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Unpopular opinions that you have for Fire Emblem


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I don't think that's an unpopular opinion actually. All hear about Manfroy are praises about how much of an effective villain he is...before he went senile in the last chapter at least.

All I ever hear about him is this.

I think Manfroy is awful and he's not the worst FE villain only because Beld is a bargain-bin Manfroy who is also his minion. He's flat, one-dimensional and unengaging, and the story pays for it because it makes the Loptyr empire a bit too generic evil. Celice and Lewyn's scene in the Yied Desert is wonderful but short and never touched upon again, and Manfroy himself displays that sentiment in Chapter 1 and then never again; in fact, after Chapter 5 he entirely disappears from the game until Chapter 10. Boring. Thank goodness Alvis is there.

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Manfroy is the stupidest villain in the whole series. He does everything right at first by manipulating everyone to do his dirty work and gets rid of everyone who threatens to ruin his plans. Everything seems to be working... until the very end where he could have killed Julia and get rid of the only person who could have canonically killed Julius. So what does he do? Send her out to the battlefield. Alone. With a weapon. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

And to think people praise FE4 for its plot. Yet the good guys only win because the bad guys pulled a Dr. Evil.

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Manfroy is the stupidest villain in the whole series. He does everything right at first by manipulating everyone to do his dirty work and gets rid of everyone who threatens to ruin his plans. Everything seems to be working... until the very end where he could have killed Julia and get rid of the only person who could have canonically killed Julius. So what does he do? Send her out to the battlefield. Alone. With a weapon. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

And to think people praise FE4 for its plot. Yet the good guys only win because the bad guys pulled a Dr. Evil.

I reckon after successfully taking over the world, doing whatever the hell he wants with it and successfully resurrecting his dragon satan, he was feeling pretty damn confident with himself. Enslaving Naga's avatar would be a pretty damn sweet cherry on top of the cake for the man who already has all he desires. Plus don't you need to kill Manfroy before you can recruit Julia? I can't remember exactly but if that's the case then his real mistake was not hiring a bunch more guards (or cowering behind Julius).

Also Linoan canonically has Naga blood. I don't think we know if it's major or minor but it at least implies other potential Naga wielders are possible.

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Oh my god this is happening

lmao right?

oooh something was mentioned that might be an unpopular opinion of mine:

Sexualization: I don't mind most of it, specially if it fits the vibe of the game! I just wish it was more gender-balanced; for a game meant to appeal to a wide range of people with its dating sim qualities, Awakening seems to really lack male fanservice. There are simply not enough hot guys in weird sexualized clothing compared to the girls. Justice!!

PS: there are two main occasions in which I think sexualization of characters is bad: when it breaks suspension of disbelief and just looks ridiculous (Micaiah's Awakening artwork!), and when it happens to clearly underaged characters.

Thing is, in Fates especially, the fanservice is really evenly spread. The ubiquity of the Hoshidan Tiddy Window on the blokes, the way Kaze's character is, Jakob being the hot butler feMU gets, edgy ninjas, furry boys, etc. H o l y s h i t, the fanservice aimed for women is all over the place. Its just fanservice for ladies is not as blatant as you think. I tried explaining to this to someone once and they got fucking huffy with me because they just...didnt want to reevaluate their goddamn opinion. Its like, HELLO. The problem with Fates' fanservice, is that it sticks its nose in places where it really ought not be, more than not being evenly spread for the demographic. Like, while i find Sophie's personal skill hilarious, it does fuck with the mood. Assless chaps and things like that in character models is a bit much. Also, the S supporting of characters who really dont need to be S supported by the MU. But sexy and/or fanservicey character designs that is really evenly balanced between genders, is a pretty good thing and is present right now.

Do you expect that after FE14, there will be a re-shuffling of people in IS? It feels like Fates, despite only being released in one region so far and being around for a shorter amount of time, has generated more controversy than the rest of FE has managed to. Or maybe it's only because FE is becoming more mainstream, I don't know anymore.

I do think that after the skinship debacle, there will be reshuffling. Fates feels like a huge experiment. Parts blew up in their faces, while others are likely to go horribly right. The game has become a PR nightmare online, so i think some sackings and possible reevaluation will happen. I do not expect this level of what-the-fuckery happening in the next installment in the series.

Unpopular Opinion: Fanservice really doesnt bother me on the same level as it does the majority of the fandom.

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Well in that case:

Even More Unpopular Opinion: I welcome fanservice. Fanservice makes me pretty happy, especially for males <3.

It makes me sad about the swimsuit censorship just because I wanted an army of speedo men Butlers as a fun run. Obviously I wouldn't take away the serious main story, just for online, grinding, or DLC. And of course a less serious run just for fun. That's where fanservice feels at home to me.

Edited by Ms. Andrews
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I thought of more!

Lyn is the best Fire Emblem character.

I really like the GBA Archers, they aren't bad at all! Wolt, Klein, Wil, Rebecca, Neimi, Innes...all great.

The GBA games are the golden era of the series.

I like Gordin and Tomas.

Caineghis is the best Laguz.

Oh gosh yes!

Also yes!

