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Corrin/Kamui in Smash


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Roy is the problem because he made people hate Corrin.

There are two DLC FE characters. There's no doubt that that's going to make people mad. I think that the angry Wolf fans and those who are mad that FE equals Pokemon and surpasses Zelda would all be satisfied.

Not to mention that this is barely Roy. Roy was like 15. This isn't really accurate to Roy's character in the first place

also I dislike the GBA games but oops opinions

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If memory serves, isn't Roy in Smash essentially what Sakurai expected of him from concepts, rather than what he actually saw of him in the finished product that is Binding Blade?

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Roy did not make people hate Corrin...

Wolf would have generated just as much salt. "Stop wasting DLC on veterans, bring in new characters" is one of the most popular complaints I've seen. Wolf would have generated the same kind of salt. And if Roy hadn't been brought back and FE had 5 characters, people would whine about it being equal to Zelda. People would still whine.

So Roy didn't do or cause anything, you're just unreasonably biased.

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People would have whined no matter what Sakurai did. You can't please everyone, you know.

That is true, but c'mon. I think we all know that Squirtle > Roy

I know I said Wolf before but I don't actually care about Wolf unlike my precious Squirtle

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Oh man, i was around when EarthBound got released, and it literally was like "Oh heres this game and it stinks." and that was it. No real adverts, nothing. FE4 probably would have sold fine internationally if they were arsed to release it and market it properly. EarthBound's marketing was just all wrong.

that game came out not even a month before the N64 did

even if NoA decided to bing it out back in the day it would have flopped (from what I can recall back then, at least in NA, and from what I've been told, as soon as the new hardware came out everybody kinda just abandoned their old hardware)


I'm talking about


We got that one you said instead. But...realistically that would be Super Mario 3 and Super Mario 3 would be 4. No 4. *giggle* They then decided not to number them anymore after 3.

Still that some of us didn't see that article and still enjoyed it! :D

Didn't need smash to get into the series! Which Earthbound was still loved to many that didn't need smash to do so.

watch the whole video, when you get to the playtester you'll understand

People would have whined no matter what Sakurai did. You can't please everyone, you know.

I like this comment because it's 100% true

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Roy is fine. If we want to play the "blame game", then we could blame Lucina just as well since Awakening already has Robin. At least Roy is from GBA era, which was no longer represented after he was cut.

Even if Roy and/or Lucina weren't a thing, there would still be people who feel that this is "too early" for Kamui - which is fair enough considering that there were people who felt that Inklings/Splatoon and maybe the new Xenoblade Chronicles X protagonists were too early and both of those came out before Fates. Roy and Lucina have more of a reason to be in Smash 4 than Kamui.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Corrin feels like extra icing that we didn't particularly need (not hating here just hear me out).

Marth is the flagship FE Hero, and represents the NES, SNES and DS era's of FE

Ike is the next one, non noble, against norms of FE mains etc, representing the GC and Wii Era

Robin & Lucina were the new blood, representing the new era of the franchise and the 3DS. Along with Robin showing the magic & durability mechanics

Roy is the old fan favorite of Japan, risen again like a phoenix from his Melee fans and Binding Blade, he represents the GBA era.

Now we have Corrin, who represents the NEWEST of new blood and the Manakete concept. But I'd say was largely unnecessary.

As of now (Even before Corrin) we had FE representation of every console era. Corrin is more a marketing tool with a really nice moveset (by the looks of it). As we now know, Roy wasn't in for Binding Blade promotion (as much as it did help), thanks to the 25th anniversary interview.

I really wish people would give Roy fans and the dude himself a break, and I'm not gonna bash anyone who enjoys Corrin, even if I feel the choice is a bit eyebrow raising. I was eh on him/her being in, but I like the moveset idea they brought along with them, so I'm just gonna sit back and see how it all goes.

It's strange to think that when Smash 4 was originally announced, we mostly all thought we'd only get 2 or 3 FE characters, but hey I'm not gonna complain. FE is one of my favorite franchises so I'm glad to see it getting some love, even if its a bit much, I highly understand where people are coming from when they say they are tired of FE people.

Edited by Jedi
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Sakurai puts a lot of emphasis on "having a cool and unique moveset" (as evidenced with like all his interviews on the subject), and I can definitely imagine him seeing "turns into a fucking dragon" as being both very unique and extremely cool.

I think it's disingenuous to argue that it's primarily marketing when Sakurai has been pretty resistant to doing marketing tie-ins in the first place.

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Sakurai puts a lot of emphasis on "having a cool and unique moveset" (as evidenced with like all his interviews on the subject), and I can definitely imagine him seeing "turns into a fucking dragon" as being both very unique and extremely cool.

I think it's disingenuous to argue that it's primarily marketing when Sakurai has been pretty resistant to doing marketing tie-ins in the first place.

I do recall that, and maybe I overstated the "marketing" bit.

Regardless, he got me interested in how Corrin fights (his main goal), and come February i'm gonna purchase them and see how they roll. You'll probably see a day one impressions from me.

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tbh I'd consider maining Korin, just because that fighting style looks fucking interesting + DRAGONS

I don't give a shit if she's a terrible character as long as she's a good fighter

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Apparently, I need to write a short guide on how to show dislike for something without coming off as overbearing. Observe:

mmm, thank you Elie~

I really like the green one. Green alts have a bad habit of being meh sometimes, but that one is dope.

