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Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion: Official Site updated to include every new 'mon

The DanMan

Sun and Moon Poll 2.0  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is your favorite?

    • Rowlet -> Dartrix ->Decidueye
    • Litten -> Torracat ->Incineroar
    • Popplio -> Brionne ->Primarina
    • Still can't decide -> unsure ->make up your mind
  2. 2. Sun or Moon

    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Who's your favorite Island Gaurdian?

    • Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy)
    • Tapu Lele (Psychic/Fairy)
    • Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)
    • Tapu Fini (Water/Fairy)

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Isn't there an online event that gives shiny XY legendaries anyways?

It ended.

The current event is a Manaphy.

(Which means y'all better jump on that because Manaphies are rare.)

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It ended.

The current event is a Manaphy.

(Which means y'all better jump on that because Manaphies are rare.)

To elaborate for the sake of anybody reading this not in the know: the only way to obtain Manaphy outside of this distribution and hacking your game is to transfer it over from the first Pokemon Ranger game.

However! It's only one per cart. Meaning unless you find a factory-sealed copy of Pokemon Ranger somewhere, this is your only real shot at getting Manaphy.

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It ended.

The current event is a Manaphy.

(Which means y'all better jump on that because Manaphies are rare.)

Oh whoops. Anyways, didn't get them because I restart natures and ivs and I have no patience for that.
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Hmm … would you guys also consider it an option to get Y first to see if I actually like Pokemon gameplay and all the stuff to do? I mean, I suppose there's no point in waiting until November for Sun/Moon only to find that I actually don't enjoy it very much.

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Hmm … would you guys also consider it an option to get Y first to see if I actually like Pokemon gameplay and all the stuff to do? I mean, I suppose there's no point in waiting until November for Sun/Moon only to find that I actually don't enjoy it very much.

I'd say Black 2/White 2 are better for that (more battling stuff post game, the Battle Maison was lame), but that might just be favoritism/bias on my part.

But again, it really depends on what you're looking for.

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Hmm … would you guys also consider it an option to get Y first to see if I actually like Pokemon gameplay and all the stuff to do? I mean, I suppose there's no point in waiting until November for Sun/Moon only to find that I actually don't enjoy it very much.

Sure, go for it and see if you like it. X/Y is rather simple and has Gen I as well as Gen VI pokemon so doeet.
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I agree that Xerneas is better, but that isn't a very sound way to pick.

Instead, pick based based on exclusives. If you like Skrelp and Spritzee and some other stuff, go Y. If you like Swirlix, Clauncher and some other stuff, go X.

Sure it's a fine way to pick. They're the legendaries. And there are some people like me who prefer one exclusive from Y (Skrelp) and one from X (Swirlix). So I just went with the legendary I liked more.

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Anyone who knows anything about the science of life would be aware that both the Sun and Moon are necessary for life. Take one away, and you fuck yourself up good. Same logic for having both water and fire if you're complex life. Only complete goons would try to argue one is more important than the other :P:

In other news, I'm considering getting one of the Sun/Moon games because I'm bored and need some new games to play until EOV comes out. I have also never played a Pokemon game before, but am considering getting Y soon. Now, my question is, if I get Pokemon Y, would it still be worth getting Sun/Moon? Keep in mind that I'm not a super big Pokemon fan so I'm not going to get every game just for the sake of it, but would there be enough differences and interesting things between the two games for me to get them both despite basic similarities in core gameplay and concept?

Remember all the issues you had with Fates?

Imagine playing Birthright's plot with Conquest's characters. If you had to start ANYWHERE, see if you can find Black/White, then Black 2/White 2. The story and characters are far superior (like, I actually felt THINGS in Black/White).

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Personally I wouldn't recommend BW or BW2 because, since they're DS games, the lack of online date several of its features.

If you want the full Pokemon experience, get XY or ORAS, or wait for SM.

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Personally I wouldn't recommend BW or BW2 because, since they're DS games, the lack of online date several of its features.

If you want the full Pokemon experience, get XY or ORAS, or wait for SM.

XY's story is not worth it, though, and as much as I like Hoenn, I think its story is much weaker than BW. Methinks Boron's looking for "what's this Pokemon thing" as opposed to trying to battle everyone online.

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XY has a perfectly serviceable story. The MCs (Serena/Calem, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, etc) are quite likable. Team Flare is at least very good comic relief even if they aren't really that threatening. Sycamore was a great professor, up there with Oak and Juniper. The Gym Leaders had cool designs that made them very enticing. The region itself was beautiful. I prefer BW, actually, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the plots. I hope Sun and Moon have the same fundamentals in the plot, characters, and writing even if that upsets some people or whatever. I also disagree with your notion that Birthright has a bad/boring plot, but I digress.

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XY has a perfectly serviceable story. The MCs (Serena/Calem, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, etc) are quite likable. Team Flare is at least very good comic relief even if they aren't really that threatening. Sycamore was a great professor, up there with Oak and Juniper. The Gym Leaders had cool designs that made them very enticing. The region itself was beautiful. I prefer BW, actually, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the plots. I hope Sun and Moon have the same fundamentals in the plot, characters, and writing even if that upsets some people or whatever. I also disagree with your notion that Birthright has a bad/boring plot, but I digress.

Keep your audience in mind - it works for YOU, but I doubt it'll work for Boron.

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My only issue with B2W2 is that Hugh is freaking terrible. Colress was great though.

And while Chalege Mode's obtention is stupid, it was my best Pokémon experience.

6th gen Multi Exp is the reason I never finished ORAS (I'm no hardcore player, but a game without a bit of challenge becomes boring fast).

