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Controversial Aspects in Fates? (Possible Censorship in NA?)

Perriot Lunaire

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I wonder if they have to rewrite that whole support from scratch. I mean, it has Kamui really going the extra mile to show what a sack of shit he is. And if you remove those things, then what's left of it?

Yeah... it's why I'm looking forward to see what they made that conversation into instead.

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I want a better support moreso than it not being that.

excellent to hear, glad that nintendo isn't going to let the more perverted aspects remain.

"buh muh censorship"

fire emblem shouldn't be about perverted fantasy's

Don't you know what Fire Emblem is about these days? :^)

Was that support in question really "perverted" though? Just seems dumb to me.

Edited by Tryhard
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Glad to see they recognized how problematic that support is. Now they just need to make her a les option.

And make her not hit on her mom.


Bloody hell, they really dropped the ball with Soleil, didn't they?

...yah, it's kind of amazing how spectacularly bad they screwed her up. I'd absolutely LOVE it if they added same sex romance options for her (and considering they DID add a couple of those for other characters, it still baffles me that Soleil wasn't a possibility too) but that seems a fairly large change. I mean, I know localization will sometimes make some pretty drastic changes in story and writing, but that for the most part involves altering words. They'd have to actually add new Support ranks and alter gameplay to give Soleil the ability to marry women.

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so i'm discussing with a friend about this, they believe censorship is always bad.

i believe that too, except in this case where it would not only improve the game, but i'd censor even more of the game if it means the series "gets back on the right track" in my eyes.

it is an interesting thing to think about, the line of censorship of "not enough" or "too far"

tho they also think fan service is the least of the series problems and that the DLC classes and non existent balancing, and i say fan service is the biggest problem.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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If changing content like this (which already happened in Awakening; many supports had altered line yet its translation is widely acclaimed) is enough to spark all the rage I see around the web, then I might as well stop posting on FE communities until Fates has been released for at least a month, because it already was enough with the initial terror in May/June/July and with the Xenoblade X drama.

I mean, this support has been universally considered shit, and everybody expected it to be changed, yet all the /v/irgins on reddit and other places are already crying out for censorship and think all of the game's racier content will be axed; people are already saying "Don't cater to the people who are not the majority of the fanbase! Don't cater to tumblerina SJWs who won't buy the game!"... I don't think I will able to substain this for these months.

Soleil' support is dumb and (imo) not the case of turn-gays-into-straights; however, a lot of people saw it as that, even inside the fandom, inside the userbase, inside FE's demographic, so it's understandable if Nintendo doesn't want to risk it after the Tomodachi Life fiasco. And even if just a tiny part of the support gets changed, what do we honestly lose?

"U-UH G-GIRLS ARE CUTE! MOM IS HOT! HEHE no homo" <-- THIS is what we might lose. Not gameplay features, not major cosmetic features, not important plot points, not powerful meanings or images; we might be losing a worse Inigo who is also a girl.

I am just rambling now, but... in short, I will not defend shitty supports. Heck, you know what? I have a feeling the support will still be shit, but at least there isn't that dumb idiotic "make lesbians see cute girls instead of guys" powder.

Do you remember when in RD they changed the Black Knight's magic powder or what was that in the JP version? They changed it because it was stupid. This time the change might have happened due to controversy but let's remember that the magic powder that makes you see guys as cute girls is something equally stupid as BK's.

I'd be pissed if they heavily change or remove content like what they did with other things in RD' script, but those were key plot elements. This is not the case.

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If changing content like this (which already happened in Awakening; many supports had altered line yet its translation is widely acclaimed) is enough to spark all the rage I see around the web, then I might as well stop posting on FE communities until Fates has been released for at least a month, because it already was enough with the initial terror in May/June/July and with the Xenoblade X drama.

I mean, this support has been universally considered shit, and everybody expected it to be changed, yet all the /v/irgins on reddit and other places are already crying out for censorship and think all of the game's racier content will be axed; people are already saying "Don't cater to the people who are not the majority of the fanbase! Don't cater to tumblerina SJWs who won't buy the game!"... I don't think I will able to substain this for these months.

