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Everyone's picked their side, but is there anyone on their preferred side that they don't like? (possible character spoilers)


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There's a lot of S ranks in this game that are so fucking dumb like

You know how I complain about Joker x Rinka S all the time? Like they have a pure humor C-A with no real character chemistry and then suddenly S rank hits and Joker comes on really hard and Rinka...actually goes with it instead of acting in character and punching him in the face and leaving? This is why I dislike the everyone S everyone system. Shit like this happens.

Well, Kagerou's personality means she'll get aggressive faster than Sakura does, so that makes sense in character. I also feel that this support does nothing in terms of establishing character or worldbuilding type of substance, whereas Asama/Sakura at least lets us know that what Sakura's doing is not in the norm (you go girl) and will eventually stand up for herself when pushed too far despite her meek and shy initial demeanor.

It made me love Sakura more, if anything.

The Silas x Sakura S rank deserves mention, not because Silas is a jerk (in this support) but just because the two barely converse in their C-A and then suddenly Silas offers her a marriage proposal for her base level concern.

As far as the Asama/Sakura world building goes, I haven't read his support with Hinoka but unless he brings it up there, I don't think "princesses aren't supposed to do anything" holds any merit for Hoshidan society. Hinoka fights as do many other noble-born women. To me, it just sounds like Asama was being a envious asshat to Sakura (which in itself is pointless and mean spirited because he's probably well off as a royal retainer). It's surprising Asama kept his head considering his 'lack of tact' to put it kindly.

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It does establish that Hoshidan noblewomen are not even really supposed to be staffchicks, and that Sakura being one is already pretty out of the norm. Asama tells her "why aren't you just sitting on your princessy ass getting pampered" or something along those lines, and the exchange eventually drives Sakura angry enough that she starts smacking him with her staff.

I actually enjoy the C-B parts of this support precisely because it establishes some worldbuilding and lets us see a Sakura when pushed too far. Beat his ass, Sakura, you're the best.

Lemme just link it. http://pastebin.com/zHaXDR2u

Yeah, that wasn't the support that fully pushed me over (especially since it has merits in terms of non-romantic content, I do love Sakura's character), but rather, this one:


Filter or not, that should've ended at the C with Kagerou shanking him and Asama resolving to learn to put a filter on himself after he recovers.

oh my god I can't believe these are real


why this

and it's even worse to know they have to have a forced marriage

i'm not fully decided on a side but I'll probably go nohr first

I don't know all the characters nor am I even sure which characters are on which side

but from Nohr I don't like eponine, camilla, pieri, soleil, zero, and if severa is still severa i probably won't like her either

also I don't like aqua or the avatar

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Whoa. Asama just became Burgerpants Tier for me. Waowaowao. Like, i knew about the Kagerou one, but i didnt know about that Sakura one. Asama rots on the bench forever.

As for characters i dont like on my preferred route....hmmm. Nyx is the one i forget exists. I dont dislike her, i just dont pay attention to her. So i end up forgetting shes a thing. Luna/Selena too, because i just dont like Severa.

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I'm rather fond of most Nohrians (admittedly I haven't read too many supports, since I'm waiting for the localization) but... Pieri, man. Fun design aside, I can't think of anything I like about her. She's a cavalier too, it's the class I feel most indifferent about.

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That and NotSevera on higher modes looks like a complete armtwist to work with since you gotta reclass her to Pegasus Knight and I don't know yet if it's worth the early reclass and E-weapon rank at that stage of the game.

Selena is basically begging for an Arms Scroll to be useable. Getting out of the Bronze Lance rut takes a long time, but what's worse is that her strength will be so low when trained as a pegasus that she won't be impressing you with damage even with a forged Steel Lance (which is only C rank, which takes forever and some more to get to).

She's the only flying staff other than MU, Azura's son and units who bonded with them, though, which is useful in itself but also needed for Rescue shenanigans in efficiency.

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Whoa. Asama just became Burgerpants Tier for me.

hey man don't hate on burgerpants

he doesn't go out of his way to piss off people

it's nice if you can get him back with his friends

asama's just a dick tho

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I think I've experimented with every character on Hoshido path at this point, and I do not want to use Orochi at all. Terrible unit, and I don't like her personality enough at all to put effort into her. Both Joker and Felicia suck for me, no matter who comes first, so once I get a full team I don't really want to bother with them.

