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Will we ever get a new Tellius game? After the poor sales of both radiant dawn and Path of Radiance?


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Can I marry Ena and cause super Soap Opera Drama with finding out she's pregnant with another man's child and Dhegensea playing the role of over bearing surrogate father in law?


Though I imagine Dhgensea and Kurthnaga wouldn't be too pleased

In fact you don't even have to fight the Black Knight, he gives up before fighting because he knows he stands no chance against you because you are you and then he joins the party because why not, and you don't fight him in RD because again, you are you. Oh, and if your character is female you can marry him.


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I can see how it will go...

(Tellius spoilers inbound)

Your avatar will be a member of the GM's and be Ike's bestest best friend in all of Tellius. Who needs Soren anyway? You'll be able to marry anyone from Titania to Mia to Elincia! (dibs on Marcia btw) If your avatar is female, you can even marry Ike, Geoffrey, or even Tibarn!

You'll also be able to wield Ragnell! And Ike can't defeat the Black Knight without you! You'll also be able to touch Lehran's Medallion without going crazy! Your avatar will also be available in all four parts of RD! And be in all three armies in Part 4 at the same time!

Oliver will see that you're the most beautiful person in existence! All of Tellius will sing your praises, even Shinon will like you, and Makalov will stop his gambling habits all for you!

I will fight you for Marcia

You forgot to mention the fact that the avatar will also be a prime vessel for Yune to possess, giving you crazy skills and even more gamebreaking abilities when she ditches Micky for you!

Only Ike can finish off Ashera? And not Micky which is still bull. Not anymore!

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Though I imagine Dhgensea and Kurthnaga wouldn't be too pleased


Feck it, I'll marry them as well. Polygamy is the natural next step in the current Fire Emblem formula.

Also love that Black Knight pic. Very nicely done.

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you forgot the part where greil comes back and the female avatar can marry him too

Avatar can also marry people like Brom, Callil and Tauroneo and even make them forget they already have families.

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This was like a dream thing for me, but now days I don't care anymore. The games have just stylistically shifted way too much in (imo) the wrong direction since Tellius. The Tellius games have a lot of flaws that I feel like could be covered in an HD remake, but if anything I feel like the opposite of that would happen today.

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The only thing that would rock a lot of socks is if in a remaster, skills didnt disappear when you unequipped them in PoR. That would actually kinda break that game a bit tbh and lolololol

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I can see how it will go...

(Tellius spoilers inbound)

Your avatar will be a member of the GM's and be Ike's bestest best friend in all of Tellius. Who needs Soren anyway? You'll be able to marry anyone from Titania to Mia to Elincia! (dibs on Marcia btw) If your avatar is female, you can even marry Ike, Geoffrey, or even Tibarn!

You'll also be able to wield Ragnell! And Ike can't defeat the Black Knight without you! You'll also be able to touch Lehran's Medallion without going crazy! Your avatar will also be available in all four parts of RD! And be in all three armies in Part 4 at the same time!

Oliver will see that you're the most beautiful person in existence! All of Tellius will sing your praises, even Shinon will like you, and Makalov will stop his gambling habits all for you!

You joke about a Mary-Sue MU taking over the plot but that's basically what happens to Michaiah after Ike shows up in RD.

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You joke about a Mary-Sue MU taking over the plot but that's basically what happens to Michaiah after Ike shows up in RD.

Yeah, but Ike was never as bad as Kamui and Robin. Not to mention that he also had PoR for character development, it feels less egregious than two no-name MUs with no title or prestige behind their name.

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Feck it, I'll marry them as well. Polygamy is the natural next step in the current Fire Emblem formula.

Also love that Black Knight pic. Very nicely done.

I may or may not have an album (or albums) of similar pics

Yeah, but Ike was never as bad as Kamui and Robin. Not to mention that he also had PoR for character development, it feels less egregious than two no-name MUs with no title or prestige behind their name.

As Mary Sue as they were, they at least felt like part of the story in some way. Unlike Kris, whose awkward insertion and Mary Sue-ness makes fanfic self-inserts look believable.

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Yeah, but Ike was never as bad as Kamui and Robin. Not to mention that he also had PoR for character development, it feels less egregious than two no-name MUs with no title or prestige behind their name.

Not as bad but similar in application. The alleged main character gets sidelined by a character who is almost universally loved and more integral to the plot. It's not that I don't think Ike should be relevant, but you shouldn't advertise a new protagonist if you want to give the bulk of the story relevance to an old character.

Robin didn't really hijack the plot, so much as share it with Chrom.

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  • 1 month later...

According to "Fire Emblem Wiki ORG" the story of Tellius is not over. http://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Tellius

That is why Priam (Ike descendant) moved to Arkaneia / Valm.

Millennia later

"Millennia later: Ashera and Yune reform into Ashunera once more. A war is once again about to break out in Tellius."

Edited by N_fan
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I'm not counting on a new game in Tellius but I do think a port will come in the future.

Nintendo has actually been more kind to their past disappointments as of late. The scale of the audience is a lot bigger of course but neither Majora's mask nor the wind waker performed as well as they deserved and in at least Wind Wakers case Iwata stated they made the HD version in part because to few people played the original.

I don't think the sales of Tellius were so low because of some outright dislike it brought about in people, instead I believe it sold so little because it, and Fire emblem as a whole just flew under the radar of most people. With the success of Awakening and Fates this may actually be the ideal time to give the Tellius games the attention they so deserve. Fire emblem is now a name people know.

