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Cipher Series 6 - Info, News, Leaks, & Discussion: Sep 29: Happy release day! Good luck with your pulls everyone!


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It's not that odd is it?

Series 2 had unpromoted Ryoma, Xander, Leo and Camilla even though it's impossible in the games they're from. At least unpromoted Sigurd, Quan and Eldigan are based on something mentioned in-game.

There was also Series 1 with Pegasus Knight Minerva, who was briefly mentioned in FE12.

Hmm, I hope I get the Sakura/Elise sleeves. Or maybe somebody out there will want to swap?

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Today's reveal is an R card for Briggid, wielder of the fanciest bow in existence, Yewfelle:


Huzzah, I'm glad to see my favorite Jugdral character getting a card, I honestly thought they'd skip over her.

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Hmm, I hope I get the Sakura/Elise sleeves. Or maybe somebody out there will want to swap?

If I get extras, I'd be happy to. I'm grabbing 4 boxes this time around, so hopefully I'll end up with multiple.

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I find that odd. That's not even a scene in the game, it was just mentioned that they were friends in school during their youth on I think one time at the beginning of chapter 2.

Could be worse - it could be Emma/Shade/Yuzu/Rando....

It's a pretty cool idea, and I love the art for Quan and Eldigan. Sigurd's eyes really bother me, though.

Edited by ChibiToastExplosion
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Even I am starting to cave in and buy a second box, but I am primary a collector and extra 5000 yen might not be worth just for 4 extra SRs and a few Rs. I will get the ST if there is no Lex R. I will have my Lex.

What I need to find out is how to forward and buy cards from BigWeb, since their prices are godly.

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Even I am starting to cave in and buy a second box, but I am primary a collector and extra 5000 yen might not be worth just for 4 extra SRs and a few Rs. I will get the ST if there is no Lex R. I will have my Lex.

What I need to find out is how to forward and buy cards from BigWeb, since their prices are godly.

That's where I'm at. My advice is to just buy one box - I already had double super rares in the second box, and had to buy almost as much as I would had I only bought one box (set 5). I will say, I did get Eliwood and Roy SR+ out of my two boxes so in the end I'm very glad I went with two, but set 6 doesn't have a Roy like character for me so 1 it is this time.

I also got unlucky and doubled my sleeves/promos. One Box was pretty much all the N/HN and the majority of the rares. Most of the SR's I was missing I paid less than a box to get - just hope you get the money one. I was indeed lucky with two Lilinas, and I was able to trade one of them.

If you play, go nuts, but as a collector only buy more than one box if you really have a rager for both factions. I love BB enough to buy two last time, but it was a learning experience.

Also, to advertise another user, Sokloeum is fantastic and when I have a need he gets it. He's awesome.

Edited by ChibiToastExplosion
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it depends on what you're buying for. As for me, I will get one of every card if I can, so I buy several boxes (I found that 4/series works to get most if not all the regular cards). As this is my favorite game, I will get a few more, just to make sure (hence the splurge) :)

I have found that one box will not always get you every N/HN (epsiacaly HN now that they changed it to 2 HN/pack) and will not get every SR/R. to get every SR, you need a minimum of 3 boxes, and if you are lucky, you don't get duplicates (or can trade your duplicates for the one(s) your missing). you also have to hope that you get the SR+ and not the cheaper R+ in your boxes. though you will have a bunch of HN/N to get rid of (if you know someone who plays, this is much easier). Then use your extra R, SR and (hopefully not) + cards to trade for the ones your missing. you can also try selling your duplicate instead.

sometimes you luck out and pull that really good + card, other times you get duplicates (the first 2 boxes of series 5 I opened were Eliwood's X+ card, as was the 4th box. I was not happy).