Soleil' support is dumb and (imo) not the case of turn-gays-into-straights; however, a lot of people saw it as that, even inside the fandom, inside the userbase, inside FE's demographic, so it's understandable if Nintendo doesn't want to risk it after the Tomodachi Life fiasco. And even if just a tiny part of the support gets changed, what do we honestly lose?

"U-UH G-GIRLS ARE CUTE! MOM IS HOT! HEHE no homo" <-- THIS is what we might lose. Not gameplay features, not major cosmetic features, not important plot points, not powerful meanings or images; we might be losing a worse Inigo who is also a girl.

I am just rambling now, but... in short, I will not defend shitty supports. Heck, you know what? I have a feeling the support will still be shit, but at least there isn't that dumb idiotic "make lesbians see cute girls instead of guys" powder.

Do you remember when in RD they changed the Black Knight's magic powder or what was that in the JP version? They changed it because it was stupid. This time the change might have happened due to controversy but let's remember that the magic powder that makes you see guys as cute girls is something equally stupid as BK's.

I'd be pissed if they heavily change or remove content like what they did with other things in RD' script, but those were key plot elements. This is not the case.

The Black Knight thing was warp powder. In the Jap version, it malfunctioned and only sent his spirit to fight Ike, hence why he won. In the localisation, the Black Knight lets Ike win after the fight after he explains why Greil lost their duel so easily in the hopes that Ike would become Greil's equal in combat and thus experience the challenging fight he wanted and see if he managed to surpass his teacher. This also means that the BK survived having a castle collapse on him, which is totally badass.

I also completely agree with everything you said, although it might be at least a little due to my bias against Soleil. She was already pushing it for me by being part of Fates' second-gen, who serve no purpose other than to make Fates more like Awakening, but not only does she have some of the worst supports in the game (which was annoying, but I was willing to forgive & forget considering her father's support with Nah), but she does all of that while also having one of the worst personalities in the entire series imo. I mean, she's literally just Inigo/Lazwald, but without the dancing or any of the humour and hidden depths that made him a good character.

Edited by Phillius
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Heh, I'd forgotten about the Black Knight's magic powder malfunction. What is it with IS and magic powder producing bizarre nonsensical effects?

Maybe they were snorting some when they came up with that explanation

Regarding Soleil's support conversation, it was a stupid conversation anyway. Even ignoring "unfortunate implications", it was dumb and stupid and I'm not sorry to see it get changed.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I mean, this support has been universally considered shit, and everybody expected it to be changed, yet all the /v/irgins on reddit and other places are already crying out for censorship and think all of the game's racier content will be axed; people are already saying "Don't cater to the people who are not the majority of the fanbase! Don't cater to tumblerina SJWs who won't buy the game!"... I don't think I will able to substain this for these months.

Let's not stereotype now. It's a perfectly valid standpoint to not want censorship in any form or fashion. It wouldn't be one I agree with, but it is fair to want a developers work to be consistent between areas released even if that work or a part of that work is considered even objectively bad (as long as it falls in line with appropriate laws).

The people who actually think that the game is somehow catering to 'tumblerina SJWs' by having something that could be construed as censorship are either trolling or just not very bright.

That said, it seemed a lot worse before I actually read the transcripts for it. People sure love reporting false facts.

Edited by Tryhard
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Let's not stereotype now. It's a perfectly valid standpoint to not want censorship in any form or fashion. It wouldn't be one I agree with, but it is fair to want a developers work to be consistent between areas released even if that work or a part of that work is considered even objectively bad (as long as it falls in line with appropriate laws).

The people who actually think that the game is somehow catering to 'tumblerina SJWs' by having something that could be construed as censorship are either trolling or just not very bright.

That said, it seemed a lot worse before I actually read the transcripts for it. People sure love reporting false facts.

Yeah, I went full force... In the end I am surprised that people are holding it surprisingly well as of now (maybe b/c the support is so bad), nothing on the level of Xenoblade X' fiasco. I am not against ppl that don't want censorship, I am afraid all of discussion will end up being about that for a long time.

And sadly there are ppl who think NoA did this to not anger a demographic outside of the one who buys the game, and they are not trolling. It's a common thought nowdays after the other fiasco (unrelated to Nintendo) about Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3, PlayAsia and Team Ninja.

At this point I wonder how much NoA changed in this support and the whole game. It has been months of fear for censorship and I just want it to end.

