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Why are people mad that Cloud is in Smash?


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1. Stop saying "the ballot winner." It's not a contest and there will almost definitely be more than one.

2. Regarding Cloud, Sakurai stated on Twitter that he "fulfilled a difficult request." Cloud is most likely a ballot choice.

1. It's not a contest? How is it not a contest? I'm going to call it a win or lose situation because that's essentially what it will be for many fans of whatever they like.

2. He didn't say he was the ballot winner, and that's also highly unlikely if the ballot ended in October. A month wouldn't be enough time for Sakurai's team to develop a character.

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*insert comment about how events where there is a winner and a loser isn't a contest, despite http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contest *

with that said after thinking about how LIGHTNING could've been made the character, i'm happy that its Cloud, its similar to my squall comment but i wasn't thinking about a woman that created her own character meme of "_______'s Lightning"

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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This ballot is a mere suggestion box though, the number of votes has no bearing, its whether they can work in smash or not.

If it was by number, we'd get something like Goku...

Edited by Jedi
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This ballot is a mere suggestion box though, the number of votes has no bearing, its whether they can work in smash or not.

If it was by number, we'd get something like Goku...

Pretty much what I'm thinking: number of votes means nothing if they're dumped onto a non-video game character like Shrek or some shonen anime protagonist.

Then, there's the issue of whether Sakurai and his team could figure out a way to make the character work in a setting like Smash Bros. and to make that character at least somewhat unique, on top of whether they can get the rights to use the character in Smash Bros. -- alongside Nintendo and Namco Bandai, the dev team poked Capcom, Sega, Ubisoft (Rayman trophy), and Square Enix.

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1. It's not a contest? How is it not a contest? I'm going to call it a win or lose situation because that's essentially what it will be for many fans of whatever they like.

2. He didn't say he was the ballot winner, and that's also highly unlikely if the ballot ended in October. A month wouldn't be enough time for Sakurai's team to develop a character.

1. It's a suggestion box. If it was a contest with a winner, number of votes would matter. Sure, whoever gets in could be seen as a "winner," but that's really only how the fans will see it.

2. The ballot was open for six months, and the last non-ballot fighters (Lucas, Roy, Ryu) were released halfway through it. It's entirely plausible that Sakurai started work on a ballot choice around that time.

Didn't I tell you to stop saying "the ballot winner"? Sakurai probably didn't say that because there's no such thing.

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This ballot is a mere suggestion box though, the number of votes has no bearing, its whether they can work in smash or not.

If it was by number, we'd get something like Goku...

to be fair about Goku tho, he's more popular then Cloud and has been on more nintendo consoles then Cloud.

i like Cloud being in the game, but this is what his inclusion opens up, possibility's for other less likely characters to be added

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Goku better not make it in

Here's Goku in Smash: https://youtu.be/c4t6PWd77wE?t=265

On a more serious note, from what it looks like, Smash Bros. may be celebrating (Japanese) video game history in general (not just Nintendo's) now thanks to Cloud's inclusion.

Still waiting on that Smash Bros. broadcast next month.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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1. It's a suggestion box. If it was a contest with a winner, number of votes would matter. Sure, whoever gets in could be seen as a "winner," but that's really only how the fans will see it.

2. The ballot was open for six months, and the last non-ballot fighters (Lucas, Roy, Ryu) were released halfway through it. It's entirely plausible that Sakurai started work on a ballot choice around that time.

Didn't I tell you to stop saying "the ballot winner"? Sakurai probably didn't say that because there's no such thing.

Yes, I know what you told me, I'm not sure why you have this idea that I am to be commanded around. I'd appreciate it if you talked to me with respect, as I don't recall ever talking to you in a passive aggressive tone.

I hear what you're saying but what out there tells us that it's more of a suggestion box and less of a contest? I know they said they can't fit everyone in but that doesn't mean they won't try with whoever gets the most votes. And if they started working on a character before the ballot ended, then that'd be a bit of a premature development, especially if it's as you (or not, it might have been someone else) assumed and stated Cloud was all we'd get.

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You guys are arguing over semantics.

Here's Goku in Smash: https://youtu.be/c4t6PWd77wE?t=265

On a more serious note, from what it looks like, Smash Bros. may be celebrating (Japanese) video game history in general (not just Nintendo's) now thanks to Cloud's inclusion.

Still waiting on that Smash Bros. broadcast next month.

The only think worse than Goku being added to this game is if he was made a Captain Falcon clone. This clip disgusts me.

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If it was by number, we'd get something like Goku...

If you actually bothered to read the terms of the ballot, you'd know that it specifies that the character has to have originated in a videogame. Which would mean any votes for Goku wouldn't be eligible for consideration, regardless of how many there were.

