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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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I was assuming he could trigger it at any point idk the mechanics though obviously

if we don't get a lynch Shinori does get another shot but again I don't know his mechanics and if it overlaps with his already existing kill

vote Mancer

I guess this is still better than withholding my vote

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##Vote Mancer

I assumed he could just day-activate it too, kind of like a dayvig or something. Of course, he's not clarifying anything, so the well's dry with any kind of protip on how to consider him into this equation so yea

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and I didn't send out a neighbor thingy to any of the remaining people either. I could've totally done that but I legit forgot.

With Mancer flipped, stuff goes back to what'll likely be 6 alive or 5 alive tomorrow.

Here's what just hit me though. Shinori claims to still have a shot. Omega claims to still have his Vote thing. Yesterday, 8 were alive. Assuming that we ML'd and Shinori decides to nail town tonight, and a factional kill, that brings the game to 5 alive instead of the 8 we had. In theory, Omega still has his super vote thing, which would be nuts since he should be entering tomorrow alive, if he does, with a +5 vote, which is an instant hammer. If Omega were scum, it would have been LYLO today, since he could've had a +4, plus some other theoretical non-town. Tomorrow is even moreso because since no *YLO was announced, we're possibly entering tomorrow with 3:1:1 or 3:2 (or maybe 4:1?). Omega's an instant day-vig with his Mayor superhammer and if he wasn't town then the game would basically maybe be over.

But that's all on rolespec, assuming he's telling the truth. We still have to wrap our heads around town having (so far) two sorta neutered kill sources, my neighborinsomnia, Quote's insomnia(+??) and whatever else is out there.

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wow hit Enter and it posted. Weird.

Basically, tomorrow calls for a massclaim since I think a few ppl still haven't claimed anything and even though w were wrong on Mancer, I still feel like Quote's a good person to push. Or, Shinori should just shoot Quote, since it'll mean that tomorrow, we don't have to worry about it.

Also worth noting;

Boron told me that Gaius (Ocean) and Crysta both were in her affinity and that in her trinity, she suspected that they all have hook powerz [but she doesn't know for sure so that's more reason why I wasn't worried about her since her and I both didn't know anything concrete about our trinity's powers]. Just passing that out since scum might've maybe tried hooking? IDK They haven't tried on me as far as I know unless they did something to me but I outprioritize their hook. That would be dumb though.

^That's the last of the information i got from her. I didn't get much from her as far as game reads, other than her being ok with Omega. Role stuff means it's not worth pushing but that's all I've got^

If BBM/Crysta have stuff they want to say, they should send a message to me and just have me post it up on their behalf. I'm allowed to do that.

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Also also one random thing; BBM is usually dead by now if he's town because people who know him as mafia tend to shoot him. It's a dying trend. Him not being dead could mean something and don't even think about calling this fearmongering since BBM you know it happens to you a lot. It's not something indicative of much but it's not something that the game needs to be unaware of.

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This sure is a mafia game.

Elieson, Town Modified Neighbouriser and part of the Trinity of Wisdom, was killed Night Four

Omega, Town Modified Mayor and part of the Trinity of Courage, was killed Night Four

Paperblade subs in for Quote.

It is now Day 5. With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch. You have 72 hours to decide on a lynch. Town is in LYLO.

Edited by SB.
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>_> Shinori I hope you didn't shoot Elie.

We're popcorn claiming. Ocean goes first IMO; he picks the next person and so on.

I think the scumteam is probably Ocean + Paper/Crysta. Scum Vig isn't a thing so Shinori isn't mafia, unfortunately. I'm leaning more towards Paper's slot than Crysta. The TG/Crysta interactions are kind of weird, particularly on TG's end, but I'm more inclined to think that they're scum/town than scum/scum just based on Crysta's tone. Also I feel like Crysta' position on the D2 TG wagon is more likely to be town- in my experience scum are more often the first vote if they're hard-bussing or one of the last votes, if they're only voting there as a last resort.

Paper, were you following the game prior to subbing in?

I have an exam tomorrow morning so I didn't have time to reread during the night phase and probably won't be around much this evening either, but I'll be around more starting tomorrow afternoon.

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I will sub on the condition that I've not read the game thread and probably won't read most of the first 5 days

this sure is a thing from the mafia HQ. paper how do you plan on contributing?

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I'm a Follower. Results have been pretty shitty.

N1: Mancer did nothing.

N2: Action failed on TG.

N3: Shinori did nothing.

N4: Ocean did nothing.

Role power didn't seem that strong so I thought (and think) that mafia has a Goon, so I've been treating "nothing" results as null. In hindsight it would have been smarter to target Paper's slot on N4 over Ocean because the scumteam would probably have their townier looking person take the kill to dodge a tracker (at the cost of getting screwed by a watcher I suppose, but a watcher is too strong for this setup). But yeah I didn't do that.

Little surprised to see all of Paper/Crysta/Ocean claim vanilla. I wouldn't have thought scum would have 2/3 people claim vanilla.

@paper- can you read the isos of all the living people + TG then?

@shinori- opinions of who is scum?

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okay if anyone is confirmed town tell me

BBM's iso:

Pretty much everyone he pushed D1/2 was either town or Shinori (who is apparently Vig?). He attacked Shinori a lot yet had TG higher on lynch priority even though most of his commentary on TG is that she's not that bad etc. but I guess lynch failed D2 and BBM was happy to lynch her D3

Only reason I can see this for was to get the lynch off Gaius/Ocean

Also why the fuck is BBM still alive when he crumbed an info role during like D2

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