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Xenoblade Chronicles X


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One of the main complaints I have about the AI is that they can't keep TP. I almost never saw an ally use overdrive and I think I was revived once when my party leader died since they never had 3000 TP, even when I used the order to conserve it and gave them a single TP art. Maybe there's something I can do to make them conserve their TP that' I'm not aware of. I guess I could just give them Arts: Gain TP augments.

And augmentation can truly break the game. There's videos of people soloing Pharsis on foot. And as for skells, you can one shot that same monster with the right augments.

You can press R and then right on the D Pad to instruct your allies to build tension. That way they won't use any TP arts or overdrive until you use the opposite command to get them to activate overdrive. Until I got my skells I was instinctively telling them to build tension at the start of every battle.

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Much like Agility in the first game Potential seems to be the best stat to increase in the game

Still not as broken tho

Ironically, Irina is way worse in terms of AI usuability. She is designed to be a support character with buffs and healing unfortunately, she has shit HP to the point that even the best armor could not save her. Even though the story always tells you that Irina is the better soldier than Gwin, Gwin's AI is the better party member in terms of combat and usability and staying alive for most of the game. You really have to invest in her a lot in order to get results from her compared to the other party members.

People always complain on how bad Elma and Lin is but really the AI that uses them are stupid or people don't have their Arts setup properly. Elma can become one of your most OP party members in the game. I even used them once and they do pretty well and can hold on their own well.

Most of the male characters are honestly the better AI party members.

The levelcaps are there for a reason. Augmentations become so good in postgame that making your level cap even higher would just completely break the game. They really want you to use Skells for higher level situations.

the A.I. has no idea how to use Brainjack/Servant Sacrifice correctly so don't bother with them

of course you could play as Irina yourself

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You can press R and then right on the D Pad to instruct your allies to build tension. That way they won't use any TP arts or overdrive until you use the opposite command to get them to activate overdrive. Until I got my skells I was instinctively telling them to build tension at the start of every battle.

Maybe I didn't use it enough cause the times I did use it, it didn't really work. Though that might be because I was using it when I was nearly dead instead of at the start of the fight,.

Much like Agility in the first game Potential seems to be the best stat to increase in the game

Still not as broken tho

Some people say that it is broken since it ups the damage of TP skills to absurd levels, increase the amount of heals you receive and it makes soul voice more effective.

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Ironically, Irina is way worse in terms of AI usuability. She is designed to be a support character with buffs and healing unfortunately, she has shit HP to the point that even the best armor could not save her. Even though the story always tells you that Irina is the better soldier than Gwin, Gwin's AI is the better party member in terms of combat and usability and staying alive for most of the game. You really have to invest in her a lot in order to get results from her compared to the other party members.

People always complain on how bad Elma and Lin is but really the AI that uses them are stupid or people don't have their Arts setup properly. Elma can become one of your most OP party members in the game. I even used them once and they do pretty well and can hold on their own well.

Most of the male characters are honestly the better AI party members.

The levelcaps are there for a reason. Augmentations become so good in postgame that making your level cap even higher would just completely break the game. They really want you to use Skells for higher level situations.

Go overkill on overdrive and Elma will destroy all that lives just make sure to take off blood sacrifice whenever you are not playing as her (if I had a pennie for every time she killed herself because I left that on, "Oh am on 3000/7000 hp now would be a great time to use blood sacrifice."

Irina is a lot like Melia (I likely spelled that wrong) the AI has no idea how to use her, You have to be Irina to good use out of her... That being said A. Hp augments on high defense gear are a must for Irina. B. Make sure you have partners keep tension as she phone to being one shoted. C. Her assault rifle's only real use is media free (free revive), quick canon (if you using that sleep move, furious blast also works), and maybe assault hammer or flash grenade(good but useless against most bosses), but there is knife moves that would be better and they kind wasted on her.

The avatar AI does not now to handle most classes that being say overdrive overkill Longsword + Dual Guns is the best class and the best part the AI is less suicidal. Frankly I found any teammate that is not Elma or Lin to be dead weight since I am forced to have Elma and Lin in my party 80% of the time and only 50% of time am I allowed to have four teammates, so Irina ended up being the only unit I had that was a high enough level to be useful as she one your first healers and my secondary was Lao and well.... let's just say he doesn't have the greatest availability.

Edited by Locke087
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The avatar AI does not now to handle most classes that being say overdrive overkill Longsword + Dual Guns is the best class and the best part the AI is less suicidal. Frankly I found any teammate that is not Elma or Lin to be dead weight since I am forced to have Elma and Lin in my party 80% of the time and only 50% of time am I allowed to have four teammates, so Irina ended up being the only unit I had that was a high enough level to be useful as she one your first healers and my secondary was Lao and well.... let's just he doesn't have the greatest availability.

Man I mained Lao as my 4th party member and it really sucks about his availability. He helped me the most in my playthroughs and I think he's the only Sniper party member in the entire game. I invested so much into his build that I never knew about the events that were coming

I'm a Psycorruptor currently. Can't I get Irina's skills and leave her in the dust?

I mainly play as my avatar anyway.

