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What I personally like about Nohr's story over Hoshido...


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Whether you like it or not that does actually fall into that category. I feel sorry for what happened to them, but what they did wasn't a bright idea at all with the army that so happens to have the person their badmouthing marching by in front of them. What's so hard to understand? You're acting as if me and JupiterKnight are being apathetic to the victims or at least trying to play it that way which I hope not. Now had they killed those 2 civilians for no reason at all then by all means I would agree with you, but they did have a reason to give as it would be down right illogical to kill subjects to the upcoming ruler of Hoshido.

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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Except they aren't let go once. Takumi is let go three times, Hinoka twice, Ryoma once(kind of) and Sakura is spared and all of them are rescued during chapter 18. Furthermore Takumi forgives Corrin during Chapter 27 and Hinoka forgives Corrin after chapter 28. After Corrin has already proven they're out to save Hoshido and after defeating Garon, Ganz and Macbeth.

I'll admit I forgot about Hinoka in the tower and Takumi in Chevalier. You do take her prisoner in Chapter 22...where she's at the mercy of Ganz, Garon and Iago. Why they don't kill her when they plan on killing all the officials in Hoshido is a mystery, but fine, whatever.

Takumi and Hinoka forgiving Corrin is totally bullshit; his whole plan to save Hoshido is to...help Gaorn take over Hoshido. Yes he kills the three afterwards, but he still helped them take over the kingdom in the first place and led to the deaths of numerous people. In fact, he was instrumental in letting them even get that far to begin with. If you were from Hoshido, would you forgive Corrin? No you wouldn't, because Garon would never have gotten that far if Corrin didn't help him to begin with. I could see Hinoka at least not wanting revenge, but she'd still be pissed off and wouldn't forgive him. And I sure as shit can say that nobody would say this:

Hinoka: But… Kamui. Your wish, for everyone to laugh together as real siblings… I don’t think you have to wish for it to come true…

Like, even if you buy Hinoka forgiving Corrin, I don't think she'd be able to treat him like family after he and his adoptive siblings helped a sadistic tyrant occupy her homeland and lead to the deaths of her two brothers. Nobody could.

That happens in Chapter 2 and by that point Corrin has only just been let out of his/her lifetime of confinement. It is the first time that Garon has given Corrin an order to kill somebody and Corrin doesn't know the consequences at that point. That isn't inconsitency, its learning not unlike a child choosing not to touch a burning stove a 2nd time after being burnt by one. They're not braver beforehand, they're just ignorant of the consequences.

But yet again this is supposedly poor writing and inconsistent...even when it isn't. Is it any surprise I compared the criticism to a youtuber's hyperbole trying to make something out as the "worst [insert] ever"?

Hmmm. That explanation does make some sense. The dude is pretty sheltered, so I could see him lacking in common sense and learning very quickly the consequences of his actions. I'll admit to being wrong here.

It seems more like those getting upset the plot not heading in a certain direction is the breaking point for some rather than actual quality. Especially in Conquest where Corrin fights against the Hoshido, they don't get their way so the whole thing is just people saying every plot point is poorly written regardless. I couldn't give a toss if someone just dislikes the plot. But trying to mislead other people by state to care about quality but being prepared to pretend parts of the game never happened for example saying that the Hoshido siblings were only spared once, or using a point where Corrin is ignorant to suggest inconsistent characterisation is something else. No one who actually cared about the quality would do that.

Dude, I've been kinder to the plot than many others here. I've said on several occasions that I don't mind a plot where Corrin helps Nohr invade Hoshido as long as it's executed well. I mean, I'd be a bit disappointed, but a good story is a good story. It doesn't though, and I along with numerous others, explained why the plot just isn't good, a lot of which you ignore.

And it sure does seem like you're upset people don't like the plot because of your attempts at painting its critics as malicious and dishonest. You know what is dishonest? Ascribing false motives to people for disagreeing with you. Likewise, it's also intellectually dishonest to pick on one part of the critique where someone gets something wrong and use it to completely dismiss the rest. It's infuriating to see you claim that I and several other people are attempting to mislead people because we get a couple of facts wrong when it could just be because we're human and make mistakes (and by the way, said mistakes do not completely negate my points). I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong, such as in this very post. There are probably people who do hate the story simply because it's not exactly what they expected but it's asinine to assume that everyone who hates it is doing so out of pettiness.

