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Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion: Official Site updated to include every new 'mon

The DanMan

Sun and Moon Poll 2.0  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is your favorite?

    • Rowlet -> Dartrix ->Decidueye
    • Litten -> Torracat ->Incineroar
    • Popplio -> Brionne ->Primarina
    • Still can't decide -> unsure ->make up your mind
  2. 2. Sun or Moon

    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Who's your favorite Island Gaurdian?

    • Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy)
    • Tapu Lele (Psychic/Fairy)
    • Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)
    • Tapu Fini (Water/Fairy)

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I'd like to believe that I personally don't mature or learn because those are super boring to me. I hate change and I've made it my goal to basically be the exact same person for my entire life. So far so good.

It may be "real" but real isn't interesting. I don't look to fiction for any semblance of reality. I look to fiction for worlds where everything is as comedic as possible. Character development does not mesh well with comedy most of the time. I can't stand serious moments in pretty much any work of fiction. I tend to only consume fluffy and harmless entertainment. There is the odd exception, but those movies often have a large amount of comic relief to break up the tension. In general, I cannot stand tension.

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You know what, now that I think about it, it seems that people hate Alain because he's winning and dominating all the time and they think he has a big ego and want him to lose for once to "kill his ego." I don't see how he's ever been super egotistical... He wants to be the strongest trainer, yeah, but that doesn't make him egotistical. Gary was egotistical...for him it was always all about him and he thought he was the best. Yet people liked him.

And did everyone just totally forget that Alain DID in fact lose at least once? He lost to Siebold, and he likely would've lost to Steven had their battle not been interrupted. He takes his losses well too, so it's not like he's a sore loser.

Edited by Anacybele
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You know what, now that I think about it, it seems that people hate Alain because he's winning and dominating all the time and they think he has a big ego and want him to lose for once to "kill his ego." I don't see how he's ever been super egotistical... He wants to be the strongest trainer, yeah, but that doesn't make him egotistical. Gary was egotistical...for him it was always all about him and he thought he was the best. Yet people liked him.

And did everyone just totally forget that Alain DID in fact lose at least once? He lost to Siebold, and he likely would've lost to Steven had their battle not been interrupted. He takes his losses well too, so it's not like he's a sore loser.

Eh, I just like Trevor more. That's about all it really is for me. I don't think he has a big ego, but I think it's a bit conceited that he only wants to fight Mega Evolutions and brushes off anyone who doesn't have one. He didn't really care about battling Ash until had Ash-Greninja on display.

That said, if you liked the ME Specials, Astrid and Remo are also back.

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I'd like to believe that I personally don't mature or learn because those are super boring to me. I hate change and I've made it my goal to basically be the exact same person for my entire life. So far so good.

It may be "real" but real isn't interesting. I don't look to fiction for any semblance of reality. I look to fiction for worlds where everything is as comedic as possible. Character development does not mesh well with comedy most of the time. I can't stand serious moments in pretty much any work of fiction. I tend to only consume fluffy and harmless entertainment. There is the odd exception, but those movies often have a large amount of comic relief to break up the tension. In general, I cannot stand tension.

It's not a good practice to be always the same and stay always the same, it makes you resistant to changes and gives you little to no ability to assimilate them, and as soon as they appear in life, they will hurt you much more (since change is the only certainty in life). In that way, one attitude during X situation will maybe favour you or your environment, while the same attitude during Y situation might be totally harsh and unhealthy. One should mold itself depending on the situations.

I think anime and fiction are used as a means for the public to escape from.its reality, by adding magical or fantastical elements, that's what make it appealing, but character growth should definitely be a standard because it shows how characters are human rather than robots that have predetermined phrases, behaviors and actions. That'd trully be boring and plain. But that's just me.

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...You guys got some weird opinions. I actually haven't watched the anime since Hoenn. Although I did watch the Mega Evo Special and I thought Alain was pretty cool. Also watched Orgins, only watch stuff without Ash I suppose. I grew up watching the kid and I just can't deal with him ending up an idiot everytime he goes to a new region.

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It's not a good practice to be always the same and stay always the same, it makes you resistant to changes and gives you little to no ability to assimilate them, and as soon as they appear in life, they will hurt you much more (since change is the only certainty in life). In that way, one attitude during X situation will maybe favour you or your environment, while the same attitude during Y situation might be totally harsh and unhealthy. One should mold itself depending on the situations.

I think anime and fiction are used as a means for the public to escape from.its reality, by adding magical or fantastical elements, that's what make it appealing, but character growth should definitely be a standard because it shows how characters are human rather than robots that have predetermined phrases, behaviors and actions. That'd trully be boring and plain. But that's just me.

But why do characters have to be human? This is some unspoken rule that I can't understand. I don't really care if a character acts human or not. Predetermined behaviors, actions, and phrases in fiction are always interesting. You could always count on Cilan to do Connoisseur things that were always really fun. I think that human characters are always super boring. If Team Rocket were normal, they would quit after so long. But they aren't, and I always love their antics.

