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How Did Validar Survive Chapter 23?

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Sorry to bring this up, but this is something I just noticed in my recent play through


so at this point we can see Validar clearly die via evaporation/disintegration

but then


we can see that Validar is perfectly fine

WTF just happened?

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Throughout the game, Validar is supposed to be a believer of the "this is the way it's supposed to happen" idea. Probably he wasn't meant to die yet, much like in Chapter 6. It was not due to the gemstones since Basilio replaced them with fake ones.

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I always thought he was faking in that scene the first time. Validar seems like the type to have a back-up plan in case things go wrong... like they did.

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My theory is that his body was slain but his moustache survived, and later regrew a new Cervantes.

"Cervantes fainted!"

"Cervantes is out of HP!"

"Cervantes whited out!"

*Cervantes' Mustache scurried back to the nearest Pokemon Center, protecting the injured and exhausted Cervantes from further harm...*

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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What I want to know is how Cervantes survived 16.

My theory is that his body was slain but his moustache survived, and later regrew a new Cervantes.

"Cervantes fainted!"

"Cervantes is out of HP!"

"Cervantes whited out!"

*Cervantes' Mustache scurried back to the nearest Pokemon Center, protecting the injured and exhausted Cervantes from further harm...*

Lol the Pokemon reference made my night!

Same could be said of Validar actually...

Validar is out of HP, Validar whited out Grima took Validar to the nearest Sage protecting him from further harm.

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Maybe the same way he survives Chapter 6.

That, I figure he's only allowed to die the way he's fated to die like Grima explained, but THEN he didn't know that he was fated to die in THAT way. After he gets fooled.

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From the Emmeryn Chapter?

Pretty sure he just teleported the fuck away when he was injured.

EDIT: P sure this doesn't need a spoiler but better safe than sorry I suppose since the thread isn't tagged as such.

EDIT2: Formatting

Edited by Papyrus
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From the Emmeryn Chapter?

Pretty sure he just teleported the fuck away when he was injured.

EDIT: P sure this doesn't need a spoiler but better safe than sorry I suppose since the thread isn't tagged as such.

EDIT2: Formatting


Nngh... How?! My purpose is too significant...to be thwarted...here... Aaargh...

>Mysterious figure enters




What? Who are you... Where did you...come from?


I am the power that compels you. You will not perish here. It is not written. You must live on to author a destiny greater than you know.


I-impossible! It can't be you! It can't be...


I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima...

Chrom in Cht.13 says Validar died in Cht.6 as well. It sounds there like he was mostly/fully dead, and Grima cheated and brought him back to life or something. There's also a bit in Cht.23 where Validar says "There is no damage I can do your body that the fell dragon cannot repair!" which strongly suggests Grima can heal and maybe resurrect people at will with dark magic.

Not to mention the Risen, though I don't really think Validar is one of those. Maybe it's a similar principle, but without the monstrous transformation and losing of his soul.

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RIGHT I completely forgot that. Would also explain why Validar has the whole destiny concept up his ass.

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Chrom in Cht.13 says Validar died in Cht.6 as well. It sounds there like he was mostly/fully dead, and Grima cheated and brought him back to life or something. There's also a bit in Cht.23 where Validar says "There is no damage I can do your body that the fell dragon cannot repair!" which strongly suggests Grima can heal and maybe resurrect people at will with dark magic.

Not to mention the Risen, though I don't really think Validar is one of those. Maybe it's a similar principle, but without the monstrous transformation and losing of his soul.

Ha, guess Grima didn't Validar alive after he prepared the table.

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RIGHT I completely forgot that. Would also explain why Validar has the whole destiny concept up his ass.

The game doesn't talk very much about how the Grimleal work, but I'd hazard a guess that Validar doesn't know as much about Grima as he thinks he does. If he's as simple in motivation as the game makes him out to be- for the power- he probably worships Grima because Grima is the strongest thing around, and as such can get his way via force every time (thus what Grima wants is "fated" to happen simply because nobody can stop him). The game's events of stopping Grima by force, combined with Naga saying neither her nor Grima are gods, reinforce this (though Naga displays certain traits suggestive of being an unreliable narrator, so I'm not certain how much stock should be put in what she says).

tl;dr "destiny" is when someone says something will happen and they're stronger than everyone else, so nobody can stop them from making it happen. In Validar's mind, at least.

Ha, guess Grima didn't Validar alive after he prepared the table.

By that point, Validar had nothing more to offer him. He had his body back, an undead army and apparently some devoted Plegians left- it's entirely possible he let Validar stay dead, as some sort of martyr, to ensure their loyalty (kind of ironic when you think of Emm).

But more likely, Validar had outlived his usefulness, and having someone to scratch his back wasn't Grima's top priority at the moment. He's no Loptyr, he doesn't want to rule the world through a cult, he just wants to grind some bones and destroy the world.

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