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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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with the exception of Clarinets's role every special role in this game has had some kind of modifier so these claims aren't exactly coming out of left field. idk what you mean when you say you're the vig, I can understand you mean a pseudo dayvig that does so on votes (and can really only do so after a certain amount of time) but I don't think there's any contradiction between yours and Shinori's claims.

also if you voted with 4 today would you have 4 tomorrow as well?

"Elie has towniest interactions with TG" explain to me how that person is not Crysta? her first serious posts in the thread already call TG out and as said here she was both a) the first to do so and b) focusing on TG the most out of anyone

on the otherhand Elie goes from no opinion and was fine with sheeping to it's an okay vote but 'I think it's not really gonna be a great lynch' to 'the more I think about the lynch the more I'm not behind it' and being one of the only ones to really believe her claim. in the last post his opinion on town-TG came more out of gut* feeling rather than actually arguing for it.

*if you are a gut player then I can kind of sympathize but I wouldn't call this a great town stance on someone who flipped scum.

also he said that if TG flipped scum then he'd lose his town read on Crysta. does that mean she drops to null, or scum?

let me post this one before I lose track of what I'm trying to do

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1. Is this scummy?

2. I actually said: "The more I think about this, the more I kinda think it's not really going to be a great lynch"

Which isn't "You guys won't like this. Please re-read because if that's the message you're getting, I have no idea how.

3. Am I actually scummy for anything here?

In particular, am I scummy for this? You just negated'd your own argument for me being scummy here so ????

4. If that's what you think then ok. I disagree but moreso, I find your rational for your scumread on me based on TG to not be very good. I've done plenty of other things in this game that could be viewed as scummy, I honestly think that my flipflopping of confidence and believing TG's roleclaim given the evidence of the now-flipped town!Boron should actually be very difficult to ascertain, and that I should require more analysis from other activity of mine before having a read of any kind thrown on me.

1. it wasn't scummy, I just disagreed with your read there. now I'm rereading my post and not entirely sure what I said there, it was probably more stream of consciousness than anything

2. i think i read that statement and the other one like 10 times and trying to remember what you said in my head and then changing it from "i don't really like this" to "you guys don't like this" when I actually wrote it. it's a bad misrep by me which is why I'm making this post to fix my argument!

3. alright I looked over what paragraph of mine that you were quoting and I was very inarticulate. i'm going to try again:

basically this is an extension of what i'm saying to BBM that this is not 'the most town interactions with TG'

4. I'll agree here and I swear that a later post of mine will argue on that, namely your reaction to Shinori's claim this ongoing day

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doesn't make sense for Shinori to be on the same mafia side if his power is true I guess i wouldn't lynch him today at the very least

I do have the urge to make some kind of read on him so I'm just going to drop this here real quickly

  • his vote on Refa here is just because he thought Refa made a move so mind-bogglingly ludicrous that he wanted to vote him for it, saying 'we shouldn't ignore it.' but I don't think voting him was the thing to do there. he said firstly that it was something scum would have no reason to do! then he says that there's also no reason for him to do it as town. doesn't that mean it's null? would've been better to vote Clarinets here but decides to place a very odd vote.
  • he changes his opinion a bit here saying it's probably scum doing it for townie points. i guess i can't really do much here since the target is now dead
  • here he looks cautious of Crysta sheeping a TG vote and not having that much basis of her own behind it (she said one post about not liking TG sheeping eclipse). it's good to point it out and call others on sheeps, then I think there's more but confused about wording
  • more explanation of his read on Refa, guess it was more out of the shock than anything
  • a slight misgiving of TG thinking that Crysta is town for making a case on her.
  • here he's just focused on the TG/Crysta thing and comes to the conclusion that both are scumworthy (1st and 2nd in fact and it bugs me, like it should bug most of you, that he doesn't vote for his 2nd strongest scum read and use that nolynch opportunity to prove his own role).
  • a bunch of his misgivings on Crysta is that she should be voting other people and her case on TG isn't as strong as it looks when you dig down on it. with TG flipping scum does this change your earlier opinions of Crysta?
  • saying 'I would never devise a claim like activist vig if I was real scum!' I don't like the appeal to meta or whatever you want to call it but I can't say it's scummy cause that just ends up being a matter of mindgames and/or skill at fakeclaiming.
  • his vote on Elie (voting someone that voted you even though they seemed to believe your claim) - well I have to agree

I don't know why I bothered since he's good unless he can't prove his vig shot claim but I felt better typing this. I was going to bring up a 3rd party conspiracy!!!!!! again but no

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ok food done.

the back-and-forth between elie and shinori was less enlightening than i thought it may be going in. it sounds like you two voted each other out of frustration more than anything else (though shinori does have a point with him suddenly going from a seemingly top townread -> scum was a little jarring - the logic was just that bad though). with boron's x1 massblock i can see how maybe this was setup to give shinori a shot once it was used and the stars aligned correctly to screw him over (in addition to using poor judgement). still a little peeved that not hammering was deliberate instead of flaking out, though. fine with testing it out and not potentially losing because he messed up.

i also read elie as being genuinely frustrated; something i feel more sure about with him and his waffleness than with shinori tbh.

yolo's claim should also be easy enough to prove if we have to, i guess.

not really interested in competing in the townie olympics but i appreciate the attention. i think he puts me in the null-slight-townread category last time i checked. only he knows the reasoning behind that, though.