I thought Origins was okay but it ended up being basically A Boy and His Charizard: The Series.

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Eh, I just like Trevor more. That's about all it really is for me. I don't think he has a big ego, but I think it's a bit conceited that he only wants to fight Mega Evolutions and brushes off anyone who doesn't have one. He didn't really care about battling Ash until had Ash-Greninja on display.

That said, if you liked the ME Specials, Astrid and Remo are also back.

Yeah, I sometimes feel like Alain is similar to Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh in that way, just not quite to the same extent. Alain brushes off some people, but not nearly as many. Kaiba brushed off everyone not named Mokuba. But what can I say, I really liked Kaiba too. lol His theme music was even awesome.

Trevor is okay. But I kinda like Tierno more out of the XY rival trio. I mean, he can somehow dance really well while being heavyset. That's amazing. And he shows that you don't have to be a skinny minnie to be a great dancer!

Edited by Anacybele
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But why do characters have to be human? This is some unspoken rule that I can't understand. I don't really care if a character acts human or not. Predetermined behaviors, actions, and phrases in fiction are always interesting. You could always count on Cilan to do Connoisseur things that were always really fun. I think that human characters are always super boring. If Team Rocket were normal, they would quit after so long. But they aren't, and I always love their antics.

They have to be human because what other reference of personification do writters have to create a character? It's simple. They don't necessarily have to resemble an exact human nature but at least have a reference to it, then add fictional elements. Like Team Rocket, they're dumb and lulzy from Earth to Heaven.
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Thank you for your analysis, Eclipse. I guess if you, as a local, are happy with the general interpretations, then that would sway me into buying the game and enjoy an actual Poke-Hawaii.

My biggest "beef" so far is the characters wearing shoes indoors.

That is really, REALLY minor. Whoever did this region spent a lot of time researching Hawaii, and even if the names are a little cheesy, what I see so far is amazing. I'm definitely getting it, just for giggles.

Come down here one day, malasadas are legit delicious :P:

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My biggest "beef" so far is the characters wearing shoes indoors.

That is really, REALLY minor. Whoever did this region spent a lot of time researching Hawaii, and even if the names are a little cheesy, what I see so far is amazing. I'm definitely getting it, just for giggles.

Come down here one day, malasadas are legit delicious :P:

I guess I'll have to come one day. And I might go around France and compare that with Kalos too.

Although, I'm pretty sure people wear shoes in pretty much every Euro-America-Australian homes. Or is Hawaii one of the exceptions? Or simply due to the sheer number of Japanese-Hawaiians whose old habits die hard? (I used to live in San Fran, and while we didn't wear our shoes at home, this was because my family and I were Japanese.)

Edited by henrymidfields
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It's probably a holdover from the plantation days (just like pidgin English). Many of the non-native-Hawaiian "locals" can trace their ancestry back to East Asia (three to six generations, some even further), myself included. House parties are always fun - it's a game of "whose shoes are those".

Speaking of, I'll get a good laugh if there's someone in Sun/Moon who speaks nothing but pidgin. I'm sure it will confuse every other English-speaking country!

Edited by eclipse
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I guess I'll have to come one day. And I might go around France and compare that with Kalos too.

Although, I'm pretty sure people wear shoes in pretty much every Euro-America-Australian homes. Or is Hawaii one of the exceptions? Or simply due to the sheer number of Japanese-Hawaiians whose old habits die hard? (I used to live in San Fran, and while we didn't wear our shoes at home, this was because my family and I were Japanese.)

In most Canadian households we don't wear shoes in houses unless it's a brief visit and you're leaving right away. Honestly though in video games it's not worth the effort to make a seperate non-shoes model so I don't think it's lack of research but rather economy on models.

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No, seriously, I cannot unsee the new prof's face, he just look like a pedo-koala. It'll go away after some days, but geez. :p

Just saying, but I'd take a Fudo Yusei or Alain any day compared to a Ash or Judai Yuuki,

Thank you very much, but I'd rather have the older, cooler protag, while still being nice and idealistic, than the everyday-goofy-rookie that goes nowhere and does nothing, who is still good and idealistic, but that's an obvious given.
Damn anime humor, it ruined anime humor for me !

...why people though Alain has an ego problem again ?

Kaiba was an asshole sometime... but he was also so cool while doing it that it pretty much gave him a freepass. :p

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Frankly X and Y anime so far has been pretty good. Its one of few times Ash actually did not looks like an idiot overall and the strategy in the fight itself is actually interesting. Like you can actually see this is the same Ash who had such a dominant run in two seasons ago to the point that the writer basically gave up

So far my only grybe is how Jessie for some fucking reason did not win every single contest so far. Serena got nothing on Jessie

Of course this brings an entirely new problem once Ash reaches Kalos League this time around, so expect Tobias 2.0 to ruin Ash's good streak

Edited by JSND
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Of course this brings an entirely new problem once Ash reaches Kalos League this time around, so expect Tobias 2.0 to ruin Ash's good streak

I hope not, that would be terrible.

