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Post and I'll assign you an Etrian Odyssey class

Komeiji Koishi

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Here cometh the EO4 male 1a Landsknecht, who is subclassed in Runemaster. You're something of the leader of the group- you're the most balanced and you always tend to go first in the move queue. Due to the fact that you really on elemental damage that works off if hits, you work really well with a fellow Runemaster, as well as other multi hitting classes such Nightseekers. You wield rapiers because your hero Marth does.

I approve, ^^

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I feel like i'm gonna hack up my lungs due to inhaling second hand smoke but whatever, i'm going to do this. It'll help to test out the keyboard.
Anyway, i'm going to be going for Subclasses no matter what generation, and i'll even do cross-gen subclasses (so you can be an alchemist/Runemaster if you really wanted to).
Anyway lets do this. Going to spoiler them.

Can you do mine, pretty please?

(also, EO3 had subclassing, too~!)

The fair Eclipse is the blonde female Gunner, straight out of eo2. You like shooting things and doing "Warning shots" so you go use the elemental bullet skills. However you noticed that your TP often runs out too fast, so you learned the ways of Tharsis' Runemaster when it comes to elemental damage and TP saving. You could probably do it for days on end if you really wanted to (don't try it, you only have so much HP).

Yeah, sure. Do me as well.

The REPLICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA from TotA is said to be a copy of the original, but unique in their own ways. Thus, You are a Tharsi Landsknecht. You tend to focus on Elemental damage, unlike the Original's physical damage with some elemental damge. However you still like hurting things so you decided to subclass Bushi, that was you can hurt things a lot while wielding two weapons, as well as buffing yourself up with the Bushi's skills. you're pretty good when it comes to getting the job done.


You were always in touch with the wild side, in a way. You could communicate with animals, somehow, don't ask me how. Anyway, because of that, it only seems perfect that you'd be a Wildling. You come in handy with your ability to summon, kind of, familiars to the party to help your team fight.
However because of the fact that you don't really survive that well, due to your rather bad choice of armor, you decided to sub Hoplite, to improve your chances of not dying horribly. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. Look just don't go into the front row okay?

don't disappoint me

I will just because you said that

You're a War Magus, from EO2. You're something of an all around kind of guy, yet you want to be supportive of your fellow friends. So due to that you became a War Magus, that way you can do Attacking, Healing, and Buffing. During your travels, you've noticed how TP Is a difficult thing to come around, especially in such a place as the labyrinth. Thus, through the power of not giving a damn about which game this actually is, you've subclassed Hexer, that way you can use a cool combination to bring back TP to your party, as well as inflicting status effects when need be. Not only that but you get a cool monocle. B)

Hit me (not literally I have like no HP)

You are a (knight of the) Zodiac. You never really were good at physical jobs, which is what a Gladiator would be. So because of that you did the mental type jobs like casting spells. However you also understand that not everything has a magical weakness so you decided to subclass Arbalist, that way you can use giant freaking crossbows to do good damage even when there's no magical weaknesses to exploit. Just make sure to hide behind a Hoplite, you can barely take a hit!



Quiet is the night. Quiet is the Nightseeker. You tend to avoid the first hit with Shadow/Auto Cloak, and diffuse attacks onto your allies (you cheeky person). You focus on using your Ailment inducing attacks on enemies, and then kill them after they're weakened. Since you focus on ailment damage a lot, you thought it would be a good idea if you subclassed Arcanist, due to their releasal spell and ailment boosts, that way you can ailment enemies even more. You'd be a good choice for any class layout.

do me do me let's see if you get the correct one

oh boy a challenge i'll probably lose.

Freohr is said to be pretty gentle a person, so she'd never do damage to enemies... directly at least. So with that, you became a Farmer. You support, you help keep your allies from dying, you raise their EXP gains... somehow, you can bind enemies up, and you can decrease their ATK.
But behind those farming tools are a master of highly effective status effects. It makes sense, in a way, since the original Ninja were just farmers trying to rebel against their oppressive lords.

Hit me with your best shot!