Everyone else probably is likely to get used at least once at some point. Well, some less likely than others, but …

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The Silas x Sakura S rank deserves mention, not because Silas is a jerk (in this support) but just because the two barely converse in their C-A and then suddenly Silas offers her a marriage proposal for her base level concern.

As far as the Asama/Sakura world building goes, I haven't read his support with Hinoka but unless he brings it up there, I don't think "princesses aren't supposed to do anything" holds any merit for Hoshidan society. Hinoka fights as do many other noble-born women. To me, it just sounds like Asama was being a envious asshat to Sakura (which in itself is pointless and mean spirited because he's probably well off as a royal retainer). It's surprising Asama kept his head considering his 'lack of tact' to put it kindly.

IIRC Hinoka is supposed to be an anomaly too, I don't remember where, but she's not really supposed to be on the frontlines either. Yuugiri's parents also have practically disowned her, as said in her MU supports. I think it was the FeMU one. In terms of succession, Hinoka also comes after Takumi, and Hana says that she gets made fun of a lot by other samurai for being a girl.

I dont' entirely remember what Hinoka's support with Asama entailed but he was pretty hard on his own boss too. I bet if Asama didn't save Hinoka's life she wouldn't put up with him as much. The C-A I remember was pretty interesting, but the S, again, has gross S rank syndrome. There's only 3 characters I've read Asama's supports with I'd pair with him--Setsuna, who's pretty immune to his asshatery anyway and he ends up helping her out, Kazahana, in which he's a bit too terrified of her to be a dick(she's not doing it on purpose, but Kazahana is very strong and accidentally almost dropped a tree on him and it was pretty funny but most importantly she proposes), and Elfie, who made an atheist priest see buddha.

Silas x Rinka have a similar issue in that while the C-A's actually one of Silas's better ones (although I'm not really fan of the ones trying to get Rinka to socialize in general, like if Rinka wants to talk to you she will, in at least 5 of her supports), but the S flat out says "oh we haven't actually talked to each other since the A support but I'm thinking of you so let's get married". A lot of the choppier S supports I can sorta chalk up to "oh maybe they talked sometime between A-S", like I think Takumi/Rinka's is pretty implicit of that since they start in medias res in their S and are getting along well there. But no, the S rank in this case made it very clear they actually haven't talked at all between the A and S. So even though the support itself isn't as bad as some of the other ones that really piss me off, I can't pair them for that reason also pairing my fav and my least fav together are you kidding me

The Asama/Kagerou support says a LOT about Asama. It tells me that he has no idea how to start a conversation with a woman he likes, and is more interested in holding someone's attention, instead of analyzing what kind of attention he has and adjusting himself accordingly. Can't really hate the guy, because I'm too busy facepalming at him.

I found it a lot less telling because that's pretty much most of his supports anyway, so it's not telling me things I dont' already know about him from other supports--except the subject matter is also pretty gross in this case.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Glorious Nippon Master Race! Folded over one million times! Filthy gaijin, go home!

[spoiler=Sorry, I'm done memeing after this]


Asama- Kill him. Kill him with fire. Anyone who acts like a dick to Sakura deserves a most painful death. I also heard there was something about Kagerou, but that doesn't matter.

Setsuna- Not really bad per-say, she's just kind of...forgettable.She also does that stupid fucking lip pouting, duck faced bullshit that Sully did in Awakening and I hate that with the fiery passion of a thousand suns

Ricken the Dicken: Basically just Ricken, only more arrogant and bratty? No thanks.

Crimson- She can't S-Rank Ryoma and that makes me mad.

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The reasons I dislike Nohr:

-The story

-The fact Kamui feels bad for his choice

-How one sided the game is to Hoshido and tries to make you feel bad for your decision

-Watching blop do bloop with his bing after you fing him (Not sexual in any way, I swear)

-How I have to an asshole niisan to Sakura and Takumi.

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Flora - Never liked her to begin with so i will bench her or try to use her as little as possible

Pieri - Personally, if she had a different personality (which i hope localization alters) she would be soo much better but i still like her much more than flora. Shame too because I like her design.

Zero/Niles - Yeah no. Don't like that he's a sadist and also his design just kills it for me. If we had to have a decoy like in Shadow Dragon he would be the one.

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Nohrian, but I always find myself sighing with frustration about Camilla.

It's not that I HATE Camilla, not at all, I actually really want to like her, but unfortunately I'm just... super disappointed. Fanservice is fine in moderation but she's nothing but fanservice which ruins a character that would have been extremely interesting.

