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Bloodline, Loyalty, or Neither?


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  1. 1. Which Side Would You Choose In Real Life?

  2. 2. Which Side Did You Choose For Game?

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Um....its not? Norh being evil because they are poor has been known ever since Fates was announced. Or are you being sarcastic?

I don't remember anyone ever saying anything about Nohr being poor. What exactly are you talking about? I've seen every trailer/Direct the game was in so far, by the way. Well, not the Japanese ones since I wouldn't understand them. But maybe what you're saying was only stated in Japanese?

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In real life I would choose Hoshido over Nohr. Especially because IMO Ryouma > Marx, Takumi > Leo and Sakura > Elise (sorry Hinoka, I prefer Camilla).

However, although I have all three routes (and will probably get them all again when the EU version comes out), my first in-game choice was and always will be Nohr because, well, look at my avatar <3

Birthright is my favourite route overall, though.

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I don't remember anyone ever saying anything about Nohr being poor. What exactly are you talking about? I've seen every trailer/Direct the game was in so far, by the way. Well, not the Japanese ones since I wouldn't understand them. But maybe what you're saying was only stated in Japanese?

I'm not completely sure where its originated from (probably some written material like an interview or press statement) but Norh's lack of resources has been pretty common knowledge for some time now. I'd say its closer to the basic premise of the story than a spoiler.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I think the bloodline reason is bad. I don't even see how it matters, because it is not blood that makes us care about siblings, but bonds. If there are no bonds, then it doesn't matter if those people are siblings or completely unrelated.

Still, I'd join Hoshido, likely. Nohr's obviously on the wrong side of the moral scale, and I wouldn't stand Garon, Macbeth and Ganz. I don't know about the possibility of liking my adoptive siblings so much that I'd comply with Garon's plans (well, to an extent... but still, Kamui would've been much more successful on thwarting them if they were on Hoshido's side instead, thus it seems like a much better choice than "working and changing from the inside"), however. It just seems more reasonable to side with Hoshido and subdue Nohr, including the royal adoptive siblings.

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I'm not completely sure where its originated from (probably some written material like an interview or press statement) but Norh's lack of resources has been pretty common knowledge for some time now. I'd say its closer to the basic premise of the story than a spoiler.

I see... Well, I still don't think that's enough reason to just go attacking Hoshido. I mean, one could just try talking it out with them first instead of immediately resorting to violence. If talking doesn't work, then...well, you'd have no choice but to fight.

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irl, Hoshido after realizing....some things. Like, honestly, i think it would be hard for me to side with....


the country who's king and organization blew up my real mum, ya know? Or being lied to...

In game, im siding with Nohr first simply because that lot appeals to me the most.

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While I am going to play all paths, I would choose neither in real life and in game. Asking me if I would choose between people who I think of as family or people related to me by blood but who I don't know that much about would be a choice I could not make with out hating myself in the end.

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Just throwing it out there for the sake of argument, but what makes you think that your Hoshido family doesn't care about you?

Never said they didn't but I don't know them. They are complete strangers. They could be nice humanly possible and turn on me the minute I choose because I don't know them in any personal way. To be honest siding with Nohr for me is really only siding with the ones I would know. I would take the opportunity of being so close to Garon to overthrow him before he destroys Hoshido. Explanations can happen later, but he would need to be stopped fast. Not so much siding with Nohr as it is using an oppurotunity to end the fight before it happens. I would also find a way to contact Hoshido and explain my reasonings and what I am doing because war wise, I would be sided with Hoshido, just tearing them apart from the inside instead of leading the war into destruction from either side. Edited by Tolvir
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I like more the idea of neither, I just can't choose one... I probably will be like: Don't put me in the middle! I will not choose just one, so all of you come to me!

For the game, I preordered the Special Edition, but before I learned the SE was an option, I had Hoshido as my preorder (because Foxy husbando and OTP)

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I would stick to Nohr if I were in Corrin's shoes. I would rather stay with the people who I knew my whole life. Besides, the Nohrian royal siblings are good people (aside from Garon of course), so that alone wouldn't motivate me to betray my "adoptive" family.

