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Like when was the last time you ever saw a non antagonistic female character interested in sex? It's seem odd since most males characters will go through arcs and character development to win the heart of his female partner, but rarely the other way around. Is it because it's out of the norm?

Edit: Name change because I'm a big goof with a small range on entertainment.

Edited by Majestic Paladin
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Because when people do try to write women with interest in that kind of thing it gets met with outrage and vitriol.

There's a theory that the reason writers don't do female characters is because they're subject to a lot more backlash than male ones.

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Like when was the last time you ever saw a non antagonistic female character interested in sex? It's seem odd since most males characters will go through arcs and character development to win the heart of his female partner, but rarely the other way around. Is it because it's out of the norm?

what are you even actually talking about

shounen anime?

i can't think of many other forms of media where this applies

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It's probably your choice of media lol. Good writers write good women just as they would good men. Problem is that good writers make much more money in the movie and book industries, so you're rarely going to find them in the anime and videogame industry. Which is where I have to assume you're coming from.

also guill beat me

Edited by Tangerine
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It's probably your choice of media lol. Good writers write good women just as they would good men. Problem is that good writers make much more money in the movie and book industries, so you're rarely going to find them in the anime and videogame industry. Which is where I have to assume you're coming from.

also guill beat me

Can ya point me to some some good media to find some well written women? Is it really just anime and videogames that do this or am I just looking in the wrong direction?

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Unfortunately that's just society in general. Women are shamed for being interested in sex and are considered sluts if they go out and bang dudes, but dudes are encouraged. So I'm not terribly surprised you don't really see female protagonists that are interested in it as much as you would male characters. If you want to see some examples of fun double standards, go find a discussion on a show with a strong female character as the lead protagonist, and watch them get torn apart for doing the same stuff a male character would be loved for. ie When Legend of Korra was airing, during the first 2 seasons Korra got bashed hardcore by fans for the same exact behavior popular male characters would be encouraged to do.

And if you want well written women, it's a bit harder to find if you're looking at anime and videogames. But Fullmetal Alchemist, Nana, pretty much Naoki Urasawa's entire library of work, anything by Satoshi Kon, would be good bets. In general with anime/manga you'll have better luck with titles that are made by women and directed at adult women, but not a lot of titles like that get released over here. (Princess Jellyfish as well as stuff by Moyoco Anno are really the only josei titles I can think of released in America) Videogames are even harder to find well written women in because we just haven't been seen as a target demographic until very recently. You really get a lot out of playing Fallout 4 as a woman, Life is Strange is supposed to be fantastic, I've heard the newer Tomb Raiders had good writing but have yet to play them so I can't confirm that. Apparently there's good stuff coming http://www.themarysue.com/e3-2015-games-with-female-playable-characters/ but most of the games listed aren't out yet so who knows if it's good quality or not.

If you want shows with well written female characters you can't go wrong with Orange is the New Black, Jessica Jones, Agent Carter, Steven Universe. iZombie is supposed to be good but I've really only had time to watch an episode or 2. Parks and Recreation is always a joy to watch and tons of awesome ladies that do a great job.

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I could rattle off a few shows I watched in recent times if you just want to see things in which female characters are interested in having sex lol

they're not super hard to find outside of anime and video games, as others have said

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Like when was the last time you ever saw a non antagonistic female character interested in sex?

last week, she was literally the main character of the show i was watching

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Jojo part 6, Jolyne's pretty fucking great. And also most definitely not a prude.

Basically Araki always wanted to write strong female presence in his works but his editors keep on telling him no (mind, the series has been around since the 80s), so he ended up doing it slowly and then he's now famous and have so much cred in the manga world (Jojo's been on display at the louvre, for what it's worth) that they pretty much have to let him do whatever he wants, and so he pulled off part 6. Editor interference is a pretty real thing, however.

For gaming I don't play a lot of them, but Ass Creed Syndicate had a female co-lead and she's pretty much the assassin I've been asking for. She does have slightly less story missions, but most of the story missions are Jacob fucking up anyway, and you're free to play as Evie through the entirety of any other mission that's not strictly labelled Jacob, as well as all open world segments.

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When Legend of Korra was airing, during the first 2 seasons Korra got bashed hardcore by fans for the same exact behavior popular male characters would be encouraged to do.

Just as I would ask for a topping on my bread sandwich, I must ask - What behavior did Korra actually have that was bashed?

Also, I heard Legend of Korra is quite good. Should I watch it? And if yes, should I re-watch the original Avatar series first to refresh my memory?

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And if you want well written women, it's a bit harder to find if you're looking at anime and videogames.

That's actually not true given that anime/videogames tend to strive more for an even gender ratio in the cast - either that or most of/the entire cast is women.

While this does result in massive amounts of walking cliches, the fact that there are more girls means that there are more well-written chicks.

idk maybe I just live in the place where people either take shit seriously or don't give a fuck and let every last semblance of logic fly out the window so it doesn't matter either way

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That's actually not true given that anime/videogames tend to strive more for an even gender ratio in the cast - either that or most of/the entire cast is women.

While this does result in massive amounts of walking cliches, the fact that there are more girls means that there are more well-written chicks.

idk maybe I just live in the place where people either take shit seriously or don't give a fuck and let every last semblance of logic fly out the window so it doesn't matter either way

. . .and this doesn't quite fly.

Look at who the anime/game is aimed at. Depending on the demographic, you'll get badly-written women who cater to even worse fantasies (go check out Idea Factory's stuff), women who don't have an opinion on it (most games aimed at kids), or women as actual people. For the last one, check out things that are aimed at adult women.

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actually, on the topic of badly written women:

i have not played through any otome games fully, but i often find that the protagonists often meek, docile, indecisive, and prone to getting pushed around

which creates a lot of forced drama and squicky situations, and i think to myself:

who does this appeal to? there's gotta be someone out there buying this!

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If you write a female character that's interested in sex, some people will call her a slut.

If you write a girly girl, some people will accuse you of pushing a stereotype.

If you write a female character that have flaws and show weakness, some people will say you think women are weak.

Writting female characters can be a risky thing to do.

And to be honest, I'm rather tired of the tomboy or the tough stoic girl archetype.

I mean, I don't have a problem with these archetypes, but these days everytime I see a female protagonist that's a tomboy or tough girl, every other character will gush over her, saying how amazing she is.

Examples are Lighting from FE13, Milla from Tales of Xillia, Athena from Ace Attorney, Lyn from FE7 and so on.

Seriously, everytime there's a tomboy as the main character, everyone seems to love her, and she will be an amazing girl that never makes mistakes.

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