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Which character are you mostly like and why?

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I'd say I've got a mix of:

Haar - for laziness and love of naps

Sain/Gatrie - for love of women

Hector - for bluntness

Boyd - for smart-aleck-ness and, again, laziness

What! Boyd isn't lazy at all.

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I've got...

no use for extra manners and a sense of blind justice, like Ike

Ranulf's laziness, sarcasm, and dislike of flying/heights

A little bit of overconfidence, like Edward (I think he's a trumpet player, 'cuz we're all like that)

Lethe's temper/ annoyability

Janaff's vision (20/10, I kid you not)

Mist's wish to keep lives from being lost.

A very small bit of Soren's social issues (I hate talking to most people outside the internet)

Unlike most of the cast of Fire Emblem, I don't have family issues, though. LOL.


And Ilyana's metabolism

I wish.

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I would say that I'm a mix of Ranulf and Geoffrey.

I'd like to edit my list. Let's see...

I have Ranulf's sarcasasm, laziness, and his cat traits

Geoffrey's seriousness and devotion

Matthew's sneakiness and demeanor

I may add more later when I can think of some....

Edited by Fireman
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm mostly like a mix of Soren, Ranulf, and Ike (minus the awsomeness). I look most like Soren (short with long almost black

hair) and have a dimmed down version of his cold demeanor. I am also sarcastic and fun-loving like Ranulf and have Ike's

sense of justice with no strings attached.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a mix of a few characters:

Nephenee - I'm shy and sometimes have trouble talking to people

Boyd - I'd do anything to protect my family, plus I'm not motivated to get better unless someone motivates me

Rhys - I'm kindhearted and I usually have a slight cold (Rhys is usually sick in one way or another)

Ike - I'm not much into politics and I'm not prejudiced to anyone

Elincia - I don't think I could take a life unless there's no other choice

Dheginsea - I like to stay out of conflicts

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  • Shinon: I tend to be quite the drinker and I can act like a smart mouth at times.
  • Zihark: Equality between races.
  • Haar: People I've been studying with know of my naps during classes...
  • Volke: I'm known to give charges at random, although mine are used jokingly. I also detest crowds.
  • Salem: I roughly look like him, from hair color to the face. I almost even have the sair hairstyle, except the hair in front isn't as long.
  • Nolan: I grab my chin pretty often.
  • Too many to list: I'm considered a loner.

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  • Volke: I usually dislike the company of people I don't know. I also seem to take money a lot from my friends...
  • Hugh: The position of his hand. I have a habit of touching my chin a lot.
  • Idoun: We both like hoodies.
  • Dheginsea: I like to be neutral and WILL NOT MOVE!
  • Matthew: His cheerful, sneaky demeanor.
  • Canas: We get absorbed into our "studies", even at our own expense at times.
  • Jaffar: Something about the whole NinoxJaffar relationship that I couldn't help but relate to. Although I didn't end up marrying her and abandoning her in a tragic, dramatic ending. Nor did I impregnate her. << >>
  • Renault: Sometimes I just want to get away from it all.
  • Riev: I tend to not sit/stand up straight. I'm aiming to fix that, however. I blame my tallness.
  • Lloyd: Level-headed and a strong sense of justice.
  • Geoffrey: His dedication and loyalty.
  • Bastian: We both like to speak gibberish at times...
  • Illyana: I like to eat a lot. I blame my metabolism. Although I eat moreless than Illyana.
  • Nephenee: Sometimes I can be shy...
  • Stefan: I like to be a hermit and wear 'illogical' clothing in hot climates outdoors.
  • Naesala: I like to scheme in black clothing...
  • Nasir: Hate to talk about myself(lol, what have I been doing?), but we think alike in terms of morality and society. (eg there is no definite line distinguishing evil and it's not always right to just throw blame, mostly convos from PoR)
  • Haar: I like to sleep a lot when I shouldn't these days...
  • Artur: I would get uncomfortable if an older woman started caressing my cheeks and saying I reminded her of her boyfriend.
  • Percival: Something about his facial expression and the angle of his head...Plus, he's got that handsome, suave thing going on.
  • Bramimond: His tendency to mirror those he talks to.
  • Ranulf: His cheery, sarcastic demeanor.
  • Rath: His quiet, determined attitude.
  • Erk: His annoyability when he talks to certain women. *coughlikemymomcough*
  • Oscar: '^^'

Edited by Fireman
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I can't think of any character in Fire Emblem that is exactly like me. I think the closest would be Kent. I like taking naps, so maybe Haar as well.

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