Expectations are important, but the main expectation people had from IS's advertising was that the plot would be good. I myself said on one prior occasion that people did have their expectations too high going in; some people were expecting A Song of Fire and Ice quality writing for fuck's sake. That's why it's more infuriating when the plot turns out to simply not be good because when have expectations of a certain standard and they're not delivered, it's like one's trust is being betrayed. Whereas if you go in with no expectations and something turns out to be shit, it's not as angering because you weren't expecting anything out of it to begin with and you had nothing invested in it. I don't even think Nohr is the worst FE plot. It's better than Awakening and definitely better than Tear Ring Saga and honestly, FE4 is often not that much better. FE10 at its worst is just as bad as Nohr can get and the Blood Pact is just as awful a plot device as the curse. But it's still not very good.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Whether you like it or not that does actually fall into that category. I feel sorry for what happened to them, but what they did wasn't a bright idea at all with the army that so happens to have the person their badmouthing marching by in front of them. What's so hard to understand?

I dare you to go say this to any real person who went through any real major event. Go tell this to a Holocaust survivor. Go tell this to people who live in a war zone. Go ahead, just tell them that. I'll be surprised if you don't get lynched for saying something like that. The truth is, you know better than that, don't you? Do you actually believe in anything you're saying? Or is it okay because it's fictional, or because it's Nohr?

I find your utter lack of empathy shocking. I find your complete inability to take yourself out of your own thoughts and try to see it from someone else's POV to be utterly astounding. Somehow, I'm always surprised people like this exist because I think people should know better. Honestly, that's on you, not me. Being pro-Nohr doesn't mean you blindly excuse obviously bad things that Nohr did. Just because I like Hoshido route better doesn't mean I think it's perfect and I like everything about it. When people are blind devotees to whatever they like, refusing to admit any wrongs about it, that's when you show just how far you'll go on morals just to justify something.

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Look all I was stating was that the story did do a realistic case of the situation with there being a cause and effect afterwards. Just because I say what happened for those reasons makes me lack empathy? Way to go at twisting and throwing accusations at someone with trying to turn this topic into something heated.

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Yikes, guys. Sorry to mini-mod but can we all just take a step back, breath deep and not make internet arguments personal, ya?

@Sunwoo, We're just discussing a fictional story, there's no reason to fling accusations of people lacking empathy. I agree with your points but let's keep things civil.

@AbsoluteZer0Nova, while I understand and can agree with the statement that those guys fell into the "too dumb to live" category, that's irrelevant to the discussion because that's not a defense of Nohr's actions in Hoshido. It does sound like you are placing the blame on the victims when you say "they brought it upon themselves".

@JupiterKnight, Damage is damage. One's ability to eventually recover from damage doesn't negate or even mitigate the wrongness of the person doing the damage. If someone purposely wrecks your car, you aren't likely to forgive them just because it was insured.

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I'm sorry I got so heated, that was uncalled for. The reason I am getting so mad is because these kinds of attitudes about things rarely stay limited to fiction. Arguments as messy as this always tend to reveal things about the person saying it, and I have a very negative and unfavorable view of humanity as it is. Sorry for resorting to personal insults, Nova. It was not called for. I'm also done with this thread because I'm just getting more depressed.

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Ryouma and Hinoka really don't seem to give a shit about either Takumi or Sakura.

Using the site https://fateswartable.wordpress.com as my source:

In Hinoka's chapter

- Hinoka is still reminiscing about and mourning the fact that Kamui no longer considers themselves a Hoshido royal

- She's not even mad that Kamui says he has to kill her because Garon has ordered it

- "Sakura … she's alive?!" You thought that Sakura (and Takumi by extension) were dead and didn't even get a little angry on their behalf!? The fuck, Hinoka?!

In Ryouma's chapter

- Macbeth gloats to Ryouma about how Sakura is a prisoner and Takumi may or may not be dead. The only one he really reacts to is when he says Hinoka is dead

- Ryouma, when defeated, only asks Kamui to send him "where Hinoka is". No thoughts about Sakura, doesn't give a shit about Takumi.

- Kills himself to protect Kamui from being called a traitor by Garon and Macbeth. Now, I get Ryouma really had no choice here since he was going to die either way, but was it necessary for him to kill himself to protect KAMUI, as opposed to, say, his honor?

