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Final Fantasy CVIII/Tales of Elysima pre-planning?


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Probably the first time this sort of thing has come up. Anyways, I am hoping to make an RP based on either the Final Fantasy series or the Tales series. Quite a bit has actually been done, such as the basic plot outline, but quite a bit also needs feedback from people interested.

The plot: The plot is something I'm hoping to keep tightly focused on the small scale and not on some 'must save the world' thing. As such it's going to focus on a magiocracy in which mages rule and have sequestered all the power going so far as to not only siphon life from the land but the crystal of fire/Ifrit (depending on the final choice) to further enhance their strength. However most of the mages live within a sequestered city believing the outside world to be hostile and full of monsters and hold little to no idea of where their magic is actually coming from; just that they have it and it keeps them safe. One of the characters will discover the truth, however, and try to leave to seek the aid of the other crystals/spirits to change things hopefully for the better.

One of the things that I am hoping to do is make it so that each primary character will have a 'focus'. Said focus will be something defining that they are searching for/desire to do/person they wish to find/whatever. The idea is that these focuses can be included in the plot to help enrich it and give the characters a personal stake and direct hand in how things are happening instead of being off to the side without much of a personal stake in what is directly happening. In order for this to work easily it means each player will need to only have one 'primary' PC or else there can simply end up being too many plot threads going at once. Other characters can be used/included as well obviously, but restraint will be needed.

Next up, depending on the setting there will be a set number of titles/classes. These things will help keep the characters separate and give them a unique place in the story. Titles aren't to big of a thing but classes, if we use FF, will need distinct strengths, weaknesses, and abilities and there may be more too it. While some stuff might be obvious it would be nice to not go in blind.

Now for the two big ones. Firstly, before I make the sign-up I REALLY need to know if you guys want Tales or FF. If you keep quiet I'll have to decide on my own, so voice any preferences now. While the basic plot is robust enough to handle either setting beyond that a lot will be affected by the choice of setting.

Secondly, stats. If we have statistical combat I WILL need a co-GM to keep things running smoothly in combat. At the least I am working late nights to early mornings now and sleeping until well into the afternoon. So a co-GM to ensure things keep moving since I'll basically be gone most of the time other people are on will be a huge help. That aside it will be important to know if I need to make a system or if we can enter in without one.

Either way I will be making this VERY soon. I'm hoping this will get some useful feedback.

Now, if you don't mind, I've been up overnight and want some rest. I will respond ASAP once I wake up.

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Okay. Looks pretty even on the whole ATM between FF and Tales. See why I wanted to ask first? Anyways, I also want to know about stat-based stuff, though if no one is willing to co-GM I think that's the end of the matter.

Edit: If there is no further input then, starting tomorrow, the RP will be FF and WILL be statted, though a co-GM will be required to ensure combat smoothness. The system I'm looking at ATM is going to be somewhat similar to FFVI's in which there will be a series of items that, upon level-up, will grant bonuses and offer skills unique to said item (though there will be multiple items). One unique aspect will be the inability to see enemy stats without scanning. I haven't decided 100% what to do about random encounters and EXP will likely be inflated to compensate.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Final Fantasy 108...man, that's a lot of games I missed.

Anyway...I guess I was late as always to offer my vote. Provided, it lined up very nearly with your decision. Of course, I might be too late to actually join, but I am at the least intending to wish you well. I certainly like the idea behind the story, I feel I can say that at least.

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Final Fantasy 108...man, that's a lot of games I missed.

No man, clearly this is also Suikoden-inspired, haha.

Anyway, I still stand on my volunteering for co-GM to help things out. Admitedly, I'm not entirely sure to be able to handle the responsibility, though... well, if no one else offers up, I'm going to at least try if you accept.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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No man, clearly this is also Suikoden-inspired, haha.

Man, I really wish I was in the loop so I could understand that reference.

Anyway, I like numbers.

But at the same time I should probably stick to the numbers of my own RP, so...I'll just play along.

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I'm not snowy's favorite person but I've got a tonne of free time so I can handle the responsibility.

Eh. I've long since gotten over it. *extends olive branch of peace and forgiveness to the snake-girl*.

You're far from one of the three RP'ers I've sworn to never forgive.

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Man, I really wish I was in the loop so I could understand that reference.

Eh, what loop? I only saw the 108 and thought to crack a little joke, that's all.

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Well my ATM concept is this.

At the start of the RP there will be a series of classes to pick from with one character to a class (my character will probably be a red mage). There will be a series of 'base' stats, a set increase per level-up, and then a 'magicite' shard which will grant a further level-up boost when equipped (and one or two points to be distributed personally).

So far my idea is that each shard will carry a level-up boost and a skill/spell associated with it. EX: A fire shard will increase MAG by one when leveling up as well as grant access to the fire spell to whoever is using it at the time (regardless of their class). Each battle will also give out a set amount of skill-points and, when enough are acquired, the skill/spell is learned forever. However each skill/spell can only be used by certain classes once the shard is removed. So, for example, a warrior with the fire shard could cast fire whenever he wanted but the moment he removed the shard he would not be able to cast fire (we'll say it's Black Mage only for now).

Once a certain point in the story is reached additional classes along with the ability to class change will be unlocked. It won't be 'change whenever the heck you want'. When you change classes you keep your basic level-ups and magicite boosts but your class level-ups will change. In order to help deal with this class-changing each spell will have a 'potency' associated with it with 100 being a flat-line damage. If it's below you deal less and higher = more. So a spell that had 90 potency would deal only 90 damage (using 100 as a baseline) instead of 100. If we were to change the baseline to, say, 50 a 90 potency spell would deal 45 damage (see where I'm going with this?)

With speed at the start of combat all units will get 1 turn with the order based on speed and, after that, units will attack whenever they get X speed (I'm eyeing 50 ATM but that's a total spitball). I'm thinking that, for every 5 speed over, they'll get an extra attack.

Additionally I'm thinking that, at every town/rest there will be an option to 'grind' in which players currently not involved in anything can engage in a battle up to 3 times to earn EXP/Gil/Skillpoints for the group.

A LOT of this is in the 'hypothetical' stat at the moment and is, in no way, locked in. I am 100% willing to listen to alternate suggestions and ideas. In a nutshell, though, I'm sort of combining FFVI and XIV... kinda.

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Hmm, not too sure about allowing for class-changing... but the rest of the stuff like ability-granting shards does sound good.

About the speed thing, maybe it would be better to keep it like how you described it about Turn 1. As in, order based on speed. Once the order is done, it just starts over with the same order. Barring speed-changing stuff being used of course.

The option for grinding doesn't sound bad. Heck, can even be justified with how some games do it. As in, people posting requests at the inn/bar/guild/etc.

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Go for no stats o3o7

Who's with me?


Stats limit a lot of the RP because of gameplay & story segregation and bad players who abuse narrative-only RPGs are also bad players on RPGs with stats anyway, just warn/kick them as they become a burden.

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