*hits you with my best shot*

Your name implies magical prowess. And so you became a Rune Master from Tharsis. Your magic pool is as large as can be, and your mastery in spells are pretty gosh dang good. However you're pretty brittle when it comes to damage, so you hide behind your friend the Fortress. You realize that there's never enough healing, so with you subclassed yourself into Medic so that you can heal- it works since you have an absurdly huge amount of TP. Just be ready when everyone starts shouting "MEDIC"

I don't know what's going on, but I want in

Neither do I.

Your name says it all, you were born for Archering. However you're also resourceful, so you became the brown haired female Survivalist of Etria. You have a good amount of points in the scavenging skills, and you bind your enemies up whenever you can. You like binds, so through time travel, or something, you subclassed into Arcanist from tharsis. That way you can bind enemies even when you're not shooting at them, and to be able to heal your dudes with Circle Boon. Not only that but you have a kicking nice scarf.

Why not? As long as it's not something super basic and generic like a land.

Watch it, or i'll make you one. >:(

You are a connoisseur of the arts, you could say it's your craft. So, with your knowledge of them, you became a Troubadour. Using your words you are able to buff your allies and heal them somewhat. However you didn't think this was enough, so you went to Tharsis, and subclassed into Dancer, that way you can buff up even more, because why the hell not??? Not like bards don't dance while they're doing that anyway

Okay. Just started playing this series, actually.

It's pretty fun :D

You are an adventurer by trade (it says so in your signature!) so you too are a Survivalist. With your bow and your ability to track FOEs, you're a vital part of any stalwart guild- also the most stylish one, with that hat. You also used to admire the crossbows used of Arbalists, so you became via subclass, so now you lug around that huge thing too, so you can do massive damage whenever you want.

If I have a subclass, I want something that shows my maiden heart.

I can try.

Arg, here comes the Bucanneer, shimber me timbers.
Now that that's out of the way... you hit a lot with your chase skills- you follow up on your ally's attacks a lot. Depending on the situation, you work with your friendly neighbourhood Zodiac to help you get your chases off.
Now here's the irony- the big bad bucanneer is actually subbing the Princess class! Using your many buffing skills you can help your team survive more, and stuff. you swear you're not a rip-off Tetra.

Can you make sure you subclass me?

Also, have you considered subclassing classes from two different games?

Can do chief.

SeverIan here is rather unpredictable- yet predictable at the same time (just go with it.). So he decided to be Eo1!Landsknecht, who is subclassed as a Dancer. Will he buff his allies? Will he be using a burst skill? Will he be hitting the enemy 4 times for a regular attack? Will he be using the pretty cool landsknecht skills? No one knows, except the man himself. He likes having options on the table, and so he's gone with this set up. He's pretty good at what he does, so you can rely on him

sure why not \o /

The kitty cat is naturally an animal person. She summons along animals as a Wildling (mostly tigers, rwar). She is subclassed as a Ninja so as to keep the TP coming, and to keep the animals coming. Protectors, make sure to keep her safe! Although she herself can't do much in the way of damage, she can debuff her enemy's atk scores, and their pet Tigers are pretty good at defense (getting really damn close to the HP cap!), and they can sometimes even kill enemies instantly. She'd be pretty cool to bring along in a trek.

Etrian Odyssey! ^.^

you're a Sniper because your UN says so. however you're not a Protector/Hoplite/Fortress because that would be a bad idea. Instead, you are an Arcanist!Sniper, so as to keep your binds going for as long as possible. You're good on support because you can keep enemies from avoiding attacks and keep them from doing too much damage. Seems pretty Win/Win to me.

This is a post.

This is a reply

You're a Shogun of Armoroad, with subclass in Ninja. You want to be as dodgy as you want, you're like "i don't need defense if they can't hit me." you wield two swords and you can Endure a killing blow once per battle. Ninja's have pretty good natural TP restoration, so you can keep spamming your powerful Shogun attack skills. It's probably a broken combo. If you can combine it with Anti-bind and -ailment techs, then you probably won't die easily, probably.

Cool... Gimme.

You are one with nature. Good at surviving, shall we say. As a Survivalist you know where all the good nature related items are. You also like keeping your friends alive so you are also a Medic. It works, as you mostly try supporting your allies from behind. With this you use your knowledge of the labyrinth to make the trek ever so slightly easy on everyone.