- Does not ever mention Sakura or Takumi on his own. Ever.

Sakura and Takumi deserve better siblings than these two jokers. :|

Well, Hinoka really accepted things. After all, she accepted that Corrin was corrupted and lost to Nohr at that point so she most likely would accept the death of her other siblings. Sakura living is a surprise.

Well, Sakura and Takumi are already dead, as far as he knows, at that point and Hinoka would be the most recent. Ryoma kills himself to protect the traitor Corrin and to safeguard the family honor.

At least that's what I believe they TRIED to sell, they just did a poor job at it.


There's no need to mini-mod, Sunwoo has been 100% right thus far in regards to how bad this plot is and that there's nothing to defend here. IS promised something and man did they not deliver in even the slightest. Even their best path, Hoshido, is a mess.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Well, you get an exclusive broken class/class ability if you get all 3 even if said ability is nerfed compared to the Awakening version.

As for best difficulty/maps... Don't worry about it. The challenge DLC stuff, whenever it gets made, will be far more challenging than any of the routes so you'll appreciate Hoshido's grinding far better as you'll actually get to prepare for it without pulling your hair out.

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Alright. I was going to argue, but instead I'm going to try to be brief because to be honest I'm real tired of people like most of you on this forum.

For context - I'm Deirdre, the main translator for fateswartable AKA the site your glorious Sunwoo keeps referencing.

Also for context - I love the Nohr route. No, I'm not really going to explain why because at this point I'm so done arguing against people who think they know everything despite not experiencing the game firsthand (and yes, I regard having good enough knowledge of Japanese to understand writing tonally a requirement for actually being able to experience the game). Your minds are already made up. No amount of arguing is ever going to make me heard to you people.

It's incredibly depressing to me, both as a translator and a fan of the series, but at this point I try not to care too much.

I guess I can't say I've totally given up hope because I'm here, taking the time to write this out, in one desperate attempt to reach someone who hasn't been absolutely ruined. So I hope my message will reach those people. Please. Don't completely subscribe to the group mentality this place seems to have and view various peoples' opinions - preferably if they've actually played and can read the game - before forming your own opinion.

I don't know if I even should make this offer because no one took me up on it last time I offered (I'm assuming because from what I've seen, this forum is largely an echo chamber), but if I don't think you're just trying to pick a fight or insinuate that you know best, I will try to take actual questions about routes or my opinion of routes (disclaimer - I've only skimmed parts of IK)

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What I've learned from this thread is that I should just get the Hoshido route and then maybe the IK DLC, as opposed to spending 80 dollars on all three.

Or just don't give two figs about the story and get Nohr for the better gameplay.

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I don't know if I even should make this offer because no one took me up on it last time I offered (I'm assuming because from what I've seen, this forum is largely an echo chamber), but if I don't think you're just trying to pick a fight or insinuate that you know best, I will try to take actual questions about routes or my opinion of routes (disclaimer - I've only skimmed parts of IK)

Okay, then can you please shed a light on what you think most people here have misunderstood, especially regarding the main problems that have been brought up (not just in this thread, but in others as well)? If there is no misconception, then people have the right to like or dislike whatever they want, and their opinions are just as valid as yours (which, by the way, is not absolute just because you're a translator). How much people know/understand is irrelevant, if their reasoning can't even be proven wrong by the information that they don't hold, their opinion stands valid. That is clear from the beginning.

What we are mainly arguing here is how to interpret/view certain plot points. If there's really something that one needs to be experienced in Japanese in order to catch (that can't be achieved by simply reading translations or being able to read simple Japanese sentences), or anything you feel like saying, you can share it with us, or at least me. While I cannot promise that there won't be any rebuttals, I personally am willing to hear it out and discuss this topic. So for example, how are you going to argue against Sunwoo's claims of the Hoshidan siblings? People are using your translation as a source to prove their points, after all.

That said, I stand by my point that people have the right to have a negative opinion on every plot point that, to them, is not logical or simply bad writing; unless one can prove that their reasoning is problematic.

@NeonZ: I'll probably reply to you at a later point. I need to check up some things first.

Edited by Ryo
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Alright. I was going to argue, but instead I'm going to try to be brief because to be honest I'm real tired of people like most of you on this forum.

