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Eimm Battle of the gods-Game Over! Congratulations to Paperblade, Makaze, Euklyd and Refa for winning


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i forgot to send in my action and survived n1 in an eimm

now i know how to survive i just forget to send in my action n1. that'll do it

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i forgot to send in my action and survived n1 in an eimm

now i know how to survive i just forget to send in my action n1. that'll do it


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Did you really think I would just stand there and take it?

I'm going to grillbys

Do you want anything Papyrus?

It took me an entire week and yet you died in only N1 on this game >_>
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Someone once told me I needed to face fear to get over it, and I thought well why not take a step further and cut my fear into little pieces then set my fear on fire then throw the hot ash of my fear into a lake and then poison the lake. Simple.

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The year is 2089. The years have not been kind to me. After retiring from my career as a professional shitposter five years prior, I found myself with a lot of spare time on my hands. The retirement home is awfully dull, which gives me a lot of time to think. To remember my younger years.

I find myself searching for a site I haven't visited in years. Ever since Fire Emblem 29, in which Intelligent Systems decided to remove the series' core mechanics of being able to waifu the entire cast at once, I left the website in disgust. Out of curiosity, I find myself checking some of the old subforums. A quick glance tells me that Serious Discussion is still a shithole, and it doesn't take long to find that dondon has managed to clear FE47 0% growths in just under 60 turns. For some reason, people are still firstpicking Raven in FE7 drafts. But last of all, I checked the mafia subforums. The only player I recognise from the recent playerlists is BBM, whose mafia addiction never seemed to subside, after all of these years.

I'm about to close the tab and go back to looking for anime gifs when something catches my eye. Something I hadn't seen in years. A thread titled "Eimm Battle of the gods". I chuckle to myself. Nobody had seen Blitz since he promised the update. Nobody knew what happened to him that day. Some suspected it was just internet issues, while others insist that it was the Illuminati. For my own amusement, I click on the thread, not expecting to find anything. I scroll to the bottom, through the mountains of shitposts, many of them from my own younger years. The most recent post was 40 minutes ago.

My eyes bulged. My jaw hung open, Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to read.

"No one has died.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends in the year 2200."

Game on.


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It's just another day

There's murder in the air

It drags me when I walk

I smell it everywhere

It's just another day

Where people cling to light

To drive away the fear

That comes with every night

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But the backdrops peel, and the sets give way, and the cast get eaten by the play

There's a murderer at the Matinee, there are dead men in the aisles

And the patrons and the actors too are uncertain if the show is through

And with side-long looks await their cue, but the frozen mask just smiles.

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You, you work all night all night

And when you work you feel all right

And we, we can't stop feeling all right all right

And everything is all right

'Cause we will never listen to your rules, no!

We will never do what others do, no!

Know what we want and we get it from you

Do what we like and we like what we do

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Audible is the first to go!

Dear Clarinets/Audible,
You are a Crayfish. You have a hard shell and are a weak fish inside. I really don't have much more to say about you.
During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Hide behind my hard shell. You will hide behind your shell, making the first 3 kills targeting you that night to target your shell instead of you. However, using this action will remove your shell, meaning you will lose your BPV at the end of the night.
Once in the game, with in Night-3, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Regenerate my shell. You will regenerate your BPV that night. This action can only be used if you do not have a BPV at the start of the night.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

I'm sure Clarinets' death was pretty audible amirite???

Mr. man Stan has been overcame in the thick of the darkness!

Dear Knight of Argentum/Stan
You are Makaze, one of the scariest players on serenesforest, who play eimm. You are known for controlling a huge amount of information and you are also known for controlling most of the game into doing what is best for you, which involves having them kill one another. Albeit doing all that, you have a hard time winning in eimms because you tend to be shot down by people gunning for you in most games or because you out more information that you should.
Since you are a master of collecting info, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Give me all your info ALIAS. You will perform a fullcop, tracker and follower on your target. Since ALIAS was working for you, if ALISA was performing their kill on you, their action will fail.
Once in the game, by Night-3, you may respond to your role PM with for up to 3 targets, ##Night-X: Control ALIAS1 into targeting ALIAS2 with kill and ALIAS3 with action. Using this action will force your allies to die for you and cause the rest of the game to not trust you, causing you to not be able to use your other action ever again.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Knight of Argentum takes the award for taking up the most space on our spreadsheet player column!

