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What are you favorite support conversations? [Possible Spoilers]


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Sadly, neither of those options is available. The only Hoshidans Elise can marry are Suzukaze, Ryouma, and Takumi.

Elise is a hard case. I currently plan on her marrying Silas, but this pairing is not good gameplay wise, and their support was kinda... odd. But she looks weird with a majority of the cast, and I've already found pairings I like for everyone else. Any suggestions for good Elise support?

Her support with Ryoma is actually pretty cute, and she's surprisingly mature in it. It's also one of her only ones where she knows what marriage is in the S-support. The problem is the age difference is really noticeable. Shiro ends up slanted towards MAG, but Basara is a thing and at least she doesn't ruin his SPD like Orochi.

Odin's her other support where she's aware of marriage. It didn't really impress me or anything, it was fine, nothing offensive, but Ophelia ends up utterly broken, and he's at least closer to her age than Ryoma.

Those are the only two I can think of, unfortunately. She's really low on good romantic options.

If you're absolutely desperate, I suppose you could shove Jakob onto her. She's a little sis, so she doesn't get the Asshole Treatment, and nobody really wants him support-wise, so you don't have to re-arrange your pairings. The question is whether you're willing to subject your beloved little sister to a lifetime of marriage to Jakob.

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Sadly, neither of those options is available. The only Hoshidans Elise can marry are Suzukaze, Ryouma, and Takumi.

Elise is a hard case. I currently plan on her marrying Silas, but this pairing is not good gameplay wise, and their support was kinda... odd. But she looks weird with a majority of the cast, and I've already found pairings I like for everyone else. Any suggestions for good Elise support?

Damn it, IS. Damn it.

Eh. I agree with the person above me. I was going to suggest Takumi but the progression from C-rank to S-rank is terrible. The support from C to A could have been decent.

Like, I know I just posted that post talking about Elise being marriage fodder, regardless but, like, they could have done a better job with her characterization. There are many ways to portray a character with a childlike innocence as well as a maturity. Having Elise acting like a complete imbecile in regards to things like marriage despite being of marriageable age is completely stupid and--excuse my language--complete bullshit.

Whoever wrote these characters seriously need to study up on how to create characters and do some writing exercises. It's a simple google search--the results are vast and I'm sure one can find what they need. I know it takes a while but that is an acceptable sacrifice for at least a decent--that's all I'm asking for--cast of playable characters.

Like... Just some of these characters have no excuse. smdh

Also, can Elise not support Harold? He is one of her retainers but she can't support with him? WTF?

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Also, can Elise not support Harold? He is one of her retainers but she can't support with him? WTF?

She can support him, but the S is...eugh. It opens up with her telling him she thinks of him as a father.

What the hell, IntSys?

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She can support him, but the S is...eugh. It opens up with her telling him she thinks of him as a father.

What the hell, IntSys?

Oh Lawd...! I feel... I feel faint... ...

IS, why are you doing this to me...? Her father, IS? Her father? I don't even want to read it. It's giving me flashbacks to Usagi Drop. The live-action movie was brilliant, so sweet and heartwarming and, then... Then, I learned it was one of those manga. *shudders violently*

At any rate, I don't even like Elise like that. Sakura is, in my opinion, the superior little sister despite my alignment with Nohr. Elise's title as marriage fodder has been reaffirmed.

Time to search for more supports to clear my head.

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Elise/Benoit is actually quite nice, despite the obvious age difference. I made my Elise!Ignis into a strategist because I could, and he actually does quite well. Odin/Elise is good too if you don't want to waste Elise's magic genes on a physical child.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Oboro/Takumi and Xander/Charlotte are probably my favourites but I'll reserve judgement on all others for the localised versions, since I didn't really care too much about pairings in the Japanese version.

As much as I am Ryomilla trash, I have to admit their supports (at least C-A) are terrible, and does neither character any justice. Their S support I found super nice, though, so I just HC in the rest.

I also like Shinonome/His mum.

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I could probably be fine with pairing Elise up if I avoid getting their kid. Then I could be like, 'at least they are waiting.'

Then I realize that I marry her to people for their kid.