For context - I'm Deirdre, the main translator for fateswartable AKA the site your glorious Sunwoo keeps referencing.

Also for context - I love the Nohr route. No, I'm not really going to explain why because at this point I'm so done arguing against people who think they know everything despite not experiencing the game firsthand (and yes, I regard having good enough knowledge of Japanese to understand writing tonally a requirement for actually being able to experience the game). Your minds are already made up. No amount of arguing is ever going to make me heard to you people.

It's incredibly depressing to me, both as a translator and a fan of the series, but at this point I try not to care too much.

I guess I can't say I've totally given up hope because I'm here, taking the time to write this out, in one desperate attempt to reach someone who hasn't been absolutely ruined. So I hope my message will reach those people. Please. Don't completely subscribe to the group mentality this place seems to have and view various peoples' opinions - preferably if they've actually played and can read the game - before forming your own opinion.

I don't know if I even should make this offer because no one took me up on it last time I offered (I'm assuming because from what I've seen, this forum is largely an echo chamber), but if I don't think you're just trying to pick a fight or insinuate that you know best, I will try to take actual questions about routes or my opinion of routes (disclaimer - I've only skimmed parts of IK)

Yet you provide not one shred of evidence that shows that Nohr's story isn't a trainwreck, You also admit your bias towards Nohr as you love it a great deal and push off "haters" as simply being ignorant to Nohr's supposedly "great story".

Maybe provide something other than "It's not as bad as everyone says or the translations show! Really!" instead of what you did here which was nothing other than belittling all those that hate Nohr's horrid story as "Not playing or able to read" it. You do know that some of us actually can read it too. Remember, you aren't the only one that has translated anything in the past or present nor are you the only one that has provided translations here for those that cannot read it or have the game as of this time.

Heck, I translated a great deal of the SRW z2.2 script when I was still learning as I went. It isn't 100% accurate, as it was simply too much to through by myself and life stopped me from going over it in full after most was done, and I did take some liberties to make sense of some things or shortened the dialogue of certain plot point due to them simply not translating that well if translated literally word for word. That and SRW is known for a ridiculous amount of Text which had me pulling my hair out for the longer Scenarios.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Actually. If you don't have full understanding or grasp of a language, you won't be able to fully translate it. This is because language is often heavily dependent on its origin culture (especially, especially languages like Japanese). Even if you have a full understanding of grammar and know all of the vocabulary in an English <-> Japanese context, if you can't understand wordplay, proverbs, sayings, etc. chances are you're missing out on a huge amount of information. Chinese is notorious for having double to triple meanings under innocuous sentences and wordplay (I'm using this as an example because Chinese is a language I'm familiar with and also very similar to Japanese in the use of Kanji). Heck, the wordplay games that are played can be considered clever ciphers, and having a sharp and witty mind is necessary to decode the double meaning under it (Sunwukong was hit on the head by his teacher 3 times, the teacher scolding him for not wanting to learn any of the skills he offered - what he really meant was for Sunwukong to seek him out 3 marks after the sun had set so that the teacher could teach Sunwukong his secret skills). If the second part hadn't been shown, not many people unfamiliar with the culture and context would realize what it meant. So yeah, the chances are, unless you're a native Japanese speaker raised and submerged in the culture, you're kind of missing out on a good portion.

The major thing here though, from what I've been seeing going through this entire thread, is that most of 'Nohr is a bad route!' are just moral arguments. Like 'oh they shouldn't have done x! that's so bad!'. But the entire concept of Nohr is a slowly decaying kingdom where unrest is stirring. You can't really start a rebellion without...a reason to rebel (lack of human rights, abuse by those higher up on the food chain, etc.). They also have a huge lack of resources that Hoshido has, making invading Hoshido a quite attractive prospect. If you look at how wars and unrest happens throughout history in context with reality, the scenes do make sense - even if they aren't attractive or morally right. It's just the reality of Nohr having terrible, terrible leaders that seem to not care about the people under them (a common situation in corrupt regimes). Some can argue that Kamui's choice to attempt to revolutionize the country from the inside is rather futile, but that's the point in my opinion. Kamui doesn't really know better. They've been trapped in a fortress all their life with minimal contact with the real world. Do you really think they'd just get up and decide to join the rebels or something? No, they'd probably go for a place more familiar - their own 'family'. By being a royal, Kamui has the ability to influence from within even with some major kingpins blocking the way. However, it is likely that they might have overestimated their actual power (kind of non-existent since most of the actual power belongs to Garon). Even for Marx, going against Garon is neigh impossible, due to his memories of his father as well as his father's position of authority (seen in his frustration towards his father's decisions in the support between Marx and Kamui).

