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Fire Emblem merchandise from Comiket Market 89 (Dec 29-31, 2015) | All Hail Luyairis


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How big of an "if" are we talking? If it's basically a toss up, I need to look up backup options ASAP. I'm sure for many people, getting items from Comiket was a nice perk but ultimately a perk, whereas given the size of my FE collection, I'm in too deep to not seek out these items next week while they're available. It's basically a necessity for me, so naturally I'm in a bit of panic mode right now lol...

By "if" do you mean if they're able to make it at all? Or if they have time to swing by the Fire Emblem booth? Or are they definitely planning to go and handle as much as they're able?

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Congrats for getting into Waseda! Apparently they don't accept very many people at all, so this is quite the accomplishment.

How big of an "if" are we talking? If it's basically a toss up, I need to look up backup options ASAP. I'm sure for many people, getting items from Comiket was a nice perk but ultimately a perk, whereas given the size of my FE collection, I'm in too deep to not seek out these items next week while they're available. It's basically a necessity for me, so naturally I'm in a bit of panic mode right now lol...

By "if" do you mean if they're able to make it at all? Or if they have time to swing by the Fire Emblem booth? Or are they definitely planning to go and handle as much as they're able?

I'm in a similar boat as you. I mean, while my collection isn't quite as expansive as your's, this was still a much desired order for me as well, so hopefully we'll still be good :(

But if you do find another source that can get a few orders done (should Felix and Peach not be able to do so themselves), I'd appreciate it if you gave me a heads up!

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How big of an "if" are we talking? If it's basically a toss up, I need to look up backup options ASAP. I'm sure for many people, getting items from Comiket was a nice perk but ultimately a perk, whereas given the size of my FE collection, I'm in too deep to not seek out these items next week while they're available. It's basically a necessity for me, so naturally I'm in a bit of panic mode right now lol...

By "if" do you mean if they're able to make it at all? Or if they have time to swing by the Fire Emblem booth? Or are they definitely planning to go and handle as much as they're able?

The "If" part is just if Peach is able to get the money from PayPal to her bank account (more complicated than you'd think...). If that's a yes, then they'll definitely be able to go to Comiket and handle as much as possible. I'm still looking into other options, such as transferring the money to a friend in Tokyo and having them pick up the money in Tokyo...I'll update as soon as possible.

Congrats for getting into Waseda! Apparently they don't accept very many people at all, so this is quite the accomplishment.

I'm in a similar boat as you. I mean, while my collection isn't quite as expansive as your's, this was still a much desired order for me as well, so hopefully we'll still be good :(

But if you do find another source that can get a few orders done (should Felix and Peach not be able to do so themselves), I'd appreciate it if you gave me a heads up!


And yeah, I'm always searching for another source. If I can, I will forward all the orders to them (if Peach and Felix can't do it), so you won't have to worry about that.

Also Christian: Comiket items are usually available after Comiket too, but there's usually a high markup (we're talking 10x the original price in some cases)...

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Yeah. Given the sheer volume of everything I aim to get from Comiket, that's why I decided it was vital to get all these items now for under $450 or so (before shipping) rather than for several thousand later on. I learned that the hard way after only getting the 25th anniversary soundtrack from Comiket in March only to regret not getting more afterwards (anyone have the staff book for a reasonable price?).

And like previous events such as Comiket and the 25th Anniversary Concert, it looks like a small number of these items will be available from other retailers... but only a couple so far; not all items. Might as well get everything I can while I can. :P

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Yeah. Sorry about the complicated situation, I'll take care of it.

For C91 it'll be a lot easier though, since I'll be at Waseda University at that time. If there's still orders from then, this should be a lot smoother (but I'll take less orders too).

(I won't be at C90)

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Important Update: Life Stuff

To all, I'm sorry I couldn't finish this. Ultimately, connections between PayPal and the Spar Nord bank of Denmark were so bad that neither I nor Felix were able to get the money into our accounts.

Also, I contacted a huge variety of people to see if they could go, including several people who could potentially just get the money from the bank into cash form.

And to top it all off, life (university) happened. Normally this wouldn't be a problem....but for students with special scholarships, the dates have changed.

I'm sorry. I can't risk ruining my reputation IN Japan, and my own priorities will come first.

To the few who really wanted it: I've still kept connections open in the hopes that someone will pick up. If so, I will contact you immediately.

All payments have been refunded. However, Sokloeum, your refund, for some reason, will take several extra days. Please check your PayPal for details.

(I'm mad at myself too. For details, I contacted over 35 people to try and work this out.)

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Important Update: Life Stuff

To all, I'm sorry I couldn't finish this. Ultimately, connections between PayPal and the Spar Nord bank of Denmark were so bad that neither I nor Felix were able to get the money into our accounts.

Also, I contacted a huge variety of people to see if they could go, including several people who could potentially just get the money from the bank into cash form.

And to top it all off, life (university) happened. Normally this wouldn't be a problem....but for students with special scholarships, the dates have changed.

I'm sorry. I can't risk ruining my reputation IN Japan, and my own priorities will come first.

Well it was a good thing that you offered your service to begin with, and life always comes first anyway.

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I'm going to go ahead and send you my money back as well, as it's already the morning of Comiket, and I'm confident you guys are making every attempt to make this work. :)

That said, in the absolute worst case scenario this doesn't happen today, don't refund this until after Comiket has ended (New Year) and there's absolutely no chance you'll be able to get stuff. The payments are from my debit card (via PayPal), so the last refund hasn't posted yet and apparently might not post for up to a month. So this is a different $520 lol. I don't mind having $500 or $1000+ in limbo for a month, but if this gets refunded again, and you get a last minute stroke of good luck, it would be a third $520 I'd have to pay... which I'd like to avoid. :P

I'm optimistic you'll get things to work, though.

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Yeah, sorry about that. Life >.>

I've requested the money directly from everyone's PayPal specifically. Hopefully this makes it easy.

My contact will go to Comiket in the afternoon of December 30th. Please have your money in by the next 12 hours. I'm sorry about the inconvenience..

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