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GameXplain's Fire Emblem Fates Q&A Part 1 Video


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I still don't think the story is as awful as certain people make it out to be and dismissing Derrick's opinions on both Corrin and Conquest's story as a matter of him having low standards is just...rude to say the least.

Agreed. I like to think that I have a high standard of storytelling when it comes to games and stuff like that and I even enjoyed the story of past Fire Emblems that a lot of people seem to look down upon for their "poor story." It's a matter of opinion and dismissing someone's opinion by saying they have low standards is very rude.

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GameXplain Thread


Enjoy your confession, SF

[spoiler=Kids]The "Deeprealms", in the sort of Castle's Astral Realm, experience faster time progression. This is the reason why children grow up, so fast. Kids are I guess "left" here, to grow up, since it's not safe to be a kid.

Video also lists Kanna as Kana

Edited by Elieson
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GameXplain Thread


Enjoy your confession, SF

[spoiler=Kids]The "Deeprealms", in the sort of Castle's Astral Realm, experience faster time progression. This is the reason why children grow up, so fast. Kids are I guess "left" here, to grow up, since it's not safe to be a kid.

Video also lists Kanna as Kana

I guess that explains how the kids are a thing? XD

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Agreed. I like to think that I have a high standard of storytelling when it comes to games and stuff like that and I even enjoyed the story of past Fire Emblems that a lot of people seem to look down upon for their "poor story." It's a matter of opinion and dismissing someone's opinion by saying they have low standards is very rude.


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I still don't think the story is as awful as certain people make it out to be and dismissing Derrick's opinions on both Corrin and Conquest's story as a matter of him having low standards is just...rude to say the least.

Agreed. I like to think that I have a high standard of storytelling when it comes to games and stuff like that and I even enjoyed the story of past Fire Emblems that a lot of people seem to look down upon for their "poor story." It's a matter of opinion and dismissing someone's opinion by saying they have low standards is very rude.

Thank you!

Sure not every story is great, but each story is pretty good, decent at the very least. I'll probably favor one over the other, but that's me.

In FE7's case, it's pretty good.

Also, not gonna lie, kinda hating the hate Fates is getting BEFORE it even gets here...seriously!

Edit: I would like to see the story for myself and make my own opinion instead of it being told to me (almost all over the place). Besides, when translating, it isn't always the exact same thing.

Also, not liking a story very much and having low standards are two quite different things. Derrick doesn't have low standards...far from it.

Edited by Busterman64
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Yeah, for example, I personally enjoy FE7 and 13's stories. I wouldn't exactly call either a good story, but what I really liked about their narratives I really liked.

I still have high hopes for Fates Narrative, and honestly, I'll probably like the plot JUST to spite the haters

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GameXplain Thread


Enjoy your confession, SF

[spoiler=Kids]The "Deeprealms", in the sort of Castle's Astral Realm, experience faster time progression. This is the reason why children grow up, so fast. Kids are I guess "left" here, to grow up, since it's not safe to be a kid.

Video also lists Kanna as Kana



the Deeprealms thing is a bit awkward but oh well. Whats even more awkward is that Kana flat out says "im just a little kid" and you CAN pair her/him with another second gen and have them S. /shrug

I think they should have left in the petting to bond with the spouse unit. The fade out after transition part is a bit...weird and kinda choppy feeling. But theres a lot of dialogue to be had with that aspect so im excited for it.

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Agreed. I like to think that I have a high standard of storytelling when it comes to games and stuff like that and I even enjoyed the story of past Fire Emblems that a lot of people seem to look down upon for their "poor story." It's a matter of opinion and dismissing someone's opinion by saying they have low standards is very rude.

No wonder the FE fanbase is going down the crapper

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Hmm, unfortunately not much that's worth noting in his answers. Only thing I can gauge from it is that Niles seems to be more flirtation-based than his JP counterpart, because I'm sure he would've noted his sadism if it were a defining trait (As long as it doesn't transfer to his unfortunate Elise support, I'm find with that) and Peri appears to be just as bloodthirsty as Pieri, albeit possibly less childish? The lack of first-person should do wonders for that already, though.