I guess the only romance options for Elise I could do willingly are Ryoma (she knows what she's getting into), Odin, and Benny. I have the same issue with some of the other ones - Sakura I can only really put with Saizo (okay i wont lie, this one i kinda dont understand, i guess i just ended up loving the pairing), Hayato, and Leo. At least Takumi and Leo have characters closer to their age (Oboro for instance) that it doesn't feel as wrong.

At least the supports I'd be willing to do are decently written.

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I like Sakura/Tsubaki -- it goes into why Tsubaki is Tsubaki, and Sakura proposes to him.

Sakura proposing, guys.

True, plus it gives Caeldori some decent strawberry/rose colored hair.

I'm trying not to feel bad about wanting to Ryoma/Elise because that pairing I'm warming up to. Elise with such a wild strong child.

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Man, I'm really disappointed with Azama. When I first saw him, I thought he was going to be kind of Stahl-esque for some reason. And then I read his character was "sharp-tongued" and I was down with that. I can dig a Puckish, sarcastic character.

But no. He's just a douche. It's my fondest hope that one day, FE writers will learn not to base characters around a single gimmick.

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I'm trying not to feel bad about wanting to Ryoma/Elise because that pairing I'm warming up to. Elise with such a wild strong child.

Just do it. It's a good support line and Elise actually reads like she understands marriage in that support.

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I like Sakura/Tsubaki -- it goes into why Tsubaki is Tsubaki, and Sakura proposes to him.

Sakura proposing, guys.

I really like that support, too. I really, really do. The downside is it makes Caeldori Shiro's cousin, and I really like their supports too. I don't have a problem with cousins, necessarily, but the fact that they're only cousins because of a choice I made is...weird for me to accept.

True, plus it gives Caeldori some decent strawberry/rose colored hair.

I'm trying not to feel bad about wanting to Ryoma/Elise because that pairing I'm warming up to. Elise with such a wild strong child.

Nothing to be ashamed of, it's a good support. I just wish I could get a brown-haired Shiro out of it.

Edited by Abvora
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I really like that support, too. I really, really do. The downside is it makes Caeldori Shiro's cousin, and I really like their supports too. I don't have a problem with cousins, necessarily, but the fact that they're only cousins because of a choice I made is...weird for me to accept.

I understand this pain so well

But in the end I decided that Siegbert is Shino's one true boyfriend because it's not like Gen2 has kids anyway and I feel better.

But then I also ship their dads too. Awkward?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I understand this pain so well

But in the end I decided that Siegbert is Shino's one true boyfriend because it's not like Gen2 has kids anyway and I feel better.

But then I also ship their dads too. Awkward?

One big happy pseudo-incestuous family?

I kid, I kid.

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Just do it. It's a good support line and Elise actually reads like she understands marriage in that support.

I really like that support, too. I really, really do. The downside is it makes Caeldori Shiro's cousin, and I really like their supports too. I don't have a problem with cousins, necessarily, but the fact that they're only cousins because of a choice I made is...weird for me to accept.

Nothing to be ashamed of, it's a good support. I just wish I could get a brown-haired Shiro out of it.

It's just the age range is a bit strange to me... I guess it's mildly hypocritical - my boyfriend is a bit older then me so I guess I shouldn't mind. I'll do it anyway!

One big happy pseudo-incestuous family?

I kid, I kid.

Go big or go home.

Add in Hinoka/Sakura!Asugi/Midori and you're good to go.

Oh I like Peri/Hinata actually. One of the few Peri supports I like.

And Hisame looks hilarious with her bright hair. A serious son with the hair of cotton candy doesn't mix as well as one would tihnk.

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Her support with Ryoma is actually pretty cute, and she's surprisingly mature in it. It's also one of her only ones where she knows what marriage is in the S-support. The problem is the age difference is really noticeable. Shiro ends up slanted towards MAG, but Basara is a thing and at least she doesn't ruin his SPD like Orochi.

Odin's her other support where she's aware of marriage. It didn't really impress me or anything, it was fine, nothing offensive, but Ophelia ends up utterly broken, and he's at least closer to her age than Ryoma.

Those are the only two I can think of, unfortunately. She's really low on good romantic options.

If you're absolutely desperate, I suppose you could shove Jakob onto her. She's a little sis, so she doesn't get the Asshole Treatment, and nobody really wants him support-wise, so you don't have to re-arrange your pairings. The question is whether you're willing to subject your beloved little sister to a lifetime of marriage to Jakob.

