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FE4 Advance - R.I.P.


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'Joke'? Well...yeah, the sudden twist could be said to be somewhat lighter than the original Gen 1, but this...follows a more common-sense approach, I feel. It kinda leads into a darker Gen 2, I'm feeling, although of course none of us know this now.

A Gen. 2 where nobody has skills! How could it possibly get any darker!

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You have any idea how much work went into the mugs alone? Sure, they're done in marginally, MARGINALLY different style to default. In my view, they're better, and they reflect well on the community as a whole.

There's just no pleasing some people, Furetski

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Just dropping by to say that I'm really enjoying the hack so far. The prologue was unimaginably hard, but I managed to get through it. Chapter 1's even more epic, and I'm half way through it. Can't wait to see more.

I think everyone's already figured out the hack was a joketongue.gif

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I think everyone's already figured out the hack was a joketongue.gif

Everyone has figured out you're a moron as well.

Edited by Gary Oak
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I think everyone's already figured out the hack was a joketongue.gif

[6:13:38 PM] Astra: And I think everyone has figured out that you're a moron.

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A joke? Well, didn't expected any different from Arch...

Now seriosuly, yeah, just waited here to figure out the result anyway without having to figure it out and fall for it. Clever, huh? ;) *shot*

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SPARKS ARE FLYING IN THIS HEATED BATTLEcookieforwhoevergetsthereference

Question to someone who's beaten the game (since like 100 people have played it already there have to be SOME people who beat it), how long did it take? Want to know for several reasons (such as, but not limited to, how much free time I'll need to beat this game).

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Yup, the joke's over.

I'm glad most people took the joke. It was pretty obvious this was dead: there wasn't an update in almost a YEAR. Then I update on April 1st? April 1st? The fact that so many people believed it (or wanted to believe it) is just astounding. You should've seen it coming from a mile away. The patch name was even "FE4A Gen1 v040111," and people were still surprised?

Besides, have you ever seen a more creative announcement of a hack's death? Ever?

But I suppose I owe people an explanation. It comes down to this: the project had to die. I wouldn't have been able to make a comparable product to FE4 with the GBAFE engine. When I started this project, three years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. "Skills? The love system? Inheritance? The special shops? The arena? I haz Nintendolord todo that stuffz for mez." It was a foolish endeavor, and a challenge for even the most skilled hackers among us.

And yet, that doesn't mean it wasn't worthwhile. Because of FE4A I learned to event hack. That resulted three event tutorials and Elibian Nights (both non-negative things). I made a lot of friends in the process (Nintenlord, The Blind Archer being the two most prominent), and a lot of people came to be fans of my work (hopefully I haven't lost TOOO many of them, because I still plan on finishing my other projects). In the end, people enjoying the product is really what makes the entire effort worthwhile. I'm sorry that I couldn't deliver on this one (so many people wanted to see it done), perhaps I should have picked a more do-able project from the start.

Another thing I should mention: the sprite contributors put together a wonderful compilation of the FE4 cast, redesigned with each artist's own style and vision. I'm going to put up the compilation (compiled by The Blind Archer) for everyone to see, because it truly is fantastic for fans of FE4.

That's it.

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awww dont feel sorry Arch :( i'm glad you took the challenge to take on such a project ^_^ you learned to event hack and arguably youre one of the best. Thanks for your generosity on the tutorials ^^' and its very generous nice of you to share such knowledge :) <3 Besides with all your progress I'm sure you can come up with something just as good or better than FE4.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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If you are absolutely sure about officially killing the hack, it would be prudent to make a public release of all your work, including notes. There's no sense in holding on to stuff, unless you only have the hack on ice.

A lot of really neat stuff for the past two decades of ROMhacking has been lost because the authors were too arrogant or fearful of losing what they attempted to make, and they couldn't fulfill it. It's very stupid of them.

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I feel kinda sad, cause even if it has been dead for a year, somewhere in the back of my mind I always kinda had some hope that something of this caliber could be done and it'd be amazing. What with Superluigi making FE6 and Krad's thing, I thought this could do it too.

I kinda hope Arch might try again, maybe not now, maybe years down the road. But I still think he could do amazing.

Get BwdYeti's system and get cracking.

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While it is sad to see this project die, it would be foolhardy to keep hope on something impossible. 'Twas a valiant effort, Arch, and it can finally be laid to rest with this.

Maybe someday it will be possible to do something like this, in a full scale, who knows what the future holds? But for now, even what we have is a good enough showing of the fandom's fervor. Arch, I salute you, to a job well done, and a legacy well respected. Live and let live unless you kill Elibian Nights too, then it is time for torches and pitchforks and your head on a pike

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Live and let live unless you kill Elibian Nights too, then it is time for torches and pitchforks and your head on a pike

Don't worry, Elibian Nights is here to stay! That's my current hacking-focus, and after that I've got a few other concepts lined up that I look forward to unveiling soon enough.

I'm sad to see the project die to guys, but it's dead. I don't intend on trying to revive it.

@Celice: I'll have to talk to Nintenlord about some things, and the organize the rest (the project's organization was pretty crappy, but that's just a personal attribute of mine). Definitely a possibility to release all current progress though.

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Having now patched (though a few changes slightly out of date with the one I used) and played it... it was good. It was fun, it felt like FE4 for the most part, bar the game-rapists that are the Troro's. And however much the purose for this patch I didn't like, I did like at least seeing something I liked come a bit closer, even if it was the last step it would take, to being playable. Good visuals, additions, the humour wasn't my thing, but it truly was a good thing Arch.

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If anyone wanted to see my reaction to playing this blind yeah, have fun. I definitely understand where Arch is coming from though, and a great creative way to end the project. Have fun with me getting trolled people.

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I had fun only complaint is

arch talked too slow :D

I enjoyed the hack

trolling berserkers gave me a good laugh Sir Sigurd and his 1 damage :)

Edited by HongLei
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It doesn't really count as an April Fools joke if you unleash it after April Fools Day...

Did you not see all the buildup done on April First?

Edited by Rodimus Supreme OVERTROLL
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