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That's what I've been saying for like ages now, Etrurian Emperor! Tellius deserves another chance now because of FE being more well-known and played and liked by fans these days. I think IS will remake FE4 and 5 before them, but even so.

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I suspect we won't see a remake from the Jugdral games actually. Tellius has Ike's place in Smash bros to at least draw some interest but I find myself wondering if Nintendo isn't just going through lengths to avoid Judgral. It has zero representatives(As in music. trophy's and even stickers.) in Smash nor in Fire emblem's own Chipher series. I heard even the making of Fire emblem book had barely any information of FE4 and 5 in it.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I suspect we won't see a remake from the Jugdral games actually. Tellius has Ike's place in Smash bros to at least draw some interest but I find myself wondering if Nintendo isn't just going through lengths to avoid Judgral. It has zero representatives(As in music. trophy's and even stickers.) in Smash nor in Fire emblem's own Chipher series. I heard even the making of Fire emblem book had barely any information of FE4 and 5 in it.

Jugdral does get some representation in Smash 4 (The recruitment themes from both FE4 and FE5 are in the "Meeting Series theme medley", while the Arena theme from FE4 and Battle Theme from FE4 are in the "Colisseum Theme Medley". Of course, said themes are also the Battle theme from FE1 and Arena theme from FE6 respectively)

Also, Series 6 of Cipher will feature Genealogy cards.

Edited by Bullwine85
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If there is a Jugdral remake (to exploit the idea of keeping the children mechanic alive) I wonder how the Avatar would be incorporated into the story, if at all. The Avatar in New Mystery, and to a lesser extent Awakening, felt sort of tacked on, and there was a good bit of ass-kissing (especially in New Mystery), so I wonder how they would both avoid that and make Avatar relevant to the story.

A Tellius sequel is pretty unlikely I think. Not really much to do there and not a huge audience to sell it to. There could be a game that takes place in Tellius's universe the same way Awakening takes place in Akaneia's universe. At the same time though, I get the feeling the reason Awakening had all those Akaneia callbacks is because it was supposed to be the last game, and having references to the series mascot would be a nice way to tie it all up. So probably no to both.

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If there is a Jugdral remake (to exploit the idea of keeping the children mechanic alive) I wonder how the Avatar would be incorporated into the story, if at all. The Avatar in New Mystery, and to a lesser extent Awakening, felt sort of tacked on, and there was a good bit of ass-kissing (especially in New Mystery), so I wonder how they would both avoid that and make Avatar relevant to the story.

A Tellius sequel is pretty unlikely I think. Not really much to do there and not a huge audience to sell it to. There could be a game that takes place in Tellius's universe the same way Awakening takes place in Akaneia's universe. At the same time though, I get the feeling the reason Awakening had all those Akaneia callbacks is because it was supposed to be the last game, and having references to the series mascot would be a nice way to tie it all up. So probably no to both.

Maybe just make him another part of Sigurd's initial starting force with Alec, Noish, and Arden, but not relevant to the plot whatsoever? That might work....but knowing IS, they'll probably be able to have an MU be able to marry Deirdre, be playable in both parts of Genealogy (upstaging Finn in the process), and have a holy blood screen that's lit up like a Xmas tree.

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I'm not counting on a new game in Tellius but I do think a port will come in the future.

Nintendo has actually been more kind to their past disappointments as of late. The scale of the audience is a lot bigger of course but neither Majora's mask nor the wind waker performed as well as they deserved and in at least Wind Wakers case Iwata stated they made the HD version in part because to few people played the original.

I don't think the sales of Tellius were so low because of some outright dislike it brought about in people, instead I believe it sold so little because it, and Fire emblem as a whole just flew under the radar of most people. With the success of Awakening and Fates this may actually be the ideal time to give the Tellius games the attention they so deserve. Fire emblem is now a name people know.

The Wind Waker was one of the best selling games on GCN...
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The Wind Waker was one of the best selling games on GCN...

That's true but they probably still expected it to sell more. It didn't even sell half as much as Ocarina of Time and was outsold by Majora's Mask despite having the advantage of coming out near the beginning of the console's lifespan.

Edited by Jotari
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Thing is, TWW is popular these days. Tellius...not so much, probably because way fewer people have played it. And that's why it desperately needs a re-release of some sort. Ike being in Smash and popular now generates interest. The games have crappy availability right now. Wii games are now being added to the eShop. It should only be a matter of time until GC games become downloadable as well. It should be a no-brainer here!

Edited by Anacybele
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Tellius was great, but let's leave it burried below the ground. There is nothing else to do there, and I'd rather play in a brand new continent with brand new kingdoms.

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Tellius was great, but let's leave it burried below the ground. There is nothing else to do there, and I'd rather play in a brand new continent with brand new kingdoms.

I agree with this, tho having nothing left to do on a continent hasn't stopped games being set on a continent anyway. cough Awakening cough

I wouldn't mind a remake, but I can't help but think Nintendo would never greenlight one, as they feel it would be another sales disaster.

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This thread has dissapointing lack of MU x Oliver. Or MU x Nealuchi.

Like many have said, sequel sounds unlikely, even if there's that slight sequel hook at the end of RD. If by some whim of Anna it happened anyways, I'm guessing Priam would be the protagonist. Or a secondary one beside MU.

Remaster might be more likely, but not something I would hold my breath for. Also if it would be on wiiU, no thanks.

I'm sure Ilyana's romance supports would make Awakening's pies look like literary nobel material though.

Then again, I've never actually played a remake after playing an original, so I don't actually know for sure how I would react. For all I know I could love these.

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