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I honestly don't know how to proceed. I mean, I have a couple of ideas for scenes, but they involve my character at the whatshisface Empire (although it is not necessary for him to be there, if plot convenience demands) and I'm afraid that, if we don't coordenate, some characters will have RDTormod's availibility at the RP.

Edited by Rapier
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Not everyone needs to meet up with Thyme ASAP. Having something going on in the empire is perfectly fine and I am more than willing to try and get it so you're headed in their direction.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's becoming increasingly apparent that I'm better off at designing RP's than actually GMing them. So, I wanna put forwards the question to you. Would you guys like it if we found someone more suitable to GMing, I divulged the planned plot to them, then we re-designed and restarted or whatever? Or keep going with what we have now?

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Well, I am always one to favor the most extreme yet still reasonable solution. Since the individual two above just quit, but has a character who is, like...currently very present, it would be a little awkward to just move forward, but also kinda repetitive to just restart, uh, so...I don't know.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Despite me wanting to do it, I don't have the time to gm anything. I haven't even updated my lp topics in forever.

I don't understand the need to restart though, unless there's some major difference like different plot-points, different characters or the adding of a stat system.

Speacking of wich, if you change too much from the one I presented you'll have to test it before using it.

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Well, in the strictest sense a restart is not required. However, since Thyme holds the fire shard now and is the sole owner of a shard she would remain central to the plot for a sizable bit meaning the new GM would have to work with that. If they can, no restart is required.

And yes I fully do intend to at least test the system before I submit it.

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Alright, so, I have volunteered as the new GM, read over all the planned story notes, done a little research, done a little planning, and...slacked about for a while. Also, a lot of people said they were no longer interested, which...is fan-flipping-tastic.

Some people have suggested to me a 'fresh start', though this option might be seen as a bit extreme. It is for the reasons of some people being displeased with how things have been paced so far, and that it would open up the possibility to try introducing the characters in a more organic manner while accounting for drop outs. However...it would mean restarting, which means retreading over old ground, even if in new ways.

Thus, while it was not particularly successful when Snowy did it, I will ask what people's opinion on that matter is. Even if we restart, the same character can be applied, and given that ideas have been formulated around some of them, it would be nice if the cast was as similar as possible regardless.

So, ladies, gentlemen, we finally prepare to move forward...thoughts?

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Well, I don't think I'll stick around either. I'm still gonna see if this restarts or not first, though, to see if I can simply leave or write off my character.

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Well, we don't have to restart. I am, at this time, merely asking what people's opinions on that are. So, if you wanted, you could vote in favor of not restarting, and if restarting wins out despite that vote, take your leave. Of course, you needn't feel compelled to stay under any circumstance if you don't want to.

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  • 3 months later...

Name: Kenji

Race: Mage

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Class: Black Mage

Magicite: Ice Shard

Skills/Spells/Abilities: Ice Spikes, Poison, Bind, Water, Blizzard

Inventory: Nero's Spirit (Save The Queen with a Bluish-White blade, a curved grip and no hilt, forged from Mythril and Crystal, his weapon), Mercenaries Spell Plate (chestpiece), 2 Potions (Consumable), Jewel of Elder Dragon (Key Item), Spirit Necklace (Key Item)

Backstory: Not much is known about this black mage, but Kenji is known to be a young mercenary apart of a group called "Gems of Vengeance." His mother, who is nowhere to be found, had left him to be raised in their grounds when a small war started. He didn't fit in with the rest of the young students, and was bullied because of his difference. However, this did not stop Kenji from rising to the top of his class. He, along with other students, had soon been recruited onto the rookie squad when they graduated at 11. During this time, Kenji had found a Spiritual Necklace when he was split from his group during a mission when a tunnel collapsed. When he wore the necklace for the first time, he could hear the voices of the spirits in the other world. He was guided out of a cave by a soul named Astral. After reporting back to home base, he was told by the elder that he would someday find the necklace, meet with Astral, and defeat an unknown threat. After that, he was given the sword kept for the chosen one, and the Jewel of Elder Dragon, which slowly boosted his magic skills overtime. He was soon sent on his way to seek out and destroy this ancient threat.

Focus: Learn how to use the Spirit Necklace, master the abilities of the Jewel of Elder Dragon, and defeat the ancient threat.

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