Also, I should mention, a lot of this 'plot bashing' I'm seeing is being removed from context. The games are all connected - you're supposed to learn more as you play the games. They're not supposed to be seen in isolation or even removed from reality (because, realistically speaking, wars have been started for less reasons than the ones Nohr chooses to give - as in there are probably a lot of other underlying reasons as to why they choose to constantly invade Hoshido that you, the player, are supposed to figure out). Just because you choose to play one route doesn't automatically take away the information from the other routes (What you learn in IK and Hoshido will still affect Nohr, for example). Good game writing is writing that doesn't information dump you, but lets you understand the world through fragments and unexpected places.

The gameplay is a little bit removed from the game story itself (because lets face it - rarely does a game manage to mesh it well - i.e. pheonix downs can revive your party members in battle but not scripted deaths) but that shouldn't detract from the comprehensive story that the game as a whole has. No route is better or worse than the other (because whether one is better or worse is solely opinion based), and the only reason why I'm getting rather riled is how you all are ruining it for people who haven't played the game yet and don't realize that you need to play ALL three routes to know the entire story. That's why Hitori Omou contains the three major stanzas reflecting each route (Path of light, Path of dark, Path of innocent wish).

Added to this, Kamui isn't lacking in empathy - rather, Kamui lacks knowledge (ignorance) and experience (naivety), allowing for them to perform actions that would seem to be morally gray due to their lack of experience. It can also be a form of adaptation where emotions towards a traumatic event are dulled or shelved so it doesn't affect their mental state. As they learn more about the world and meet more people, their horizons will expand and eventually they are likely to come to regret the decisions of their younger self. That's what being a human is.

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How Judgral did the ''rugged kingdom fighting green kingdom'' shtick better:

1. Trabant and Areone are noticeably less cartoon villainey than Garon, Ganz, Macbeth. Just looking at Trabant, Ethlyn's death bothers him such that it drives him to take Altenna with him to Thracia to be a daughter instead of war booty and later on he's aware that Leif and Co. won't let him go after all he's done so he gives Areone the keys to Thracia right before flying to his demise.

2. Quan was a belligerent who perpetuated the tariffs that were abused by Manster nobles.

3. It didn't go overboard trying to show rotten Thracia against how shiny Manster is. Thracians have a nasty reputation that you'd expect for a nation with soldiering for hire as a national pastime, but the shown Thracians' rottenness or otherwise shadiness is noticeably more toned down when put up against what's shown of the Nohr faction (see this post). Either that, or the Thracians weren't really portrayed as exceptionally dubious when put up against other nations (see Grannvale's conquest spree).

Anything I'm missing?

Edited by Alazen
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"Those protestors brought it upon themselves for disrupting the peace and disrespecting the government. If they had just kept their mouths shut and moved aside, they wouldn't have died."

"Those teenagers brought it upon themselves. They were mocking the police officers and being rowdy. If they had just kept their mouths shut and moved aside, they wouldn't have died."

You. Are. Blaming. The. Victim. You're making excuses for the obviously psychopathic evil peoples because apparently their feelings are so fragile more so than tissue paper that the angry people who were just conquered have NO RIGHT to protest and to be angry. No, why don't we all just shut up and be the good little fucking sheep and bow our heads to the strong people?

Is this what you are really saying? Because this what you're saying. You disgust me.

Okay we have to keep in mind. Sunwoo is right, this rarely stays limited to fiction. With that in mind we have to understand this is fiction based on a time period and place that is reality. In this case Nohr is based off of the Medieval Europe.

What we do know of this time is that if you insulted your nobility or royalty, you generally did have a date with the ax man, or if in France, the guillotine. In our modern period of time where we actually have a more sensible understanding and do not believe royalty are chosen by gods (or as some cultures claimed, are in fact gods). However in that time it was not the case, they were the closest anyone got to God and insulting them was borderline blasphemy and treason against the crown and dealt with as such.