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So didn't get back until midnight last night

And a tornado came through and hit my parents neighborhood. They're all good though minus some trees being uprooted. Distractions spend.

Quick replies at ocean

My strong town read on crysta has dropped to a very middling read but not really a scum read.

Commuter in a role light game made sense to me at the time because its entirely defensive vs scans and such, but doesn't [well it shouldn't] augment factional kill power. The omniguard flip implies protection from killing & nonkilling while still allowing actions to be performed (like the factional kill) so while they are both sorta similar, her claim masked what her kill potential.

Two "Vig" roles seems plausible but I'm at odds end with Omega since there's arguably now two methods for people to just -die- and aside from a bodyguard and scum omniguard. Nothing really protects from that vote power unless the omniguard did. Basically it seems ridiculously powerful

Omega, does your ultravote display on Votals?

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Well maybe not. It accumulates over time so it seems more like a backup kill to what I [hope] is the town activist which is like having two handicapped vigs instead of one full one

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Omega, does your power work in *YLO? Also, do you think your role doesn't work with Shinori's? Not really a fan of how you're like "just gonna leave this here and let other people interpret it". Who do you want to lynch today?

Personally I'm not sure why people are making Omega's power out to be a vig variant. It's a mayor variant; any ability to use it as a governor/dayvig is very late in the game and also very situational.

Ocean might have felt better after typing up that post about Shinori but I don't feel better about Ocean. I still don't know whether Ocean thinks Elie is scum or just "not that town", because he isn't voting him.

Shinori, I repeat, what do you think about Crysta?

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im sorry guys ive had a rough weekend. ill b here tomorrow. in the meantime id like to kno if bbm thinks theres at least 1 scum between shinori/eli. like do you get town vs scum vibes from their exchange at all?

we should force shinori to shoot someone of our choosing with my power to hold him accountable

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im sorry guys ive had a rough weekend. ill b here tomorrow. in the meantime id like to kno if bbm thinks theres at least 1 scum between shinori/eli. like do you get town vs scum vibes from their exchange at all?

we should force shinori to shoot someone of our choosing with my power to hold him accountable

if shinori can prove vig, they're probably both town.

wrt mancer/tg interactions- what? That could easily be what noobscum says about a buddy. They generally don't bus as much.

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Omega's claim and Ocean's responses to me have really set me back in terms of scumreading their slots (well it wasn't all that sold in stone either but yea).

I frustratingly want to lynch Quote and Mancer. I feel like we should just test omega's role on one and shinori on the other. The more I read, the more I just feel lost. My head's not in a good place after today and maybe I'm just too worn out to think clearly but this is basically where I'm at right now.

18 hours 34 minutes as of this post, remain in phase. Just so ya'll know.

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I'm fine with that plan; Mancer was online shortly after the TG lynch (if I read correctly) and Quote was online yesterday. Would not be surprised if scum is among one of them. If not, then they're still dead weight.

##Vote: Mancer

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I don't expect that Via or Mancer will show up, so basically 5/6 of us need to be voting, and can we not leave it up to 10 minutes before deadline this time, as if the lynch is miraculously going to change?

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If Omega votes with his ultramegasuperduper vote then we can at least net a Lynch, what with two inactives.

Would be a heck of a role confirmation

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Personally, I don't agree with his logic on Roxas, more specifically the overreacting part. He does however bring up a good point that Clarinets shouldn't just pass by anyone's questions and ignore them, almost like he's trying to avoid saying something that might screw him over. I also feel that he honestly didn't know that Roxas = Archer of Gold. He seems pretty town to me.


the "he seems pretty town to me" was for ARCHER not MANCER. this means mancer can go back on the shitlist

honestly i was gonna read this game later but the inactivity has sapped my motivation. should we jus lynch mancer and call it a day? if he flips town ima prolly go back to ocean fyi

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should I just omit my vote and let yolo prove his ability or throw it down anyways

the reason why I haven't voted Elieson yet is because I hadn't finished my arguments against him (I said I wanted to analyze his interactions that didn't involve TG) and then I wasn't able to get around to it yesterday

now it seems like we're doing something else tho

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