And down goes Magane!

Dear Reiyson/Magane,
you are Krusty, a Guardian-Berserker and the leader of the Guild D.D.D., the largest battle guild in Akihabara in the series, Log Horizon. You are a natural leader and you have led your guild to many victories. You are also capable of manipulating your enemies into doing what you want them to do.
During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X Hyperion Eye on ALIAS1, ALIAS2 and ALIAS3. You will find the alias of player and the number of BPV for all 3 targets.
Once in the game, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X Mnemosyne Taboo. This will increase your strength and defense by increasing your kill power to 2 for the night and increase your BPV by 1 and make you strongwilled for the night. You cannot use your other ability when using this ability.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Poor Reiyson has met his ill-fate.

I'm sorry to say this but you died!

Dear Sylveonzoroark/you,
you are Koro Sensei, the crazy alien teacher who wants to get assassinated in Assassination Classroom. Supposedly you are a very good teacher, who helps with trying to teach students how to be assassins... wait, is that a good thing? You have incredibly good reflexes and you can help block shots on other people.
During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Stand Guard over ALIAS. You will stand guard over alias and prevent up to 3 shots worth of damage from ALIAS. Since you are always attempted to be assassinated by people closest to you, you will have your guard up while protecting alias and if ALIAS were to target you with a killing action, you will dodge it, making it fail
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Sylveon tried her best and got so far.

Out of the ball pit is Tuls!

Dear Marth/Tuls
you are Montezuma, an Aztec King who sacrificed his people to the Evil god, Quetzalcoatl in some very horrifying ways. I do not really know much more about you...
During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: PLAYER with ALIAS is CHARACTER and will be sacrificed to Quetzalcoatl. If you are right about all 3 information, ALIAS will be sent to Quetzalcoatl to be sacrificed.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Guess in the end, Marth was his own sacrifice...

Contrary to what Lucina says, Hope will die.

Dear SB/Hope,
you are Nagito Komoeda, a character featured in Danganronpa 2. You are the Ultimate Lucky Student, you have incredible luck when you have luck, however, when you do not have incredible luck, you have incredible bad luck, so, maybe your aren't incredibly lucky after all.
Extreme good luck curse lets you have lucky days and unlucky days. During lucky days, you are immune to all negative actions on you. If no negative action was used on you, you will be able to avoid the first attempt on your life that night. If no attempt on your life was made while no negative actions acted on you, you will receive a BPV at the end of the night. On unlucky days, you will be immune to all good actions and will only be affected by bad actions. Odd nights will be considered as lucky nights and even nights will be considered as unlucky nights
Once in the game, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Kill ALIAS as well. This is a second kill that you can use once.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

I sure hope SB had fun while it lasted.

Poor Foucault spent too much time contemplating society to realize society wanted him dead.

Dear Zeonth/Foucault,
you are Alucard, the main (insane) protagonist vampire of the series Hellsing Ultimate. You have some insanely over powered abilities, however, you don't seem to have all of them this time around for some reason and you can't seem to be able to use the same abilities more than once for some reason as well.
During the night, you may pick one of the following roles to be used. Each role can only be used once.
##Night-X Drink blood from ALIAS. If ALIAS were to die that night, you will successfully drink the blood of ALIAS and receive a BPV from ALIAS
##Night-X Summon. You will summon a minion, who will help perform a kill for you the next night only
##Night-X Read Mind of ALIAS. With this, you will find out what ALIAS has done so far with their actions and what the results of the actions were.
##Night-X Supernatural Sense on ALIAS. You will perform a fullcop on ALIAS.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Guess Zeonth isn't fulfilling his ultimate goal!

Another victim in the bloodbath is Grimm!

Dear Koneko/Grimm,
you are Yu Otasuka, one of the characters from Charlotte. You have some incredible abilities, which involve stealing the ability of other people.
During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X, steal role of ALIAS. You will steal the role of ALIAS, vanillizing ALIAS. However, this action will take place after ALIAS has performed their action for the night. You will be given a copy of the role of your target. This role can be used a maximum of 3 times.
Any role you have stolen, you can use as well, but, you can only use one role at a time and any shot that has been used up from the role you steal, you will not get to use it.
You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

This is looking to be mighty grim for Koneko!





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