So I do see why they chose to mimic that state in this fictional recreation and I can understand why Sunwoo gets heated and does not like it. As for the comment of apathy I have not played the part and can not comment if it would bother me or not, all I know is after the first time walking the Law Path in Tactics Ogre I really had to insist on Chaos every other turn. I figure it was said best in a totally unrelated game, "Do not hate humans. If you cannot life with them, then at least do them no harm. For theirs is already a hard lot." it is an interesting quote and one I feel that anyone with power and is in a better position than another should give thought. You do not need to help them if you do not want to. However consider that their life may very well be much harder than it appears and do even a little part by not adding to their potential hardships.

From what Arvilino said I can actually understand what may be going through Corrin's mind and why they act the way they do. I have to agree the whole scenario of Nohr does not come off as shoddy writing as much as it comes off as having a bad plot device. It may also only be me but I have found most Fire Emblem games have always had a problem with plot devices.

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Alright. I was going to argue, but instead I'm going to try to be brief because to be honest I'm real tired of people like most of you on this forum.

For context - I'm Deirdre, the main translator for fateswartable AKA the site your glorious Sunwoo keeps referencing.

Also for context - I love the Nohr route. No, I'm not really going to explain why because at this point I'm so done arguing against people who think they know everything despite not experiencing the game firsthand (and yes, I regard having good enough knowledge of Japanese to understand writing tonally a requirement for actually being able to experience the game). Your minds are already made up. No amount of arguing is ever going to make me heard to you people.

It's incredibly depressing to me, both as a translator and a fan of the series, but at this point I try not to care too much.

I guess I can't say I've totally given up hope because I'm here, taking the time to write this out, in one desperate attempt to reach someone who hasn't been absolutely ruined. So I hope my message will reach those people. Please. Don't completely subscribe to the group mentality this place seems to have and view various peoples' opinions - preferably if they've actually played and can read the game - before forming your own opinion.

I don't know if I even should make this offer because no one took me up on it last time I offered (I'm assuming because from what I've seen, this forum is largely an echo chamber), but if I don't think you're just trying to pick a fight or insinuate that you know best, I will try to take actual questions about routes or my opinion of routes (disclaimer - I've only skimmed parts of IK)

Why exactly do you like Nohr's plot? It may not reach those who do not wish to listen, but holding back opinions and logic does nothing for those who do want to listen. Then again I also include supports in plot, so if you enjoyed those too, do include those.

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Well, you get an exclusive broken class/class ability if you get all 3 even if said ability is nerfed compared to the Awakening version.

As for best difficulty/maps... Don't worry about it. The challenge DLC stuff, whenever it gets made, will be far more challenging than any of the routes so you'll appreciate Hoshido's grinding far better as you'll actually get to prepare for it without pulling your hair out.

Uh, which class are we talking here again? I've been out of the loop on specifics for this game.

EDIT: Nvm looked it up. Sounds tempting, though it sounds like GF got nerfed hard, so idk now.

Edited by Radiant head
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I haven't used Galeforce but I doubt it's nearly as useful considering it won't work in Attack or Guard Stance.

You can also get the Dark Flier item from the Battle for the Strongest Royal DLC if you don't want to buy the 3rd route.

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3. It didn't go overboard trying to show rotten Thracia against how shiny Manster is. Thracians have a nasty reputation that you'd expect for a nation with soldiering for hire as a national pastime, but the shown Thracians' rottenness or otherwise shadiness is noticeably more toned down when put up against what's shown of the Nohr faction (see this post). Either that, or the Thracians weren't really portrayed as exceptionally dubious when put up against other nations (see Grannvale's conquest spree).

That blogpost you linked was painful to read. It reminded me off all things Radiant Dawn, were Micaiah describes how she got attached to the people of Daein because of their kindness in the wake of their country being in ruins:

Micaiah: During the war, I spent a lot of time with the people of Daein while I was waiting for you to return. After we lost the war, all our cities and towns had been reduced to ruins. We had to help each other to cope. We supported and comforted each other. That’s how we survived.

Sothe: You never mentioned this before.

Micaiah: I’ve been secluded so long, I had no idea people were so strong… and kind. No one knew who I was, but they helped me because I was from Daein. They were so… loving. They were my friends.

Misery showed the best sides of the Daein people and kept their bad sides hidden.

Even when they were at their worst, the contrast with the old games continues to amaze me.

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