Damn it, IS. Damn it.

Eh. I agree with the person above me. I was going to suggest Takumi but the progression from C-rank to S-rank is terrible. The support from C to A could have been decent.

Like, I know I just posted that post talking about Elise being marriage fodder, regardless but, like, they could have done a better job with her characterization. There are many ways to portray a character with a childlike innocence as well as a maturity. Having Elise acting like a complete imbecile in regards to things like marriage despite being of marriageable age is completely stupid and--excuse my language--complete bullshit.

Whoever wrote these characters seriously need to study up on how to create characters and do some writing exercises. It's a simple google search--the results are vast and I'm sure one can find what they need. I know it takes a while but that is an acceptable sacrifice for at least a decent--that's all I'm asking for--cast of playable characters.

Like... Just some of these characters have no excuse. smdh

Also, can Elise not support Harold? He is one of her retainers but she can't support with him? WTF?

Elise/Benoit is actually quite nice, despite the obvious age difference. I made my Elise!Ignis into a strategist because I could, and he actually does quite well. Odin/Elise is good too if you don't want to waste Elise's magic genes on a physical child.

I could probably be fine with pairing Elise up if I avoid getting their kid. Then I could be like, 'at least they are waiting.'

Then I realize that I marry her to people for their kid.

I guess the only romance options for Elise I could do willingly are Ryoma (she knows what she's getting into), Odin, and Benny. I have the same issue with some of the other ones - Sakura I can only really put with Saizo (okay i wont lie, this one i kinda dont understand, i guess i just ended up loving the pairing), Hayato, and Leo. At least Takumi and Leo have characters closer to their age (Oboro for instance) that it doesn't feel as wrong.

At least the supports I'd be willing to do are decently written.

Thanks for all these suggestions, guys! I realize that gameplay wise, Elise's best pairing would be Odin, but Owain X Severa was a thing in my Awakening game file, and they have a cute support in this game, so... I might still do it though, because Silas X Selena and Odin X Elise are much better gameplay wise than Silas X Elise and Odin X Selena.

I have read the Ryoma X Elise support, and other than the age gap, it's really, really cute. But I was gonna have Shiro end up as a Vanguard, so Elise won't be a good option in that sense and Ryoma's mine

Benoit would be a good option, since he's probably one of the nicest person in the game and I can definitely trust my little sister with him. Jakob, on the other hand, is a definite no.

Yeah, Sakura is much easier to pair up. Her and Saizo's support instantly sealed the deal for me (and her hair color is as close as you can get to Gaius's orange without an orange-hair Corrin), although I imagine she would be good with Subaki too.

Oh the struggles of a shipper...

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Sakura also have easier stats to deal with--she has rather hybrid stats, and can be a great magicmom or a decent physimom, and Gurei can really hit up a hybrid build with her. Elise has Magic cannon stats, and since one of the magic dads is her own brother, her options are very limited if she doesn't wanna hurt any kids.

Poor Elise.

Edit: I'm re-reading the Ryouma/Marx supports and I definitely underestimated it first read, because it wasn't as UST-filled as I'd have liked, as a shipper, and that skewed my vision. However, I'm rereading it and analyzing it and I feel it's a lot more meaningful than I gave it credit for, and UST given the circumstances would actually detract from both their characters. A lengthier analysis to follow when I finish writing up all of Ryouma's supports, which should be soon.

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I'm kinda surprised no one's talked about Kaden/Azura yet. That support is absolutely adorable, and they have fantastic chemistry together. There's also the fact that Kaden is actually supporting Azura throughout the conversation, while also acknowledging the traits that make her unique. To the best of my knowledge, there's no other support that Azura has where anyone acknowledges that she may actually need help dealing with the craziness in her life, and the fact that Kaden catches on to this, and even goes as far as to encourage her to be a little selfish for once, is really sweet.

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One big happy pseudo-incestuous family?

I kid, I kid.

Isn't that what Fire Emblem is all about?

If this were YouTube, I'd bide my time and wait for the rabid fans to defend the purity of the holy franchise until the dastard Awakening tainted its noble blood.

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