Yes however, her last affinity unlockable skill comes pretty late at about level 50.

The males have better AI? Awww I wanted to have a cool all girl squad to kill everything with.

It's mostly because the AI is programmed for combat rather than for support and healing however this is mostly a problem for early game. Celica, and Mia are great female party members as their arts complement combat and support utility very well. Unfortunately they come in very late game.

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Man I mained Lao as my 4th party member and it really sucks about his availability. He helped me the most in my playthroughs and I think he's the only Sniper party member in the entire game. I invested so much into his build that I never knew about the events that were coming

Yes however, her last affinity unlockable skill comes pretty late at about level 50.

It's mostly because the AI is programmed for combat rather than for support and healing however this is mostly a problem for early game. Celica, and Mia are great female party members as their arts complement combat and support utility very well. Unfortunately they come in very late game.

There's Bozé who's a standard Partisan Eagle. BTW, if you had gear on Lao, you can get it back by completing Doug's last Heart to Heart.

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Do any of the heart to hearts or missions explain what happened to Lao between Chapters 11 and 12? Last I seen him he was injured in Cauldros. Lin convinced Vandham to send medics but that was the end of it until he suddenly showed up for the ending. I hope there's an explanation somewhere that said he was picked up by the medics and was imprisoned but escaped or that he was never reclaimed by NLA and managed to repair the Prog Ares.

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I'm still going through the orginal Xenoblade, but I think i'm reaching the end after a good 75 hours so i'm finally ready to delve a bit deeper into this game.

So I have a few questions.

One how bad is the character select forcing? I've heard a lot of complaints about Elma and Lin basically forcing themselves on your team for everything important and that your main character can't be swapped out. So that locks up 3 slots and the cast is a lot bigger then the original from what i've heard. So how much does the game punish you for not having Lin and Elma on your team at all times?

The second is that i've heard that chain attacks are gone, but replaced by the overdrive mechanic, but I don't really have any idea what that is.

Are there any other important changes that are nice to know when your goin in? Some reviews mentioned that the game itself doesn't explain everything properly so it might come in handy.

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I'm still going through the orginal Xenoblade, but I think i'm reaching the end after a good 75 hours so i'm finally ready to delve a bit deeper into this game.

So I have a few questions.

One how bad is the character select forcing? I've heard a lot of complaints about Elma and Lin basically forcing themselves on your team for everything important and that your main character can't be swapped out. So that locks up 3 slots and the cast is a lot bigger then the original from what i've heard. So how much does the game punish you for not having Lin and Elma on your team at all times?

The second is that i've heard that chain attacks are gone, but replaced by the overdrive mechanic, but I don't really have any idea what that is.

Are there any other important changes that are nice to know when your goin in? Some reviews mentioned that the game itself doesn't explain everything properly so it might come in handy.

The forced character selection is only really bad for the story missions since they all require Elma and Lin to be in your party. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep building those two if you want to focus on the main story and select 1 or two partners for backups in your 4th main. Personally, I didn't have this problem since I did use Lin and Elma frequently but I can see why some people have an issue with that. Luckily, leveling up an underleveled party member doesn't really take that long as the amount of exp you gain from killing higher level monsters is way more significant than if the party members are of the same level. For example, I was able to get Gwin from level 15 to high level 30's in just 5 to 10 mins of killing high level monsters (Thanks to mostly to the level 30 Skells that can annihilate level 50 monsters).

Overdrive boosts your stats significantly and reduces cooldowns on your arts. With the right setups, you can chain significant amount of damage combos and even reactive another overdrive for even more damage.

It can be overwhelming the first time you get into it because they give you a 2 hour long tutorial of explaining the setting you're in and then bam go out and do whatever you want. This game is designed for exploration unlike the original chronicles where you progress linearly despite the worlds being really huge. If you aren't doing sidequests or actually helping citizens then you may easily be falling behind or have problems trying to actually complete the main story.

Heck it took me 50 hours to beat the main story and I did almost 10 to 13 sidequests in between each chapter and offside explorations.

Edited by kingddd
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I just started the game the other day, and I see what you mean about it being overwhelming. I'm past the 2-hour tutorial, but I feel like it barely scratched the surface of everything I need to know. I have a good grasp on the setting and story so far, at least, though I haven't even begun to form a mental map of this world. This game seems absolutely enormous, and I don't even know what I should be doing first.

The game seems like an intimidating task to go back to at the moment, but I guess I'll figure it all out in time. I loved the first Xenoblade Chronicles, and I'm hoping I'll feel the same about this one once I get past the initial learning curve.

(Should I be worried about those... battle point things you use to level up arts, or whatever they're called? It seems a waste to spend them right now, when I'm still in the Drifter class, but I don't know how the system works.)

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I just started the game the other day, and I see what you mean about it being overwhelming. I'm past the 2-hour tutorial, but I feel like it barely scratched the surface of everything I need to know. I have a good grasp on the setting and story so far, at least, though I haven't even begun to form a mental map of this world. This game seems absolutely enormous, and I don't even know what I should be doing first.