Speaking of the anime, the whole Sinnoh saga is my favorite. I like how it was written and stuff. Save for the Tobias battle.

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But why do characters have to be human? This is some unspoken rule that I can't understand. I don't really care if a character acts human or not. Predetermined behaviors, actions, and phrases in fiction are always interesting. You could always count on Cilan to do Connoisseur things that were always really fun. I think that human characters are always super boring. If Team Rocket were normal, they would quit after so long. But they aren't, and I always love their antics.

I thought Origins was okay but it ended up being basically A Boy and His Charizard: The Series.

Because humans are the target audience. We aren't robots, like Quint said. When we watch/read/play/whatever fictional media, we want to be able to feel and understand the characters. Change is part of us, so we look for that in characters.

Characters are, at their core, things humans connect to in fictional media. That just doesn't happen if they're robotic beings who don't change.

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It's probably a holdover from the plantation days (just like pidgin English). Many of the non-native-Hawaiian "locals" can trace their ancestry back to East Asia (three to six generations, some even further), myself included. House parties are always fun - it's a game of "whose shoes are those".

Speaking of, I'll get a good laugh if there's someone in Sun/Moon who speaks nothing but pidgin. I'm sure it will confuse every other English-speaking country!

Well, here in Australia, my old university had a lot of students from South East Asia. Particularly, Singaporeans have their pidgin English vernacular called Singlish. Though it depends on the person - a girl I know prefers to speak the English we all know.

As for your "beef" in not having characters take off their shoes, it could be a lot worse: We could be having them ride bicycles indoors, like my profile picture showing Red and Leaf, potentially incurring the wrath of Professor Oak. "Freddie! Stop giving them bad influences! RED/LEAF, GET OFF THAT BIKE!!!" :XD:

On topic, I see Ash as more a childhood hero rather than anything. I do occasionally watch the anime every now and then, but I think it has been pretty clear that it's meant for children, really. There were the movies such as the one for Mewtwo, then Lugia, and Entei. I remember during the fight of Ash's Charizard vs Entei, I was on the edge of the seat for the entire time. I stopped watching after the Johto season, as I feel that I've outgrown the show. I certainly enjoyed watching XY001-002, though, after not seeing the anime for so long. And hey, at the end of the day, if the show gets children interested in Pokémon, then more power to them.

Me and my friends? Admittedly, I started playing XY after skipping three generations, resulting from being turned-off by the RSE games. But for the rest, all they talk about Pokémon was how Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu were their awesome childhood heroes, and how the Pokémon theme song were awesome.

Edited by henrymidfields
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I just thought about thsi concerning the legendaries :

So I wanna be a bat

And I want to touch the sun

Otherwise, Pokemon Trash made a video retracing the whole adventure from the map.
​My only concern (except how he ponounce Lillie) is that it would be an immense amounts of time between 1st and 2nd gym once again.

Edited by Tamanoir
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I guess I'll have to come one day. And I might go around France and compare that with Kalos too.

Although, I'm pretty sure people wear shoes in pretty much every Euro-America-Australian homes. Or is Hawaii one of the exceptions? Or simply due to the sheer number of Japanese-Hawaiians whose old habits die hard? (I used to live in San Fran, and while we didn't wear our shoes at home, this was because my family and I were Japanese.)

I'm pretty sure wearing shoes indoors here can be considered strange. Though apparently it's different in the rest of Europe.

Maybe it's because the ground here isn't exactly clean, and shoes inevitably end up covered in filth.

I like Pokemon Special a lot. Red kind of started off like Ash, but he grew up and became a badass. I think he's also the only Pokemon Special character so far to strip. All of the characters seemed to have depth to them.

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I don't like the typing... The lion should have been at least part fire. The trampoline-bat thing should have been something completely different.

But hey, that's just an opinion.

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Will confirm that "chicken skin" is A Thing around here.

However. . .that pronunciation of Kukui is painful to listen to.

EDIT: The University of Hawaii's team mascot was "Rainbows" for the longest time, before things got switched around. Kukui's got one on his cap, BUT it's nothing like the UH logo of old.

And best YouTube comment:

The legendary sun Pokemon Solgaleo is weak to Fire, which means it will hate the move Sunny Day. Words cannot describe how utterly hilarious this is.

Edited by eclipse
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Oh my god guys I figured it out. You can tell a pokemon is a steel type by its paws. Lucario a Steel/Fighting type with dark gray paws, and Solgaleo similarly has gray paws. However Solgaleo's paws are lighter and therefore it'll be heavier on steel type moves.

I can't believe I didn't see it before.

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