Okay so this is actually kind of a drain so i'm going to take a small break, and continue after i've eaten dinner. Opinions, anyone who i've written for? Maybe you guys can try making makeshift guild parties.

Edited by Komeiji Koishi
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You are one with nature. Good at surviving, shall we say. As a Survivalist you know where all the good nature related items are. You also like keeping your friends alive so you are also a Medic. It works, as you mostly try supporting your allies from behind. With this you use your knowledge of the labyrinth to make the trek ever so slightly easy on everyone.

I approve of this as I can use BOWS as well

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Freohr is said to be pretty gentle a person, so she'd never do damage to enemies... directly at least. So with that, you became a Farmer. You support, you help keep your allies from dying, you raise their EXP gains... somehow, you can bind enemies up, and you can decrease their ATK.

But behind those farming tools are a master of highly effective status effects. It makes sense, in a way, since the original Ninja were just farmers trying to rebel against their oppressive lords.


that's exactly my kind of class =o any class that doesn't hurt others and just supports is the kind I like to be ^o^

and I looked it up and their outfits are so cute too~~~

I am satisfied C:

just.... as what probably also applies to me in real life, it sounds like the kind of class nobody would ever like or use ;u;

but I'm still satisfied anyway!!

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Farmers are the shit, Free, don't let their skills fool you! :P:

That being said, shooting things with various warnings is fun~! Hell, I can heal people on demand, too! :P:

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Farmers are the shit, Free, don't let their skills fool you! :P:

That being said, shooting things with various warnings is fun~! Hell, I can heal people on demand, too! :P:

the skills sound good to me too, but as far as I've ever heard/seen maaaaany people find no worth in classes that can't do any combat so it just sounds like the kind of class people would never use :c

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You are a connoisseur of the arts, you could say it's your craft. So, with your knowledge of them, you became a Troubadour. Using your words you are able to buff your allies and heal them somewhat. However you didn't think this was enough, so you went to Tharsis, and subclassed into Dancer, that way you can buff up even more, because why the hell not??? Not like bards don't dance while they're doing that anyway

Unexpected, but interesting. I like it.

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the skills sound good to me too, but as far as I've ever heard/seen maaaaany people find no worth in classes that can't do any combat so it just sounds like the kind of class people would never use :c

Not your fault that people can't see how to use Farmers! Here's some ideas:

- Slap Awake is an extremely cheap way of reviving someone, which in turn saves a lot of money

- To Market is THE way of escaping a floor, and another way to save money

- Safe Stroll is great for keeping FOEs at bay (or, at least, making sure that you can walk away without being bothered). Especially those turds in the sixth stratum.

- Play Possum + Lullaby will hopefully give your team enough time to smack you awake, while putting the enemy to sleep

- Strange Seeds has a decent bind rate, albeit random

- Sympathy Pain gets rid of certain status effects

So what does this mean?

- The Ninja subclass can either give you an extremely stupid suicide attacker that might not die (Nikudan + Persistence), or something that can spread ailments like no one's business (Sympathy Pain + Suikyou). Worried about attack power? Kubikiri (insta-death on normal attack) has you covered!

- The Wildling subclass is your way of inflicting every last status ailment on the party, with Strange Seeds for binding power. Since Farmers have crazy Luck (IIRC), landing those ailments shouldn't be as hard!

Farmers are kinda gimmicky, but it's pretty funny to see one in action!

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Not your fault that people can't see how to use Farmers! Here's some ideas:

- Slap Awake is an extremely cheap way of reviving someone, which in turn saves a lot of money

- To Market is THE way of escaping a floor, and another way to save money

- Safe Stroll is great for keeping FOEs at bay (or, at least, making sure that you can walk away without being bothered). Especially those turds in the sixth stratum.

- Play Possum + Lullaby will hopefully give your team enough time to smack you awake, while putting the enemy to sleep

- Strange Seeds has a decent bind rate, albeit random

- Sympathy Pain gets rid of certain status effects

So what does this mean?

