

Edited by Azz
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Personally I hate chapter 13 (The Gangrel one)

I was beaten to it, but the chapter where you fight Gangrel is Chapter 11, not Chapter 13. Chapter 13 is the one on Carrion Isle, where you're fighting off a bunch of Risen in a valley. The one Henry joins in and Lucina joins after.

Anyway, by and large I think Awakening's level design isn't too great in general compared to the rest of the series, but chapters I particularly dislike would have to be the first few simply because I've played through them so many times to the point where I'm basically permanently sick of them. Chapter 12 is really uninteresting, though.

Seriously, though, it's kind of hard for me to pick specific chapters I don't like because a lot of Awakening's maps have very similar problems with the chapter designs so a lot of my map-related problems with this game are more general trends than things that have to do with specific maps.

EDIT: Forgot Chapter 24 which I honestly find to be just made of bad decisions. The map design is bland, the battle taking place is so utterly detached from the main story (it's basically just a mandatory Skirmish), and really there's just no reason the map couldn't have been axed or replaced with something more interesting. The whole thing just reeks of being filler to me and the map itself isn't even interesting or fun so it's contributing about as much to the gameplay as it is to the story.

Edited by Starlight36
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FE13 has good levels?! More like an April fool!

Tiki's paralogue is sort of ok, because it plays like a defend chapter.

This game only consists exclusively of defeat boss and rout missions... and this is the 13th part (!!!) of this series.

No further comments necessary!

Worst of the worst are ch. 2 + 3 on lunatic (+). The reason, why I quitted to play lunatic + and the entire game.

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Not really despise, but I generally dislike the map design of C19, C23 and C24. The first two are basically just open plain with a ton of enemies and the second, while it has some interesting stuff going on with the Woods tile formations, the enemy setup isn't really conducive to utilizing it. So the those three maps just end up being boring slogs.

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All the early maps on Lunatic.

Donnel's Paralogue, due to the annoyance at having to baby him in order to get him and the fact that you can't put it off too long or else you'll have a team too strong to soften enemies for Donnel to kill.

Inigo's Paraogue, especially if you want to get all the rewards. I do like how the map itself is a throwback to one from Gaiden, though.

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Invisible Ties 23...gods that chapter...ugh and knowing I have to watch Chrom "die" is just ugh...worst cutscene ever :/

I found Owain's paralogue to be a pain and Tiki's. But I don't hate them that much. The ones I hate would be the ones where I am likely to lose a few units in the process of trying to complete them...like Priam's paralogue as an example.

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I cannot for the life of me beat chapter 5 lunatic+ without someone dying. That map is impossible to me without grinding or using spotpass since those Wyerns are just living pieces of hell.

Also, chapter 13 was by far the most difficult chapter when I played the game for the first time.

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Chapter 5 is my worst nightmare, honestly. (Curses you! Stop killing Ricken!) It even gives me trouble in Hard Mode, which a little pathetic, haha.

I can't really say much on this one then I must have a lot of luck D: I find that I don't even lose Ricken in this chapter.

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