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Skinship is out, says kotaku (new info on page 71)


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Yeah, I press Quote, and the screen scrolls down to the text field, but it's empty. No text, and no quote markup. I'm using IE, so maybe it's a browser issue if that functionality isn't compatible. I also can't embed images or videos without the page crashing, or even link to something.

But I tried putting it into plaintext mode and now quoting works. Strange...

This is indeed a sad time for Gunter lovers everywhere! All they wanted was to skinship Gunter...poor things... :P

On the subject of Gunter, that reminds me of his amusing quote if you wake him up roughly ("Since I'm so old, were you worried I was dead?"). Which makes me wonder...

Do you think the whole "wake up your spouse by touching them" thing is still in? It's not quite as indecent as face-rubbing your army randomly, but it uses the same gameplay mechanics as skinship so if they cut the whole thing out that's likely gone too.

Edited by Anomalocaris
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Yeah, I press Quote, and the screen scrolls down to the text field, but it's empty. No text, and no quote markup. I'm using IE, so maybe it's a browser issue if that functionality isn't compatible. I also can't embed images or videos without the page crashing, or even link to something.But I tried putting it into plaintext mode and now quoting works. Strange... On the subject of Gunter, that reminds me of his amusing quote if you wake him up roughly ("Since I'm so old, were you worried I was dead?"). Which makes me wonder...Do you think the whole "wake up your spouse by touching them" thing is still in? It's not quite as indecent as face-rubbing your army randomly, but it uses the same gameplay mechanics as skinship so if they cut the whole thing out that's likely gone too.

Happy you got that tooken care of! Anyway...

...wait, that was a thing? Didn't know about that part. Well, it's either still there, only usuable by buttons, or gone too. ...guess there was more to the skinship thing than I thought.

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Damn this thread has almost 80k views, 30k more and it will tie the i just one to know one thing thread

Skinship its impact, i did not expect such a turnout for it tbh


I think people should stop the feature is obviously out, but hey we still get to see the 2d models and some mini line though im wondering what will the lines be since you arent petting them anymore.I dont really care its out since all i really wanted was to see the 2d models since they look great and we got that so yay

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Happy you got that tooken care of! Anyway...

...wait, that was a thing? Didn't know about that part. Well, it's either still there, only usuable by buttons, or gone too. ...guess there was more to the skinship thing than I thought.

Sometimes when you go to your room you can find your spouse in there, sleeping. You can wake them up by either gently nudging them or by roughly shaking them, using a similar interface to skinship. Some of the lines for the latter are really funny: http://pastebin.com/XDXMv7NP

I guess it wouldn't be hard to keep, though; just give the player a choice on how to wake them up rather than having them manually do it.

Edited by Anomalocaris
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You know, I just thought of something. Treehouse has the power to remove the skinship feature, I totally get that. But, NoA doesn't have enough power to literally make NoJ, THEIR head branch privatize their videos. I'm starting to wonder if it was IS who asked NoA to remove the feature and then ask NoJ to privatize the videos?

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You know, I just thought of something. Treehouse has the power to remove the skinship feature, I totally get that. But, NoA doesn't have enough power to literally make NoJ, THEIR head branch privatize their videos. I'm starting to wonder if it was IS who asked NoA to remove the feature and then ask NoJ to privatize the videos?

That brings up more questions on how Japanese players reacted to this feature because based on what other people have said in this thread, there wasn't really an outcry or opposition to it so if people in Japan didn't react negatively to it, I don't see why IS would tell NoA to make that change and privatize the My Castle video.

EDIT: Unless they've realized last minute that this feature wasn't a good idea, but even that seems a bit unlikely.

Edited by carefreejules
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That brings up more questions on how Japanese players reacted to this feature because based on what other people have said in this thread, there wasn't really an outcry or opposition to it so if people in Japan didn't react negatively to it, I don't see why IS would tell NoA to make that change and privatize the My Castle video.

EDIT: Unless they've realized last minute that this feature wasn't a good idea, but even that seems a bit unlikely.

It's not based on the Japanese players. We've already discussed that a good amount of developers at IS found the original idea for skinship to be disgusting as is.

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It's not based on the Japanese players. We've already discussed that a good amount of developers at IS found the original idea for skinship to be disgusting as is.

Yeah, I realized that while I was typing the edit comment but I can't help but also think that there might be other factors to it. It does seem plausible and if it that ends up being the case, well, I guess now they know.

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That brings up more questions on how Japanese players reacted to this feature because based on what other people have said in this thread, there wasn't really an outcry or opposition to it so if people in Japan didn't react negatively to it, I don't see why IS would tell NoA to make that change and privatize the My Castle video.

EDIT: Unless they've realized last minute that this feature wasn't a good idea, but even that seems a bit unlikely.

There still was a minority in Japan who thought Fates and especially skinship was the grave of Fire Emblem.