But i'm incredibly biased towards 5th gen. I bought all the versions for the first time since... ever actually (I have all Gen 1, but it was for me and my brother/sister, so it doesn't counts).

Even the idea of Gen V is amazing (completely renovating the Pokédex while appealing to new fans. And then adding a direct sequel. I'm 100% behind a big franchise taking risks.)

After Gen IV where it felt the franchise wasn't going anywhere (or at least, not with us early fans. Appealing to kids was all that matters to them.) HGSS is amazing, but when the best games of the gen are remake, it isn't a good new.

I know I'm feeling far too pessimistic about those games, and that I'm being unfair here (I had my first Shiny and my first PokéRus in those games after all). Can't really help it.

I'm still mixed towards Gen VI. The extreme easiness killed all the fun, but otherwise it had lots of cool stuffs.

Edited by Tamanoir
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In terms of plot and character development, Black and White trump X and Y in basically every regard. You could tell they were actually trying with BW, and they really succeeded. X and Y... the rivals weren't quite as fleshed out as Cheren and Bianca, especially Tierno. Lysandre didn't get the same amount character development as N did. It's a shame really, XY had potential to have a really interesting story and characters and it got wasted imo.

I still like Team Flare as my third favorite Team, but more for the grunts' amusing lines about FASHION and the potential they had.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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My only issue with B2W2 is that Hugh is freaking terrible. Colress was great though.

And while Chalege Mode's obtention is stupid, it was my best Pokémon experience.

6th gen Multi Exp is the reason I never finished ORAS (I'm no hardcore player, but a game without a bit of challenge becomes boring fast).

But i'm incredibly biased towards 5th gen. I bought all the versions for the first time since... ever actually (I have all Gen 1, but it was for me and my brother/sister, so it doesn't counts).

Even the idea of Gen V is amazing (completely renovating the Pokédex while appealing to new fans. And then adding a direct sequel. I'm 100% behind a big franchise taking risks.)

After Gen IV were it felt the franchise wasn't going anywhere (or at least, not with us early fans. Appealing to kids was all that matters to them.) HGSS is amazing, but when the best games of the gen are remake, it isn't a good new.

I know I'm feeling far too pessimistic about those games, and that I'm being unfair here (I had my first Shiny and my first PokéRus in those games after all). Can't really help it.

I'm still mixed towards Gen VI. The extreme easiness killed all the fun, but otherwise it had lots of cool stuffs.

You know you... don't have to use it, right?

Honestly I really only used it in the post-game. If you don't use it and don't grind more than the standard, you'll trail by a few levels for most of the game.

So it's really only as easy as you make it (but then again, XY was my first game so I don't have years of experience under my belt.)

Edited by Vashiane
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I'm replaying X now; just beat Grant and I'm underleveled slightly even with the EXP Share.

My team is Wartortle, Skrelp, Slurpuff, Emolga, Honedge, and Amaura. Emolga is my lowest leveled and it was three levels below Grant's Tyrunt and Amaura.

I'm glad the EXP Share exists, because Kalos has a ton of great Pokemon and it's hard to train them all. I've already ditched Quilladin, Espurr, Hawlucha, and Zangoose due to lack of room, and I had planned to use Goomy and Pumpkaboo, but it didn't pan out because I wanted to use other Pokemon. You can just turn it off if you don't want to use it.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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You know you... don't have to use it, right?

Even without the EXP share, 6th gen is boringly easy. I did monotype runs with both my playthrough (actually only semi-monotype, Goodra and Gyarados aren't fire types) and it was still not even remotely difficult.

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I actually went and bought Y because there was a used version at one of my local GameStops. So far, I am enjoying it -- except for the part where my Chespin got horribly over leveled and 1-shot a Pikachu I wanted!

EDIT: What I'm looking for is a fairly recently released Pokemon game that doesn't have outdated mechanics and is accessible. I think Pokemon will be one of those games I play solely for gameplay, not story, so I'm not that fussed about story.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Yeah, whatever you do don't use the exp share if you want a good experience. Without it, though, X and Y become some of the most enjoyably hard games in the series.

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Your Chespin is probably overleveled because it's getting all of the experience.

If I could recommend one Pokemon for you before you leave Santalune City, I would absolutely recommend Litleo. I think that Litleo and Chespin go pretty well together.

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I actually went and bought Y because there was a used version at one of my local GameStops. So far, I am enjoying it -- except for the part where my Chespin got horribly over leveled and 1-shot a Pikachu I wanted!

EDIT: What I'm looking for is a fairly recently released Pokemon game that doesn't have outdated mechanics and is accessible. I think Pokemon will be one of those games I play solely for gameplay, not story, so I'm not that fussed about story.

Black and White, as well as their sequels,share many similar mechanics with X and Y. These are easily found and inexpensive compared to older titles.
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Judging by your preferences, I wouldn't recommend BW as much - at least not on its own. If you want to play BW2 or interested in the US-democracy-critique of a story, then I will recommend it. Personally, I've found the rubber-band EXP payout from wild Pokémon too much of an artificially-inflated difficulty, and a number of Unova Pokémon were unusually difficult to use compared to BW2 - or even other Pokémon games that I played in the past. (Darumaka and especially Blitzle, I'm looking at you...) I could barely last a single battle or two with BW's large pool of wild Pokémon and their movepools, and it sometimes took me over an hour to gain a single level in that game - especially if you're training for your Gym Battles.

It was particularly awful when I found out that I suddenly had a real-life time-limit to complete my Unova Pokedex due to the Wi-fi shutdown, (Now that was just not on, Nintendo!) but that's for another day.

Edited by henrymidfields
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