Actually it's not that there are characters I explicitly don't like, it's that all the ones I want to like are either A) really dull, B) Class-A jerks, or C) ... Soleil.

I'll be 80 years old on my deathbed still angry about Soleil's characterization, honestly.

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I'm more from the third option with the two kingdoms and my happy ending, so... One from each side?

From Hoshido is actually Asama, mostly because I just don't find him interesting, and after reading what all of you guys says about him, it looks that he stay in the bottom of my priorities, I will try to see more of him to judge him better, but still, yeah, I don't have interest in him for now.

From Nohr is more hard to chose one, as most of the characters from this side didn't caught my attention, but for now I will say... Odin. Sorry, but I find him annoying in Awakening and see him back in Fates... Also everyone say he is a bad unit, so, that didn't help him either

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I'm Nohr4Life but I absolutely cannot stand Pieri. That talking in 3rd person... the edgy "I kill for fun!" attitude... the special snowflake heterochromia..... She is the embodiment of 2009 DeviantArt. There's also Camilla. There's not much to like about her. She's just so clingy and overprotective and grossly obsessive. I like her hair, though. Lavender is my favorite but Camilla is just ICK.

I agree with all this basically, and I think Ignis is just the same character as Benoit, so he's completely pointless.

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Luna, I guess. I never much cared for Severa in Awakening, and I was disappointed when I learned Fates would be reusing characters, so my chances of using her are...

...Well, okay, she is Camilla's subordinate. That might end up counting for something. I guess we'll see.

I'm not sure there's anyone in Nohr I actively dislike, really. Some of the children I'll probably wind up forgetting about and never use, but other than that...

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I lean mostly toward the third option but for now, I'll stick with the Hoshidans

I didnt really look into supports much, if at all for anyone really, so I really can't say much but from first impressions. The only ones that seems to turn me away are Asama and Tsukuyomi. There's also a good majority of the 2nd gen cause who needs a 2nd gen (save for maybe Shino, Hisame and Matoi)

On the Nohr side, there's Harold, Benoit&Ignis, and all of their 2nd gen (tho its more of a "I don't care"). I just never found appeal for the former, but the characterization for both Benoit and Ignis are just disappointing to me. I'd have preferred if he actually was as brash as he looks and gradually learns to be more gentle, instead of essentially reusing Brady to a degree. Then again, its more apparent with Ignis, but the fact that the two are somewhat similar makes it double

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I really don't like Zero/Niles. Part of it is because of the over hype for the character just because he is bi. Yes I understand, its great they are putting in more options for people, but at the same time I get annoyed when people start falling head over heels for a character just because they are outside the norm. The other part is overall I find him to be an annoying character. I will have to use him though for his capture feature, which I am looking forward too.

No Nohrian version of Lance Fighter. It was perfect to bring back Sentinels and their really cool design, but they really dropped the ball on this one in my opinion.

Not getting all the siblings until later levels. That really bugs me because they are supposed to be the main characters next to Corrin, yet you don't get all of them until chapter 12 or later. Little annoying.

Story wise I have tried not to spoil myself too much on the events so I can judge myself what I thought the story was like, though I am also not excited for it either. I am going in with no expectations hoping that it might surprise me.

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I really don't like Zero/Niles. Part of it is because of the over hype for the character just because he is bi. Yes I understand, its great they are putting in more options for people, but at the same time I get annoyed when people start falling head over heels for a character just because they are outside the norm. The other part is overall I find him to be an annoying character. I will have to use him though for his capture feature, which I am looking forward too.

This, along with just not liking his design, is my reasoning for disliking Niles.

I also wish you got the siblings sooner, but I'll deal with it.

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I'm starting with Hoshido (because I usually like to go the cheesy "good guy" route first).

The only character I currently don't care for is Rhajat and that's only because I didn't care for Tharja much in Awakening. I also don't really dislike, but also am not at all excited for any of the characters that remind me too much of Awakening characters because I think it was a little lazy on the writers' part (although, yes, it took a lot of work to do two different stories and have 2 games worth of different characters instead of just one).

These would include: (obviously) Gurei (Gaius) and Matoi (Cordelia). I'm ambivalent about some of the characters that design-wise remind me of Awakening characters like Hana (Sumia), Yukimura (Laurent/Miriel), Hinata (Vaike), and Tsukuyomi (Ricken). This is strictly on appearances not personalities. They just remind me visually a lot of these characters. Also, something about Oboro's eyes or face in general weird me out.