On 2chan, there was a thread made for angry fans grieving how the series turned out with Fates... I think it was called something among the lines of "Fire Emblem's Funeral".

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You know, I just thought of something. Treehouse has the power to remove the skinship feature, I totally get that. But, NoA doesn't have enough power to literally make NoJ, THEIR head branch privatize their videos. I'm starting to wonder if it was IS who asked NoA to remove the feature and then ask NoJ to privatize the videos?

This is what I was saying before when telling people to not blame NoA for the videos. NCL (Nintendo Co. Ltd., what all of you are calling NoJ) is in charge of Nintendo's Japanese division and Nintendo as a whole. If they made the My Castle video private, it's because they saw skinship as a stain they needed to clean. They basically went, "Oops. We messed up." Also, to be honest, and I have no proof of this, but if internal staff weren't keen on skinship, then I doubt many Japanese players were either. That's just a hunch, though. I actually know a Japanese friend who didn't like the idea of skinship, but he was cool and hoped we'd get the game unaltered.

Edited by Giga Man
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(On my mobile phone by the way)

...Wow, who put the fire back in here? and here I thought there wouldn't be much more discussion in here now...guess I was wrong

So after reading from after I left ( a few pages back), I'm kinda shocked! Because:

1.) Nintendo is seems to be acting like Skinship never existed over here

2.) RD got cut...bad

I'm more shocked about the RD localization thing (I went to the thread linked).

I already knew about the lazy difficulty renaming and...ugh...supports being butchered...greatly(still ticked about that), but to know they actually cut a lots of other dialogue is rather disappointing.

I can live with PoR having a difficulty cut (although I would've loved to play that since I declare that game's hard mode as "normal mode", but RD got butchered...bad!

I wish they did better with that game because I still really like that game, it just hurts to know SO much was cut from the Tellius era of games, my favorite era of the bunch (you would think sequel to PoR would be massively better in almost every area, but it only was in some. And when I say "massively, I mean improve on everything).

PoR is still my favorite and RD is...slowly being pushed back(still like it though). I got even more ticked at RD when Awakening came out because it had SO MANY SUPPORTS! ...*sigh*...why RD...why? Only a remake could help, but that doesn't have much chance of happening...:(

Wait a second...PoR is considered pretty easy and RD is considered to be pretty hard...welp...guess they knew to make it harder at least... :3 (and have the beautiful feature battle save, like the one in FE4).

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention these games (mainly PoR) got me really into the series, so the cut is pretty deep to me.

Well...they did alter it in a way for 10 yr olds to finish since it's rated E+10 after all and FE7, I never knew that Lloyd/Linus was supposed to have a Runesword rather than a Light Brand. It was for us newcomers. Euro was given no cliffhanger ending, the whole deal. But...yeah we are overreating about the skinship when they will somehow make it a masterpiece to please as many fans as they can possible. Plus watching the videos that Gamexplain and Polygon put up just tells that it will be enjoyable for many. IGN made it clear about the skinship being removed, but didn't have to go out of their way to suggest the Japanese version to study the language when everyone doesn't have time for that and wouldn't hold the fan translation of it over water.



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Well, this topic has been posted in within a month, so I don't think this is necroposting... What are people's opinions on what Skinship got replaced with?

I'm okay with the removal, if it's this little that's been removed. I was probably not going to use the touch function that much anyway, and I was only upset if they had removed the whole of everything.

Also because I want to see this thread surpass the "I just want to know one thing" thread in page number.

Edited by AsherCrane
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Only if I get to edit the topic title. Which I will, if I wake up and see that it's exactly the same.

I'll give this a whirl, and I won't look weird for doing so, too~!

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Skinship is still in but exclusive to A+/S Supports. A perfect balance.

You know what pleases me most about this video? Not just the confirmation that we can still play around with our spouses, but we finally get to hear from someone who isnt a guy when it comes to the press regarding this game.

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I'm actually a little confused now because I was looking at the Fire Emblem Reddit because they were talking about this too, and there seems to be some confusion of petting your spouse by waking them up =/= to actually petting them??? I'm seeing a lot of people saying things like "this isn't the same as to the petting that could have been done to everyone in the Japanese version"

Edited by carefreejules
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I'm actually a little confused now because I was looking at the Fire Emblem Reddit because they were talking about this too, and there seems to be some confusion of petting your spouse by waking them up =/= to actually petting them??? I'm seeing a lot of people saying things like "this isn't the same as to the petting that could have been done to everyone in the Japanese version"

I've listened to part of the video, and the impression I got was that it's just a "poke them to wake them up" thing, rather than actual skinship... but they were talking like there was proper skinship, so I don't know.

Hopefully someone will clarify this soon.

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All this drama and shit storms came out FOR NO REASON IN THE END.

Exactly. As best said by IGN, it was all just a non-troversy, yet they made a it huge controversial subject, potentially ruining the game's potential sales, all so that they could get clicks.

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