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Well looks like they changed the controversial support between Soleil and M!Kamui



"There will be "no expression which might be considered as gay conversion or drugging" in the localized version."

The article then goes on to focus very much on Soleil, which makes sense because of the nature of her supports and how terrible it all sounds (especially from a Western perspective). I see mostly positive responses to this... but where does it say that this statement from Nintendo only applies to Soleil? To me, "no expression which might be considered as gay" suggests the Zero and Syalla supports may be censored/disappear, as well. While I wasn't necessarily planning on pursuing these supports myself, I'm a bit surprised not to hear more of an uproar about this. People around here seemed upset that there were only these options, so how is no one upset at a statement that implies there may be none in the West? Am I missing something where it confirms this isn't the case?

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"There will be "no expression which might be considered as gay conversion or drugging" in the localized version."[/size]

The article then goes on to focus very much on Soleil, which makes sense because of the nature of her supports and how terrible it all sounds (especially from a Western perspective). I see mostly positive responses to this... but where does it say that this statement from Nintendo only applies to Soleil? To me, "no expression which might be considered as gay" suggests the Zero and Syalla supports may be censored/disappear, as well. While I wasn't necessarily planning on pursuing these supports myself, I'm a bit surprised not to hear more of an uproar about this. People around here seemed upset that there were only these options, so how is no one upset at a statement that implies there may be none in the West? Am I missing something where it confirms this isn't the case?

"gay conversion" does not mean "gay"

didn't noa already confirm that the gay s supports will be possible? like around the time it was confirmed in japan?


praise treehouse thank you please fix the rest of the terribles in the game please

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"There will be "no expression which might be considered as gay conversion or drugging" in the localized version."

The article then goes on to focus very much on Soleil, which makes sense because of the nature of her supports and how terrible it all sounds (especially from a Western perspective). I see mostly positive responses to this... but where does it say that this statement from Nintendo only applies to Soleil? To me, "no expression which might be considered as gay" suggests the Zero and Syalla supports may be censored/disappear, as well. While I wasn't necessarily planning on pursuing these supports myself, I'm a bit surprised not to hear more of an uproar about this. People around here seemed upset that there were only these options, so how is no one upset at a statement that implies there may be none in the West? Am I missing something where it confirms this isn't the case?

It says gay conversion, so there is currently no reason to assume they will censor anything concerning the gay options as well.

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I personally don't really believe that localization = censorship.

The support is problematic for several reasons. If supports were more serious in nature and actually wanted to examine this issue that would be one thing - but this is just a joke here.

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That's a good thing. If any dialogue were to be removed from the game, I'm glad it was about this.

Thank the gods.

Edited by ChocolaChao
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It says gay conversion, so there is currently no reason to assume they will censor anything concerning the gay options as well.

Yah, the only other supports I can imagine potentially being changed notably would be Soleil's other romance supports, as her entire character is kind of messed up and broken, and I could see them doing some substantial changes to her. But there's absolutely no reason to think that this decision will have the slightest effect on Shara or Zero.

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I saw Zeveran as more of a flirt and a scoundrel/free love sort of guy compared to Zero who is frequently a creep that purposely unnerves people. I think DA:O handled romance/multiple sexualities the best. Some bisexuals but not too many (looking at you DA2), as well as characters you can't romance because they're just not looking for it.

I didn't play these games, but what you described is what I want to see more of in Fire Emblem. Variety in relationships.

As much as I love the children mechanic, and believe me I do love it XD, I do also miss the paired endings of previous games, where you got A supports for backstory and character development and sometimes were pleasantly surprised to discover that some would fall in love and marry after the war and some that even if they did have an A support would not marry afterwards. Sain for example supports with mostly women, his support with his best friend Kent being his only male support and yet only one of those women will actually marry him after the war is over. And Rebecca can support with Raven but his only paired ending is with Lucius. Mainly using fe7 as my example here because it was my first fire emblem and dear god I love all the character in it XD

This is what I'm talking about! I made a big post about this very same thing some months ago.

EDIT: I see the current topic of discussion is about the news over Soleil's supports. This is one of those instances where a character shouldn't be romanced by the avatar (if male).

Edited by Giga Man
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