For the game, I would choose Nohr for Niles for the same reasons noted above.

Exactly the same reasons for me. Like, word for word.

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If I were caught in Corrin's predicament I would side with Nohr every time.

It's obvious the Nohr siblings care for Corrin and vice vera. They look after you and even defy Garon when you're upset with his orders (sparing Kaze and Rinkah). Clearly they have your back and to turn on them because someone offers you something better seems... cold-hearted, in my opinion.

Additionally, I'm not the type of person who thinks "if we're blood related we'll always stick together!". In real life I don't speak to half my family (because they're white-trash drug addicts) and if someone was like "you should go live with them because they're family!" I'd punch them in the face.

But then again, maybe I'm thinking too much. :P

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to turn on them because someone offers you something better seems... cold-hearted, in my opinion.

Where did anyone say that this is why they would side with Hoshido? Personally, that is far from the reason I would do it, and I've already explained it. And imo, siding with a country that's attacking a peaceful nation is what seems cold-hearted.

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Even though I chose Nohr for my IRL choice, I think I'd honestly go neutral. In true SMT fashion, the neutral is usually the optimal path and one I always pursue. If I were to take my own personality into consideration, I am much too weak-willed, soft-hearted and fickle for my own good. While my ties would most likely be with my Nohrian siblings, if I were to get to know my Hoshidian siblings, I would find myself conflicted--not because I loved them in the same way--but because of how earnest they would have appeared and how they seemed to care for me despite my absence for the long length of time.

I would go neutral in an attempt to cover my indecisiveness and the subsequent shame that I'd most likely feel.

As for games, I have to go Conquest all the way. No question. The chance to have Takehito Koyasu whisper into my left ear is too hard to pass up.

Also to fangirl over Niles' and Arthur's nonexistent S-rank.

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I did Nohr for both, but here is why:

In game: Originally I was going to play Birthright first, however once I met most of the characters on birthright I slowly slipped away from it. Most of the characters are really bland to me, the list including; Oboro, Hinoka, Sakura, Reina, a little of Kaden, Setsuna, Azama, the list keeps going. And I didn't read most of their supports to prevent spoiling the game. The Nohr characters gave me more of something to relate to. There are more interesting characters to me like: Kaze, Flora, Felicia, Charlotte, Benny, Arthur, Niles, ect. So, I eventually converted to a Nohrian just for the first impression of the characters

Reality: I wrote my avatar Senza to see Hoshido as someone trying to trick people to join their side because they are desperate. I think about it where I need to experience Hoshido before I can join them, I actually need to get to know them before I can trust them. If I know Nohr better than them then there is no way I will join Hoshido all because of what they say. As for leaving both of them...that is suicide, just saying if you didn't know what happens in game.

Also, I have secured the special edition >:3

Edited by Tactical-Pigeon
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in real life I'd probably like run away or something, like please siblings I need at least a day (probably much more) to mull over decisions there's no way I can decide in five seconds oml (so I guess this means neutral? hmm)

Game-wise I'm going with Hoshido, because I prefer their classes and characters, though.

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If I were to have to decide this kind of thing in real life, I'd choose Nohr in a heartbeat. Yes, they're attacking a peaceful nation for no good reason, yes, the Hoshidan's claim to be your blood family, and yes, they have ninjas. None of that matters nearly so much as the fact that I'd have four siblings, unrelated though they may be, that I'd care about.

Who cares if the Hoshidan's claim to be my blood relatives? I don't know them any better then I would any random schmuck I could meet on the street. So what if Nohr is attacking a peaceful nation? Shitty stuff happens in the world, and sometimes you live in the country that does that shitty stuff. Does that mean you should abandon everyone you've ever known and loved to go and join their enemies? I don't think so at any rate.

I don't think anyone who isn't a complete arsehat would side with Hoshido if it was all real.

As for the games themselves, I chose Revelations, simply because I like to have as many characters as possible.

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I am definately choosing Birthright in the game.

But if this happened in real life, and all the sudden I found my parents were not my real parents, I would definately stay with them. Now if you were to ask, what if it was the same situation as in the game, then I may not have an answer.