- The Ninja subclass can either give you an extremely stupid suicide attacker that might not die (Nikudan + Persistence), or something that can spread ailments like no one's business (Sympathy Pain + Suikyou). Worried about attack power? Kubikiri (insta-death on normal attack) has you covered!

- The Wildling subclass is your way of inflicting every last status ailment on the party, with Strange Seeds for binding power. Since Farmers have crazy Luck (IIRC), landing those ailments shouldn't be as hard!

Farmers are kinda gimmicky, but it's pretty funny to see one in action!

wee, tbf probably the non-combative classes nobody desired weren't nearly as useful as that sounds ^o^

so I bet even they could like that class c:

so I can actually be incredibly usefuuuuul

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Free, I admit that IMO I'd rather have a non-farmer class on my main combat team if it was just about making things easy for me. But if they remake EO3 I'm probably going to include a farmer in my main team just for fun.

Also, farmers go great in groups - you can make a team of 5 farmers and go around the map exploring and nabbing resources without worrying about interference so much. Certain resources are very valuable (such as the ones that let you buy mana restoring items).

Eclipse already covered it but I thought I would chime in.

EDIT-Also TC, I enjoyed reading mine, and the ones you wrote up for others too. Thanks.

Edited by Sane Young Dog Man
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Your name says it all, you were born for Archering. However you're also resourceful, so you became the brown haired female Survivalist of Etria. You have a good amount of points in the scavenging skills, and you bind your enemies up whenever you can. You like binds, so through time travel, or something, you subclassed into Arcanist from tharsis. That way you can bind enemies even when you're not shooting at them, and to be able to heal your dudes with Circle Boon. Not only that but you have a kicking nice scarf.

I don't know what any of this means, but I frickin love it. Hi-five!

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Everyone, if you guys want more colorful explanations/want to get hyped about Kalas' choices for you, please let me know~! :P:

I might as well let you know in advance for whenever mine gets done

most gracious of you eclipse

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Reference, for my sanity

That way, I don't have to memorize which page the descriptions were posted on~!

EDIT: And for an explanation of mine. . .I'm meant to shoot elemental bullets all day every day. Sometimes, I'll be nice and heal someone with Medic Bullet.

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The REPLICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA from TotA is said to be a copy of the original, but unique in their own ways. Thus, You are a Tharsi Landsknecht. You tend to focus on Elemental damage, unlike the Original's physical damage with some elemental damge. However you still like hurting things so you decided to subclass Bushi, that was you can hurt things a lot while wielding two weapons, as well as buffing yourself up with the Bushi's skills. you're pretty good when it comes to getting the job done.

Dang, this is so accurate! I do prefer elemental damage in EO than physical, and don't particularly use bindings or ailments unless I have to; I just want to go beat things up with brute force while my Protectors shield me and Healers heal because they got no choice because of my recklessness! MUAHAHAHA! Nah, I know what I'm doing before I get myself wrapped up in a bad situation. ;):

That said, great job! So accurate.

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Arg, here comes the Bucanneer, shimber me timbers.

Now that that's out of the way... you hit a lot with your chase skills- you follow up on your ally's attacks a lot. Depending on the situation, you work with your friendly neighbourhood Zodiac to help you get your chases off.
Now here's the irony- the big bad bucanneer is actually subbing the Princess class! Using your many buffing skills you can help your team survive more, and stuff. you swear you're not a rip-off Tetra.

I'm not sure who's this Tetra right now, but I love it.

Seems pretty fun.

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*hits you with my best shot*

Your name implies magical prowess. And so you became a Rune Master from Tharsis. Your magic pool is as large as can be, and your mastery in spells are pretty gosh dang good. However you're pretty brittle when it comes to damage, so you hide behind your friend the Fortress. You realize that there's never enough healing, so with you subclassed yourself into Medic so that you can heal- it works since you have an absurdly huge amount of TP. Just be ready when everyone starts shouting "MEDIC"

I really like that! Powerful but squishy mage with a job as the unpaid babysitter on the side. And... huh, the outfit looks pretty nice despite looking like I'm dressed for winter.

And btw Tamanoir I think Koishi's refering to LoZ: Wind Waker Tetra.

Edited by MidoriMage
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