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Post and I'll assign you an Etrian Odyssey class

Komeiji Koishi

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Sorry for the lack of updates today. I've been busy with school work i should've done before today, so i haven't been able to do the update. :(:

I promise that i'll get it to you guys tomorrow ASAP.

Wait, people have lives outside of Serenes ?

Who knew ?


This is an innocent joke, and hypocritical from me with that. :p

Farmers are kinda gimmicky, but it's pretty funny to see one in action!

Imagine the damn thing, to reanimate your dead comrade, who's probably dead from something very creepy... you need to have your farmer slap him, which for some reason works. xD

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Aw yeah 15+ replies here we go B)

cant wait to see

You're Serra in your profile thing so you're obviously the pink haired Medic from Etrian Odyssey IV. While you're not as much of a... jerk as Serra, you tend to be fickle when it comes to healing- you only do so when they actually need it. You also use your Auto-heal and auto-revive skills to help your team out when they need it. You are offenseive though, in that you are subclassed into Runemaster, so as to bring up the hurt when your team needs help dealing damage, and when HP isn't much of a worry. Your Thunder elemental spells are the strongest part of your offense, and a great contrast to your healing.

I wanna know what class you assign me to! :D

So do I.

While i can't really get anything out of your profile or avatar, I am assigning you to Ronin from EO2. You have an affinity for swords, and so you learned the ways of the katana (since they're just better). You switch into your stances once the associated skill is used, so you're good to go whenever. You like damage, though, so you subclassed into Bushi from EO4, somehow. That way your damage potential (and fragility, with Blood Surge) are through the roof.

Would I be cheating because of my Avatar?

yes. :Knoll:

But really i can't tell. But Princes and their like sit in chairs, so you're a Prince/Sovereign/Whatever they call it this week. You're always doing something to support your party, but never outright doing damage- you're a support dude, not a miracle worker. You're subbed as a Shogun so you can lead around your team even more. Other than that, you're usually keeping your team motivated.

Sure,why not ? I love Etrian Odyssey !

Which one though. ;w;

Your location says fromage so i'm going to assign you to Farmer because i literally don't know what else to put you at. You're good at supporting your team so that's a plus. Not only that but using Sovereign's skills as your subclass, you can support even more. Just... don't try to actually attack stuff.

gimme gimme

Speed. You are speed. So you are a Landsknecht from EO4. You tend to go for physical damage and number of hits unlike the other EO4!Landsharks that i've written for, but that's alright. Since you like damage, you went Nightseeker for Subclass, that way you can always go as early as possible, and to boost up your dual-wielding damage and skill damage output. Really, if you want a physical unit who isn't an Imperial or a Bushi, then this guy is your best option.

/never played eo.

Who even plays games these days dude.

You get to be a Hexer. Your calm, taciturn behavior and all-around reliability in general lead to having many options in battle- thus the Hexer class, they can bring about debuffs, ailments, and otherwise high battle usefulness when it's needed. You want to cover as many bases as you can, though, so you subclassed as Medic so that you can heal during the downtime. That's fine, since you have a lot of TP to use.



An all arounder, you are. You're an EO4[/b]Landsknecht[/b] subbed as a Medic. You can deal damage and heal with the Auto-heal and -Revive skills. Also you can use your speed to get your Star Drops off really early, helping the others in your party do even more damage. Some might say "why would a medic do damage," but you'll prove them wrong. you'll prove them all wrong!

I'm in for it!


Speed and knives your game. You're a Ninja so as to make use of that. You are fast, you can evade, and you can mess with the enemy. Unfortunately you can't really take a hit so you'll have to play it safe.
You can spread around ailments to your enemies, so you can help out quite a bit in that regard. Because of that, you turned to Night seeker so that you can take advantage of those ailments, as your attacks will deal more damage. Really, as long as you can keep up the dodges, you'll be good throughout.

What's my class, coach.

EinZweiDrei is the classic Runemaster/Imperial set up, you get to be which ever one you think is cool. He knows all the enemies' weaknesses and knows how to abuse them. He's all about damage and TP, yo. He's tactical, calculating, and various other adjectives of that type. He's definitely the guy you want when you want Ice and/or Thunder damage. Just not Fire damage, because he doesn't think it's useful.

I haven't played any EO games but lessee what I get...

Eww it's Proto. what a nerd. nyeeeehhhhhhhhhhh

Proto would never hurt a fly, probably, i think, unless he's lied to me. Anyway, he's more of a supporting dude, so because of that he's a male Troubadour person. you help your friends survive and you're always there to lend a hand. But since you're not an attacker, at all, you also decided to be a Farmer, so you can help your guys get items easily, and whatever other supportive type skills they have. Proto is the ultimate supportive unit, when he's not being a loser.

Since OP Is a loser, I'm going to leave the rest of these until i get home. Talk about how you think i'm wrong, or something.

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Wait what oh crap.

This is what happens when you I don't eat breakfast i guess. x-x

yours will be the first one i do when i get home. please forgive me onee-sama. </3

it's no big deal

I'm excited to see my results

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I'm a Farmer, it looks like I'll have to resurrect my team mates by slapping their decapited head. :p

Oh well, damned by the cheese ! Interesting the sub Sovereign.

Thanks man !

Edited by B.Leu
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