I respectfully disagree. The green one, IMO, brings out Corrin's eyes in the wrong way, while the shade sits somewhere between pistachio and radioactive. However, if you think it's green done right, then I hope you enjoy it~!


I liked those thing holes, I honestly believe it added something to FemKamui that made her less boring and more unique than MaKamui design-wise. Same with the lingerie thingy in them. And no, still for no perverse reasons, just design that I like.

I didn't like the thigh holes, and I'm really happy that she's wearing a proper pair of pants in Smash.

Roy is the problem because he made people hate Corrin.

There are two DLC FE characters. There's no doubt that that's going to make people mad. I think that the angry Wolf fans and those who are mad that FE equals Pokemon and surpasses Zelda would all be satisfied.

Not to mention that this is barely Roy. Roy was like 15. This isn't really accurate to Roy's character in the first place

also I dislike the GBA games but oops opinions

From the rest of the world, please stop speaking for us.


I watched the Japanese release trailer. The translation team is taking some serious liberties with Elise's lines, and I'm not sure how I feel about that!

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eclipse you're going to hurt the feelings of those poor radioactive pistachios :(:

I actually like that green alt but I could see how others might dislike it, it's pretty out there

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unfortunately not as detailed as gimr's cloud analysis, but:[spoiler=moveset video thing]

lists everything but three throws; of especial note, charging fsmash has a hitbox (!)

text and stuff w/ gifs can also be found here

I always wanted to see a Smash do damage while charging. Like if you catch them from the beggining of the charge, you deal more damage and traps them from start to finish.

I also think, if you Side-B Side Kick off stage you'll plummet to your doom.

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I always wanted to see a Smash do damage while charging. Like if you catch them from the beggining of the charge, you deal more damage and traps them from start to finish.

I also think, if you Side-B Side Kick off stage you'll plummet to your doom.

It'll be interesting if it does put you in freefall from the kick, however we won't know for awhile. If it does, we'll no off-stage retreating, if it doesn't... Well mobility will be insane.

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I don't think it would at all; few similar specials would do so (e.g., ZSS flipkick, Greninja downb, etc.).

I'm more interested in whether sideb can stick into walls for pseudo walljumps...

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being able to chase offstage with the move isn't exactly unbalanced tho

it's silly to talk balancing like that when the character isn't even playable yet

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being able to chase offstage with the move isn't exactly unbalanced thoit's silly to talk balancing like that when the character isn't even playable yet

And that's why we're getting Corrin and Bayonetta in February. Like all smash trailers for characters, everyone looks OP in them and with a demonstration for both of the newcomers, they may seem a bit unbalanced. However, if you notice in the Dircet, we don't see the damage percentages at the bottom that much, so we don't know the damage output of moves, their hitboxes, sweet spots, weaknesses, limitations, and whatever else. All we know are movesets.

..Sorry if you already had that knew that (or had that in mind) already, just felt like mentioning it :3

My favorite alts are probably the green ones actually.

Green Corrin

Green Robin

Green Samus

Green Ness

Green Pit

i like green okay

I'm the same with Blue. (Maybe a few Black alts too [Lucina, Corrin, etc.])

Edited by Busterman64
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. . . I'm sorry for dredging this up, but while everybody is making Corn jokes and complaining of FE/sword over-representation (tl;dr Lucina has the most blame; she should have been Marth's Wireframe Mac), am I the only one who remembers that this is the same character who was not above giving his own once-removed cousin* hallucinogenics without her knowledge or consent in order to marry her, and concerned that (in addition to most of the reasons everybody else is complaining about) such a character would be given the honor of the choice to join Smash in the first place (for what could no doubt be at least partially promotional reasons)?


Regarding the future of Smash Bros., I . . . fear? That we may be seeing the series' peak right now. For all its misgivings, Smash 4 is far and away the best game in not only its own franchise, but in the entire subgenre that said franchise invented in the first place! While there are certainly a lot of things that could have been implemented much better, this game being created in the first place, and DLC being developed only firmly after completion (of the 3DS version, at least) feels like something of a perfect storm, and those numbers showed at the end of the video presentation were mighty impressive indeed. The development team went all-out, and got a peak number of things right.

I'm just saying I'm going to be utterly heartbroken if Smash 5 happens and Sun Goku is included amongst the 20% of the cast in the on-disc DLC, you know? Smash 4 life.


[spoiler=* (legit spoilers maybe, I looked this one up)]Azura!Soleil would be Corrin's first cousin, once-removed. I originally said "niece" but then I looked up how cousins work and it's a bit complicated so if you don't know then perhaps you avoided the spoilers after all?

Edited by Tamarsamar
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. . . I'm sorry for dredging this up, but while everybody is making Corn jokes and complaining of FE/sword over-representation (tl;dr Lucina has the most blame; she should have been Marth's Wireframe Mac), am I the only one who remembers that this is the same character who was not above giving his own once-removed cousin* hallucinogenics without her knowledge or consent in order to marry her, and concerned that (in addition to most of the reasons everybody else is complaining about) such a character would be given the honor of the choice to join Smash in the first place (for what could no doubt be at least partially promotional reasons)?




Is this a joke?

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