Aside from the Lyn, lack of bad FE (screw 13), and Caineghis things, I agree with the rest.

GBA games were the greatest ~ <3

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To me, Tellius was the golden age, but I don't think anyone would agree with that because of their sales. -_-

I think the golden age stretches from 4-10 (though have not played 5 yet) but that just me...

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Thinking the GBA games were the golden age of FE definitely doesn't seem like an unpopular opinion to me, but maybe that's just because I'm on the other side of it. That being said, I don't think there was ever a golden age for FE since it changed quite a bit over relatively few games and I like all of them, just to differing degrees.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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Thing is, in Fates especially, the fanservice is really evenly spread.

I still don't know much about Fates but this is great news! Jakob was one of the first characters I noticed and I loved that they went all the way with equality in the most hilariously fanservicey class ever. If only I could have a male Avatar that has Jakob instead of Felicia and also an S support between them to boot grumble grumble
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I still don't know much about Fates but this is great news! Jakob was one of the first characters I noticed and I loved that they went all the way with equality in the most hilariously fanservicey class ever. If only I could have a male Avatar that has Jakob instead of Felicia and also an S support between them to boot grumble grumble

Well you can recruit Jakob as maMU. (just later in the game) Sadly no S support. Only bloke maMU can S support is Niles. Whos actually pretty fanservicey. I think you might enjoy that aspect of the game. I know i will.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Well you can recruit Jakob as maMU. (just later in the game) Sadly no S support. Only bloke maMU can S support is Niles. Whos actually pretty fanservicey. I think you might enjoy that aspect of the game. I know i will.

I too wish for MaCorrin x Jakob love

I want to have MaCorrin and his army of half naked butlers and have him marry Niles but I think having FeCorrin with an army of stripped butler manservants works too

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Some more:

Story is irrelevant in how I rate Fire Emblem games. I mean, if it's good that's nice, but I don't care if it's bad, no matter how bad it is. Gameplay is like 99% of what I care about on Fire Emblem games.

Magic Triangles (both the anima and general ones) were useless and never made any difference in the games that had them. Fates way of handling it by incorporating magic on the actual triangle looks way better IMO

"New" fire emblem isn't particularly different from "Old" fire emblem. I mean, there are plenty of games that are very different from each other in the series. I don't see Fates and say, Blazing Sword, being more different than Holy War and Binding Blade or Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon, for example.

Binding Blade has some of the best support conversations in the series

Edited by Nobody
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Magic Triangles (both the anima and general ones) were useless and never made any difference in the games that had them. Fates way of handling it by incorporating magic on the actual triangle looks way better IMO

"New" fire emblem isn't particularly different from "Old" fire emblem. I mean, there are plenty of games that are very different from each other in the series. I don't see Fates and say, Blazing Sword, being more different than Holy War and Binding Blade or Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon, for example.

I agree with these.

I really dislike weapon weight

I want FE4 style holy weapons back

I don't think Sophia is that bad. She's definitely not good, but I can make her usable without much effort.

I like Awakening's map design, tho I still call it bad for being repetitive.

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I want FE4 style holy weapons back

Calling dips on a 30 mt gradivus.

Also, I loathe console canto, don't know how unpopular that view is but I've mostly seen people like console canto.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Story is irrelevant in how I rate Fire Emblem games. I mean, if it's good that's nice, but I don't care if it's bad, no matter how bad it is. Gameplay is like 99% of what I care about on Fire Emblem games.

I agree with this 100%

Like I would rather play an FE game with good gameplay and a shit story than an FE game with shit gameplay and a good story (And this also applies to any other game as well)

Also my new favorite game is Gaiden

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Got some more opinions to add...

FE2 is really fun (if you speed things up on an emulator.)

FE4 is very overrated - it's too RNG dependent, the maps are too large, anyone who isn't mounted gets the shaft and there is no semblance of strategy

Ilyana isn't as terrible as people believe she is.

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I think the golden age stretches from 4-10 (though have not played 5 yet) but that just me...

Yeah, in the same way that, ironically, 4-10 is also sort of the long golden age of Final Fantasy. I definitely agree with the person above (somewhere) who said that the GBA games were the golden era (if only because of great story AND mechanics), but I can see a reasonable argument being made for FE4 and FE5 as well. I'd love to say the same about PoR/RD (since I really do like some of the mechanics in the game, especially Shove/Smite), but at least for me the numerous plot holes and very unbalanced characters makes it hard for me to put it in the same tier as the other

Also, where is the ranking system? Could have been much better if it had that...

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Grind exp on the water Gaiden after her recruitment chapter. Like doing the same thing with Nino on NOF, it's not worth it in the end, but it CAN be done.

I second this, and also you must start on the chapter you recruit her (or at least try, there is no guarantee she will actually hit anything), I actually had like a 20, 15 or so Sophia... If you know how to train Nino on Hard mode, you can train Sophia, note that she is the better (minus the staff level) than Niime but only slightly, and she doesn't end up anywhere near as good as Nino... Just imagine training a Erk that was a Druid that mises all the time and starts at level one, in the middle of the game... Those first couple levels require luck and lots of it (also secret books are her best friend though they should not be wasted on her)... Edited by Locke087
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