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I hear what you're saying but what out there tells us that it's more of a suggestion box and less of a contest? I know they said they can't fit everyone in but that doesn't mean they won't try with whoever gets the most votes. And if they started working on a character before the ballot ended, then that'd be a bit of a premature development, especially if it's as you (or not, it might have been someone else) assumed and stated Cloud was all we'd get.

The ballot itself, perhaps. They asked us to "suggest a character" and even included a field for us to describe why we picked that character. What would be the purpose of all that if votes were what mattered?

Quoting myself here: 1. Stop saying "the ballot winner." It's not a contest and there will almost definitely be more than one.

I don't know where you got the idea that I think there will be only one ballot choice. I've always been of the opinion that there will be at least three. It's one of my problems with the phrase "the ballot winner:" it assumes there will only be one.

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If there were to be only 1 "ballot winner", Thomas the Hype Train would have surely derailed since the ballot ran for 6 months before closing. Fans for the most part want more than just 1 video game character to be added and be playable in Smash.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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The ballot itself, perhaps. They asked us to "suggest a character" and even included a field for us to describe why we picked that character. What would be the purpose of all that if votes were what mattered?

Quoting myself here: 1. Stop saying "the ballot winner." It's not a contest and there will almost definitely be more than one.

I don't know where you got the idea that I think there will be only one ballot choice. I've always been of the opinion that there will be at least three. It's one of my problems with the phrase "the ballot winner:" it assumes there will only be one.

I stated I wasn't sure if it was you or not, goodness but you love being rude. Whatever, I guess I'm wrong, anything to get you to stop talking down to me. I have no problem with logic or the use of it to counter something that's incorrect, but when you use it in such a way that you attempt to make yourself seem smarter or better than the one you're debating with, then you're just being rude, and I can't recall any time I've ever intentionally offended you.

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I stated I wasn't sure if it was you or not, goodness but you love being rude. Whatever, I guess I'm wrong, anything to get you to stop talking down to me. I have no problem with logic or the use of it to counter something that's incorrect, but when you use it in such a way that you attempt to make yourself seem smarter or better than the one you're debating with, then you're just being rude, and I can't recall any time I've ever intentionally offended you.

Yikes, how was that even rude? Like, I can understand you seeing the previous post as a bit rude*, but here you just seem to be getting worked up over nothing. Yeah, I know you said you weren't sure if it was me or not (course, you could have simply scrolled up to check). I'm not sure how you thought I might have said that at all. Where did I talk down to you? Did I call you stupid? Did I say something like, "Well, if you would just read, you'd know I never said that."

Calm down.

*I do apologize for this, by the way. I've been through this discussion a lot and it's starting to wear me out.

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If there were to be only 1 "ballot winner", Thomas the Hype Train would have surely derailed since the ballot ran for 6 months before closing. Fans for the most part want more than just 1 video game character to be added and be playable in Smash.

for starters, as a massive railway series and television series fan, it's thomas the tank engine

Seriously. Nothing upsets me more than someone saying Thomas the Train when Thomas the Tank Engine is the correct name. Especial because the train is the entire package of an engine, some trucks/coaches/other, and a breakvan. To say Thomas the Train, whether as Hype Train or not implies that one engine is an entire train.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Sakurai said he fulfilled a difficult request. I feel like the focus here is more on difficult and less on request. I guarantee he was referring to the difficult legal process and not anything else. Didn't he once say Snake was cut for "adult matters?" I assume that he refers to legal matters like this. As such, I highly doubt Cloud is the ballot choice per say for this reason.

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for starters, as a massive railway series and television series fan, it's thomas the tank engine

Seriously. Nothing upsets me more than someone saying Thomas the Train when Thomas the Tank Engine is the correct name.

i hope you realize both names are correct

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i hope you realize both names are correct

but is it though

I've not seen a single official media that calls him Thomas the Train.

Even his first two Railway Series focus books are called Thomas the Tank Engine and More About Thomas the Tank Engine.

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This conversation has been derailed by train talk. How ironic.

Back to Cloud, part of why people are upset is he's another Sword wielder, but when you look at his moveset closely most of his moves are quite his own, yet I see people say OH LOOK ITS A SHULK CLONE or oh look its an IKE CLONE.

Dudes, I use both and he doesn't look like either outside of like, the jab, nair and dair.

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Jab: Ike

Ftilt: Unique? I'm pretty sure I've seen this before.

DTilt: Mega Man

Utilt: Definitely unique

Dash Attack: Marth

FSmash: Unique

DSmash: Unique (kinda like Marth's but different)

USmash: Shulk's Utilt (amazing)

Nair: Ike

Fair: Shulk (but apparently spikes)

Bair: Like everyone with a sword

Dair: Roy

Upair: Ike's utilt in the air

Neutral B: Unique

Side B: Unique

Up B: Kirby + Shulk

Down B: Unique

Definitely a ripoff.

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