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If I were to have to decide this kind of thing in real life, I'd choose Nohr in a heartbeat. Yes, they're attacking a peaceful nation for no good reason, yes, the Hoshidan's claim to be your blood family, and yes, they have ninjas. None of that matters nearly so much as the fact that I'd have four siblings, unrelated though they may be, that I'd care about.

Who cares if the Hoshidan's claim to be my blood relatives? I don't know them any better then I would any random schmuck I could meet on the street. So what if Nohr is attacking a peaceful nation? Shitty stuff happens in the world, and sometimes you live in the country that does that shitty stuff. Does that mean you should abandon everyone you've ever known and loved to go and join their enemies? I don't think so at any rate.

I don't think anyone who isn't a complete arsehat would side with Hoshido if it was all real.

As for the games themselves, I chose Revelations, simply because I like to have as many characters as possible.

Wow way to be insulting to everyone who chooses Hoshido it's fine that you choose Nohr but that doesn't make us who feel like we would choose Hoshido arsehats because we choose our morality over of siblings and lets be honest that’s the real choice of the game. It's not loyalty or blood, it's morality vs family false advertising at it's finest.

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I also got a special edition. I am playing Hoshido first, but my main file I plan to be Revelations. Like most people probably will do.

If I were making the decision in real life, I'd probably pick neither, arguing makes me feel sad :(

Neither side is exactly in the right, either.

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If I were to have to decide this kind of thing in real life, I'd choose Nohr in a heartbeat. Yes, they're attacking a peaceful nation for no good reason, yes, the Hoshidan's claim to be your blood family, and yes, they have ninjas. None of that matters nearly so much as the fact that I'd have four siblings, unrelated though they may be, that I'd care about.

Who cares if the Hoshidan's claim to be my blood relatives? I don't know them any better then I would any random schmuck I could meet on the street. So what if Nohr is attacking a peaceful nation? Shitty stuff happens in the world, and sometimes you live in the country that does that shitty stuff. Does that mean you should abandon everyone you've ever known and loved to go and join their enemies? I don't think so at any rate.

This sums up my feelings perfectly. I can't fathom leaving my family to go join up with the enemy, knowing that you'll have to fight and possibly kill them.

Edited by Nyanko
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In game I'm siding with Hoshido during my first playthrough. Ironically, I'm doing that out of "loyalty", because my brother wants to play Nohr and I'm getting physical copies of both games for my birthday.

If this mess was going on in real life? I'd stick with the family that raised me. Though it may not be the noble answer, it's the one that usually ends up being true in a situation like this. Whether or not Nohr is the instigator of the war will not matter in the grand scheme of things--whether they win will dictate how history remembers them and / or how it would remember me / my family.

Quite frankly, I'm sure we all know that Hoshido is the "right" choice. The crux of the decision is that one must chose between justice or love; what is comfortable or what is right; and what feels good or what is good. It does not matter the hardships that Kamui / Corrin has faced from Garon. S/he has been supported by many others in Nohr and s/he has ties there. Would joining Hoshido despite this make him / her a "better", more moral person? Perhaps. But siding with Nohr, despite how conflicting and morally questionable that is, seems more interesting (story-wise) and more believable (for your average person).

Corrin / Kamui is naive, but they do know what kind of person Garon is. War is inevitable, and with that as the pretense of what has happened prior to Kamui / Corrin having to make a decision, I don't think it's necessarily fair or true to compare choosing the siblings to being an accomplice for murder. Quite frankly, at the point that Corrin / Kamui has to make his / her decision, heads are gonna roll no matter what you do. It could easily be an act of reason (Hoshido) or passion (Nohr) since the choice--and likely its consequences--will go by in a blink. (D'you really think the rejected siblings are gonna turn their horses around and ride away? I have my doubts.)

I think there is a tremendous difference between the question "What do you think is right?" and "What would you actually do?". Fortunately, most of us will never have to make a decision on this scale. But there are many smaller obstructions of justice that people around us commit while we turn a blind eye in the real world because those people "matter to us".

All of the above assumes, of course, that I would need to make a decision. I felt that would be more interesting to talk about than simply saying "I'd run away." :)

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