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As someone who is looking at seriously writing, I don't think Awakening and what I know of Fates to be as bad as everyone says. Sure there are a lot of points that had bad execution or wasn't as fleshed out or well done as it could of been, but there are a lot of concepts and ideas behind the story that I really like and appreciate.

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As someone who is looking at seriously writing, I don't think Awakening and what I know of Fates to be as bad as everyone says. Sure there are a lot of points that had bad execution or wasn't as fleshed out or well done as it could of been, but there are a lot of concepts and ideas behind the story that I really like and appreciate.

The concepts and synopsis are one thing; it's the actual execution that falls flight on it's face.

Dragon Ball GT had some interesting ideas; nobody has fond memories of it's writing.

Edited by The DanMan
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The concepts and synopsis are one thing; it's the actual execution that falls flight on it's face.

Dragon Ball GT had some interesting ideas; nobody has fond memories of it's writing.

I don't think DB/Z/GT is a good example to bring up good writing in, especially considering the decline in Z that starts quite early. Although its funny you mention DBZ considering Awakening borrowed the premise of the Androids/Cell arc (which I think is an underrated DBZ arc in general, but don't get me started on Post-Great Saiyaman Buu stuff or Super, I could rant for days)

But I think people judge gaming stories way too harshly, if it works it works, look at the Elibe duo, they are simple, have a bit of nice lore, they work. FE hasn't really been about the storylines, its been more about the characters and their interactions with each other and the world around them (Which is why Jugdral and Tellius are so grand because they manage to do both supremely well with a good narrative on top of it). I've always been more about the gameplay and the characters if they have interesting convos, more so then the overarcing plots to me, which most FE's tend to do super well, heck I can tell you Matthew is still my favorite FE character in the series, even with Elibe not being the most complex and stuff, it still managed to give me cool things with its characters.

FE plots haven't really been the best overall, but I wouldn't ever say they are near the worst I've ever seen either.

Edited by Jedi
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I don't think DB/Z/GT is a good example to bring up good writing in, especially considering the decline in Z that starts quite early. Although its funny you mention DBZ considering Awakening borrowed the premise of the Androids/Cell arc (which I think is an underrated DBZ arc in general, but don't get me started on Post-Great Saiyaman Buu stuff or Super, I could rant for days)

But I think people judge gaming stories way too harshly, if it works it works, look at the Elibe duo, they are simple, have a bit of nice lore, they work. FE hasn't really been about the storylines, its been more about the characters and their interactions with each other and the world around them (Which is why Jugdral and Tellius are so grand because they manage to do both supremely well with a good narrative on top of it). I've always been more about the gameplay and the characters if they have interesting convos, more so then the overarcing plots to me, which most FE's tend to do super well, heck I can tell you Matthew is still my favorite FE character in the series, even with Elibe not being the most complex and stuff, it still managed to give me cool things with its characters.

FE plots haven't really been the best overall, but I wouldn't ever say they are near the worst I've ever seen either.

I was bringing up an example of interesting concepts but bad writing and execution ("nobody has fond memories of it's writing"); the exact opposite of what you're saying I said.

And, well, people will always be critical of obvious flaws.

Edited by The DanMan
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I was bringing up an example of interesting concepts but bad writing and execution ("nobody has fond memories of it's writing"); the exact opposite of what you're saying I said.

And, well, people will always be critical of obvious flaws.

Well I took what you said too much at face value, my bad.

People will always be critical yes, but at the end of the day, people have to think "Did this entertain me?" More than, "Is this a work of art?". Games at the end of the day will be entertainment, for better or worse. Resident Evil 1 will always be known for its hokey voice acting and silly plot, but people still love the execution of the game itself.

Fates, for all intends and purposes could possibly have the worst story in the FE franchise for all I know, but I have no idea yet. People will harp on Awakenings plot all day, but they will still tell you its fantastic in the gameplay department and some in the character department. Theres something there thats driving us to play it, if we like/dislike the plot can be up for debate, the gameplay is kinda up for debate in circles too, but there is something there that drives people to play it.

Overly critical people get on my nerves because they feel they can tell me how to feel about something, when something needs to be experienced by ones self to truly gauge it and make an opinion on it.

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