So far in Hoshido, I'm interested in Saizou, Kagerou, Tsubaki, Nishiki, and Crimson. As well as for the kids: Shinonome, Hisame, and Mitama (strictly on a design-sense, I don't know much about these characters).

I'm pretty excited to see if my opinions stay the same or change after actually playing the game because first impressions usually don't last (for instance I thought Gaius looked like a girl and was weird but fell in love with him during the game).


The characters that come in both paths (so will be in my Hoshido run): Felicia (meh), Jakob (ass), Silas (love/husbando but I love the traditionally thought of as "boring" characters ie: Stahl), Kaze (love), Mozu (meh), Asyura + Izana (don't care).

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The reasons I dislike Hoshido

-the fact that Hinata and Hisame are Father/Son, in development they were brothers

-I prefer Nohr characters, I don't dislike Hoshido ones but I prefer Nohr

-No Soleil, no waifu:'(

But anyway I want to buy Birthright after all and Revelations too, I want all characters:)

And Asama remember me my Father haha he is just like him, he doesn't have the filter between the brain and the mouth and this give me too many facepalms everywhere

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I guess it counts,

Part 1

I don't think I'll have space to use the children characters on Hoshido. Maybe on Nohr, but even then a few *cough Sophie cough* might get the shaft

Part 2

On Revelations, well, there just isn't enough slots

Part 3

I dunno about Flora though......

Part 4

I would have used Tsukuyomi, except slots issue, slots are pretty tight on Hoshido and insanely tight on Revelations AFAIK..ironically not so much on Nohr...maybe to the point that I have too few characters

That being said, I don't really dislike any of the characters. It's just that I haven't really read much/anything and it'll probably have to wait until someone does like a full english playthrough (with supports, I guess, though to be honest I didn't really read all the awakening supports either.....or well, any supports really)

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(cracks knuckles) Alright everyone, line up and take your beatings with some pride. Remember that you deserve it.


  1. Azura. Her planning and strategic analysis skills have much to be desired, and her absolute refusal during both Birthright and Conquest to try and even shine a slight light onto the true threat of Touma unless forced to when Kamui stumbles into Touma really tickles me the wrong way. Combine that with the fact that I have never really felt that the dancer/bard class was really worth it in-game, and I am left feeling less-than-thrilled about Azura. There is a reason why you lost the official popularity poll to supporting characters like Oboro, Azura!


1. Well, the main thing I dislike in Nohr is the story. Otherwise, I like all of the characters.

Hoshido: AKA more evidence that I am biased favorably towards Nohr!

  1. Tsukiyomi. I didn't like Ricken due to what I interpreted as his one-dimensional character, and the fact that I already had a few competent mages, making him redundant, even more so after Laurent showed up. As for this underaged git, he shares all of Ricken's personality (i.e one trait) with the added curse of bringing the stalker back into the universe means that regardless of his gameplay potential, he is heading for the bench and staying there to waste away.
  2. Asama. Combine the fact that he seems redundant for Birthright when you already get a very competent healer (Sakura) before him and some of his supports show his inner asshole against those who don't deserve it, I don't have a favorable view of this priest.
  3. Orochi. A damn shame, really. Character wise I actually quite like her. But from what I have seen gameplay wise, she is just a painfully average caster. Again, a damn shame.

Children: While I could place almost every last one on this list, I will try to limit my ranting.

  1. Syalla/Rhajet. Just.... no. I don't know why people find stalkers to be attractive. It is creepy, unsettling, and technically illegal depending on where you are. I find it upsetting that she is the same-sex option for f!Kamui, as there are far more better options for that, like say, I don't know, SOLEI?
  2. Maoti. Her and Subaki strike me as being similar to Mako from the Legend of Kora. The writers of LOK said that Mako was "Zuko without the angst!" completely missing the fact that Zuko had far more character traits and developments beyond just "angst." Matoi is to Cordelia as Mako was to Zuko. Matoi has Cordelia's perfection and modesty without including, what I considered, to be one of Cordelia's most interesting traits; her PTSD from being the sole survivor of the Ylissian Pegasus Knights. That trait, plus how Cordelia learns to deal with it through some of her supports is what made her a fascinating character to me. Without it, Matoi is a pale imitation of past glory.

EDITS: argh, spoiler tags, why do you do this to me?

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You used \ instead of / in the tag closers

Switch the slash symbols and you're good to go

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