Series 5 overall had cheaper cards then the previous series, with only a few that cost a lot, which made my normal strategy not as effective. for series 1-3, it saved me a lot more then the boxes cost (series 4 may or may not have been cheaper, as I traded for most cards, it is hard to tell). Series 5 is costing me a little more (mostly because I still need Sanaki's + card and she costs the price of a box!) unless I can find a trade for the last few + cards I'm missing.

to get cards, besides the trading thread, Sokleum is good, TCGRepublic usually is good, but overpriced, Rakuten's DragonStar can be good (sometimes is overpriced) and yahoo japan auctions can be good (though you need an intermediary to use, so could cost you more then you think it will). I have heard good things about BigWeb and AmenityDream, but haven't used them myself.

I really wish they would release Cipher in other countries. Then I could play it and not just collect it (though I would still do that).

Edited by Aquantis
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Bigweb and Amenity are both good, but you will need an intermediary. And yeah, Sokloeum's the best, he can act as the intermediary for Bigweb and Amenity as well, although he does it if multiple people want to.

Edited by Draxal
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Oh, I do have a raging one for both Conquest and FE4. Much more so for FE4 since I not only felt that one from gameplay but also story, it's a very overwhelming game in terms of everything put together. I'm probably get one for the Awakening/2nd Gen one too, and I pray to lord almighty they do not pair Sacred Stones with FE5, since that'd be the end of me.

Anyways, thing is that I've actually been doing some math with the boxes that I plan to detail if I do an unboxing thread when I get mine (sharing pulls is always fun). With a few simple statistics and stuff I've determined that with one box you have a pretty high chance to get all N and HNs, and with two boxes you will get most Rs as well, if not all of them. 101 cards in a set are very few, if you think about it, when each box has 16 boosters with 10 card and only 12 of them have high rarity. For collectors who just seek a single copy of certain or every card 2 Boxes plus a singles seller like the sell/trade thread or TCG Republic is sufficient.

I give my thumbs up for TCG Republic, since despite clearly overpricing me they also gifted me two booster packs (set 4 and set 5) on which my luck with pulls prevailed, as I got Rutger (2), Clarine (1) and Dieck (4), plus both Lando cards in a singe pack, who were pretty much the only highlights I recall from my binding blade playthrough and the cool cipher-only character. I also got Cynthia (3), which I think is a cool one.

From my experience with Yugioh I think pursuing the single-card market is a better alternative, or at least it would be if the game was released overseas or if you live in nipponlad.

Oh yea by the by, Amiami says the following: "12 SR types, 16 R types, 30 HN types, 42 N types", which means the amount of HNs increase and the ammount of N decreased. Is this because the booster packs now have 3 HNs?

Edited by SalShich10N
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I personally never try to trade in the Trading Thread as it's pretty much for US / Canada.

Bigweb has gotten through for me, and I personally use the Yahoo Auctions site if I want anything specific.

Anyways, thing is that I've actually been doing some math with the boxes that I plan to detail if I do an unboxing thread when I get mine (sharing pulls is always fun).

Just do it in here. Everyone shares their box pulls in these threads and we've done so in the past.

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Oh, it's done here. That's good to know.

I am eyeing bigweb because those madmen sell some Rs for 10 yen, like what the hell I can get pretty much everything I currently want from the other sets for about 5000 yen. Anyways, my issue is that I am unsure about using Forwarders, as that's a service I've never used before and I fear screwing it up since the whole site is in jap and I can only read katakana and some hiragana.

Edited by SalShich10N
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Today's card is kind of spoilery! I guess I ought to spoiler tag it just in case?

[spoiler=Revelation Spoilers]


Pretty badass looking card, though.

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Well, looks like we know another one of the villain slots now. Can't say I expected it, but it looks pretty cool.

Kinda makes me want one of

Conquest Endgame Takumi

too, although I kinda doubt we'll see that one in either this or the next sets.

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No daily card yet, but the official site has been updated with the S6 tournament promos, which you can check out here. I've also got links to individual cards added to the OP.

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Fuzichocho is a really solid artist, his Lucinas and Deirdres are some of my favorite pieces of Cipher art.

Ohshi- You're right; he's the same artist that did S4 Lucina. No wonder I love this Deirdre so much; S4 Lucina is probably my favourite card (before this set, anyway; I have a feeling I might have a new favourite here).

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