The game seems like an intimidating task to go back to at the moment, but I guess I'll figure it all out in time. I loved the first Xenoblade Chronicles, and I'm hoping I'll feel the same about this one once I get past the initial learning curve.

(Should I be worried about those... battle point things you use to level up arts, or whatever they're called? It seems a waste to spend them right now, when I'm still in the Drifter class, but I don't know how the system works.)

It's not really a waste, battle points are infinite. Just use them on skills you think are useful. If you really want to wait, just level the skills you're using the most to level 3, since the amount of TP needed for that is low.

BTW, you should read the manual if you just began the game. The manual is really important in this game.

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Oh, I see. For some reason I was thinking they were infinite (though I thought there'd be a way to respec), but that helps. Thanks.

I've looked at the manual a bit to answer some questions I've had, but I guess I ought to go through the whole thing soon. It seems more helpful than any of the in-game tutorials.

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Regarding Battle Points, they are infinite, but once you reach a certain level, you stop getting them from most enemy encounters and the only way to get a good quantity of them is by repeatedly doing Support Missions that are available after you beat the story at the Squad terminal in the Barracks, and even with that, it takes quite a lot of time to max out all the Arts and Skills of a certain class.

Still, leveling them to level 3 should be ok, since like Nobody said, the amount required isn't too high. Just make sure you like a class enough to stick to it before maxing the arts.

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So Chapter 5's turrets...

what even

I've tried Shadowrunner and I've taken down two of them, but the one near the Miranium deposit and is south is insane. There are a ton of Prone and those level 30 not!Fortress Mechon are in the way. I'm level 15~17 where Lin is 15, Elma and Emily (me) are 16, and Lao is 17. I really want to get past Chapter 5 so I can change my avatar and then I'll do more Affinity Missions. The only ones I've done so far are Foggy Dilemma, Meeting Yelv, and Renewed Will.

One other question: Am I able to get HB or Alexa soon? They seem really cool. I know that Hope and I think Frye are for later, but they seem to be able to gotten like Yelv.

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I remember having a fair bit of trouble with the turrets myself, and I think I abused the jumping mechanics to get to them as safely as possible. That being said, I can't remember exactly where they were and I was level 20 when I did that mission, so hopefully someone else can also help.

As for your other question, I think the mission for Alexa shows up later but HB should be available. Check the mission board for one called A New Rival.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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It took me a while to get past that one as well. IIRC, I just used Shadowrunner as much as possible and tried multiple times until I was able to sneak past the more dangerous enemies.

As for HB's and Alexa's Affinity missions, you can do HB's as soon as you're done with Chapter 5, and you'll be able to do Alexa's at level 17. Also, regarding Hope's first Affinity Mission, the requirements are only to be level 21 and have beaten chapter 3, but you might want to reconsider taking it as soon as it becomes available, since it requires to travel to Cauldros, which has a lot of level 40 monsters, though I guess it's still possible with Shadowrunner.

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Regarding Battle Points, they are infinite, but once you reach a certain level, you stop getting them from most enemy encounters and the only way to get a good quantity of them is by repeatedly doing Support Missions that are available after you beat the story at the Squad terminal in the Barracks, and even with that, it takes quite a lot of time to max out all the Arts and Skills of a certain class.

Still, leveling them to level 3 should be ok, since like Nobody said, the amount required isn't too high. Just make sure you like a class enough to stick to it before maxing the arts.

I find it quicker if you go to the middle of the frozen lake in Sylvalum and destroy the lvl 60 carrids. The Ares 90 can oneshot them with the beam, and you get 10 points a pop until you max out all 6 end classes. Of course that's costly for fuel, and you need to get the Ares 90 first but it works

Also I saw a pretty good looking create a character of Mia online the other day, was that somebody from here?

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I find it quicker if you go to the middle of the frozen lake in Sylvalum and destroy the lvl 60 carrids. The Ares 90 can oneshot them with the beam, and you get 10 points a pop until you max out all 6 end classes. Of course that's costly for fuel, and you need to get the Ares 90 first but it works

Also I saw a pretty good looking create a character of Mia online the other day, was that somebody from here?

Are you talking about Class EXP or Battle Points? For Battle Points, I usually do the Noctilum Nights Support Mission. It gives 48 pts a quest and can be done pretty quickly compared to the one that gives 60 points. And it's also more fuel efficient since I usually need 2 uses of the Gatling (400 points with this method vs 9000 for the same amounts with the Carrids.)

As for Class EXP, the fastest way I found was to repeatedly kill Joker, the lvl 90 Blatta.

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Are you talking about Class EXP or Battle Points? For Battle Points, I usually do the Noctilum Nights Support Mission. It gives 48 pts a quest and can be done pretty quickly compared to the one that gives 60 points. And it's also more fuel efficient since I usually need 2 uses of the Gatling (400 points with this method vs 9000 for the same amounts with the Carrids.)

As for Class EXP, the fastest way I found was to repeatedly kill Joker, the lvl 90 Blatta.

Class exp, although I always assumed that was duplicated, so you'd see the purple number on screen, and that would give you that number of class points, and that number of battle points

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